
Death Cast (2021)


ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 14分

演出 : Bobby Marinelli


Six young and hopeful actors land roles in an experimental horror film shooting on a remote location. Their performances will be captured without any crew present in a single, uninterrupted take by cameras and drones positioned around the set. As the day progresses, the line between the film they are shooting and actual terror is blurred as they find themselves in a real life-or-death situation.


Lacy Hartselle
Lacy Hartselle
Hedy Nasser
Hedy Nasser
Danielle Stratton
Danielle Stratton
Kyle Swanson
Kyle Swanson
Marvin Laviolette
Marvin Laviolette
Andres Erickson
Andres Erickson


Bobby Marinelli
Bobby Marinelli


ラスト・ハウス・オン・ザ・レフト -鮮血の美学-
A group of teenage girls heading into the city hook up with a gang of drug-addled ne'er-do-wells and are brutally murdered. The killers find their way to the home of one of their victim's parents, where both father and mother exact a horrible revenge.
ぼぢ ひと 2
A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result in two men, a student and her art professor, lusting after her.
クライモリ デッド・リターン
A group of people find themselves trapped in the backwoods of West Virginia, fighting for their lives against a group of vicious and horribly disfigured inbred cannibals.
In her many years as a social worker, Emily Jenkins believes she has seen it all, until she meets 10-year-old Lilith and the girl's cruel parents. Emily's worst fears are confirmed when the parents try to harm the child, and so Emily assumes custody of Lilith while she looks for a foster family. However, Emily soon finds that dark forces surround the seemingly innocent girl, and the more she tries to protect Lilith, the more horrors she encounters.
Death at a Funeral
Aaron's father's funeral is today at the family home, and everything goes wrong: the funeral home delivers the wrong body, his cousin accidentally drugs her fiancé, and Aaron's successful younger brother, Ryan, flies in from New York, broke but arrogant. To top it all off, a mysterious stranger wants a word with Aaron.
シン・シティ 復讐の女神
温厚誠実な銀行員サム・ウィート(パトリック・スウェイジ)は、陶芸家として成功しつつある最愛の恋人モリー・ジェンセン(デミ・ムーア)と幸せな時間を過ごし、同僚の友人カール・ブルーナー(トニー・ゴールドウィン)とも良好な関係を維持しながら順調に仕事をこなし、平穏な日々を送っていた。 ある日、サムは勤め先の銀行で、コンピュータ内の口座データに異変があるのを発見した。カールが手伝おうとしたが、サムは断り残業して調べる…。 後日、サムとモリーが「マクベス」を観劇しての帰り道、モリーがサムに自分の心を打ち明けた。「貴方と結婚したい」。今まで、彼女が避けていた問題だったのでサムは驚く。悩むサムに、モリーはなぜ「愛してる」と言葉にしてくれないのかと問い詰める。「愛してる……」とモリーが言うと、サムは必ず「Ditto(同じく)」と答えていた。 しかしそのとき、暗がりから一人の暴漢がサムを襲った。そしてサムと暴漢は揉み合いになり、暴漢が持っていた拳銃が発砲された。そして暴漢は逃げ、それを追いかけるも取り逃がしたサムが諦めて戻ると、モリーが血だらけの自分を抱いていた。サムは死んでゴーストになってしまったのだ。
 アメリカ中北部の田舎町を舞台に、偽装誘拐が引き起こす惨劇とそれに関わる人々の奇妙な姿を描いたユニークな犯罪ドラマ。  ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに住むカー・ディーラーのジェリー・ランディガード(W・H・メイシー)は借金返済のために自分の妻ジーンを誘拐し、会社のオーナーでもある義父から身代金をいただこうと考えた。誘拐を実行するのは、前科者の従業員から紹介された妙な二人組、カール(S・ブシェミ)とグリムスラッド(P・ストーメア)。だがジーンを自宅から誘拐した二人は、隣町ブレイナードまで逃げたところで、停車を命じた警官と目撃者を射殺してしまう。ブレイナードの女性警察署長マージ・ガンダーソン(F・マクドーマンド)は事件を追ってミネアポリスに赴くが、その間にも狂い始めた誘拐計画は次々と犠牲者を産んでいく……。  コーエン兄弟はその特異な作風で知られる、80~90年代アメリカ・インディペンデント映画界の雄だが、この作品はその真価がもっとも発揮された一編と言っていいだろう。実話を基にしているとはいえ、ほとんどは創作だというストーリー自体の面白さももちろんだが、個々のキャラクターのおかしさとさりげなくも効果的な台詞の数々は、ドラマの完成度を極限まで高めている。雪に覆われた白い町で起こる血みどろの物語。まさに“白のフィルム・ノワール”と呼んでもいい。カンヌ映画祭で監督賞に輝いただけでなく、アカデミーでは主演女優賞と脚本賞も獲得した逸品。


