Sluchaynaya Zapis (2009)

ジャンル : アクション, アドベンチャー

上映時間 : 1時間 18分

演出 : Bata Nedic


Igor comes to Yalta to visit his friend. Here he wants to make a movie about old boat, which went down in the Black Sea many years ago. But life presents him a special meeting with Iryna, who works for politicians. Moreover, strange thing happens - murder - and Igor with his camera becomes a witness of it. This camera is the only source of truth and... danger for both heroes of the film!


Olga Lomonosova
Olga Lomonosova
Evgeniy Stychkin
Evgeniy Stychkin
Vitali Borisyuk
Vitali Borisyuk


Bata Nedic
Bata Nedic


Four adopted brothers return to their Detroit hometown when their mother is murdered and vow to exact revenge on the killers.
When Vetter's wife is killed in a botched hit organized by Diablo, he seeks revenge against those responsible. But in the process, Vetter and Hicks have to fight their way up the chain to get to Diablo but it's easier said than done when all Vetter can focus on is revenge.
Jake, full of anger after his father's death, is just starting to find a place for himself at his new Orlando high school - until Ryan, head of an underground MMA fight club, picks Jake out as a prime opponent. After being trounced by Ryan in front of the entire school, Jake begins training under the firm, moral guidance of a MMA master, where he learns how to fight... and how to avoid a fight. But it becomes obvious that a rematch will be inevitable if Jake wants to stop Ryan and his bullying, once and for all.
ホワイトハウスの女性スキャンダルを追っていたテレビ局のジェニーは、「エリー」という名に行き当たる。だがそれは女性の名ではなく、「Extinction Level Event(種の絶滅を引き起こす事象)」の略だった。大統領は、1年後に未知の彗星が地球に衝突する可能性があることを公表。これを阻止すべく彗星を核爆発させて軌道修正するプロジェクトが実行されたが、結果は失敗。衝突が刻一刻と迫る中、ついに大統領は地下に選ばれた100万人だけを移住させる計画を発表するのだった。
フールズ・ゴールド カリブ海に沈んだ恋の宝石
Treasure hunter Ben "Finn" Finnegan has sunk his marriage to Tess and his trusty boat in his obsessive quest to find the legendary Queen's Dowry. When he finds a vital clue that may finally pinpoint the treasure's whereabouts, he drags Tess and her boss, billionaire Nigel Honeycutt, along on the hunt. But Finn is not the only one interested in the gold; his former mentor-turned-enemy Moe Fitch, hired by rapper-turned-gangster Bigg Bunny, will stop at nothing to beat him to it.
Three friends out to disprove cannibalism meet two men on the run who tortured and enslaved a cannibal tribe to find emeralds, and now the tribe is out for revenge.
この新しい冒険では、マイアミの麻薬探偵マイク・ローリー(ウィル・スミス)とマーカス・バーネット(マーティン・ローレンス)が、マイアミのエクスタシーデザインの陰謀を暴こうとするハイテクチームの一員として割り当てられます。 しかし、彼らは無意識に麻薬王、ジョニー・タピア(ジョルディ・モラ)が関与する致命的な陰謀を発見します。 さらに悪いことに、DEAの秘密捜査官であるマーカスの美しい姉妹であるシド(ガブリエルユニオン)は、クロスファイアに巻き込まれ、ヒーローたちを法の端に追いやることを余儀なくされました。 キューピッドがマイクとシドの上を飛行し始めると、すべてがさらに複雑になり、保護者の兄弟の怒りを引き起こします。
アトランティス 帝国最後の謎
Milo and Kida reunite with their friends to investigate strange occurances around the world that seem to have links to the secrets of Atlantis.
ネバー・サレンダー 肉弾凶器
A group of diamond thieves on the run kidnap the wife of a recently discharged marine who goes on a chase through the South Carolinian wilderness to retrieve her.
On New Year's Eve, inside a police station that's about to be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble together a force made up cops and criminals to save themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion Bishop.
In Bangkok, the young Kham was raised by his father in the jungle with elephants as members of their family. When his old elephant and the baby Kern are stolen by criminals, Kham finds that the animals were sent to Sidney. He travels to Australia, where he locates the baby elephant in a restaurant owned by the evil Madame Rose, the leader of an international Thai mafia. With the support of the efficient Thai sergeant Mark, who was involved in a conspiracy, Kham fights to rescue the animal from the mobsters.
ライズナー研究所の資金集めを目的としたパーティで、デヴィン・ヴィリアーズ博士が殺される。 シアトル市警のフランク・ターナーとリサ・マルティネス両刑事が駆けつけると、現場には血に染まった裸足の足跡が残されていて、誰からも目撃されぬまま逃走した犯人に疑問を抱く。署に戻ったフランクとリサは、犯人が次に狙うとみられるマギー・ダルトン博士を張り込むが、夜更け頃、最初はリサが、続いて博士が、姿の見えない何者かの襲撃を受ける。
ハートブレイク・リッジ 勝利の戦場