
Сааскы Кэм (2017)

ジャンル : ドラマ, 履歴, 戦争

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Alexey Romanov



Alesha Petrov
Alesha Petrov
Fedot Lvov
Fedot Lvov
Egor, Mikita's father
Stepanida Borissova
Stepanida Borissova
Ayaal Ammosov
Ayaal Ammosov
Pavel Chenyanov
Pavel Chenyanov
Vladislav Michurin
Vladislav Michurin


Alexey Romanov
Alexey Romanov
Dmitry Shadrin
Dmitry Shadrin
Nikolay Mordinov
Nikolay Mordinov
Mikhail Kardashevskyi
Mikhail Kardashevskyi
Director of Photography
Moisey Kobyakov
Moisey Kobyakov
Original Music Composer


Small Change
Various experiences of childhood are seen in several sequences that take place in the small town of Thiers, France. Vignettes include a boy's awakening interest in girls, couples double-dating at the movies, brothers giving their friend a haircut, a boy dealing with an abusive home life, a baby and a cat sitting by an open window, a child telling a dirty joke, and a boy who develops a crush on his friend's mother.
Newly-discovered facts, court records and speculation are used to elaborate the true love story and murder mystery of the most notorious unsolved murder case in New York history.
A man searching for his childhood best friend — a Polish violin prodigy orphaned in the Holocaust — who vanished decades before on the night of his first public performance.
The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.
ファイナルデッドコール 暗闇にベルが鳴る
An escaped maniac returns to his childhood home on Christmas Eve, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.
少年クリストファー・ロビンが、親友のくまのプーや仲間たちと別れてから長い年月が経った。大人になった彼は、妻と娘と共にロンドンで暮らし、 仕事中心の忙しい毎日を送っていた。ある日、家族と実家で過ごす予定だった週末に仕事を任されてしまう。そんな折、彼の前にかつての親友プーが現れ、森の仲間を一緒に探してほしいと頼まれたので子供の頃プーたちと過ごした“100エーカーの森”へ行く。仲間たちとの再会に喜びと懐かしい日々を感じながらも、仕事のため急いでロンドンに戻ったクリストファー・ロビンは、森に会議の重要な書類を忘れてきてしまう。
8 1/2
言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!
学校でも家庭でも問題児となっていた8歳のイシャーン(ダルシール・サファリー)。勉強が苦手な彼は代わりに空想が好きだった。近所の年上の男の子を取っ組み合いの喧嘩をしたイシャーンは、父親に次に問題を起こしたら寄宿学校に入れると言われてしまう。 すこぶる悪い点数のテストを両親に見せられずサインをもらえなかった彼は、授業をサボってしまう。欠席届を出さないといけなかったため、兄のヨハンに書いてもらう。しかしある日、その欠席届が父に見つかってしまう。約束を守れなかったイシャーンに対して激怒した父は、友人のコネを使いすぐにイシャーンを寄宿学校に転校させる。 学校にはいままでよりさらに厳しい先生たちがいたうえ、家族に会えない寂しさが募り、イシャーンにとって非常に辛い環境だった。とうとう完全にふさぎこんでしまうイシャーンだったが、ちょうどその時、臨時で新しい美術の先生ニクンブ(アーミル・カーン)が赴任してくる。 ニクンブはイシャーンの様子を見て、彼は失読症であることを見抜くが…。
The Lifeguard
A former valedictorian quits her reporter job in New York and returns to the place she last felt happy: her childhood home in Connecticut. She gets work as a lifeguard and starts a dangerous relationship with a troubled teenager.
A socially awkward veterinary assistant with a lazy eye and obsession with perfection descends into depravity after developing a crush on a boy with perfect hands.
Andrew returns to his hometown for the funeral of his mother, a journey that reconnects him with past friends. The trip coincides with his decision to stop taking his powerful antidepressants. A chance meeting with Sam - a girl also suffering from various maladies - opens up the possibility of rekindling emotional attachments, confronting his psychologist father, and perhaps beginning a new life.
Birdman of Alcatraz
After killing a prison guard, convict Robert Stroud faces life imprisonment in solitary confinement. Driven nearly mad by loneliness and despair, Stroud's life gains new meaning when he happens upon a helpless baby sparrow in the exercise yard and nurses it back to health. Despite having only a third grade education, Stroud goes on to become a renowned ornithologist and achieves a greater sense of freedom and purpose behind bars than most people find in the outside world.
Nothing happens in this movie
A man find the chaos after several events that make him question his violence. Going into an introspection about mistakes, family and love, it will be a journey full of pain and emerging truths. How can you live when you are the least important person in you’re life?
Based on a short story by Stephen King, a man and his family return to his home town, but he is then harassed by teenagers that died when he was a kid.
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Dito Montiel, a successful author, receives a call from his long-suffering mother, asking him to return home and visit his ailing father. Dito recalls his childhood growing up in a violent neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., with friends Antonio, Giuseppe, Nerf and Mike.


