Maki Horikita
出生 : 1988-10-06, Tokyo, Japan
Maki Horikita (堀北 真希 Horikita Maki) is a Japanese former actress. During her career from 2003 until 2017, she starred in numerous Japanese television dramas, television and magazine advertisements, and movies. She is the eldest of three daughters. Considered a tomboy in her childhood, Horikita enjoyed playing basketball and baseball. She was the vice-captain of their basketball club in junior high. Despite her boyishness, Horikita looked up to her mother.
Story 1 "A Story That Made Akazu no Ma" Sasaki Aya, the site director of a construction shop, visited the hot spring area after being asked to renovate the banquet hall by a long-established inn, was handed a blueprint by the designer Kijima Souji. Although Aya was suspicious, she started construction, but mysterious events happened one after another at the site. Story 2 "Karaoke Shop with Translation" Oono Yohei, a karaoke clerk, was plagued by strange phenomena that often occur at work. "I want you to guide me to room 8." Yohei guides the woman to the 8th room where Yoshioka is, while feeling the atmosphere. Story 3 "Midnight Mirror Image" There was a strange rumor in the mirror in the corridor of a hospital in Hokkaido. However, for some reason, the people around him did not try to touch the topic. One day, Naoya (Kamiki Ryunosuke), who was admitted to this hospital, wanted to go to the bathroom at midnight and left the hospital room by himself.
Yuasa Tetsuo
In June 1945 Yamauchi Fusako goes alone to Manchuria where her husband, Setsuo, a second lieutenant of the Kwantung Army, is based. At that time, 200,000 Japanese had settled in Manchuria, a Japanese occupied territory, as settler communities. Fujita Hideo’s family worked hard to clear the wilderness, but the Soviets are lying in wait for an invasion of Manchuria from the North. Fusako is safely reunited with her husband at the headquarters of the Kwantung Army’s Fifth Training Squadron in Manchuria’s Dahushan. Setsuo also takes good care of his beloved wife, but his position is an instructor to the young soldiers who will eventually carry out suicide attacks. He wonders if he should have summoned her and speaks of these mixed feelings to his commanding officer, Michiba Kazuo, a first lieutenant. Michiba is concerned about Setsuo’s attempts to cherish his wife before the coming showdown on homeland. Fusako learns about life in Manchuria from Michiba’s wife, Etsu.
Kiriko Yanagida
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s sister, Kiriko, pleads with an accomplished attorney named Otsuka to defend her brother pro bono. But because of Otsuka’s busy schedule and other priorities, he refuses to take the case. Lacking a proper defense, Kiriko’s brother is eventually convicted of murder, and dies in prison. From that point on, Kiriko is determined to take revenge against Otuska.
Nagisa Kinomiya
Nagisa, the heroine, has the ability to “synch” with all the powerful emotions that linger in crime scenes. When this happens though, she blacks out. Even in her day-to-day life, she can hear people's evil intentions and true colors and senses their lies and deception. That is why she always wears headphones in order to shut out people's emotions. She works well with her colleagues at the "Red Spider Lily" (Higanbana) unit, who are all brutally honest acid-tongued women with no qualms about speaking their minds. "Red Spider Lily" is an eclectic unit that includes a science geek, a single mom, and a woman who grew up abroad. Seen by many as a department that's been taken off the main career track, "Red Spider Lily" turns out to be full of fabulous detectives!
