Kanji Tsuda

Kanji Tsuda

出生 : 1965-08-27,


Kanji Tsuda (津田 寛治 Tsuda Kanji, born 27 August 1965) is a Japanese actor.


Kanji Tsuda
Kanji Tsuda


Perfect Share House
Old Narcissus
Miyamatsu, who works as a cable-car operator, is also a film extra. Through his different characters he has been living the life of a stranger, only playing that part. Finally he comes face to face with his own life, the one he had lost. Debut film.
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
99.9-刑事専門弁護士- 完全新作SP新たな出会い篇 〜映画公開前夜祭〜
松本潤主演の映画「99.9-刑事専門弁護士- THE MOVIE」公開に合わせて、人気シリーズの完全新作スペシャルドラマをお届け!松本は、今回も超型破りな弁護士・深山大翔(みやま・ひろと)を演じ、上司の敏腕弁護士・佐田篤弘(さだ・あつひろ)を香川照之が続投。新ヒロインとして杉咲花が参加し、司法修習を終えたばかりの新米弁護士・河野穂乃果(こうの・ほのか)を演じる。SEASON Ⅰでは検察官、SEASON Ⅱでは裁判官と対峙してきた深山だが、今回、立ちはだかる敵は弁護士。その弁護士・南雲恭平(なぐも・きょうへい)を西島秀俊が演じる。 【ストーリー】 99.9%有罪と見なされた案件でも、残された0.1%の事実を納得するまで追求し無罪を勝ち取る弁護士・深山大翔(松本潤)が勤める斑目法律事務所は、所長が佐田篤弘(香川照之)に変わっていた。その就任パーティー会場で、佐田は大手自動車メーカーの会長・若月昭三(石橋蓮司)から、新米弁護士の孫娘を育ててほしいと頼まれる。一方、深山は拘置所で依頼人・大島浩二(児嶋一哉)のもとにいた。大島は下着窃盗犯で逮捕、起訴され、否定するものの、状況証拠から有罪は揺るぎない。そもそもこの案件の弁護は河野穂乃果(杉咲花)が担当していて、情状酌量を勧めたものの、絶対にやっていないと言う大島が無罪を勝ち取るため深山に依頼替えをしたのだ。深山は早速、大島の話をもとに気仙沼へ向かうが、なぜか穂乃果もついていくことに。数日後、斑目法律事務所にやって来た穂乃果。彼女が若月の孫娘だったのだ。若月からは民事の弁護士として育てるよう依頼を受けていた佐田だが、穂乃果の要求を受け入れ若月には秘密で刑事弁護で働かせることに。そんなある日、政治家の収賄事件の依頼が舞い込む。次期市長候補・岡部康行が賄賂を受け取ったとして逮捕されたが、岡部は否認。しかし賄賂を送った円谷は罪を認めて有罪が確定しており、結審した収賄事件をひっくり返すのはほぼ不可能に近かった。深山と佐田は円谷の弁護を担当していた南雲恭平(西島秀俊)を訪ねるが、温厚な顔の裏に隠されたグレーな弁護手法を感じ取り警戒を強める。そして、南雲は深山が担当する裁判の検察側とも裏で接触していて、深山たちの前に立ちはだかる。果たして、深山は事実を見つけ出すことができるのか!?
A young woman suffering from amnesia is caught up in a deadly rivalry over a cat.
It depicts two high school girls trying to change the atmosphere of the world with their ideas by setting up a camera in the town and transmitting the footage via SNS.
Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle
Old Onoda
Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.
闇芝居 9期
This short-form horror series uses the classic "paper drama" storytelling style to present some of Japan's most bizarre urban legends in a modern anime format.
The name of the director of this documentary is Kigawa Tsuyoshi. Just through having the same family name as Kigawa, he met YOKO. She was born in Yokosuka during the turmoil of post-war Japan and was adopted to the U.S. YOKO know how deep her mother's love for her; however, she had to be adopted and moved to the United States. She hadn't heard from her mother nor meet her more than 66 years. The director searched for her mother's whereabouts and invited YOKO to Japan. The journey to find her mother begins.
バイプレイヤーズ もしも100人の名脇役が映画を作ったら
闇芝居 8期
【第8期】 ―――迫りくる“見えない恐怖”から、あなたは決して逃れることが出来ない…
孤独のグルメ 2020大晦日スペシャル~俺の食事に密はない
下忍 青い影
Police man
ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭、SKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭、山形国際ムービーフェスティバル、しがショートムービーフェスなど数々の映画祭に招待され、グランプリなどを受賞してきた3本の短編作品が『RUN!-3films-』として一本の映画になった。篠田諒(『人狼ゲーム プリズン・ブレイク』)、木ノ本嶺浩(『仮面ライダーW』)、松林慎司(『残穢【ざんえ】-住んでは行けない部屋-』)、黒岩司(『忍びの国』)、 須賀貴匡(『RIDER TIME 仮面ライダー龍騎』)、津田寛治(『シン・ゴジラ』『名前』)など個性的な俳優たちが揃い、 『闇金ドックス』シリーズの土屋哲彦と、映画やドラマなどの映像作品に助監督など参加してきた畑井雄介の2人の俊英監督が贈る、 新時代を切り裂く新たなオムニバス映画の傑作が誕生した。
Traverse -トラバース-
血を吸う粘土 派生
Kyozo Fushimi
闇芝居 7期
A rusted door opens to a decrepit apartment filled with darkness. Inside, the masked Storyteller waits to spin more twisted tales of horror, inviting all to listen.
