Jack Green

出生 : 1946-11-18, San Francisco, California, USA


The life of Donald M. Morgan, one of Hollywood’s most prolific artists, is a unique, rags-to-riches story about a man who’s had a life-changing effect on the people around him, both personally and professionally. By sharing stories of his lengthy career, working with filmmakers like Robert Zemeckis, John Carpenter and Joseph Sargent, Morgan recounts pivotal moments in the art of filmmaking for over four decades, through interviews with fellow greats Owen Roizman (The Exorcist) and Jack N. Green (Unforgiven). But at the heart of the film is an emotional journey along the road to recovery in an industry that is ripe with dysfunction and addiction. Inspiring, heartbreaking, and funny, “Cinematographer” shares the story of one of the film industry's finest human beings.
The Letters
Director of Photography
Mother Teresa, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest humanitarians of modern times. Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world. The Letters, as told through personal letters she wrote over the last 40 years of her life, reveal a troubled and vulnerable women who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God.
Director of Photography
その日突然、数百万を超す人間が姿を消した。世界中でライフラインが機能を停止、地上は未曾有の混乱状態に陥り暴動が勃発する。 一方、高度30,000フィートの上空でも同様に、ジャンボジェットの機内から大量の乗客が、着ていた衣服と荷物を残して忽然と姿を消してしまう。 管制塔との連絡は途絶え、乗客たちがパニックを起こす中、彼らの命を預かるパイロットのレイは、 地上で危機的状況に残された愛娘の身を案じつつ、自らも命を懸けた決断を迫られる!
Director of Photography
Wimpy Greg Heffley, now in seventh grade, thinks he has it all together. He has mastered middle school and gotten rid of the Cheese Touch. However, Greg's older brother, Rodrick, is itching to cut him down to size. He gets the perfect opportunity when their mother tries to force the boys to bond. Rodrick may be Greg's chief tormentor, but he feels his constant pranks are just what his little brother needs to prepare him for life's hard knocks.
オフロでGO!!!!! タイムマシンはジェット式
Director of Photography
Four pals are stuck in a rut in adulthood: Adam has just been dumped, Lou is a hopeless party animal, Craig is a henpecked husband, and Jacob does nothing but play video games in his basement. But they get a chance to brighten their future by changing their past after a night of heavy drinking in a ski-resort hot tub results in their waking up in 1986.
Director of Photography
Greg Heffley is headed for big things, but first he has to survive the scariest, most humiliating experience of any kid’s life – middle school! That won’t be easy, considering he’s surrounded by hairy-freckled morons, wedgie-loving bullies and a moldy slice of cheese with nuclear cooties!
Director of Photography
When Dustin's girlfriend, Alexis, breaks up with him, he employs his best buddy, Tank, to take her out on the worst rebound date imaginable in the hopes that it will send her running back into his arms. But when Tank begins to really fall for Alexis, he finds himself in an impossible position.
The Long Shadow of Dirty Harry
An in-depth look at Dirty Harry (1971), featuring interviews with such film artists as Michael Madsen, 'Hal Holbrook', John Milius, 'Shane Black' and John Badham.
The Craft of Dirty Harry
A look at the cinematographers, editors, musicians, production designers and other talent of the Dirty Harry series.
The Evolution of Clint Eastwood
Follow Eastwood's career from television star to matinee idol to Oscar-winning director in this wide-ranging documentary.
An Old Fashioned Love Story: Making 'The Bridges of Madison County'
Follow the difficult birth and full realization of this beautifully told romance through its many twists and turns. Through interviews with Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep, screenwriter Richard LaGravenese and many others, this documentary reveals the commitment, hard work and creativity it took to bring to the screen this classic love story in the style of George Stevens or John Ford.
Director of Photography
Newlyweds Nick and Suzanne decide to move to the suburbs to provide a better life for their two kids. But their idea of a dream home is disturbed by a contractor with a bizarre approach to business.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Against the Ropes
Director of Photography
A fictional story inspired by North America's most famous female boxing promoter, Jackie Kallen. Her struggle to survive and succeed in a male dominated sport.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
When Vetter's wife is killed in a botched hit organized by Diablo, he seeks revenge against those responsible. But in the process, Vetter and Hicks have to fight their way up the chain to get to Diablo but it's easier said than done when all Vetter can focus on is revenge.
Golden Dreams
Director of Photography
Califia, the Queen and spirit of California, gives the audience a quick and somewhat romanticized look at history of California, as well as trials and tribulations, but also hopes and dreams of its various ethnicites and cultures.
Seduced: Pretty When You Cry
A wife is caught in a web of sex and violence.
Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows
Self - Director of Photography
Hollywood careers are full of make-or-break moments. For Clint Eastwood, one such moment came when studio powers agreed to let him make his directing debut. That story and others comprise this portrait of the famed Hollywood icon. His career is explored via an array of film clips, interviews and more.
