
Honeygiver Among the Dogs (2018)

ジャンル : 謎, 犯罪

上映時間 : 2時間 12分

演出 : Dechen Roder


In the remote Bhutan, an undercover detective investigates the case of a missing Buddhist nun and falls into a risky alliance with his only suspect, an alluring young woman known as the village "demoness".


Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk
Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk
Sonam	Tashi Choden
Sonam Tashi Choden
Chencho Dorji
Chencho Dorji
Kunga Dorji
Kunga Dorji
Chief Wangdi


Dechen Roder
Dechen Roder
Jigme Tenzing
Jigme Tenzing
Dechen Roder
Dechen Roder
Esther Koo
Esther Koo
Dechen Roder
Dechen Roder
Dechen Roder
Dechen Roder
Warren Santiago
Warren Santiago
Sound Designer
Tashi Dorji
Tashi Dorji
Original Music Composer


In Bangkok, the young Kham was raised by his father in the jungle with elephants as members of their family. When his old elephant and the baby Kern are stolen by criminals, Kham finds that the animals were sent to Sidney. He travels to Australia, where he locates the baby elephant in a restaurant owned by the evil Madame Rose, the leader of an international Thai mafia. With the support of the efficient Thai sergeant Mark, who was involved in a conspiracy, Kham fights to rescue the animal from the mobsters.
Wheel of Time
Wheel of Time is Werner Herzog's photographed look at the largest Buddhist ritual in Bodh Gaya, India.
サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。
In 1920s Chicago, Italian immigrant and notorious thug, Antonio "Tony" Camonte, shoots his way to the top of the mobs while trying to protect his sister from the criminal life.
The Empty Man
Retired cop James Lasombra is asked by a friend to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, who seemingly packed in the night and left an ominous message on the bathroom mirror - "The Empty Man Made Me Do It." As he investigates this mysterious figure further, James begins to see and hear strange things, and is forced to come to terms with his past and what it means for his future.
An assassin named Tae-goo is offered a chance to switch sides with his rival Bukseong gang, headed by Chairman Doh. Tae-goo rejects the offer that results in the murder of his sister and niece. In revenge, Tae-goo brutally kills Chairman Doh and his men and flees to Jeju Island where he meets Jae-yeon, a terminally ill woman. Though, the henchman of the Bukseong gang, Executive Ma is mercilessly hunting Tae-goo to take revenge.
A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.
映画史に燦然と輝く名作として知られるキャロル・リード監督の傑作サスペンス。第2次大戦後のウィーンを舞台に、謎の死を遂げた友人の真相究明に奔走する男の姿を描く。 第2次大戦後のウィーンに、アメリカから友人ハリーを訪ねてやってきた作家ホリーは到着早々、ハリーが事故で死んだと知らされる。不審に思ったホリーは、事件の真相究明を決意。事故現場にいた3人のうち、身元の確認がとれない“第三の男”とは…。 イギリスの作家グレアム・グリーンの原作・脚本を、名匠キャロル・リード監督が光と影を効果的に使った映像美で描いた不滅の名作。アカデミー撮影賞、カンヌ映画祭グランプリ受賞。
ジェームズ・M・ケインのハードボイルド小説を原作に、テイ・ガーネット監督が映画化。ラナ・ターナーが魅惑的な悪女を演じる、1940年代フィルム・ノワールの傑作。 流れ者のフランクは、旅の途中、食堂を経営するニックに雇われることになる。ニックよりはるかに若く美しい妻コーラに心ひかれるフランクだったが、やがて2人は恋に落ち、ニックの殺害を計画する…。
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A mystery woman is a murder suspect's only alibi for the night of his wife's death.
The Stranger
An investigator from the War Crimes Commission travels to Connecticut to find an infamous Nazi, who may be hiding out in a small town in the guise of a distinguished professor engaged to the Supreme Court Justice’s daughter.
Dead Reckoning
Paratroopers Captain 'Rip' Murdock and Sergeant Johnny Drake are mysteriously ordered to travel to Washington, DC. When Drake learns that he is to be awarded the Medal of Honor, he disappears before newspaper photographers can take his picture. Murdock follows the clues and tracks him down, where he learns Drake is dead. Further investigations reveal unexpected twists. Rip learns that Johnny had been accused of murder and sets out to find out whatever he can. He falls in love with Coral whose husband Johnny is supposed to have killed.
国境の町に拡がる陰謀を描いたW・マスターソンのミステリ小説を、O・ウェルズが脚色・監督したフィルム・ノワールの傑作。 メキシコ国境の小さな町で起こった車の爆殺事件。偶然にも現場を目撃したメキシコ政府の特別犯罪調査官ヴァルガスは事件の捜査に乗り出すが、アメリカ側の担当者であるクインラン警部はヴァルガスの介入を露骨に拒否。だが上司の命令で、クインランはやむなくヴァルガスと共同捜査を開始する……。
They Drive by Night
Joe and Paul Fabrini are Wildcat, or independent, truck drivers who have their own small one-truck business. The Fabrini boys constantly battle distributors, rivals and loan collectors, while trying to make a success of their transport company.