儀式 (1971)
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 2時間 3分
演出 : Nagisa Ōshima
Oshima’s magisterial epic, centering on the ambivalent surviving heir of the Sakurada clan, uses ritual and the microcosm of the traditional family to trace the rise and fall of militaristic Japan across several decades.
明治に建てられた高校の部室別館「カルチェラタン」。伝統ある館は老朽化から取り壊しが決まってしまう。愛着を持ち取り壊し撤回を目論む学生たちのリーダー的存在である新聞部 風間 俊と小松崎 海は出会い想いを寄せていくが、ひょんなことから二人は兄妹であることがわかってしまう。揺れ動く二人の成長と共に取り壊し騒動が進んでゆく中で、俊の意外な生い立ちが明らかになっていく。
Air Force Major Lloyd Gruver (Marlon Brando) is reassigned to a Japanese air base, and is confronted with US racial prejudice against the Japanese people. The issue is compounded because a number of the soldiers become romantically involved with Japanese women, in defiance of US military policy. Ordinarily an officer who is by-the-book, Gruver must take a position when a buddy of his, an enlisted man Joe Kelly (Red Buttons) falls in love with a Japanese woman Katsumi (Miyoshi Umeki) and marries her. Gruver risks his position by serving as best man at the wedding ceremony.
結婚にあまり興味のない娘と、そんな娘に早く結婚してほしいと気を揉む家族を中心にさりげない日常をユーモアを織り交ぜ淡々と細やかに描く感動作。敗戦後わずか6年の作品とは思えないモダンな息づかいには驚かずにはいられない。北鎌倉に住む間宮家では適齢期を過ぎた娘紀子の結婚が何より気がかり。当の紀子は大手の会社で秘書として働き、いまだのんきに独身生活を楽しんでいる風だった。やがて、そんな紀子に縁談話が立て続けに舞い込むのだったが……。 巨匠・小津安二郎監督を代表する傑作の1本。
A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.
Kameda, who has been in an asylum on Okinawa, travels to Hokkaido. There he becomes involved with two women, Taeko and Ayako. Taeko comes to love Kameda, but is loved in turn by Akama. When Akama realizes that he will never have Taeko, his thoughts turn to murder, and great tragedy ensues.
親子愛の断層に焦点を当てた巨匠・小津安二郎の異色作――― 杉山周吉は、20年前、妻にその愛人と逃げられ、長女を嫁がせた今、次女・明子とひっそりと暮らしている。だが、最近明子の帰宅が遅れがちなことに気をもんでいた。明子は年下の恋人の子を妊娠、それを知って姿を消してしまった彼を毎晩探しさまよっていたのだ。そんなある日、ふとしたことから明子は自分や父を捨てた実母と再会。何も知らなかった明子は、母のみだ…
An Okinawan translator introduces U.S. occupation forces to the joys of local life.
Eddie Kenner is given a special assignment by the Army to get the inside story on Sandy Dawson, a former GI who has formed a gang of fellow servicemen and Japanese locals.
A group of rank-and-file Japanese soldiers are jailed for crimes against humanity, themselves victims of a nation refusing to bear its burdens as a whole.
Michiyo lives in the small place Osaka and is not happy with her marriage, all she does is cook and clean for her husband.
Oshima’s magisterial epic, centering on the ambivalent surviving heir of the Sakurada clan, uses ritual and the microcosm of the traditional family to trace the rise and fall of militaristic Japan across several decades.
An errant salaryman's son gets lost until a man from the Tokyo tenements brings him to vendor Tane, who's reluctant to let the kid board.
An American returns to Tokyo to try to pick up threads of his pre-World War II life there but finds himself squeezed between criminals and the authorities.
A budding gangster enthralls a freeloading young woman, soon taking advantage of her knack for hitch-hiking to rob middle-class, middle-aged men.