
パーフェクト ワールド (1993)

ジャンル : 犯罪, ドラマ, スリラー

上映時間 : 2時間 18分

演出 : Clint Eastwood
脚本 : John Lee Hancock




Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner
Robert 'Butch' Haynes
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
Chief Red Garnett
Laura Dern
Laura Dern
Sally Gerber
T.J. Lowther
T.J. Lowther
Phillip 'Buzz' Perry
Bradley Whitford
Bradley Whitford
Bobby Lee
Keith Szarabajka
Keith Szarabajka
Terry Pugh
Leo Burmester
Leo Burmester
Tom Adler
Paul Hewitt
Paul Hewitt
Dick Suttle
Ray McKinnon
Ray McKinnon
Jennifer Griffin
Jennifer Griffin
Gladys Perry
Leslie Flowers
Leslie Flowers
Naomi Perry
Belinda Flowers
Belinda Flowers
Ruth Perry
Darryl Cox
Darryl Cox
Mr. Hughes
Jay Whiteaker
Jay Whiteaker
Billy Reeves
Taylor Suzanna McBride
Taylor Suzanna McBride
Christopher Reagan Ammons
Christopher Reagan Ammons
Dancing Skeleton
Mark Voges
Mark Voges
Larry Billings
Vernon Grote
Vernon Grote
Prison Guard
James Jeter
James Jeter
Ed Geldart
Ed Geldart
Fred Cummings
Bruce McGill
Bruce McGill
Paul Saunders
Nik Hagler
Nik Hagler
General Store Manager
Gary Moody
Gary Moody
Local Sheriff
Mary Alice
Mary Alice
Wayne Dehart
Wayne Dehart
Kevin Woods
Kevin Woods
Linda Hart
Linda Hart
Connie Cooper
Connie Cooper
Bob's Wife
John Hussey
John Hussey
Governor's Aide
Gabriel Folse
Gabriel Folse
Officer Terrance
Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith
Officer Jones
Elizabeth Ruscio
Elizabeth Ruscio


Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
John Lee Hancock
John Lee Hancock
David Valdes
David Valdes
Lennie Niehaus
Lennie Niehaus
Original Music Composer
Jack Green
Jack Green
Director of Photography
Joel Cox
Joel Cox
Ron Spang
Ron Spang
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Phyllis Huffman
Phyllis Huffman
Henry Bumstead
Henry Bumstead
Production Design
Jack G. Taylor Jr.
Jack G. Taylor Jr.
Art Direction
Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
Set Decoration
Erica Edell Phillips
Erica Edell Phillips
Costume Design
John Lee Hancock
John Lee Hancock
T.J. Lowther
T.J. Lowther