スペース カウボーイ
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A young man, Pat, visits the clan of gypsy-like grifters (Irish Travellers) in rural North Carolina from whom he is descended. He is at first rejected, but cousin Bokky takes him on as an apprentice. Pat learns the game while Bokky falls in love and desires a different life. Written by Jeff Hole
Director of Photography
クリント・イーストウッド製作・監督・主演のサスペンス・ドラマ。大統領の犯罪を目撃してしまった泥棒の孤独な戦いを描く。 バージニアの高級住宅地にある、大統領の後援者サリバンの邸宅。プロの大泥棒ルーサーは、サリバン夫人の寝室にある金庫を狙って忍び込む。すると旅行中のはずなのに、サリバン夫人が大統領リッチモンドを連れて帰宅。二人は口論となり、夫人が大統領に怪我を負わせ、シークレット・サービスが夫人を射殺するところを目撃してしまう。そして駆けつけた大統領補佐官は、シークレット・サービスに事件のもみ消しを命じた……。
Director of Photography
The Amazing Panda Adventure
Director of Photography
Far from home in the lush bamboo forests of China, ten-year-old Ryan Tyler, with the help of a young girl, goes on a wonderful journey to rescue a baby panda taken by poachers.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Bad Company
Director of Photography
Nelson Crowe is a CIA operative under the thumb of the Company for a disputed delivery of $50,000 in gold. They blackmail him into working for the Grimes Organization, which is set up as a private company for hire, to blackmail prominent individuals. Crowe, working with Margaret Wells (another former Covert Operations operative), blackmails and bribes a State Supreme Court judge, but the deal sours. One of Crowe's co-workers, Tod Stapp, discovers Crowe's current CIA involvement in a plot to overthrow Grimes, and blackmails him to be cut in on the deal. More blackmail occurs as Wells manipulates Crowe to kill Grimes, then the CIA uses that discovery to blackmail Wells into killing Crowe. Who can you trust???
Trapped in Paradise
Director of Photography
Residents of a friendly Pennsylvania town foil three brothers' plan to rob a bank on Christmas Eve.
パーフェクト ワールド
Director of Photography
12歳の少年ヘンリーの夢は野球の選手。だが救いようのないスポーツ音痴の彼は、ある日滑って、転んで、右腕を骨折。しかしこれが奇跡の始まりだった。ギブスを取ったヘンリーは何故か160キロの豪速球を投げる投手に大変身! 弱小メジャーリーグ・チーム、シカゴ・カブスはこれに目をつけ、ヘンリーをスカウト。今年こそ最下位から脱出したい! 史上初の小さな大リーガー、ヘンリーの活躍やいかに!?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The murder of a museum curator places art dealer Jack Saunders under suspicion for selling forged treasures to museums. When Jack suddenly dies in a car crash, his wife Adrienne tries to discover what he did on her own. She finds that she knew little about the man she was married to. The more she learns about her husband's possible illegal activities and double life, the more she places her daughter, and herself, in grave danger.
Midnight Fear
A sheriff tracks down a killer who skinned a woman alive.
ホワイトハンター ブラックハート
Camera Operator
Renowned filmmaker John Wilson travels to Africa to direct a new movie, but constantly leaves to hunt elephants and other game, to the dismay of his cast and crew. He eventually becomes obsessed with hunting down and killing one specific elephant.
ホワイトハンター ブラックハート
Director of Photography
Renowned filmmaker John Wilson travels to Africa to direct a new movie, but constantly leaves to hunt elephants and other game, to the dismay of his cast and crew. He eventually becomes obsessed with hunting down and killing one specific elephant.
Pink Cadillac
Director of Photography
A bounty hunter helps out the wife of a bail-jumper after her child is kidnapped by neo-Nazi types.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
前作から5年。再び.44マグナム・S&W M29を手に、ハリーはサンフランシスコで、自らも”駒”になった、死亡予想ゲーム“デッドプール”を元に展開する連続殺人事件に挑む。サンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン(クリント・イーストウッド)刑事は賭博王ジャネロを強引な手口で逮捕した。テレビ中継でその模様を報道されたハリーは有名人となるが、その中継をテレビで秘かに見つめる人物が「死亡予想」と書かれたリストにハリーの名を書く。一方、市警はテレビ中継の一件以来、人気者になった彼の身を案じ、護衛も兼ねた相棒に中国人の刑事クワン(エヴァン・キム)を配置させる。やがてホラー映画に出演中のロックシンガーのジョニー(ジム・キャリー)が強力な合成ヘロインを口に押し込まれ殺害される事件が起こる。現場に駆けつけたハリーは、発見者である映画監督のピーター(リーアム・ニーソン)に出会うが捜査に結びつく情報は得られない。そしてチャイナタウンのレストランで強盗事件にハリーが遭遇した際、犯人の流れ弾に当たりジョニーが出演する映画の経理を担当していた男が死亡し、その胸ポケットから「死亡予想」と書かれたリストが見つかる。リストにはジョニーや他の有名人と共にハリー自身の名前も書かれていた…。
Like Father Like Son
Director of Photography
Dr. Jack Hammond has best chances to become medical superintendent in the clinic. So he's completely absorbed in his work and has no understanding for his teenage son Chris' problems with school. By accident one of them drinks a brain-exchanging serum, and it switches their identities. This leads of course to extraordinary complications in school and at work, but also to insight in the problems and feelings of each other.
ハートブレイク・リッジ 勝利の戦場
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Second Assistant Camera
Camera Operator
ソビエト連邦が、それまでの戦闘機を凌駕する高性能な新型戦闘機「MiG-31 ファイヤーフォックス」を開発したとの情報がNATOにもたらされる。これに衝撃を受け、軍事バランスが崩れることを恐れたNATO各国は対抗すべく戦闘機の開発を検討するが、間に合いそうもない。そのため、その技術を機体もろとも盗み出すことを決定し、ロシア語をネイティブで話し、考えることができる元米空軍パイロット、ミッチェル・ガントに白羽の矢を立てたのであった。
Camera Operator