Ashihara Kensuke


Kou created songs and uploads them to the Internet, and Yuka and Saki enjoy his music as fans, always listening with deep interest and admiration. Their final summer vacation has begun as junior high school students.
蠱毒 ミートボールマシン
Nobody knows where they came from. They parasitize in human beings, take control of them and change their bodies into hideous monsters (Necro-borg). The Necro-borg fight each other until the other dies. Where did they come from? To what end? Yuji and Kaoru, whom both have dark secrets within themselves, get caught up in the horrific battles of Necro-borg. What will their fate be?
「海街diary」「そして父になる」の是枝裕和監督が、「歩いても 歩いても」「奇跡」に続いて阿部寛と3度目のタッグを組み、大人になりきれない男と年老いた母を中心に、夢見ていた未来とは違う現在を生きる家族の姿をつづった人間ドラマ。15年前に文学賞を一度受賞したものの、その後は売れず、作家として成功する夢を追い続けている中年男性・良多。現在は生活費のため探偵事務所で働いているが、周囲にも自分にも「小説のための取材」だと言い訳していた。別れた妻・響子への未練を引きずっている良多は、彼女を「張り込み」して新しい恋人がいることを知りショックを受ける。ある日、団地で一人暮らしをしている母・淑子の家に集まった良多と響子と11歳の息子・真悟は、台風で帰れなくなり、ひと晩を共に過ごすことになる。主人公の母親役を樹木希林が好演し、共演にも真木よう子、小林聡美、リリー・フランキーら豪華な顔ぶれがそろう。
Miryoku no ningen
Hyper-realistic, comic drama about a group of workers in a small Japanese vending-machine factory. The young men gossip in their grubby canteen about women and each other. In order to drive out the boredom, they play soccer on the colourless industrial site. The relationships do not entirely run smoothly: ‘senior’ employee Takahashi enjoys making his colleague Yoda feel every day that he is at the bottom of the ladder. Yoda barely reacts. In the meantime, Sakata, a cheerful kid, tries in vain to make friends with the taciturn Yoda. This ensemble film shows in a dryly comic way the everyday lives of these so very normal Japanese kids, who still have one foot in childhood, but need to make choices as adults. The director himself plays the lead of the charming Sakata, who closely observes his colleagues. As he does in the role of filmmaker: his clear gaze soon reveals how it all fits together.
殺人動画サイト Death Tube