Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The story of a would-be actor, his larger-than-life classmate and their friends. Unfolding their past and present, Sasaki in My Mind looks head-on at adolescent sparkle and the pathos of bygone days.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
All the people surrounding her refuse to express their feelings and emotional boundaries. The resulting everyday life is characterized by ruthlessness: Even friends reduce each other to their appearance and shamelessly take advantage of each other. Minori runs against this by attacking ignorance whenever she encounters it, whatever the consequences might be.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
インディで注目の女性デュオが、付き人とともに全国巡回解散ツアーへ。そんな3人が抱える互いへの一方通行の思いを、小松菜奈、門脇麦のW主演で描く。秦基博、あいみょんの音楽が彩る青春ロード・ムービー。 解散を決めたインディーズの人気女性デュオが、付き人の青年とともに解散ツアーへと繰り出すさまを小松菜奈、門脇麦、成田凌の若手実力派3人の共演で描いた音楽青春ロード・ムービー。監督は「害虫」「黄泉がえり」の塩田明彦。劇中で小松菜奈と門脇麦が“ハルレオ”として歌う楽曲を、それぞれ人気ミュージシャンの秦基博とあいみょんが提供。突然解散を決めた人気デュオの“ハルレオ”。孤独だった2人が出会い、路上から始めて今やライブハウスを一杯にするまでに成長した。そんなハルレオを影で支えていたのが元ホストのローディ兼マネージャー、シマ。順調かに思われた3人の関係だったが、いつしか危うさを孕み始める。そしてついに解散を決意したハルレオは、シマとともに最後の全国ツアーへと旅立つのだったが…。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
半年前、父親の仕事の都合で東京の学校から大津馬村[注 2]の大津馬中学校に転校して来た野咲春花は、クラスメイトからの壮絶なイジメに遭っていた。春花は家族に心配を掛けまいとイジメに遭っていることを隠し、中学校卒業までの残り2カ月間を必死に耐えようとするが、春花へのイジメは悪化の一途を辿るばかり。遂にイジメを知った家族の勧めで春花が登校拒否を行ったある日、イジメっ子達が彼女の家に乗り込み両親と妹に危害を加え、家を放火するという事件が起こる。春花の妹・祥子は大火傷を負いながらも助かったが、両親は命を落としてしまった。やがて事件の真相が露見することを恐れたイジメっ子達は春花に自殺するよう強要。だが、それがきっかけとなって春花は事件の真相を知り、家族を奪ったイジメっ子達に己の命を賭けた凄惨な復讐を開始する。
Director of Photography
Ryutaro Ninomiya, 27 years old, lives a fairly simple life. He works at an auto-repair shop, reads books and drinks a few beers. One day, he receives a phone call from Yusuke, his childhood friend whose mother, Ryuko, is dying from Hepatitis C. Despite knowing for a while that Ryuko was sick, Ryutaro hasn’t visited her, but today he decides to go.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
「リング」の貞子と「呪怨」の伽椰子というJホラーを代表する恐怖の2大キャラクターの共演が実現した作品。「戦慄怪奇ファイル コワすぎ!」シリーズや「ノロイ」「オカルト」などホラー作品を多数手がける白石晃士監督がメガホンをとり、山本美月が主演、玉城ティナ、安藤政信らが共演する。その映像を見ると貞子から電話がかかってきて2日後に必ず死んでしまうという「呪いの動画」を見てしまった女子大生の有里。そして、入ったら行方不明になるという「呪いの家」に足を踏み入れてしまった女子高生の鈴香。共に呪いをかけられた2人を救うために立ち上がった霊媒師の経蔵は、貞子と伽椰子を戦わせるという秘策に打って出る。
Director of Photography
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Director of Photography
Nobuhiro Yamashita shoots the adaption of the City Lights manga by Hiroyuki Ohashi with three members of the Nogizaka46 idol pop band. The story is told on three levels: Documentary-style on-set where we see the film being made and the idols struggling with their roles, the resulting movie which revolves around three girls in a psychic research club discovering a classmate with super powers who turns out to be an alien and a stage adaptation of the film with the same characters.
Director of Photography
Haji is an actor on the cusp of turning 40, who has gotten stuck in life. At the invitation of an old friend, he visits his hometown for the first time in ages. On the way Haji has an accident, and wakes up to find himself transported back to high school with his adult body in tact.
Director of Photography
Sone and Utsunomiya are best friends who share the same hobby. When Utsunomiya realizes Sone has become a target of hazing, she offers help, but Sone persistently refuses.
Director of Photography
A young couple's lives take a turn for the worse after a mysterious attack on the husband leaves him suffering from some bizarre after effects.
Director of Photography
Three stories, depicted in three different styles, unfold in three locations: "Kyoto", a lyrical improvised drama based on documentar y footage following local rappers, which is blended with fiction; "Okinawa", a documentary about intriguing characters who Yamamoto met by chance; and " Tokyo", an otherworldly love story about a man dealing with loss who drifts through life, and a woman who pretends to be his deceased wife.
Director of Photography
Having worked in a wide range of fields from children's TV animation scripts to 'pink' films, independent auteur Okishima Isao directs and stars in this documentary. Upon hearing that the walkway along the Tamagawa Aqueduct, one of his favorite spots, was going to be closed to make way for a new road, he gathered his crew to document the scenery. Okishima gives accounts of various painters, writers, and manga artists, as well as his personal take on Saigyo, the traveling poet and Buddhist priest of the late Heian Period.