Tachibana was once in the limelight as a nature photographer famous for a TV program following his adventure but forced into debts from his agency. Alone and without dreams, he abandons his camera and spends his life paying off the debts. But one day, from taking a photo of his mother's friend, his life with a camera starts moving again. Tachibana, now in 40s, starts a studio at a share residence and seeks for his resurrection.
Takashi Nakamura
Sawa lives in a small port town called Hososhima in Hyuga City. He is a cheerful person who supports a single mother, Yoshiko, and also takes care of a junior high school younger brother. On the other hand, my divorced father, Takuji Tamayama, is a clumsy but hateful man who lives surfing. Sawa visits his father from time to time and takes care of him. Such a peaceful daily life is completely changed by the “incident” caused by my brother. Furthermore, by a reunion with my childhood friend Takeshi who is aiming to become a professional surfer, Sawa will be aware of the “real feeling” that he has hidden in his mind.
Yu Tosaki
Keizo Okabe
映像化困難と言われた連城三紀彦の不滅の金字塔『私という名の変奏曲』が、フジテレビで10月2日(金)に金曜プレミアム スペシャルドラマとして放送される。この度、その豪華キャストが発表された。主演には天海祐希が決定!教師、検死官、刑事、弁護士、キャスター、社長、ガーデンデザイナーなど数々の職業を多彩な表現力で演じ、多くの視聴者を魅了し続けてきた天海が、本作品で女優人生初のモデル役に臨む。 原作はミステリー界の鬼才・連城三紀彦が、その全盛期に書き上げた畢生の傑作。究極のトリックと究極のヒロイン、そして究極の騙りが一体となってはじめて完成された、日本ミステリー史に残る不滅の金字塔だ。
Daisuke Jigen
ユリウス・カエサルがクレオパトラ7世に贈った〝世界で最も美しいジュエリー“・・・〈光の首飾り〉に〈真紅のルビー〉を埋め込んだ究極の宝物・・・【クリムゾン・ハート】。 それはかつて何者かによって盗み出され、以来、歴史の闇に消え去った。 そして現代。 ルビーと首飾りそれぞれの所有者=東洋・西洋を代表する2人の大富豪が互いの秘宝を狙い合っていた。 アジアの闇社会を牛耳るMr.プラムックと、かつて怪盗ルパンの相棒として名を馳せた老盗賊・ドーソン。 インターポールの銭形警部は、世界中の泥棒たちがドーソンの邸宅に集合するという情報を入手。 ドーソンは、大盗賊団=ザ・ワークスのリーダーであったが引退を表明し、その場で次期リーダーを発表するらしい。 次々集まる名だたる泥棒たちの中には、国際指名手配犯・ルパン三世の姿もあった。 そこにはルパンの仲間である峰不二子、マイケル・リーや、ドーソンの用心棒・次元大介も・・・ だが、この会合を混乱に陥れることを狙ったプラムックは、ルパンをライバル視するマイケルを操って、ドーソン暗殺に成功。 首飾りを手に入れて、ついに【クリムゾン・ハート】を完成させた。 ドーソンの遺志を継ぎ、秘宝奪還を誓うルパン。 そのありかは、地図に載らないジャングルにあり、地雷原と武装兵によって守られる難攻不落の要塞型セキュリティシステム―その名も【方舟(ジ・アーク)】。 ルパン三世は、次元大介、峰不二子、石川五エ門とともに、この「絶対不可能」なミッションに挑む!