子どもを身ごもるも、相手が結婚していたために出産をあきらめるしかない希和子(永作博美)は、ちょうど同じころに生まれた男の妻の赤ん坊を誘拐して逃亡する。しかし、二人の母娘としての幸せな暮らしは4年で終わる。さらに数年後、本当の両親にわだかまりを感じながら成長した恵理菜(井上真央)は大学生になり、家庭を持つ男の子どもを妊娠してしまう。 直木賞作家・角田光代が手がけた初の長編サスペンスを映画化。恵理菜役には、『花より男子ファイナル』『僕の初恋をキミに捧ぐ』の井上真央。対する希和子役を、人気女優・永作博美が演じる。監督は『孤高のメス』の成島出。
The Guns of Fort Petticoat
Opposing his commanding officer's decision to attack a group of innocent Indians and wipe them out, Lt. Frank Hewitt leaves his post and heads home to Texas. He knows that the attack will send all of the tribes on the warpath and he wants to forewarn everyone. He gets a chilly reception back home however. With most of the men away having enlisted in the Confederate army Frank, a Union officer, is seen by the local women as a traitor. He convinces them of the danger that lies ahead and trains them to repel the attack that will eventually come.
Liar's Moon
In East Texas, the summer after high school, Jack falls in love with Ginny, the daughter of the town's banker (Jack's mom's high school sweetheart). Ginny's been at boarding school; she's headed for Vassar. Over her father's strenuous objections, she spends time with Jack. At summer's end, Jack and Ginny elope to Louisiana (where 17-year-olds can marry without their parents' permission), and he gets a job in the oil fields. Her dad hires a menacing private eye to find them, Ginny's pregnant, her town doctor gives her horrible news, and Jack's mom has her own agenda. It seems that Jack and Ginny have grown up under a liar's moon. What will these sweethearts do?
Five Steps to Danger
Can a couple keep important secrets from Communist spies?
The Atomic City
Spies hold the son of a nuclear physicist (Gene Barry) hostage in exchange for the Los Alamos bomb formula.
The Black Raven
One dark and stormy night, an escaped convict, an embezzler, a runaway daughter, her intended and her father, and a gangster take refuge in a remote inn called "The Black Raven" after the nickname of a second gangster who owns it; and murder ensues.
インサイド・ルーウィン・デイヴィス 名もなき男の歌
コーエン兄弟が伝説のシンガー、デイヴ・ヴァン・ロンクの回想録をもとに映画化。第66回カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員特別グランプリを受賞。フォークソングで有名な1960年代のニューヨークはグリニッジビレッジを舞台に、音楽活動に奔走しながらも苦闘するシンガー・ソングライターが過ごす1週間を見つめる。 1960年代のニューヨーク、冬。若い世代のアートやカルチャーが花開いていたエリア、グリニッジビレッジのライブハウスでフォークソングを歌い続けるシンガー・ソングライターのルーウィン・デイヴィス(オスカー・アイザック)。熱心に音楽に取り組む彼だったが、なかなかレコードは売れない。それゆえに音楽で食べていくのを諦めようとする彼だが、何かと友人たちに手を差し伸べられ……。
Martyrs of the Alamo
The story of the defense of the mission-turned-fortress by 185 Texans against an overwhelming Mexican army in 1836.
A drifter/hitman is hired by a local business man to kidnap the local oil baron. The hitman had been reared in squalor, suffering the abuses of his whoring mama. When the baron escapes his assistant must chase him while the hitman takes care of a few loose ends.
Assault on Devil's Island
When one of Mike McBride's men goes rogue and takes a group of gymnasts hostage to Devil's Island in exchange for the return of drug lord Carlos Gallindo, the SEALS face their most perilous assignment yet.
Chronicle of a Summer
Paris, summer of 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch, along with sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin, both assisted by Marceline and Nadine, roam the crowded streets asking ordinary people how they deal with the misfortunes of life. Are you happy? But their real purpose is to find out if people can speak sincerely in front of a camera and how they react when they are later invited to analyze the meaning of their answers.
Innocent Prey
A woman living in Dallas discovers that her husband, from New Zealand, is actually a crazed serial killer who murders prostitutes.
Colt 38 Special Squad
The city of Turin is in the grip of a brutal crime boss known as "the Marsellaise," and plenty of cops have good cause to want him dead — none more than Inspector Vanni, whose wife was murdered by the ruthless gangster. Having exhausted every other avenue, Vanni forms a crack squad of motorcycle-riding, Colt .38-toting elite officers, tasked with meting out justice on the margins of the law. But when the Marsellaise launches a bombing campaign designed to extort a vast ransom from the city's authorities, Vanni finds himself in a race against time to exact his revenge and avert disaster.
The Phantom of Paris
Chéri-Bibi is a world class escape artist, but he cannot escape the false murder charge that is placed on him.
Blossoms in the Dust
Edna marries Texan Sam Gladney, operator of a wheat mill. They have a son, who is killed when very young. Edna discovers by chance how the law treats children who are without parents and decides to do something about it. She opens a home for foundlings and orphans and begins to place children in good homes, despite the opposition of "conservative" citizens, who would condemn illegitimate children for being born out of wedlock. Eventually Edna leads a fight in the Texas legislature to remove the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records in that state, while continuing to be an advocate for homeless children.
When a 7-year-old son of the well-known businessman is kidnapped, he has no idea what awaits him! It turns out that the mysterious kidnapper does not need any ransom, but has only one claim: during the next day father must decide who will die of the two: his child or himself...
Good King Dagobert
Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.
Hooded Angels
A gang of women wreak vengeance upon the society that failed them.
バーニー みんなが愛した殺人者
In small-town Texas, affable and popular mortician Bernie Tiede strikes up a friendship with Marjorie Nugent, a wealthy widow well known for her sour attitude. When she becomes controlling and abusive, Bernie goes to great lengths to remove himself from her grasp.
Please Believe Me
A woman in London unexpectedly inherits a Texas ranching fortune, and takes a transatlantic voyage to collect her fortune, not suspecting two men aboard both plan on winning her hand before she reaches America. One is a gambler interested in her money, and the other, a rich man looking for a wife. The rich man's friend, meanwhile, believes the heiress is actually a gold-digger.


