
Food on the Go (2017)

La cultura gastronómica es el resultado del desplazamiento del hombre buscando nuevas formas de alimento

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 6分

演出 : Mercedes Cordova


The diaspora of millions of Italian emigrants marked a strong nutritional influence of this nation on the American continent. The documentary collects the similarities and differences between the dishes adapted to the American taste and his native Italy.


Mercedes Cordova
Mercedes Cordova
Mercedes Cordova


Mercedes Cordova
Mercedes Cordova
Mercedes Cordova
Mercedes Cordova
Cecilia Madorno
Cecilia Madorno
Matteo Carbone
Matteo Carbone
Fernando Soldevilla
Fernando Soldevilla
Sound Director
Alejo Santos
Alejo Santos


Food Matters
With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide sickness industry and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally.
The Adventures of Food Boy
Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.
Big Night
Primo and Secondo, two immigrant brothers, pin their hopes on a banquet honoring Louis Prima to save their struggling restaurant.
Food, Inc.
Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how mammoth corporations have taken over all aspects of the food chain in the United States, from the farms where our food is grown to the chain restaurants and supermarkets where it's sold. Narrated by author and activist Eric Schlosser, the film features interviews with average Americans about their dietary habits, commentary from food experts like Michael Pollan and unsettling footage shot inside large-scale animal processing plants.
サチエ(小林聡美)はフィンランドの都市、ヘルシンキで「かもめ食堂」という名の日本食の小さな店を営んでいる。ある日食堂にやってきた日本かぶれの青年に「ガッチャマンの歌の歌詞」を質問されるが、思い出せず悶々としていると、町の書店で背の高い日本人女性ミドリ(片桐はいり)を見かける。もしや、と思い試しに「ガッチャマンの歌詞を教えて下さい!」と話しかけると、見事に全歌詞を書き上げる。旅をしようと世界地図の前で目をつぶり、指した所がフィンランドだった…というミドリに「何かを感じた」サチエは、彼女を家に招き入れ、やがて食堂で働いてもらうことに。 一方、マサコ(もたいまさこ)は両親の介護という人生の大役を務め終え、息抜きにフィンランドにたどり着いたものの、手違いで荷物が紛失してしまう。航空会社が荷物を探す間にかもめ食堂へとたどりつく。 生い立ちも性格も年齢も違う3人の女性が、奇妙な巡り合わせでかもめ食堂に集まった…。
Enjoy Your Meal
A short, poetic documentary: Enjoy Your Meal follows links in the food chain to show how Western eating habits impinge upon the lives of people on Colombia’s remote Pacific coast.
Pressure Cooker
A committed, passionate teacher tries to make all the difference in the lives of disadvantaged students.
巨匠チャン・イーモウ監督が、中国の農村の小学校の代用教員になった13歳の少女と、生徒の子どもたちとの交流を描いた感動の物語。プロの俳優を使わず、ドキュメンタリー的な手法で描き、ベネチア映画祭で2度目の金獅子賞を受賞した。 過疎化が進む中国のある村の小学校に、13歳の少女ミンジが代用教員として雇われる。まだ幼さが残る彼女は必死に教師を務めるが、ある日、1人の生徒が家庭の事情で出稼ぎにいったまま行方不明となる。ミンジは彼を探しに都会へ向かい、次第に生徒との心の交流が生まれる。
ライターのリズは旅行先のバリで、手相を占える薬剤師のもとを訪れる。リズは歯の抜けた人のよさそうな薬剤師から、「生涯に2回結婚し、1回は短く1回は長い」「半年から一年の間にすべてを失うが、そのあと再び取り戻せるから安心するように」などと言われる。 帰国したリズに、夫のスティーヴンは仕事をやめて大学で学び直したいと言う。ふたりはマイホームを買ったばかりで、リズは夫との将来と価値観の違いに激しい不安を抱くようになる。リズは生まれて初めて真面目に神に祈った結果、離婚を決意する。 家を出て親友のデリア夫婦のもとに転がり込んだリズは、離婚協議がすすむなか、自分が執筆した芝居に出演する28歳のハンサムな俳優デヴィッドと出会う。ふたりは付き合うようになり、リズはデヴィッドのアパートに住むようになるが、夫を忘れるための恋は次第にうまくいかなくなる。 リズとデヴィッドは、やがて互いを罵り合うようになる。何もかもがうまくいかなくなって、途方に暮れたリズは、バリの薬剤師の言葉を思い出して、一年間をかけて外国を巡る旅に出ることを考え始める。ずっと行ってみたかったイタリアを回って、デヴィッドのヨガの導師を訪ねてインドを経由し、最後にバリの薬剤師のもとへ行く長い旅の計画に、親友のデリアは反対する。それでもリズは、周囲の反対を押し切って、自分を見つめ直す旅に出発する。
Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.
Life Is Sweet
Just north of London live Wendy, Andy, and their twenty-something twins, Natalie and Nicola. Wendy clerks in a shop, Andy is a cook who forever puts off home remodeling projects, Natalie is a plumber and Nicola is jobless. This film is about how they interact and play out family, conflict and love.
The Vertical Ray of the Sun
Hanoi comes across almost picture-perfect in director Tran Anh Hung's beautiful, elegiac tale about the lives and loves of three Vietnamese sisters. A mood characteristic of Hung's films is set early on with the vivid sounds of birds, insects and water and the way the lighting enhances the subtle use of color. They all combine to gem-like effect here.
The Botany of Desire
Featuring Michael Pollan and based on his best-selling book, this special takes viewers on an exploration of the human relationship with the plant world -- seen from the plants' point of view. Narrated by Frances McDormand, the program shows how four familiar species -- the apple, the tulip, marijuana and the potato -- evolved to satisfy our yearnings for sweetness, beauty, intoxication.
Crazy Legs Conti: Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating
Crazy Legs Conti is an eccentric New York window washer, nude model and sperm donor, and huge fan of the annual July 4th hot dog eating competition. When he casually breaks the world oyster eating record in New Orleans, he decides to dedicate himself to fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a professional competitive eater.
Eating, 2nd Edition: Introducing The RAVE Diet presents graphic evidence of how animal foods are not meant for human consumption, and how the suffering and death of the animals "takes revenge" on the humans who eat them by causing most of our chronic diseases, and how the switch to a all whole-food plant based diet can begin to reverse many of these diseases in as little as three weeks.
Dirt! The Movie
A look at man's relationship with Dirt. Dirt has given us food, shelter, fuel, medicine, ceramics, flowers, cosmetics and color --everything needed for our survival. For most of the last ten thousand years we humans understood our intimate bond with dirt and the rest of nature. We took care of the soils that took care of us. But, over time, we lost that connection. We turned dirt into something "dirty." In doing so, we transform the skin of the earth into a hellish and dangerous landscape for all life on earth. A millennial shift in consciousness about the environment offers a beacon of hope - and practical solutions.