Haruki Sindo
取引相手を訪ねた新人営業マンの浩介 は、そこで同じ中学校に通っていた幼なじみの真緒 と10年ぶりの再会を果たす。学年有数のバカとして名をはせ、何かといじめられていた彼女が、当時の姿から想像がつかないほど魅力的な女性になったことに驚く浩介。再会に運命めいたもの感じた二人は惹(ひ)かれ合うようになり、結婚を決意するまでに。だが、真緒は誰にも知られてはならない、とんでもない秘密を持っていて……。
Kimio Kumada
Kousuke Kawasaki
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
Kyosuke Okutsu
Ryuta Toyama
Naganori Asano
『忠臣蔵~その男、大石内蔵助』(ちゅうしんぐら - そのおとこ、おおいしくらのすけ)は、2010年12月25日の21:00 - 23:21(JST)に、テレビ朝日系列で放映された時代劇の特別番組。
37歳の僕は、ハンブルク空港に到着した飛行機のBGMでビートルズの「ノルウェーの森」を聴き、激しい混乱を覚えた。そして学生時代のことを回想した。 直子とはじめて会ったのは神戸にいた高校2年のときで、直子は僕の友人キズキの恋人だった。3人でよく遊んだが、キズキは高校3年の5月に自殺してしまった。その後、僕はある女の子と付き合ったが、彼女を置いて東京の私立大学に入学し、右翼的な団体が運営する学生寮に入った。僕のやるべきことは、あらゆる物事と自分の間にしかるべき距離を置くことだった。
Kunie Akagi
Toshio Aida
Liu Yihua
Toshiki Sakai
General store manager Akio (Tetsuji Tamayama) lives a carefree live in Okinawa with his dog, Kafu. One day he receives a strange letter from a woman named Sachi, but that’s not any person he’s familiar with. It turns out that the letter was a response to a joke wish he hung up at a Shinto shrine months earlier. Then one day, Sachi (Maiko) shows up and the two begin a relationship.
Goro Kawahara
世界初の原子爆弾被災都市にある放送局として、平和に関する問題を発信し続けてきた広島局は、1928年夏に開局した。それから80年となった2008年は、原爆投下から既に63年が経過。被爆者の高齢化・被爆体験の風化問題が現実問題として深刻になっていた。そこで、被爆体験を後世に語り継ぐことを軸として、母胎内で被爆した「胎内被爆者」をテーマとして制作された。 『NHK広島放送局開局80年ドラマ・帽子』(エヌエイチケイひろしまほうそうきょくかいきょくはちじゅうねんドラマ・ぼうし)は、NHK広島放送局が開局80周年を記念して制作したテレビドラマ(地域発ドラマ)。平成20年度文化庁芸術祭テレビドラマ部門に参加、優秀賞を受賞した。
Toshiki Sakai
Yuji Kobato
The arrival of a bride-to-be shakes a hapless ski resort and proves to the three young down-and-out local skiers that there is much more to life than they think.
Kenji Yokoyama
Yokoyama Kenji, the president of an event company that organizes matchmaking parties, meets Mita Soichiro (Shunsuke Kubozuka) who works for a first-class trading company. The two plan to rob an art dealer, Kurokawa Haruo, of a large amount of money, but are discovered by his daughter, Kurokawa Chie. After that, the two meet Chie again, and are invited to join in her in a scheme to steal 1 billion yen.
Hiroshi Kanou
In the near future of a Japan, the ancient 'Act of Vengeance' is revived and professional executioners are permitted to kill criminals by the requests from their victims. People who are to be executed are notified of the execution time and date in advance and they are allowed to have their own guard.
Aikagi means "spare key" in Japanese, and this film presents a story of love and remembrance. Even if the owner of the key has left, the memories remain. Yukari (Hirosue Ryoko) and Hiroaki (Tamayama Tetsuji) have been together for eight years. Though they are both constantly busy with work and do not see each other often, Yukari believes that they will always be together. Just before Christmas, the couple finally has a chance to meet up, but Hiroaki tells her that he has found someone else and breaks up with her. The next day, a heartbroken Yukari cuts short her hair. When she sees Hiroaki's spare key, all the past memories come rushing back. Yukari decides to give him one last present.
