Jam Films S is a Japanese omnibus movie. It was released by Phantom FIlm in Japan on January 15, 2005. The movie follows 2002’s Jam Films and its 2004 sequel Jam Films 2. This time around, the overall theme is “S” which stands for succession, success, and special. There are seven shorts, all produced by Ryuhei Kitamura. Included are the shorts Tuesday by Kenji Sonoda, Heaven Sent by Ryuichi Takatsu, Blouse by Hitoshi Ishikawa, New Horizon by Ryo Teshima, Suberidai by Yuichi Abe, Alpha by Daisaburo Harada, and Suit by Masaki Hamamoto.
Masako, a five-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Chiba, gets a tiny scratch on her finger while playing with mud in a marsh. After that, she suffered all kinds of horrible spasms including biting her tongue. The doctor checks on her for hours on end and arrive at the conclusion that she has tetanus. It seems like the devil has come to dwell in the little girl's body. Her parents have to to bear the sufferings of their child and face the fear that they might also be the victims of tetanus. The once peaceful family has changed completely and the three have been cast into a bottomless hell.