福岡恋愛白書14 天神ラブソング
Miki is a senior in high school who no longer trusts people or go on dates after being betrayed by her classmates and ex-boyfriend. The only meaning in her life is music. Singing with her guitar, she shares videos on social media as SHINO. One day, Miki gets a comment from Naoto, telling her how he was moved by her singing. Naoto was dealing with frustrations as an emergency medical technician but gained strength after hearing Miki sing. Through his encouragement, Miki starts to perform on the streets of Tenjin. They talk on social media and grow closer without meeting in real life. Can a miraculous love story rise from music and social media?
Before Tokugawa Yoshimune, known as the "Ravage Shogun", was the lord of the Kishu domain, before he became the shogun! Yoshimune hides his identity and begins an investigation in the city of Edo in order to find out who he really is. As he grows up, he ends up throwing himself into a turmoil involving the shogunate... This is an entertainment historical drama in which a young 21-year-old named Yoshimune solves the problems of the common people in the city and goes around dealing with merchants and powerful people plotting evil deeds.
A genius and reckless poet and a hard working musician are asked by the CEO of a children literature magazine to write a war song to send children into the battlefield.
CONFLICT -最大の抗争- 第三章
闇芝居 6期
Late at night, in a clearing within a dark fog-filled forest, there sits a kamishibai storyboard. A visitor approaches, and suddenly, the fog recedes. A shape begins to take form beside the board—this figure is the masked Storyteller, who once again starts to spin tales of horror and despair.
Masao Nakamura
Having failed with his business and gone absolutely penniless, Masao (45) divorced with his wife, and is currently leading a hopeless life in Ibaraki. One day, a mysterious high school girl, going by the name Emiko, showed up before Masao. Every now and then, Masao would be toyed around by Emiko, but little by little he started taking a liking to her loveliness. As days went by, Masao started opening up to Emiko – something that he rarely did to others. However, there was just something about Emiko – something that bothered Masao - that wouldn’t go away.
Joji Hamanaka
Kyozo Fushimi
Absurdity and gore ensue as a possessed pile of clay begins terrorizing students at an art school.
Keigo Kurihara
A rural gentleman's peaceful life takes a turn for the worse when a couple from Tokyo move to his neck of the woods.
Set around Ide, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, Sasaoka Yuri and Ogawa Yosuke have been friends since they were children. They are crazed about bicycling. The two grow up through interacting with people in town.
After ten years in prison for a high school classmate's murder, Koji gets out and joins the yakuza. But his victim's father has him on his radar. Yamai is released thanks to Akiko but the search for Miyake's killer begins. Security camera footage reveals Seiji to be the culprit.
After ten years in prison for a high school classmate's murder, Koji gets out and joins the yakuza. But his victim's father has him on his radar. Seiji tries to get on with his life after losing his daughter and wife. Ten years later he learns that his daughter's killer has been freed.
アウトレイジ 最終章
《関東【山王会】 vs関西【花菱会】》の巨大抗争後、大友(ビートたけし)は韓国に渡り、日韓を牛耳るフィクサー張会長(金田時男)の下にいた。そんな折、取引のため韓国滞在中の【花菱会】幹部・花田がトラブルを起こし、張会長の手下を殺してしまう。これをきっかけに、《国際的フィクサー【張グループ】 vs巨大暴力団組織【花菱会】》一触即発の状態に。激怒した大友は、全ての因縁に決着をつけるべく日本に戻ってくる。時を同じくして、その【花菱会】では卑劣な内紛が勃発していた……。
闇芝居 5期
The mysterious masked Storyteller returns to tell more twisted tales of horror. Continuing his particular style of kamishibai inspired storytelling, he now finds that his audience is an eerie crowd of young girls, who eagerly await his devilish stories.
Yuuzan Kiryu
Yasuyuki Shimada is an ordinary guy who makes films. One day he gets a hold of a camera and a mask which has special powers to go back in time by filming the God of Death who handles all destinies. This is a new type of Dark Action Hero movie, where a simple filmmaker changes his destiny and tries to save his crush!
Suzuki is working at a convenience store late at night. A robber enters the store and recognizes him. It turns out the robber is Suzuki's old classmate Sato. But Suzuki can't remember him.
闇芝居 4期
Excited children gather around the enigmatic masked Storyteller once more. His unique kamishibai storytelling draws them into tales of fear and dread. These are dark and foreboding stories, which could happen to anyone...
犯罪資料館 緋色冴子シリーズ『赤い博物館』
Masayuki Imao
The criminal library, dubbed the “Red Museum”, is a police facility that stores the investigation materials and evidence of major crimes where the statute of limitations has run out. Its director Saeko Hiiro is impassive and not good at communicating with people. One day, Satoshi Terada of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s First Investigative Division is assigned to be Saeko’s subordinate. Although he is bewildered by Saeko’s dispassionate demeanor, Terada starts to organize the data which is the primary responsibility of the museum. He encounters a traffic accident on the way to collect evidence. A truck has hit someone. When Terada rushes over, the victim utters the mysterious words “25 years ago... murder swap” and breathes his last. Once Saeko hears this, she declares a reinvestigation.