Blow Up My Town
A young girl shuts herself away in her apartment and goes about her business in a strange way, as she wastes the night in the kitchen – humming all along.
Fiore, an Italian conman, arrives in post Communist Albania with Gino, his young apprentice, to set up a shoe factory that will never open. The con requires a native Albanian, so they designate Spiro, an impoverished and confused former political prisoner as chairman of the board. When Fiore returns to Italy to get government funds for the project, Spiro unexpectedly disappears and Gino sets out on a journey to find him. The search leads him to discover Spiro's tragic personal history and witness Albanian poverty firsthand.
The Grey Man
Based on one of Scotland's most infamous legends that tells of a eerie presence that haunts the slopes of Ben MacDui, The Grey Man follows one mans journey into the heart of Scotland's Cairngorms mountain range to find his missing brother.
The mountaintop is usually the object and purpose of the trip. But for the small and serene Mr. Tao is a step on his continuing quest, that perhaps will never end.
The Age of Swordfish
A short anthropological documentary from 1954. Director De Seta was fortunate enough to document swordfish fishing; by 1956 it no longer existed.
Fists in the Pocket
Ale, a deeply disturbed young man subject to seizures, benignly decides to murder members of his dysfunctional family for altruistic reasons.
「ロゼッタ」「イゴールの約束」のダルデンヌ兄弟が、文明社会における人類の永遠の課題とも言える深遠なモチーフに真摯かつ意欲的に取り組んだ人間ドラマ。複雑な感情を抱える主人公の極限の心の葛藤を、無駄を限界までそぎ落とし、淡々としたタッチで綴っていく。オリヴィエ・グルメは2003年のカンヌ国際映画祭で主演男優賞を受賞。  ある日、フランシスという少年が職業訓練所に入所してくる。彼は木工のクラスを希望したが、クラスを担当するオリヴィエは手一杯だという理由で断ってしまう。ところが、オリヴィエはなぜかフランシスが気になる様子。結局オリヴィエは後日フランシスを自分のクラスに受け入れるのだったが…。
クリント・イーストウッド製作・監督・主演のサスペンス・ドラマ。大統領の犯罪を目撃してしまった泥棒の孤独な戦いを描く。 バージニアの高級住宅地にある、大統領の後援者サリバンの邸宅。プロの大泥棒ルーサーは、サリバン夫人の寝室にある金庫を狙って忍び込む。すると旅行中のはずなのに、サリバン夫人が大統領リッチモンドを連れて帰宅。二人は口論となり、夫人が大統領に怪我を負わせ、シークレット・サービスが夫人を射殺するところを目撃してしまう。そして駆けつけた大統領補佐官は、シークレット・サービスに事件のもみ消しを命じた……。
フランク・ホリガンは長年シークレットサービスに勤めるベテラン警護官であり、ダラスでのケネディ大統領暗殺事件の際にも現場に配属されていたが、大統領を守ることが出来ず、未だにその時のことを悔やんでいた。 アメリカでは現職大統領の再選キャンペーンが始まっていたが、そんな時期に大統領を暗殺するとの脅迫状が届く。やがてフランクは殺し屋のミッチを特定するが、逆にミッチはフランクのジョン・F・ケネディを守れなかった過去を知ると、彼に暗殺を阻止してみろと挑発を始める。一匹狼であるフランクは、唯一の相棒といえる臆病者のアルと共にキャンペーンの護衛に参加し、ミッチの追跡を始める。
ハートブレイク・リッジ 勝利の戦場
トレヴェニアンの同題小説をクリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演で映画化した本格的な山岳スパイ・アクション。 殺し屋稼業から引退し、美術教授となったヘムロックのもとへ、殺された諜報員の報復依頼が舞い込む。弱みにつけ込まれ仕方なく引き受けたヘムロックは、第一の任務終了後に殺された諜報員が彼の命の恩人のアンリだと知り、第二の任務も引き受けて目標の人物がいるアイガー登山チームへ参加するが…。
スペース カウボーイ
ソビエト連邦が、それまでの戦闘機を凌駕する高性能な新型戦闘機「MiG-31 ファイヤーフォックス」を開発したとの情報がNATOにもたらされる。これに衝撃を受け、軍事バランスが崩れることを恐れたNATO各国は対抗すべく戦闘機の開発を検討するが、間に合いそうもない。そのため、その技術を機体もろとも盗み出すことを決定し、ロシア語をネイティブで話し、考えることができる元米空軍パイロット、ミッチェル・ガントに白羽の矢を立てたのであった。