Mugiko Koiwa
Taki Myojin
Mutsuko Hoshino
前作から5年経った1964年(昭和39年)、日本は東京オリンピックの開催を前に国全体が活気付き、東京においても近代的なビルや首都高速道路などの建設ラッシュで土地開発が進んでいた。そんな急激な時代の流れの中でも、夕日町三丁目とその住民たちはいつも変わらない雰囲気を残していた。 今作で晴れて夫婦となった茶川とヒロミ。そして今作で高校一年生になった淳之介は仲良く三人で暮らしていた。茶川は『冒険少年ブック』で連載を続けるも新人作家に人気を奪われ大ピンチ。そんな茶川を陰で支えるヒロミは身重だが生活のため居酒屋を切り盛りする。淳之介は東京大学を目指して猛勉強するも、内心は夢である小説家になることを忘れられない。 一方で、向かいの「鈴木オート」では将来は海外へ展開したいと野望を持っている則文と内助の功で夫を支える妻・トモエ。そんな両親を持つ一人息子・一平は思春期に入り、鈴木オートを継ぐことを嫌がり、リードギターに明け暮れる毎日。住み込みで働く六子にはあるふとしたきっかけで出会った医師・菊池との出会いでいよいよ春がやって来る。 そんなある日、茶川のもとに20年前に勘当された父・林太郎の危篤を知らせる電報が届く。
Ogawa Akemi
日本テレビ系列で、2011年10月10日の21:00 - 23:18(JST)に放送。東日本大震災をきっかけに、物語の背景を2011年に変更、ロードムービーであった映画版に対し、舞台を北海道北西部の苫前郡羽幌町内に固定し、一行の目的地を同町に属する焼尻島に変更した。島勇作を演じるのは阿部寛で、小川朱美役は堀北真希、島光枝役は夏川結衣がそれぞれ演じる。
Saeki Chizuru
"Sada Masashi Drama Special Furusato ~Musume no Tabidachi~ " is a human drama about "family" based on the theme of singer songwriter Sada Masashi's song "Kakashi" (Scarecrow), a song about a family's love towards a daughter who lives alone in the city far away from home. The drama, in which Horikita Maki plays the role of Saeki Chizuru, the second daughter, who goes to Tokyo despite her father's objection, to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer, and through Tora-san and his family, depicts the importance of family. Sada Masashi makes a cameo appearance as an employee of a bookstore.
Hatsumi Takeda
Yukiho Karasawa
Kasai Youko (past)
An unscheduled late night train arrives at Tokyo station on 15 August, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. Boarding the train are spirits of great men who died honourable deaths in the war more than 60 years ago. They have come to the modern world to see their homeland as a peaceful country and to tell the lingering spirits of the war dead about the current conditions.
Naomi Sukuse
Diving to save a camera from a fall down a flight of stairs, high school junior Naomi Sukuse wakes with no memory of the last four years. Naomi must remember who she was and figure out who she wants to be in this story of love and second chances.
Luke Triton (voice)
このナゾを解いた者には、永遠の命が贈られる。 ある日、レイトンのもとにオペラのチケットが同封された1通の手紙が届く……。差出人はレイトンのかつての教え子でもあるオペラ歌手のジェニス。1年前に亡くなったはずの友人が『永遠の命を手に入れたの』と7歳の少女となって現れたという……。 この不可解な出来事を解明するために、ルークや助手のレミとともにオペラが上演される“クラウンペトーネ劇場”へと向かい調査に乗り出した。そこではレイトンの師、シュレーダー博士が研究していた不老不死王国“古代アンブロシア王国”の伝説を元にピアニストのウィスラーが作曲した新作オペラが上演されていた。しかし、そこに集まった観客たちの真の目的は『永遠の命』を手に入れることだった。舞台に現れた仮面の男デスコールが宣誓したのは『永遠の命』を手にいれるための命をかけたナゾトキゲームの開始の合図であった。そして、生けたゲームが幕を開けた……。