Fumiya Mori : Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare / Research and Development Division Director
ゴジラシリーズ第29作。総監督・脚本に庵野秀明、監督・特技監督に樋口真嗣を迎え製作された完全新作。 東京湾アクアトンネルが崩落する事故が発生。首相官邸での緊急会議で内閣官房副長官・矢口蘭堂(長谷川博己)が、海中に潜む謎の生物が事故を起こした可能性を指摘する。その後、海上に巨大不明生物が出現。さらには蒲田に上陸し、街を破壊しながら突進していく。政府の緊急対策本部は自衛隊に対し防衛出動命令を下し、“ゴジラ”と名付けられた巨大不明生物に立ち向かうが……。
Set in 2036, famous photographer Fujii goes to a museum near Lake Biwa. He remembers a time twenty years earlier where he had believed that there was a dinosaur, Biwasshi, living in the lake and he had tried to convince people of this.
Conflict II
When Tendokai's headquarters are attacked, underboss Washio Kazuma orders his trusted lieutenant to investigate a possible mole inside the family.
Tendokai's Washio Kazuma, the underboss of Japan's largest crime syndicate, goes on the warpath when his blood brother and family turn up dead.
Kiyoshi Sawamura
Tukasa works for Tadaomy’s loan shark company. He picks up more female debtors because of his appealing looks. One day, Erina appears in front of Tukasa. Erina used to be an idol and she now sings on the street.
Hirotoshi Honda
Hirotoshi Honda, a teacher of a prestigious private girl’s high school, is arrested on suspicion of violating the nuisance prevention ordinance for molestation on a train and sent to prosecutor Sakata. High school student Reina claims he touched her buttocks in the packed train but Honda denies the crime and calls it a fabrication and claims he was blackmailed by Reina on the train platform. Reina denies his allegation. Even for a misdemeanor, Sakata believes not pursuing the truth is like death as a prosecutor.
闇芝居 3期
A young boy silently sketches out the forms of the horrors that dwell in his mind. During this adventure into the occult and mysterious, he tells tales that involve dreams of a person with a muscular arm that you must not look at, a hospital with a room that holds a grim secret, and a visit to an eerily silent taxidermy museum.
終着駅の牛尾刑事VS事件記者冴子 生存者
Yoshikatsu Tarumi
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
(segment "Punished by Poseidon")
Tadaomy Ando became a yakuza boss at a young age. Because of his subordinate, he quit the yakuza. Now, he learns from Takashi Konaka the trade of illegal money lending and how to collect debts. Tadaomy Ando decides to become a loan shark. He has customers, but has a hard time collecting debts.
All of a sudden, the city is empty with people. Detective Hideyuki Matsunaga is investigating a kidnapping case. Hideyuki's wife Eri is expecting a baby, but right after the delivery, the baby is kidnapped. For the sake of his baby, Hideyuki desperately tries to recover his broken relation with his wife, but he cannot get a clue. He starts thinking the baby was spirited away by a ghost. He is seized with fear. He looks up to the sky, there is an unearthly aurora swaying to and fro.
Torio Hoshino
Hiyoko Hoshino (Aika Hirota) dreams of becoming a princess of the cookie world. One day, she is sucked into a donut hole and arrive in an animated world. She meets a girl named Tamako-chan and the creature Kokkubo. Hiyoko Hoshino visits the animation world everyday, but Tamako-chan dwells in Hiyoko Hoshino's body. Then, Tamako-chan enters this world and they begin to live in turns.
Toemon Yoshidaya
闇芝居 2期
For the second time, the masked storyteller returns to tell children tales and legends of horror and woe, such as the tale of a ventriloquist's dummy, a locker that grants wishes, a capsule toy machine that returns lost possessions, and a strange food called Ominie-san.
花と蛇 ZERO
Shizuko's husband
One day, Naoto receives a package. Inside he finds a book, ‘LIVE’. At the same time, he receives an image on mobile phone of his mother being kidnapped and a call from a mysterious man. “If you don’ t want us to inject the killer virus in your mother, find the hints hidden in the novel and head for the goal in the death race!” Naoto starts running to save his mother with the book in his hand.
Genshichiro Yamada
Police Officer
An elementary student named Junichi is having trouble returning an eraser he borrowed from his secret crush, Maeda. With the support and encouragement of rookie teacher Anna-sensei, Junichi gets over his shyness and starts a band with his classmates.
Since they were both five, Ryosuke has been stalked by Momoko - the ugliest girl in the village. Her love for Ryosuke is so boundless that she has her face surgically altered to suit his taste - but still he wants nothing to do with her. Ryosuke goes in for fleeting romance - for example, with the girlfriend of a gangster boss. But when he finds out about their affair, he has Ryosuke's little finger hacked off. Magically, the finger falls into Momoko's hands, and she uses it to clone Ryosuke, so she can finally have him (or almost him) for herself. And this is just the first five minutes of Lisa Takeba's short-but-powerful feature debut. Just like in her previous short films, the director - who cut her teeth in the advertising world and as the writer of a video game - throws a lot of genres and techniques into the mix: from science fiction to gangster films, from hospital eroticism to animation. Hectic and absurd, but with its heart in the right place. © IFFR
Long ago, a fallen Makai Priestess named Higari became too powerful and after tampering with powers no one should wield, she had to be stopped and was eventually sealed away by another Makai Priest named Sougen. Using his body and his own life, he created the Tougen Flute and sealed Higari shortly after his death. However, through a special ritual, those who seek Higari's power can resurrect her by replaying eight notes on the Tougen Flute to undo Sougen's seal. In the present, while Kouga Saezima has travelled to the promised land (Garo: Soukoku no Maryu), two fallen priests,Jabi and Rekka, will attempt to return Higari.