Two friends escape from the village to the city in search of a better life. However, finding your place in the city is not as easy as it seemed at first. After making several unsuccessful attempts to earn money and spending the last money on entertainment, the heroes begin to engage in petty crime, not realizing what this can lead to.
Naakhara 2
His Daughter
First-grader Tanechka lives in a Yakut village with her grandparents. Although her father has not written to her for a long time, the girl has no doubt that he invisibly helps her every time she needs him. Every morning in the village house begins with the anthem of the USSR on the radio, telling about Brezhnev's meeting with the oil workers. However, Tanechka is sure that “every new day reveals something unknown and secret” and wants to tell about those events of her childhood that still cause her, already an adult woman, either tears or great joy. Looking out the window at her peers, the wise heroine asks: “Why do children play all the time? When do they think? Probably never, that's why they are happy? "
Two friends and their wise old buddy decided to go hunting. They were overwhelmed by incredible hunting excitement, the blood boiled with adrenaline. Nature exposed all their true feelings: anger and love, rage and repentance. One fatal mistake and bitter reckoning. It is here that the main character will find the answer to his puzzle and make a decisive choice.
My White Nights
Republic Z
Three years into a zombie epidemic, a group of survivors prepare to leave their wooded shelter and brave the flesh eaters in order to reach the city.
Fighter's Night
The story unfolds in an alternate reality. Chee-Ke works for the "dance police". By the will of fate, he has to quit. For three years there is no news about the hero. But suddenly the singer Kunnei is kidnapped by the villain Bachata, and Chee-Ke is forced to go on the warpath. The policeman and his assistant must defeat the kidnappers in dance battles.
Kerel. Invisible Beauty
Kerel is the name of a young singer making her first steps on the professional stage. Aital is a simple village guy who composes songs. Fate brought them together for a short Yakut summer, and they fell in love with each other. It would seem that nothing can interfere with their happiness. But suddenly these relationships disrupt the plans of others and loved ones, because Kerel is incredibly beautiful, and Aital has been absolutely blind since childhood
I Love You, Yakutsk
From dozens of cities, you will always recognize your city – you will recognize it by its squares, by its streets, by its colors, by its breath, by its joys and troubles, and by its love. Four directors will tell four romantic love stories in our city: the love of spouses who have already begun to forget about it; the love of wayward parents for children; the love of life, beautiful and disturbing, and even the love of the very feeling of love. The characters of the film are worried and happy, work honestly, walk noisily and look for love without end. The beating of their hearts is the rhythm of the city. Recognize your city in every frame and look at Yakutsk, which you did not know.
Black Demon
Unremarkable at first glance, the murders in different parts of the city lead a young investigator named Sergei into a maze of dirty old secrets. For a long time, Sergei can't understand the motives or thought process of the criminal. But one detainee gives him a good hint: the scenario of the killer's actions inexplicably resembles the plot of the cartoon "About the Silly Winky-String", which is shown on TV in the city of N. The intrigue grows, and as the murders continue, the events take on an increasingly sinister tinge.
Due to a violent misunderstanding a young member of a criminal syndicate is torn away from familiar grounds of urban underworld and thrown into unwelcoming wilderness of Siberian taiga. Vast and virtually uninhabited, it provides little distinction between past and present, reality and myth. He must face the ghosts of the past and shadows of the present, and rediscover himself and his destiny, however shattering and unwanted it may be.
A psychological thriller. One quite ordinary summer morning five different and unacquainted people leave their apartments at different floors and enter the lift. The doors close behind the last passenger and the lift starts descending. The moments pass, but the lift is not going to stop, the impression of endless moving appears and grows. Panic transforms into fear with every passing minute, situation is getting out of control. The lift cage transforms into closed space, into moving rattrap from which there is no escape. How would the five people behave in such hopeless situation? Their souls are assaulted by doubts and fear, they are filled with overwhelming feeling of inevitability and despair as around them the ordinary is turning into the unreal. Have you ever wondered what your companions in the lift are? Are they really what they claim to be? Or maybe you should fear them?
Russia’s answer to U.S. box-office hit “The Social Network”, the movie tells the story of a pair of Moscow students in the mid-90s who create an internet search engine that becomes one of the largest in the world.