Minato Fujiki
ある日のび太は、裏山にあるゴミの不法投棄された場所で小さな苗木を見つけ、家に持ち帰る。しかしママには「庭に植えちゃいけない」と言われてしまう。困ったのび太がドラえもんに相談すると、ドラえもんはひみつ道具の植物自動化液を取り出す。これを植物にかけると、どんな植物も自由に動けるようになるという。さっそく液をかけた次の日の朝、自由に動けるようになった苗木にキー坊とのび太は名前をつけ、弟のように可愛がる。ママたちともうち解け合い、キー坊はやがて野比家の家族となっていく。 しかしふとしたことで植物型宇宙人たちが住む惑星・緑の星に迷い込んでしまったドラえもん達は、地球の植物を全て緑の星に移住させるために地球の人類を根絶やしにするという恐るべき計画を知る。さらにその計画で使われる緑の巨人を復活させる生贄として、キー坊が連れさらわれてしまう。長老ジィの助けで何とか地球に戻るものの、地上はすでに緑兵の攻撃で緑に覆われてしまっていた。 さらに緑の巨人に取り込まれたキー坊は暴走してしまい、地上は戦いで荒れていく。ドラえもんたちはキー坊を、地球を救うべく立ちあがるのだった。
Tsurara Yoshikawa
Mutsuko Hoshino
東京下町の夕日町三丁目、自動車修理工場を営む鈴木家に親戚の女の子・美加が預けられることになった。父親が事業に失敗し、出稼ぎに行くのだ。しかしお嬢様育ちの美加はなかなか鈴木一家や夕日町の人々になじめないでいた。一方駄菓子屋の茶川は、黙って去って行ったヒロミを想い続けながら淳之介と暮らしていた。そんなある日、淳之介の実父とみられる川渕が再び息子を連れ戻しにやって来た。 そこで茶川は、人並みの暮らしをさせられる証しを必ず見せるからと頼み込み、改めて淳之介を預かった。 大きな事を言ったはいいが、どうやって安定した生活を見せられるのか。やけ酒に酔いつぶれる茶川ではあったが、翌朝、一度はあきらめていた“芥川賞受賞”の夢に向かって黙々と執筆を始める茶川の姿があった。 それを見た鈴木オートやまわりの皆は、心から応援し始めるのだった。 茶川が芥川賞へ向けて全力で書き上げた内容とは、それはなんとも川のせせらぎのように純粋な物語であった。鈴木オートや商店街の人たちは殆どの人が茶川の書き上げた本を買い何度も読み、泣く人、感動する人、あのころを思い出す人など、人それぞれが違った観点をもち茶川を支えていくのである。はたして黙って去っていったヒロミとの運命はいかに。
Shizuka Kamei
Shizuka Kamei is a young high school student whose family is in deep debt since the disappearance of her father. After being expelled from her high school because of her money problems, she finds a part-time job: here she is an assistant to a lawyer, Nonaka Hiromu, who fantasizes about the uniforms of high school girls.
Nagisa, a high school girl who has been given three months to live. Without telling her widowed father where she is going, she sets out from the city to the small town where she was born. She recalls her childhood memories, and her love for Satoshi begins to grow stronger. However, she is shocked to discover that Satoshi is having an affair with Eriko, a married woman.
Short film from the director of Sukida. Kimi no Yubisaki is a story of two 17-year old girls in one rainy after-school.
Mitsuko Wakui
After the death of her dearest mother, her serious-minded father goes missing, leaving their only daughter Mitsuko. Six months later, it turns out that he is at Yuri's house, who is rumored to be an eccentric and is commonly known as Argentine hag.
Asuka Matsuda
Misako Nishida
関東沖合いに浮かぶ小さな島・筐神(はこがみ)島。島を見下ろす山の頂上には、なぜか異様な巨岩が乗っている。 その岩は、この島を支配する霊能力者・筐神佐和子が一人で、しかもたった一晩のうちに持ち上げたものだという・・・ ある日、上田の研究室を青沼という青年が訪ねてくる。10年前、筐神佐和子に連れ去られた幼馴染の美沙子という女性を 救い出して欲しいというのだ。佐和子が恐ろしい霊能力者だと聞き一人では心もとない上田は、例によって奈緒子を巻き込み 佐和子とその信奉者たちが待ち受ける筐神島へと向かう。二人の前で次々と繰り広げられる驚愕の奇蹟の数々。 それは果たして、佐和子の強大な霊能力によるものなのか、それとも単なるトリックか!?