The mysterious, yellow-masked Storyteller is a man whose true name and origin are both unknown. He appears at dusk where children gather and recites sinister tales based on Japanese urban legends, to which his young audience eerily intakes. However, the Storyteller is no ordinary teller of tales. He incorporates a kamishibai, a traditional paper-scrolling device, to add visuals to his already demented narration.
Tatsuo Kusakabe
Saori, a new face of a call girl service for the disabled, meet diverse people like a client with progressive muscular dystrophy, a college student with spinal injury, and a stalker pretending to be the disabled… Encountering with disabled people who live in various circumstances gives Saori, living in despair, a sense of fulfillment and reason for living.
R-18文学賞 vol.1 自縄自縛の私
Hiroaki Watase
Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog to describe the sensation of rope on her skin, and becomes acquainted with a cross-dressing bondage aficionado. Eventually, she grows bolder in practicing her hobby, and begins to wear bindings under her suit while at work.
A mysterious city woman named Kiyomi is cared for by an old village woman. The male villagers are intrigued by Kiyomi, especially Masaru, a young man who the surrogate grandson to the old woman, eats dinner with her every night. Despite constant questioning, Kiyomi refuses to talk about her past. The enigma of her presence only bewitches the men further. Shinji, a writer, gives her the only copy of his book. Tatsuya, a farmer, offers her his ripest tomatoes. Kiyomi acts timid, but she secretly likes the attention. But when the old woman collapses, there is no one to protect the frail city woman. Later, a sinister man from the city arrives looking for Kiyomi. A disturbing truth will be revealed about her while a strange and outrageous battle of love will ensue.
Members of a university film circle arrive on an uninhabited island for filming. The two-day shooting went successfully as planned, however the pick-up that should have come did not. A few days later, one of the crew members is found dead.
Chef Tsuchida
A disgruntled researcher injects his former employers' meal with a serum that turns their sushi into flesh-eating monsters.
A shopping arcade in a working-class Tokyo neighborhood filled with Baki fans comes under threat when an unscrupulous corporation tries to take over.
The stage of this piece is a film school. In this setting, there is a heroine aspiring to be a director who has invited a major actress to perform in a film that will become her art project graduation piece. This actress is a lecturer and the heroine feels reverence for her. However, before one knows, the setting falls into complete disorder and the performers are forced to tackle a formidable force that is beyond the control of individuals.
Teacher Hagiwara
スマグラー -おまえの未来を運べ-
Aloha man
真鍋昌平の同名コミックを原作に「山のあなた 徳市の恋」の石井克人監督が映画化。多額の借金を背負わされたフリーターが、秘密の運送屋=スマグラーの一員として働く姿を描く。出演は「マイ・バック・ページ」の妻夫木聡、「毎日かあさん」の永瀬正敏、「てぃだかんかん 海とサンゴと小さな奇跡」の松雪泰子、「悪人」の満島ひかり。
Settle into your chair and be transported to a place both familiar and alien; where a giant shop-girl can barely fit in her store, there's a weird green pod in every bedroom, and terrifying wood nymphs provide a heartbroken woman with the anatomically correct fruit everyone seems to covet. In the end we are left, like Alice, with the Red King's conundrum: are we dreaming them or are they dreaming us?
Kazuo Takazaki
夫がうつ病になったことをきっかけに、これまでの自分たちを見つめ直し、成長していく夫婦の姿を描いた細川貂々の同名コミックエッセイを映画化。監督は「三本木高校、馬術部」の佐々部清。出演は「オカンの嫁入り」の宮崎あおい、「武士の家計簿」の堺雅人、「冷たい熱帯魚」の吹越満、「ハードライフ 紫の青春・恋と喧嘩と特攻服」の津田寛治。
Soldier Kumakura
The year is 1947, during the war torn period of the Showa era. The story begins when a man, presumed to have been killed in battle, returns home. Who was this man? Before the war, he had a bright future ahead of him as the proficient and popular rakugoka (comedic story-teller), Usagi Morinoya. However, because of an injury sustained during the war, his face is covered in bandages, and he suffers from total amnesia. As if trying to recover his memory, the man only keeps mumbling in a hollow voice his trademark rakugo, "Sokotsunagaya".
Kyosuke Tatsunami
Yukio Kikuchi
Makai Knight Kengi
The current wearer of the gold wolf armor Garo, doesn’t believe women can be chosen to wear mystic armor. When Kouga's quest thrusts him into conflict alongside Priestess Rekka, he’s forced to acknowledge that the female species can be deadly!
ヘヴンズ ストーリー
A senseless double murder resonates eight years later in four intertwined stories.
Still reeling from the events of a zombie apocalypse, a young woman, along with a group of allies, makes her way across a dystopian Japan in search of her mother, the Zombie Queen.
Trava (voice)
戦闘少女 血の鉄仮面伝説
Rin's Father
Rin a young high school student is your everyday awkward girl who gets bullied by her fellow students. On her 16th birthday, Rin gets an unexpected surprise: she finds out that she is, on her father's side, a half-mutant.
Zero nendai zenkei
Kumiko Hoshizaki’s “Akane Sasu Heya” is the story of Maki, a 20-something temp who is sick of her boring job and life in general. The rather bizarre solution she comes up with is to conceive a child behind her boyfriend’s back. Makoto Nagahisa offers the much more impressionistic “Frog.” The story meanders around a bunch of unrelated characters, using experimental techniques like repeated scenes, hallucinatory visuals, blurred shots and disconnected sounds. Lastly, we have “Bouquet Garni,” a much more conventional work from director Junpei Hatano. The plot is centered on a reporter, the relative of a kidnapping victim, and a woman who is obsessed with the case.
