“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside down when they find some marijuana that has aphrodisiacal side effects. After deciding to use the wacky weed to their advantage, the guys meet an array of pot-loving beauties.
Set over a single day and night in a small, Manhattan hotel, this story leads us through the lives of its temporary inhabitants. As the paths of these strangers cross, they become connected.
After being abducted by extraterrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government-run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed.
A loyal police dog's spirit takes control of a criminal's body to search for its killer.
The Joe Spinell Story is a An outstanding and eye-opening documentary, made in 2001 for the Anchor Bay DVD release of Maniac (1980). His most notable roles were as mafioso Willi Cicci in The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, and as loan shark Tony Gazzo in Rocky and Rocky II. Although primarily known as a character actor, Spinell co-wrote and starred as a serial killer in the 1980 film, Maniac.
The making of FRANCES, a retrospective documentary.
Assistant Editor
砂漠の真ん中で首に縄を結ばれ身動きが取れない姿勢で枯れ木に吊るされた男が死を待っていた。男はどうして自分がこんな目に遭ったかを回想する。 男の名はブレット・マーヴェリック。ブレットは数日後に開かれるポーカー大会に出場するため、その資金稼ぎに躍起になっていた。そして、酒場でガンマン相手の掛けポーカーに勝ち抜いて何とかまとまった資金を得るが、それを同席していた美貌の女ギャンブラーのアナベルに掠め取られてしまう。怒ったマーヴェリックはアナベルを追い掛けるが、そこに謎の保安官クーパーも同行することに。かくして不思議な因縁で出会った3人の珍道中が始まった。
Assistant Sound Editor
結婚17年目にして破局が訪れた夫婦。夫に我慢できずに離婚しようとする妻と、それを拒否し妻へいやがらせをする夫の闘いの行方は!? 離婚戦争をコミカル&ハイ・テンションに描いたブラック・コメディ。
Assistant Sound Editor
To prove his brother's innocence, undercover officer Nick enrolls in high school again, dealing with crushes, bullies, humiliations, popularity swings, and quirky teachers and staff to find the real murderer.
Assistant Editor