
Tractor Ted Glorious Grass

ジャンル : ファミリー, ドキュメンタリー, アニメーション

上映時間 : 0分


Find out how silage is made on the farm. Meet Tractor Ted and Farmer Tom as they see tractors and forage harvesters hard at work in the fields cutting, raking and collecting the grass. The children and Midge the dog tease Les when they hide in the long grass. Poor Les!




ホーム・オン・ザ・レンジ にぎやか農場を救え!
The family man farmer John Rollins is stressed with his financial situation: the crows and the lack of irrigation are destroying his crop of corn; the bank is near closure of his mortgage; he does not have credit to fix the water pump or to buy seeds; and his marriage is in crisis and his wife Mary is giving too much attention to her friend Tommy. When John accidentally discovers a hidden compartment in the barn, he finds a creepy scarecrow but his son Michael makes him promise to destroy it. However, his neighbor Jude Weatherby visits him, gives a six-pack of beer to the abstemious John and convinces him to put the scarecrow in the cornfield. Out of the blue, the life of John changes: the crows die; the pump works again irrigating the land; and the banker responsible for the closure has an accident and dies. However, he feels that his land is possessed by something evil that is threatening his beloved family.
The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning
When mischievous teenaged cousins Bo and Luke Duke are arrested, both boys are paroled to the care of their Uncle Jesse in Hazzard, sentenced to a summer of hard work. It's not long before the Duke boys learn of Boss Hogg's plans to foreclose on Uncle Jesse's farm. Together, with help from their cousin Daisy, Bo and Luke vow to save the family's property and its storied history of producing the best moonshine in all of Hazzard.
ザ・ウォード 監禁病棟
Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes invisible dragon named Elliott! When they are taken in by a kind lighthouse keeper, Nora, and her father, Elliott's prank playing lands them in big trouble. Then, when crooked salesmen try to capture Elliott for their own gain, Pete must attempt a daring rescue.
Cousins, Bo and Luke Duke, with the help of their eye-catching cousin, Daisy and moonshine-running Uncle Jesse, try and save the family farm from being destroyed by Hazzard County's corrupt commissioner, Boss Hogg. Their efforts constantly find the 'Duke Boys' eluding authorities in 'The General Lee', their 1969 orange Dodge Charger that keeps them one step ahead of the dimwitted antics of the small southern town's Sheriff, Roscoe P. Coltrane.
ロバート・ミッチャム、マリリン・モンロー共演、壮大なロッキーの山々を背景に、「帰らざる河」と呼ばれる激流をいかだで下る男女の苦難を描いた名作西部劇。 ゴールド・ラッシュにわくアメリカ北西部。開拓者マットは、離ればなれになった息子マークの行方を尋ねてやって来た。マークの面倒を見てくれた酒場の女性歌手ケイから息子を引き取り、農場に落ち着いたマットだが、思わぬ困難に直面する…。 劇中でモンローが歌う主題歌「帰らざる河」も大ヒットとなった。
Racing Stripes
Shattered illusions are hard to repair -- especially for a good-hearted zebra named Stripes who's spent his life on a Kentucky farm amidst the sorely mistaken notion that he's a debonair thoroughbred. Once he faces the fact that his stark stripes mark him as different, he decides he'll race anyway. And with help from the young girl who raised him, he just might end up in the winner's circle.
The neighbors of a frontier family turn on them when it is suspected that their beloved adopted daughter was stolen from the Kiowa tribe.
When the farmer's away, all the animals play, and sing, and dance. Eventually, though, someone has to step in and run things, a responsibility that ends up going to Otis, a carefree cow.
Animal Farm
A successful farmyard revolution by the resident animals vs. the farmer goes horribly wrong when corrupt pigs hijack it for their personal gain. Based on the socialist George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm”, a critique of Stalinist authoritarianism.
1960年代初頭のテキサス。14歳のウォルターは、だらしない母親メイの勝手な都合で大伯父さんたちの家に預けられる。 祖母の兄弟であるハブとガースは40年間も消息を絶っていたが、最近になって出所不明の莫大な金を持って帰ってきたらしい。 メイは、2人の金の隠し場所をウォルターに突き止めさせ、あわよくば、子供も相続人もいない2人がウォルターを気に入って遺産を遺してくれることを期待していたのだ。 ウォルターはそんな強欲な母親に辟易しながらも仕方なく大伯父さんの家にとどまる。
Two drifters, one a gentle but slow giant, try to make money working the fields during the Depression so they can fulfill their dreams.
30年代半ばの中西部の大飢饉を題材に、あからさまにニューディール政策の側に立って、アメリカ農民の詩を謳う、スタインベックの同名小説の映画化。 殺人容疑で入獄していたトムは仮釈放で4年ぶりに故郷オクラホマの農場に戻るが、小作人として働いていた一家は既に凶作の土地を逃れさったあとだった。叔父の家で家族と再会した彼は、みなで遥かカリフォルニアに行き、職を求めるのだったが……。