20世紀少年 ぼくらの旗
Dan Moroboshi
High school student Mizushima receives Valentines Day chocolates from the new student, Monami. Little did she know that the chocolates contained traces of Monami's vampire blood. He gets infected from eating them and Monami confesses that she wants to live with him forever as vampires. Meanwhile, Mizushima decides that he wants to fully become a vampire with Monami's help. Keiko, Mizushima's girl friend, sees the two on the school rooftop kissing and in a state of hysteria, attempts to throw Monami off the roof but falls off herself instead. Keiko dies but her father, Kenji Furano, the mad scientist, resurrects her as Franken girl. Thus begins a deadly combat between Franken Keiko and Vampire Monami in the name of love.
An ordinary salaryman named Tokichi Inaba who inadvertently becomes involved in the death of a legendary hitman. Facing bankruptcy and saddled with a 35-year mortgage, Inaba is coerced into becoming a hitman himself by the mysterious and beautiful troublemaker Chinatsu, all while trying to keep his new wife Misako in the dark about his double life.
Blood ブラッド
Detective Hoshino
Police Detective Hoshino (Kanji Tsuda) investigates the murder of a maid at a mansion belonging to Miyako Rozmberk (Sugimoto), a seductive vampire mistress and "cougar" all in one. Ukyo Kuronuma (Jun Kaname), an Edo-era swordsman who was turned into a vampire by Miyako is fingered for the crime but before anything can be done about it Hoshino ends up under Miyako's spell as well. This leads Hoshino and Ukyo to battle one another for the privilege of staying with Miyako for eternity.
Fisherman Kubo
A fishing boat is attacked at sea by a gigantic, hairy monster. After examining the sole survivor (Kanji Tsuda), scientific adviser Dr Murakami (Shiro Sano) suspects the culprit is a “Keukegen spectre”, a shaggy supernatural beast from Japanese folklore. The announcement leads reporter Hideo Akihara (Ken Osawa) to a forest shrine dedicated to the Keukegen Geharha, where he finds several worshipers and learns that an ancient seal containing the monster has been broken.
Architect Sakakida
Home-design sales representative Tomohiro lives with his wife and their son. As his job involves houses, it is his motto to take great care of the family who live in the house. However, he has been working so hard that he has forgotten to cherish his own family. When he looks after a client who wants to leave her father-in-law in a nursing home, it reminds him of his grandmother whom he loved so much. Father's death, grandmother's struggle with disease, and home care - those were grueling times, but the memories have become invaluable for Tomohiro. He realizes his family is the most precious thing of all. On a day off, he and his family decide to visit his mother who lives alone in their old hometown.
2007年6月。海の近くにある田舎町・海馬地区で、一人の記憶喪失の男性が発見される。地区の名士である宗谷正太郎の好意で、男の記憶が戻るまで屋敷で養生する事になった。 その後、男は偶然にも自分の名前が「潮野卓也」であり、この海馬地区の出身であり、15年前に海馬を出て行ったきり行方不明になっていた事が判明する。周りの人間たちは、記憶喪失の人間に余計な情報を与えると混乱すると考えて、知らない人のふりをしていたという。 卓也は、何度も「海の近くで自分が誰かを殴り殺した光景」のフラッシュバックを見るようになる。その場所は、住民からは「忘却の岬」と呼ばれており、さらに部屋には何者かにより「思い出せ」というメッセージを残していた。 台風により地区に繋がる道が塞がってしまい、携帯電話も不通になってしまう。その後、海馬を訪れていたカメラマン立石が忘却の岬で殴り殺されているのが発見され、その人物は『卓也の記憶の中の人物』と瓜二つであった。 その後、立石の死亡推定時刻は午後6時から7時の間であり、忘却の岬に行って殺人を実行できたのは卓也だけだった事がわかる。さらに卓也は、何者かが部屋に置いていた古い新聞記事を見て、自分が15年前の1992年6月に実父を殴殺して、指名手配されたまま逃亡中であったことを知る。 窮地に立たされた卓也は、「困ったときに吹くと一度だけ助けてくれる」という笛を持っていることに気が付き、笛を吹き鳴らす。
This spunky indie revolves around an independent young woman who faces an alienating world with her own set of values and relationships. Makoto does not lead a “good” life. She hates her family, dates a married man, and moonlights as a phone sex operator. Though she is busy everyday with work and rituals, she has no idea where her meaningless life is heading. Then one day, a good man, as kind and grounded as they come, enters her life and tries to straighten things out.