Documentary about the photo session for the photobook "Castella", filmed in Portugal.
Mai Zenigata
Mutsuko Hoshino
昭和33年春、東京の下町、夕日町三丁目にある鈴木オート。そこに集団就職列車に乗って青森から集団就職で六子(むつこ)がやってくる。六(ろく)ちゃんと親しまれるが、実は大企業に就職できるかと期待していた六子は、小さくて古臭い下町工場の鈴木オートに内心がっかりしていた。 その向かいにある駄菓子屋「茶川商店」の主人・茶川竜之介は小説家。茶川は居酒屋「やまふじ」の美人店主・石崎ヒロミから見ず知らずの子供・古行淳之介を酔った勢いで預かってしまう。帰すに帰せず、二人の共同生活が始まる。
Yukihiko Akiba - Young
Shinku is a compelling drama that focuses on the strange relationship that develops between two people who find their lives irrevocably changed as a result of a horrible multiple homicide. The first person traumatized is the lone survivor of the terrible family bloodbath, a girl who grows up to be a pretty college student. The second person affected by this heinous crime is the daughter of the murderer, a young girl who ends up becoming a tattooed bartender. A full decade after the crime, the killer is finally going to be executed, and the surviving member of the massacre decides to reach out and befriend the murderer's daughter. A tentative, odd sort of friendship blossoms between these two people, both of whom seem to have little in common personally, and every reason in the world for not wanting to meet. Yet they do, but not without reservations. And really, is this friendship quite what it seems? Or is it all part of some twisted plan for vengeance?
Eriko Akishima
A recent accident has left Satoru Iwamoto, an elementary school student, temporarily wheelchair-ridden. In addition, the recent loss of his mother has thrown Satoru into a reclusive state, locking himself from the outside world. However, in an effort to help Satoru recover from his injuries, his father, Kaoru, has designed a remote-controlled robot that will go to school in his place and allow him to interact with people and do normal things.
Akiko Tsukita
Young Kunimura Haruko
Documentary on the photo session for the 2004 photobook "Horikita Shinkaron"
Kubo Ayano
A group of teenagers unleash a curse when they use haunted public lockers in Shibuya. Supposedly, if you leave a gift in one of the lockers you will be lucky in love. However, the results are anything but lucky as a creepy female ghost with long black hair soon shows up to kill them off one by one.
Ayano Kubo
Seconds before Reika (from the first movie) dies, she gives the key to a coin locker to her pupil Ayano. After a hunt for the right coin locker, Ayano finally finds the right one but she soon realizes that some things should be left alone. When some other students at her school finds the coin locker, the curse begins once again. The long haired girl is once again out to get anyone who's opened the coin locker.
This is a story about a high school student who had it all going for him. He was great at basketball, he had a love like no other, until a day where he loses the ability to walk. This is the story of his struggle through hardship to regain it all.
8 short stories comprise this anthology movie, based on the Tales of Terror TV series.
Sayuri Wakakubo
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor diagnosed Lulu with Kidney stone. She collected the stones in memories of love.
The year is 2053. Space exploration has because privitized, but with increased exploration comes higher accident rates. Therefore, the world's insurance agencies banded together to form CR or Cosmic Rescue. It is the job of CR to save victims of interstallar accidents & clear away the dangerous debris flying parts left over from previous crashes, that threaten other space vehicles. Nanjou Satoshi is captain of CR Shift Division 89. With Eguchi Ryo, his trusty mechanic & Sawada Azuma, the hot-headed rookie, they spend their days doing the rather menial work of clearing debris. But then one day, Azuma intercepts an emergency beacon from a young girl. The crew of #89 rushes to the scene, the ship disappears from their radar & they soon find themselves let go from CR. But what happened to the ship & the young girl? Was it all Azuma's imagination? Did the ship disappear? Or did someone hide it? The answers may cost them more than just their jobs.
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.