
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988)

A comedy about someone you know.

ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 28分

演出 : Pedro Almodóvar
脚本 : Pedro Almodóvar


Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves her. Fortunately, she is interrupted by a deliciously chaotic series of events.


Carmen Maura
Carmen Maura
Antonio Banderas
Antonio Banderas
Julieta Serrano
Julieta Serrano
María Barranco
María Barranco
Rossy de Palma
Rossy de Palma
Kiti Mánver
Kiti Mánver
Paulina Morales
Guillermo Montesinos
Guillermo Montesinos
Taxi Driver
Chus Lampreave
Chus Lampreave
Jehovah's Witness Goalkeeper
Eduardo Calvo
Eduardo Calvo
Lucía's Father
Loles León
Loles León
Ángel de Andrés López
Ángel de Andrés López
Police I
Fernando Guillén
Fernando Guillén
Juan Lombardero
Juan Lombardero
José Antonio Navarro
José Antonio Navarro
Police II
Ana Leza
Ana Leza
Mary González
Mary González
Lucía's Mother
Lupe Barrado
Lupe Barrado
Secretaria Paulina
Joaquín Climent
Joaquín Climent
Police I Spot
Chema Gil
Chema Gil
Police II Spot
Gabriel Latorre
Gabriel Latorre
Francisca Caballero
Francisca Caballero
TV Announcer
Carlos García Cambero
Carlos García Cambero
Breakdown Employee
Agustín Almodóvar
Agustín Almodóvar
Real Estate Employee
Carmen Espada
Carmen Espada
Federico García Cambero
Federico García Cambero
Pharmacy Clerk
Gregorio Ros
Gregorio Ros
Imanol Uribe
Imanol Uribe
José Marco
José Marco


Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Agustín Almodóvar
Agustín Almodóvar
Executive Producer
Bernardo Bonezzi
Bernardo Bonezzi
Original Music Composer
José Luis Alcaine
José Luis Alcaine
Director of Photography
Félix Murcia
Félix Murcia
Set Decoration
José María de Cossío
José María de Cossío
Costume Design
Pedro Almodóvar
Pedro Almodóvar
Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau
Theatre Play
Antonio Llorens
Antonio Llorens
Associate Producer
José Salcedo
José Salcedo
Luis Castro
Luis Castro
Sound Effects
Eduardo Fernández
Eduardo Fernández
Sound Mixer
Gilles Ortion
Gilles Ortion
Jesús Moncusi
Jesús Moncusi
Juan Pedro Hernández
Juan Pedro Hernández
Makeup Artist
Gregorio Ros
Gregorio Ros
Makeup Artist
Esther García
Esther García
Production Manager
Julián Núñez Sánchez
Julián Núñez Sánchez
Assistant Director
Miguel Ángel Pérez Campos
Miguel Ángel Pérez Campos
Assistant Director
Emilio Cañuelo
Emilio Cañuelo
Federico del Cerro
Federico del Cerro
Set Dresser
Carlos García Cambero
Carlos García Cambero
Assistant Decorator
David Jareño
David Jareño
Property Master
Daniel Miranda
Daniel Miranda
Property Master
Martín Sánchez Fernández
Martín Sánchez Fernández
Ramón Moya
Ramón Moya
Construction Coordinator
Antonio «Mármol» Rodríguez
Antonio «Mármol» Rodríguez
Boom Operator
Reyes Abades
Reyes Abades
Special Effects
Pablo Núñez
Pablo Núñez
Title Designer
Paulino Alonso
Paulino Alonso
Lighting Technician
Alberto Arnal
Alberto Arnal
Enrique Bello
Enrique Bello
Fernando Beltrán
Fernando Beltrán
Macusa Cores
Macusa Cores
Still Photographer
Joaquín Manchado
Joaquín Manchado
Assistant Camera
Alfredo Mayo
Alfredo Mayo
Camera Operator
Ángel Megino
Ángel Megino
Steadicam Operator
Carlos Miguel
Carlos Miguel
Key Grip
Fulgencio Rodríguez
Fulgencio Rodríguez
Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Assistant Camera
Josune Lasa
Josune Lasa
Manuel Laguna
Manuel Laguna
Assistant Editor
Rosa Ortiz
Rosa Ortiz
Assistant Editor
Ximo Michavila
Ximo Michavila
Telecine Colorist
Juan Carlos Garrido
Juan Carlos Garrido
Location Manager
Marisa Ibarra
Marisa Ibarra
Script Supervisor
Ángel Frutos
Ángel Frutos
Juan Luis Grande
Juan Luis Grande
Camera Car
Julián Hernández
Julián Hernández
José Mancheño
José Mancheño
Fernanda Arnal
Fernanda Arnal
Production Secretary
Alejandro Vázquez
Alejandro Vázquez
Production Assistant
Juan Gatti
Juan Gatti
Title Designer