『ルパンの消息』(ルパンのしょうそく)は、日本の小説家・推理作家である横山秀夫のデビュー作である。2008年9月21日にWOWOWのドラマWで映像化され放送された。1990年(平成2年)12月。忘年会に出席していた某警察署の署長、後閑耕造(ごかん こうぞう)のもとにある知らせが届く。それは15年前に起きた高校女性教師自殺事案について、ある人物の密告(タレコミ)により殺人である可能性が浮上したので至急署に来るようにとの呼び出しだった。一方、喜多芳夫は突然警察官に署に来いと命じられ、反抗するも強制的に連れて行かれる。取調室で問われたのは昔、悪仲間三人で企てた「ルパン作戦」なる期末テストを奪う作戦についてだった。
Teru (Yuya Endo) has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. Being a cycling fanatic, who resents defeat, he joins Kamegaoka High School, which used to boast a powerful cycling club. There he meets Hatomura (Yuichi Nakamura), an ace of the club who wants to turn around the club which has deteriorated to the point of dissolution, and Yuta (Hiroki Suzuki), an aloof cycling genius with unshaken confidence in his speed who does not allow others to follow him. Meeting a rival that is faster than him for the first time, Teru joins the club in order to challenge them. His only interest, however, is his own cycling speed. Joining the club teaches Teru the importance of teamwork to support the lead cyclist and to place priority on the victory of the team. --AsianWiki
The anthology film R246 Story centers around the major Japanese highway Route 246. Originating in Chiyoda Ward's Miyakezaka district, the 122.7 kilometers long Route 246 passes through Japanese trendsetting areas such as Aoyama, Omotesando, Harajuku, and Shibuya, on its way to Numazu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.
20世紀少年 -第1章- 終わりの始まり
山のあなた 徳市の恋
Sosuke Takimoto
Masaka Kubota plays high-school student Keita, who leads a secret life as a "network investigator" for a secret organization. In the introductory episode, Keita has moved to a new school in Tokyo but doesn't like it. His best friend from his previous school comes to Tokyo and they run away together. Passing through a construction site the pair are attacked by a robot, but are then saved by a man named Takimoto and his strange sidekick — a cell phone with arms and legs. This Buddy Keitai cell phone with "human intelligence capabilities" will go on sale in Japan in April.
Dr Higuchi
Based on the comic book by Marie Abiko.
パーク アンド ラブホテル
There is an old love hotel in Tokyo's Shinjuku district where couples can rent a room by the hour for romantic assignations. However, few of its regular customers seem to come there for sexual encounters; the hotel has become a hangout for rootless teenagers, senior citizens looking for a place to relax, and kids that play under the watchful eye of its owner...
After Noboru saves Hayase from drowning by giving him mouth-to-mouth, Hayase grows confused about his feelings. It doesn't help that around the same time he meets Noboru's twin brother, Ryū, who has a very different, outgoing personality.
The Scary Folklore: Ura no Sho
Five years have passed since 12 members of the choir were brutally murdered in the music room of Seiran Jogakuin, a prestigious school in the suburbs of Tokyo. A TV news crew visits the scene to clarify the rumor that children's songs can be heard from coming from the closed school. Accompanied by Kyoko, an acoustic analyst, the team begins their own investigation into the incident, but one after another, strange things begin to happen to the staff...
A story about Sayoko Kano, a junior high school student, who is believed to be a descendent of an Indian goddess. Sayoko is a kind of femme fatale, who uses her supernatural power to control people, especially men. While in the original manga Sayoko is represented as a femme fatale always surrounded by men, the film will focus on the friendship between Sayoko and her friend Yuiko Asai, both now on their first year at university.
小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~
Kousuke Aizawa
A film adaption of the manga Cat Eyed Boy by famous horror manga artist Kazuo Umezu. The film follows a strange boy with cat like features.
Beruna no shippo
A blind woman acquires a guide dog, and faces prejudice in 1980s Japan.
Four beautiful sisters are entrusted with taking care of Kinjiro, a giant salamander and national treasure. Rumors spread that Kinjiro is an impostor, so a genius x-ray technician is sent to run some tests.
An omnibus-style youth drama consisting of 4 episodes. Five girls who go to high school near Tokyo. Mio who meets the homeless in Shibuya at night, Akira who had hidden her best friend's happiness, Kaori who loved her teacher...
Beni bara fujin
Based on the novel by Oniroku Dan.
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
The White-Robed Man
Love story between a cloned boy and bullied high school girl.
仮面ライダー THE FIRST
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Sachiko Mishima a young Japanese woman get sent to Haiti as a dispatch member for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. She thinks she is going to the holiday resort of Tahiti by mistaking Tahiti for Haiti). While in Haiti with the help of a Japanese craftsman she learns paper can be made from bananas. She embarks on a mission to create paper for the Haiti residents to help them.
Film Director
Tadashi's Father
Takashi Nagahara
Minako is at the age where her father is more like an alien to her than a person. The situation is exacerbated when he comes home drunk one night and tries to climb on top of her. Minako's mother deserted them for another man when Minako was a child. Now working as a hostess, she has little time for her own six year-old daughter, Yu, Minako's half sister. Both girls are yearning for their mother's love. Minako runs into Yu at a game center in the mall and proposes they take a trip. She changes out of her school uniform and into adult clothes and the pair hops on an overnight bus out of the city.
Soda Isohata
Terumi has no memory of her life leading up to when she nearly drowned as a child in her town's local lake, Lake Shoryu. Terumi has been supported by her family and her close childhood friend Yukio since that time, although her family also does not seem to understand the reason for this childhood incident. 12 years later, Terumi finally decides to leave her town for a new job, but before doing so, begins investigating the drowning incident together with Yukio in order to know the truth. During her investigations, Terumi meets a man named Soda, who seems to have the same experience of nearly drowning and recovering with no memory as she does. As she digs deeper, a strange relationship between her and the legend of Lake Shoryu begins to surface.
Toshio Yamada
Near the slopes of Mount Fuji, there is a so called suicide forest, an infamous place where people who are tires of living have their last breath of air. The four different stories of this film all revolve around this place.