When 8 celebrities from around the globe are invited to compete in an online reality show, they soon realize that they are playing for their very lives, as those voted off suffer horrific consequences, broadcast live to the entire world.
Colour from the Dark
Pietro and Lucia live on an isolated farm with Alice, Lucia's younger sister. Poor farmers, they live tilling the soil. Pietro is a good worker and a strong man who, unlike his three brothers, is not at war because of a deformed knee. Lucia is a beautiful and reserved woman dedicated to her family. Their life is peaceful and good, in spite of the hard work. One day, while drawing water from the well, Pietro and Alice accidentally free something from Earth's womb. A strange and alien color flashes underwater, at the well's bottom, then disappears. From that moment on, inexplicable events start happening all around the farm, and by night the surrounding vegetation glitters with a sinister glow. The color soon takes hold of the whole farm, and dwelling inside Pietro and his family's minds, it brings them into its sick world of pain, blood and death.
Porky's II: The Next Day
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Porky's Revenge
As graduation nears for the class of 1955 at Angel Beach High, the gang once again faces off against their old enemy, Porky, who wants them to throw the school's championship basketball game since he has bet on the opposing team.
Bad Ben: The Way In
The new owner of the home on Steelmanville Road has hired Tom Riley to go back into the home to rid it of all malevolent forces prior to moving her family in. Tom returns, alone, and finds himself battling nine demons.
Killjoy's Psycho Circus
Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways.
Following the passing of his father, Aaron Hammond returns to his hometown to help his devastated mother and to confront his past demons. Sifting through his father’s belongings, Aaron comes upon a mysterious item that is far more than it seems.
American Nightmare
A deranged female serial killer stalks seven young people whom phone a radio call-in show to discuss their darkest fears and a night-long game of cat-and-mouse is put into motion by the darkly sinister-looking murderess.
Bud's a good ole' boy brought up on Bluegrass and Moonshine. While supplying the surrounding counties with its Marijuana supply, Bud has a hefty growing operation. However, this is not Bud's only secret. He has a much darker one. One that lies trapped under his cabin in the rural hills of Eastern Kentucky. What will happen when two people stand in the way of everything Bud has worked for? How much blood will have to spill?
チューズ・オア・ダイ: 恐怖のサバイバルゲーム
In pursuit of an unclaimed $125,000 prize, a broke college dropout decides to play an obscure, 1980s survival computer game. But the game curses her, and she’s faced with dangerous choices and reality-warping challenges. After a series of unexpectedly terrifying moments, she realizes she’s no longer playing for the money but for her life.
Garden Party Massacre
A gathering of friends goes awry when an uninvited guest appears. With a pickax. And an attitude.
Seeking shelter from a storm, a family finds themselves trapped in a bathroom for days with no sign of rescue and untold evils lurking just beyond the walls.
Cutting Class
High school student Paula Carson's affections are being sought after by two of her classmates: Dwight, the "bad boy", and Brian, a disturbed young man who has just been released from a mental hospital where he was committed following the suspicious death of his father. Soon after being released, more murders start happening. Is Brian back to his old tricks, or is Dwight just trying to eliminate the competition?
ペイ・ザ・ゴースト ハロウィンの生贄
A dysfunctional couple head to a remote lakeside cabin under the guise of reconnecting, but each has secret designs to kill the other. Before they can carry out their respective plans, unexpected visitors arrive and the couple is faced with a greater danger than anything they could have plotted.
The House Across the Street
Amy has moved east from Kansas, determined to start a new life. She thinks she has found the perfect small quiet town, a great neighborhood on a quiet street. As she moves into her brand new apartment, eager to start a dream job, happy to befriend her neighbors, she finds out that not everything is as it seems, especially at the house across the street.
Killjoy Goes to Hell
Killjoy is back in the fourth installment of the demonic clown series. This time Killjoy is being accused of not being evil, since he let one of his victims(Sandie) get away. Killjoy must rely on his only chance of proving how evil he really is... get Sandie into hell as his witness.
Set in 1954, a group of Florida high schoolers seek out to lose their virginity which leads them to seek revenge on a sleazy nightclub owner and his redneck sheriff brother for harassing them.
Set in 1992, during a hallucinogenic drug nightmare infused with illicit partying and forbidden sex, young ravers discover the murderous world of the DeadThirsty.