Vacation Friends
When a straight-laced couple that has fun with a rowdy couple on vacation in Mexico return to the States, they discover that the crazy couple they met in Mexico followed them back home and decide to play tricks on them.
Habibi, amor mío
Young Stefano falls in love with a Spanish girl, Habibi. The two become engaged, but after a happy period, Stefano will discover the girl's betrayals. This will lead the protagonists to drift apart and seek new paths; this will be an opportunity for them to reflect on themselves and the loss of values in life.
Table 23
Meli finds Chirac, and the two lovers are very happy to meet up after a long time and decide to catch up. The adventure becomes hard to continue when Chirac announces to his sweetheart that he has come back to marry her as promised, but she has already married another man!
Sugar Salt ani Prem
Three women navigate their way through life and love.
SP 革命篇
Hory hory
When Rakel finds out she's six months pregnant after a one-night stand, her world changes. She is absolutely not ready to be a mother, but since abortion is no longer an option, adoption is the only answer. That's when Ninjababy, an animated character who makes Rakel's life a living hell, turns up.
Collision at the Paralels
Suspicious husband follows his wife and her male boss on their business trip.
Stanko has been living in Italy for years. He did all right for a time, but lies and broken promises have driven him to living on the margins of society. When he has wasted all his chances, Paolo, a gangster who deals in trafficking of women, asks him to drive a girl from Slovakia to Italy. The young man is absolutely determined to do something properly, but he has no idea how the girl will end up. The journey becomes unexpectedly complicated when Stanko makes friends with the girl... A tragicomic road movie about people who have nothing but dreams and friendship.
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
Two childhood friends are recruited for a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.
20世紀のどこかの国。情報省はテロの容疑者「タトル」を「バトル」と打ち間違えてしまい、無関係なバトル氏を無理やり連行していく。それを一部始終見ていた上の階に住むトラック運転手のジルが抗議をするも、全く相手にされない。 一方、情報局に勤めるサムは、このミスをなんとかするために試行錯誤していた。近頃サムは、夢の中でナイトの格好をして、美女を助け出すというおかしな夢を見ていたが、情報省に抗議に来ていたジルがその美女にそっくりだということに気づく。 ある日、サムが家に帰るとダクトが故障しており、非合法のダクト修理屋と名乗るタトルが勝手に直してしまう。サムはまた夢の中でサムライの怪物と戦い、美女を救う夢を見る。サムはジルの正体を知るために断っていた昇格を望み、友人であったジャックの元を訪ねる。そして、様々な事柄が複雑に絡まりあっていく。
クリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演を務めた衝撃のヒューマン・ドラマ。厳しいボクシングの世界を題材に、そこに生きる名もなき男女の悲愴な人生模様を綴る。アカデミー賞で作品賞をはじめ主演女優、助演男優、監督賞の計4部門を受賞。 ロサンジェルスのダウンタウンにある小さなボクシング・ジムを営む老トレーナー、フランキー。その指導力に疑いのない彼だったが、選手を大切に育てるあまり、成功を急ぐ優秀なボクサーは彼のもとを去ってしまう。そんなある日、31歳になる女性マギーがジムの門を叩き、フランキーに弟子入りを志願する。13歳の時からウェイトレスで生計を立てるなど不遇の人生を送ってきた彼女は、唯一誇れるボクシングの才能に最後の望みを託したのだった。ところが、そんなマギーの必死な思いにも、頑固なフランキーは、“女性ボクサーは取らない”のひと言ですげなく追い返してしまう。それでも諦めずジムに通い、ひとり黙々と練習を続けるマギー。フランキーの唯一の親友スクラップはそんなマギーの素質と根性を見抜き、目をかける。やがてマギーの執念が勝ち、フランキーはついにトレーナーを引き受けるのだが…。
マドリードに住む移植コーディネーターのマヌエラは、作家志望の息子・エステバンを女手一つで育ててきた。エステバンの誕生日、二人は『欲望という名の電車』の舞台を観に行く。そして、マヌエラが息子に今まで話さなかった父のことを話そうと決心したとき、エステバンは舞台の主演だった大女優ウマ・ロッホにサインをもらおうとして車にはねられ、そのまま亡くなってしまう。 息子の死を行方不明となっている父に伝えるため、バルセロナへ旅立ったマヌエラは、ひょんなことから息子の死の原因となったウマの付き人になる。バルセロナでマヌエラは、ウマのレズビアンの恋人で麻薬中毒の若手女優・ニナ、性転換した明るいゲイの娼婦・アグラード、エイズを抱えて妊娠した純朴なシスター・ロサ、その母親でボケの進んだ夫に手を焼く厳格な贋作画家、そして、今では「ロラ」という名の女性となりロサにエイズをうつした、息子と同名の元夫といった様々な女性たちと出会い、やがて人生への希望を取り戻していく。
Cecilie and Joachim are about to get married when a freak car accident leaves Joachim disabled, throwing their lives into a spin. The driver of the other car, Marie, and her family don’t get off lightly, either. Her husband Niels works in the hospital where he meets Cecilie and falls madly in love with her.