楳図かずお恐怖劇場  絶食
When an overweight girl gets dumped by her lover, she resolves to impress him by going on an extreme diet. All goes well at first, but when she is reunited with her former lover, she begins to feel the hunger pains once again...
ロード88 出会い路、四国へ
A young girl with leukemia travels a pilgrimage by skateboard.
Sodomu no Ichi
Bad things happen when innocent blood is shed. In the early 1700s, Lord Sodom Ichibei is happily celebrating his wedding day when his wife-to-be suddenly dies. In his search for an explanation, he kills any and every suspect he comes across. When Lord Ichibei tortures and kills two innocent girls, their death brings about a curse on the Sodom family. Three hundred years later, one of Sodom's descendents, Ichiro, is also set to be married. But one of the innocent victims has been reincarnated as Ichiro's sister and she kills everyone at the wedding. This transforms Ichiro into the evil and vengeful "Sodom The Killer", a cursed man hell-bent on slaughter and the world's destruction...
Detective Mimura was living peacefully with his loving wife and son when the latter two were killed in an explosion caused by a 14-year-old boy, Yuya. Four years later, when Yuya is released from juvenile detention centre, Mimura's feelings towards the boy have evolved from grief to outright hatred, and he must cope with the pain. Meanwhile, Yuya's father quits his job as a teacher and dedicates himself to compensate the victims and to take care of his son. While the adults are trying to come to terms with their disrupted lives, Yuya is about to test the law again...
日野日出志の怪奇劇場 地獄小僧
A mysterious old woman appears before Setsu, who has recently lost her only child in a tragic accident. She says she can bring Setsu's son, Daio back to life. After agreeing to this sinister proposal, Daio returns to his mother, but to Setsu's horror, he is half decomposed and inhuman. To make him human again, he needs fresh human organs. Setsu does everything she can to reincarnate her son, but Daio just turns into a different kind of monster. No one can stop him as he continues to feed his hunger, claiming victim after victim.
Survive Style 5+
Tsuda - Burglar
Five bizarre stories with no apparent connection to one and other eventually become intertwined, resulting in surreal circumstances.
Satoshi Minagawa
Satoshi Minagawa (Kanji Tsuda), an office worker, seems like a serious person but in real life he is a maniac for porn movie collecting. Nao Aiba (Rubi Aiba), high school student, wanders the town with her friend Mami rather than go to school. Sayuri Maejima (Shion Machida) is unemployed, very beautiful, but unorganized. Her brother Kou gets teased from his classmates all the time, but he grows magic mushrooms in his room and sells them to strangers. One day these four people who don’t have any common interests tangle upped.
When a man who as a student wanted to burn down his school meets a man years later, his new friend falls in love with the former female class-mate who herself is in love with the would-be arsonist.
On of the southernmost islands of Japan, there's a dance school 'Orion Dancers Academy'. Hiding its public identity as a training school of singers and dancers, it actually operates as a girl-warrior training school, in order to win independence of the island. The secretly trained agents watch the music video of charismatic idol Cocoe on a huge TV monitor, and unlock codes from her dancing to complete their missions. However, the dark shadow of a rival organization slowly sneaks up on the girls and the training school on the island.
Jam Films 2
Jam Films 2 features 4 short films by different Japanese directors.
Seven friends gather at a party in Kyoto to celebrate Masamichi's entry to graduate school. Maki & her boyfriend Nakazawa join the party and get drunk easily after the friendship reunion. Kate has a crush on one of the cute guy who doesn't have any interests on her though. The cheerful and unforgettable night is full of joy while the whales and the thief incidents also attract the attention of them. Before the sunrise, seven friends meet again on the beach so as to witness the fade of youth days.
自殺マニュアル2 中級編
There has been a surge in the number of people killing themselves; a mysterious DVD is found on the bodies of the victims... Nozomi falls under the spell of a deadly cult. Yousuke, the policeman she is dating, soon realizes that the cult has something to do with the DVD. Then one day all trace of the group disappear--along with Nozomi.
セブンス アニバーサリー
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor diagnosed Lulu with Kidney stone. She collected the stones in memories of love.
Anthology of five low-budget short films: "Nao and I", "MILD7", "LOVERS", "Strawberry Fields", "Label"
Playboy at Home
Smart cop
Seventeen-year-old Ako works part-time in a cabaret club late at night. Because of this, she falls asleep in school every day. In the new semester, she becomes enamored with her classmate Ryou, who is repeating a year despite her good grades.
Demon Hunting is a Japanese made-for-television horror movie. It originally aired as the second episode of Series Kyōfu Yawa in 2003. Nozomi Ando stars as Michiru, a teenager who makes a pact with a demon to kill the rival classmate who's dating the teacher she is in love with herself, Mr. Kamata (Hideo Sakaki). While she's at it, she also asks to see the world destroyed. Her memory of this pact is erased and eventually her wishes begin to come true...
私立探偵 濱マイク 名前のない森
No. 17
Private detective Mike takes on an assignment to return a girl, who is set to marry into a prestigious family, from a mysterious commune in the forest.
悪魔狩り・ メイキング
Behind-the-scenes footage of Satoshi Torao's film Demon Hunting.
Mamoru works as an illustrator in Tokyo. He and his girlfriend decide to visit his hometown of Onomichi. It is a bitter-sweet homecoming, for Mamoru has not been home in eight years. Upon his return, he experiences flashbacks of his ex-girlfriend, who died eight years ago. Feeling a sense of vulnerability, he visits the temple that he used to frequent in the past. There he sees a vision of Megumi, his ex-girlfriend...
