
Secret Santa (2018)

Slay bells ring

ジャンル : ホラー, スリラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 29分

演出 : Adam Marcus


An unknown assailant spikes a family's Christmas punch with a military-grade drug, leaving them fighting to survive the night.


Michael Rady
Michael Rady
Drew Lynch
Drew Lynch
Debra Sullivan
Debra Sullivan
A Leslie Kies
A Leslie Kies
Ryan Leigh Seaton
Ryan Leigh Seaton
John Gilbert
John Gilbert
Pat Destro
Pat Destro
Nathan Hedrick
Nathan Hedrick
Michelle Renee Allaire
Michelle Renee Allaire
Petra Areskoug
Petra Areskoug
William Dixon
William Dixon
Scott Burkett
Scott Burkett
Melissa Corkern
Melissa Corkern
Cpt. Soles


Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus
Debra Sullivan
Debra Sullivan
John Gilbert
John Gilbert
Executive Producer
Robert Kurtzman
Robert Kurtzman
Executive Producer
Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus
Bryan S. Sexton
Bryan S. Sexton
Debra Sullivan
Debra Sullivan
Timothy Ellers
Timothy Ellers
Original Music Composer
Jason Honeycutt
Jason Honeycutt
Director of Photography
Robert Kurtzman
Robert Kurtzman
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Jason Honeycutt
Jason Honeycutt
Chris Kirkpatrick
Chris Kirkpatrick
Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus


I'll Be Home for Christmas
Estranged from his father, college student Jake is lured home to New York for Christmas with the promise of receiving a classic Porsche as a gift. When the bullying football team dumps him in the desert in a Santa suit, Jake is left without identification or money to help him make the journey. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Allie, does not know where he is, and accepts a cross-country ride from Jake's rival, Eddie.
The discovery that she has a terminal illness prompts introverted department store saleswoman Georgia Byrd to reflect on what she realizes has been an overly cautious life. With weeks to live, she withdraws her life savings, sells all her possessions and jets off to Europe where she lives it up at a posh hotel. Upbeat and passionate, Georgia charms everybody she meets, including renowned Chef Didier. The only one missing from her new life is her longtime crush Sean Matthews.
Death Warrant
The Canadian policeman Louis Burke is assigned in a jail to investigate the murders of prisoners and jailors. When in jail, Louis, using his outstandings martial arts skills, is able to save his life and make himself respected in that violent world. At least, helped by two another prisoners, he succeded in finding the truth about the dreadful crimes. In a violent and corrupt prison, decorated cop Louis Burke must infiltrate the jail to find answers to a number of inside murders. What he finds is a struggle of life and death tied in to his own past.
ラスト・ハウス・オン・ザ・レフト -鮮血の美学-
A group of teenage girls heading into the city hook up with a gang of drug-addled ne'er-do-wells and are brutally murdered. The killers find their way to the home of one of their victim's parents, where both father and mother exact a horrible revenge.
バタフライ・エフェクト3 最後の選択
EC Comics-inspired weirdness returns with three tales. In the first, a wooden statue of a Native American comes to life to exact vengeance on the murderer of his elderly owners. In the second, four teens are stranded on a raft on a lake with a blob that is hungry. And in the third, a hit and run woman is terrorized by the hitchhiker she accidentally killed... or did she?
Chainsaw-wielding maniac Leatherface is up to his cannibalistic ways once again, along with the rest of his twisted clan, including the equally disturbed Chop-Top. This time, the masked killer has set his sights on pretty disc jockey Vanita "Stretch" Brock, who teams up with Texas lawman Lefty Enright to battle the psychopath and his family deep within their lair, a macabre abandoned amusement park.
年に一度のクリスマスを楽しんだプーさんと仲間たち。その楽しかった思い出にひたっていると…あっという間に新年へのカウントダウンが始まりました!みんなが集まって新年を祝うパーティーを計画しているときに、プーさんたちはラビットを怒らせてしまいます。100エーカーの森から出ていくと言い出したラビットと仲直りするために、みんなは "今までとはちがう自分になる" と誓います。ピグレットは怖がりをなおすために飛び跳ね、プーさんはもうハチミツは食べないと心に決め、なんとティガーは二度と飛び跳ねない!?―はたして、みんなは無事に新年を迎えられるのでしょうか? 大切な人たちといっしょに過ごすクリスマスと新年のできごとを描いたこの作品は、たくさんのホリデー・ソングに彩られて、見る人をやさしい気持ちにさせてくれます。
In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.
Now that Santa and Mrs. Claus have the North Pole running smoothly, the Counsel of Legendary Figures has called an emergency meeting on Christmas Eve! The evil Jack Frost has been making trouble, looking to take over the holiday! So he launches a plan to sabotage the toy factory and compel Scott to invoke the little-known Escape Clause and wish he'd never become Santa.
A Christmas Carol
Scrooge is a miserly old businessman in 1840s London. One Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of Marley, his dead business partner. Marley foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits, each of whom will attempt to show Scrooge the error of his ways. Will Scrooge reform his ways in time to celebrate Christmas?
Holiday in Handcuffs
A ne er-do-well thirty-something attempts to appease her family by kidnapping herself an attractive boyfriend for the family Christmas. Despite unlikely odds and dysfunctional family moments, the two fall in love and share a magical Christmas.
When Puppy Paws, the fun-loving son of Santa Paws, gets bored, he finds Budderball on Santa's naughty list and figures he's just the dog to show him how to be an ordinary pup. When the magical Christmas Icicle starts to melt however, and the world begins to forget the true meaning of the season, it's up to Puppy Paws and his newfound Buddies to journey back to the North Pole and save Christmas.
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。