Pablo, a successful film director, disappointed in his relationship with his young lover, Juan, concentrates in a new project, a monologue starring his transgender sister, Tina. Antonio, an uptight young man, falls possessively in love with the director and in his passion would stop at nothing to obtain the object of his desire.
A henpecked housewife ekes out a meager existence, surrounded by a host of colorful characters: her ungrateful husband, her delinquent sons, her headstrong mother-in-law, and her sex worker neighbor, among others.
After her drug pusher boyfriend overdoses on heroin, a cabaret singer finds refuge from the authorities in a convent for fallen women.
A conflicted youth confesses to crimes he didn't commit while a man and woman aroused by death become obsessed with each other.
Marisa Paredes is Leocadia ("Leo") Macias, a woman writing “pink” romance novels under the alias of Amanda Gris that are very popular all across Spain. Unlike her romantic novels, her own love life is troubled. Leo has a less than happy relationship with her husband Paco, a military officer stationed in Brussels then later in Bosnia, who is distant both physically and emotionally.
The Cannibalistic Councillor
Spin Off from "Broken Embraces"
Kika, a cute cosmetologist, prepares Ramon for funeral when he revives. He proposes to the much older Kika who has his dad as lover. Did Ramon's dad murder his mom? What about the escaped rapist and the Psychologist video reporter.
マドリードに住む移植コーディネーターのマヌエラは、作家志望の息子・エステバンを女手一つで育ててきた。エステバンの誕生日、二人は『欲望という名の電車』の舞台を観に行く。そして、マヌエラが息子に今まで話さなかった父のことを話そうと決心したとき、エステバンは舞台の主演だった大女優ウマ・ロッホにサインをもらおうとして車にはねられ、そのまま亡くなってしまう。 息子の死を行方不明となっている父に伝えるため、バルセロナへ旅立ったマヌエラは、ひょんなことから息子の死の原因となったウマの付き人になる。バルセロナでマヌエラは、ウマのレズビアンの恋人で麻薬中毒の若手女優・ニナ、性転換した明るいゲイの娼婦・アグラード、エイズを抱えて妊娠した純朴なシスター・ロサ、その母親でボケの進んだ夫に手を焼く厳格な贋作画家、そして、今では「ロラ」という名の女性となりロサにエイズをうつした、息子と同名の元夫といった様々な女性たちと出会い、やがて人生への希望を取り戻していく。
Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.
High Heels
After being estranged for 15 years, flamboyant actress Becky del Paramo re-enters her daughter Rebeca's life when she comes to perform a concert. Rebeca, she finds, is now married to one of Becky's ex-lovers, Manuel. The mother and daughter begin making up for lost time, when suddenly, a murder occurs...
A scorned ex-convict forces himself into the lives of the couple who put him behind bars.
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
Recently released from a mental hospital, Ricky ties up Marina, a film star he once had sex with and keeps her hostage.
Something has gone wrong with the landing gear of a plane en route from Madrid to Mexico City. The group of eccentric travelers on the flight, defenseless in the face of danger, indulge in colourful confessionals, while the outlandish crew attempts to find ways to entertain them.
An array of outrageous people, including a desperate nymphomaniac and a terrorist with an acute sense of smell, seek love and happiness in Madrid.
Pepi, Luci, Bom
After a young heiress is assaulted by a policeman, she seeks revenge by befriending the policeman’s mousy wife and introducing her to her circle of outrageous punk friends.
The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.
Another Woman
Marion is a woman who has learned to shield herself from her emotions. She rents an apartment to work undisturbed on her new book, but by some acoustic anomaly she can hear all that is said in the next apartment in which a psychiatrist holds his office. When she hears a young woman tell that she finds it harder and harder to bear her life, Marion starts to reflect on her own life. After a series of events she comes to understand how her unemotional attitude towards the people around her affected them and herself.