Takumi Ichinose
大崎ナナ(中島美嘉)率いるBLACK STONES(ブラスト)は、メジャーデビューに向けて充実した毎日を送っていた。一方で、同居生活をしている“ハチ”こと小松奈々(市川由衣)はライバルのバンド、TRAPNEST(トラネス)のリーダー、タクミと関係を持ち、それをナナに打ち明けられずにいた。そんな中、ハチの身に予想外の出来事が起きる。
Takashi Takeshima
"Our War" is a special drama produced by Japanese TBS TV. This is the third bomb of the war-themed TV series after the "Song of Sugarcane Field" and "Guangzhou·Showa August 6th, 20th." It is said that in 2005, young people from the end of the island, Kenji and Showa’s 19-year-old pilot, Shi Tingwu, changed their identity because of time and space, and then used their respective perspectives to look at the Pacific War and the youthful story of peaceful modern life.
Ryota Tarama
Tomboy Yui (Mao Inoue) brings her 3 male friends along with her to see a live performance of local Okinawan rap group, “Workaholic”. Upon witnessing the crowd reaction, the boys decide to start a rap group of their own to impress chicks—while Toru (Hayato Ichihara) has the added motivation of impressing his older, more sophisticated love interest Nagisa (Ayumi Ito). With only 2 weeks to learn how to play instruments and prepare for their first show, the performance is predictably humiliating. In order to save pride they decide to give it another shot, but this time they ditch the instruments for a sampler and stay truer to themselves. Will Toru be able to capture Nagisa’s heart? Will Yui ever confess her love to Toru or will she just keep practicing her advanced pro wrestling techniques on him instead?
Our story begins with two losers, Mitsuru and Maki, driving down the road with a drugged and kidnapped little girl in the back of their car. They owe lots of yen for drugs and a kidnapping scheme seemed to only possible way to get the money. The problem is, that when they call to make ransom demands, the people state that their daughter died a year ago, so who the hell do they have in their custody? The kidnappers are holed up in an old school, turns out it was the school that Mitsuru used to go to and it's now abandoned. Or, SEEMINGLY abandoned.
A group of eccentric students decide to make a movie. But, when their star suddenly quits, this witty ensemble cast begins to live the film, including murder, deception and true love.
Takumi Ichinose
Toshi Fukutsu
(segment "Ikarusu no koibito-tachi")
Masahiro Toda
Eiko Akimori is a 23-year-old woman who lives alone in an apartment. One day, Eiko is made to buy a big stone ring that brings happiness from a catch sales on the way home from work.
Guitarist Ko-chanis a mess of sexual repression after a childhood at the mercy of two elder sisters eager to use him as a guinea pig for their make-up skills. Bassist Gaku-chan keeps a bucket in the wings for whenever his nerves get the better of him, and drummer Momo-chan is doomed to forever carrying the botched childhood attempts at self-tattooing. It's not until this foursome is forced to look for an additional guitar player after Jin's dad burns his Stratocaster, that attitude and musical ability enter into the equation. Leather-clad, shade-wearing Tani (Tamaki), inseparable from his black Les Paul, is introduced as the king of R'n'R cool and Jinnai keeps him firmly seated on his throne throughout the film, retroactively proclaiming the guitarist, rather than himself, as the band's true hero.
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
Tsukimaro Ogami / Gao Silver
The five GaoJewels of the Gaorangers are pulled into the Holy Spring. GaoSilver appears and his GaoJewel also flies into it. He challenges the five Gaorangers, wanting them to tell him what the five "Gao Teachings" were.
Tsukumaro Oogami / Gao Silver
The theatrical adaptation of Gaoranger that was a double bill with the Kamen Rider Series film Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4. The film features Gao Kong and the Gao Knight combination.
Hagakure Makoto, young and cute, is trying to find a regular job to help support her family. She has no training in the real world, and she will meet with several corporate evils. But she was trained as a samurai by her grandfather, which will be useful to battle the evils of the world, including a bad samurai girl who is protected by an impenetrable net armor - with a week spot, like Achilles' heel. Eventually, it will come the time Makoto must leave this world - passing her skills into another young and cute girl.