伝説の戦士バーフバリの壮大な物語を描いたアクション『バーフバリ 伝説誕生』の完結編。インドの王国を舞台に、祖父から孫の三代にわたる愛と裏切りと復讐(ふくしゅう)を描く。前作同様プラバースが主人公を演じ、ラーナー・ダッグバーティ、アヌシュカ・シェッティ、タマンナー、ナーサルらも続投。監督・脚本のS・S・ラージャマウリ、撮影のK・K・センティル・クマール、音楽のM・M・キーラヴァーニらスタッフも再び集結した。
An experimental romantic thriller, Solo is the story of four different men, their love, rage and afterlife. Through four elements - water, air, fire and earth, they also represent different facets of Lord Siva.
Meet Pietro Angeli, a man haunted by a tragedy in his past, and Chan, a prostitute in search for a better life. Both alone in the crowd and constantly seeking for redemption. Maybe, despite everything, it's never too late to start dancing again.
The story of Street Lights is based on the life of a Crime Branch police officer, James, who in his pursuit to solve a certain mystery, crosses path with several people and encounters various thrilling events. Will James succeed or fail in his mission and how will he react to the outcome, forms the crux.
A story about a relationship with problems. She is upset at how Swedish speaking Finns are treated in their home country. He is seriously constipated. Will the relationship survive when her idealism clashes with his biological needs?
Nigim is an ufologist from the city of Passa Tempo in MG who recorded numerous appearances of et’s from the Planet of Jov. But now, it seems like who is being watched is him.
24 years later, America Football Club competes for a title again.