Hiroki Isaka
Three aspiring young Japanese models are on their very first fashion shoot at an abandoned school one hot summer day. Without warning, strange events begin occurring around the set that causes the models and photo crew to question their sanity, as one by one they begin to die agonizing and painful deaths that are seemingly caused by none other than themselves.
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
Katsuya Tokunaga
Young Hiro
Kenji has a dull life. He is unmotivated at the office, and unable to break off a lukewarm relationship with his girlfriend. Then, he meets an old classmate from high school, Ryoichi. Ryoichi says he's starting up a clothing brand with a group of friends. One day, Kenji visits their atelier, or workplace, and is fascinated by the sense of freedom that they share. As his relationship with them deepens, Kenji finds it harder and harder to accept the old world he comes from. One day, he punches his boss and quits his job. Now a proper member of Ryoichi's team, it's the start of a new and carefree life for him. However, it is short-lived. The clothes they make do not sell as well as they hoped for. Short on cash, energy, and ideas, the negative feedback loop forces each of them to start struggling in a search for alternative paths.
仮面ライダー龍騎スペシャル 13 Riders
Daisuke Okubo
OREジャーナルの見習い記者・城戸真司は、ふとしたことからミラーワールドに迷いこみ、“13人の仮面ライダー”の戦いに巻き込まれていく。 ─ しかしそれは、私たちが知っている『龍騎』とは、また別の物語。
Hiromi Kurihashi
Japanese film directed by Jinsei Tsuji.
Henchman of Kato's Father
Rai pedals his bike and trailer about town, collecting old iron and sowing flower seeds. Because his face never seems to show emotion, everybody calls him Hotoke - meaning Buddha. His elder brother Shiba, however, is tough as nails and works the black market. Rai is building a gigantic statue of Buddha from the scrap metal he has gathered over the years. He prays the Buddha he is creating will come to life and rid the world of its cruelty.
贅沢な骨/ 邦画
A successful businessman and his alcoholic wife attempt to piece together their unhappy lives and shattered marriage. Little do Nagai and Akira know that their precarious relationship will soon be transformed by a stranger, the enigmatic Keechie.
Masaru's Elder Brother
Love Song
In 1985 Hokkaido, Akiko gets close to a record store clerk after he lends her his copy of a Yutaka Ozaki album.
The fourth movie in the highly sucessful Eko Eko Azarak series. Following the events of the second movie, Misa discovers, along with the rest of Japan, the strength of her newly acquired powers when she and her friends are attacked in the woods…
22-year old secretary Kazuko first bumps into Tamaki on the way back from work. Tamaki is crawling along the sidewalk on crutches at a snail's pace, and stumbles into the young audiotypist after apparently having trouble with an ill-fitting shoe over her cast. After helping her back to her feet, Kazuko follows Tamaki back to her apartment, the two of them barely exchanging words. Once in Tamaki's room, Kazuko is dispatched on an errand to fetch some beer... Their game begins..
Ramen-ya no kyaku
Party 7
Desk Clerk
Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?
The joys and sorrows of the little schoolboy, Akira, in a modern Japan. A story about friendship and loyalty.
踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE
SIT Investigator
1998年11月4日 、湾岸署と勝どき署の中間の河川で水死体が発見される。司法解剖の結果水死体の胃の中から熊のぬいぐるみが発見され、事件は思わぬ方向に……。一方、警視庁副総監が自宅前で拉致される事件が起こり、湾岸署に捜査本部が置かれるが、所轄の刑事は一切捜査をさせないという方針に、激怒する青島。だが同時に、なんと湾岸署内で窃盗事件が起こる。
In dreamlike mountain scenery, Toshiko makes a daring escape from her sexually warped Uncle Sonezaki. Fortunately, she met Samehada as she runs for her life, which is also escaping from some slayers. What follows is a wild chase that leads the audience into a comically violent world.
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
Goto's Subordinate
Tomonori is a third rate model and very unhappy with her demeaning job of handing out leaflets. Unfortunately she doesn't have too many options. One day she gets drunk and starts a fight at a party where she is working.
Kasaki the hitman needs to set scores with his target Ri after the syndicate hunts him and blackmails his childhood friend to kill him.
Man under Interrogation
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
Junk Food consists of four intertwining stories. The first and fourth sections show the morning routine of an blind, old Japanese woman, waking up, buying bread and milk, praying at the family alter; however, it is the second segment where the true story begins.
"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.
Earth Defense Force Member
朝男の頭の中は「女とヤリたい」でいっぱい。そんなモヤモヤが彼を異常な行動へ駆り立てていく。 『みんな〜やってるか!』は、ビートたけし監督による日本映画で初コメディ映画監督作品。1995年2月11日公開。 「北野武」名義も含めた場合は5作目に当たる。それまでは「北野武」名義で映画監督を行ってきたが、本作は初の「ビートたけし」名義での製作となった。そのため「ビートたけし第一回監督作品」と銘打たれる(日本国外では、北野武名義の作品となっている)。 多くの映画評論家からも黙殺されたが、淀川長治は「斎藤寅次郎、マック・セネットの再来」と評価した。
Hiroshi Morishita
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
Kazuo encounters a religious group travelling around Japan performing "miracles". He discovers they are fakes, but is intrigued by the showmanship of the group, and becomes involved with them. The group is split into two, some members concentrating on spiritual teachings, and the others using the facade of religion to make money. The business faction dismiss the old spiritual master and choose Kazuo to lead their group.