The Rat's Angle (2021)

ジャンル : アクション, スリラー

上映時間 : 10分

演出 : Paolo Sponzilli


Carmelo is a prosecutor who lives under protection with his son, Nicola. One night, while having dinner, Nicola lets slip the fact that in school other kids tease him, calling him "rat", as rats live in hiding. Carmelo understands this is a crucial moment in his child's growth, and chooses his words wisely. He starts telling Nicola a tale. The tale of the Rat's Angle. That same evening, late at night, Nicola and Carmelo are hiding under the bed, scared. Some men are trying to break into the house, screaming death threats. Carmelo looks at his son, he knows how to calm him down: he reminds him of the rat they talked about at dinner. The hitmen are now in the room. Carmelo closes his eyes, building up courage. He knows this is the last time he will have to. Then he jumps out of hiding.


Simone Belli
Simone Belli
Gabriel Ferranti
Gabriel Ferranti
Michele Mariniello
Michele Mariniello
Francesco Orlando
Francesco Orlando


Paolo Sponzilli
Paolo Sponzilli
Ernesto Giuntini
Ernesto Giuntini
Paolo Cartago
Paolo Cartago
Executive Producer
Jacopo Rosso Ciufoli
Jacopo Rosso Ciufoli
Line Producer
Mariastella Ghitti
Mariastella Ghitti
Executive Producer
Ciro Emanuele Sponzilli
Ciro Emanuele Sponzilli
Executive Producer
Jacopo Sarno
Jacopo Sarno
Rosario Ferrisi
Rosario Ferrisi
Director of Photography
Eytan Ballerini
Eytan Ballerini
Marco Fernando Monti
Marco Fernando Monti
Production Design
Carla Curione
Carla Curione
Makeup Artist
Raffaella Fiore
Raffaella Fiore
Hair Designer
Tommaso Barbaro
Tommaso Barbaro
Sound Mixer
Luca Canzano
Luca Canzano
Sound Editor
Marco Meazza
Marco Meazza
Marco lo Tufo
Marco lo Tufo
Boom Operator


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