Shigeru Muroi

Shigeru Muroi

出生 : 1960-10-22, Namerikawa, Toyama, Japan


Shigeru Muroi
Shigeru Muroi


Seiji Kamiya, a pottery craftsman who lives alone in a mountain village, temporarily returns to Japan with his fiancée, Nadia, who has been assigned to work in Algeria. Seiji opposes Satoru, who declares that Seiji should quit the company after marrying and Satoru should take over the pottery business. On the other hand, Marcos, a young Brazilian resident in Japan who lives in an apartment complex in the neighboring town to where Seiji lives, sees Seiji, who helped him when he was being chased and in whom Marcos sees the image of his late father, and he becomes interested in pottery work. Meanwhile, a tragedy strikes Satoru and Nadia, who has returned to Algeria.
Satsuki Wanibuchi
Satsuki Wanibuchi
現在、鴨志田製作所の社長秘書をしている千代は、社長が経営を立て直そうと参加したオンラインサロンで、巨額の投資詐欺に引っ掛かったことを知ります。ショックで倒れた社長が運び込まれた病院で、サランに会社が事件に巻き込まれたことを知られてしまった千代ですが、平和に暮らしている仲間たちを巻き込まないため、口止めします。 しかし、鴨志田を連れてラーメン萬に向かうと、そこには七菜、不二子、サラン、三和、五月、萬の姿が! 鴨志田の話を聞くうちに、これは詐欺グループによって仕組まれた手の込んだ悪事で、ほかにも多くの被害者がいるに違いないと憤った七人は、萬の「ここからは引き取らせてもらおうか」のひと言で、詐欺グループをぶっ潰す決意を固めるのですが…!?
Kazuo Kudo returns to his hometown of Hakodate with his wife because of his autonomic ataxia. Kazuo, who is not able to work and has to attend the psychiatry regularly, continues to run in the city of Hakodate for mental treatment on sunny days and rainy days. When Kazuo comes to communicate with the young people he meets on the street, something begins to change...
In August, 1918, Matsuura Ito lives in a coastal village of Toyama with her husband and three children. During the summer, there wasn't much fish to catch, so her husband has been far away from home to catch fish. To support herself and her children, Ito carries goods from ships like the other women in the village. Meanwhile, the residents encounter rising prices for rice. The women are unable to feed their family due to the high prices of rice. The women ask a nearby rice store to sell rice at lower prices, but it fails. The price of rice continues to rise daily. Due to an incident, Ito and the other village women step up to the plate.
Tsuchida Torami
Japanese adaptation of Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced.
Sachiko lost her parents at an early age and lived together with her only sister Nobuko who worked for a newspaper. Out of the blue, she is told that Nobuko is killed in an accident, but she simply cannot believe it because her sister had told her she was going to an entirely different place. She begins her investigations on her sister’s mysterious death with the help of Nobuko’s colleague and journalist Ryoichi. And when another colleague, Tomoe commits suicide, Sachiko has a gut feeling that a well-known figure is involved in the death of her sister...
Hiroko Okano
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
The film is set in Edo period. As an orphan child Mio starts working at a restaurant in Osaka where she learns how to cook. When she turns 18, she moves to Edo (today's Tokyo) where she opens her own restaurant.
源氏物語 千年の謎
Kokiden Lady
ヴィヨンの妻 〜桜桃とタンポポ〜
テレビ朝日の開局50周年記念と、松本清張の生誕100周年を記念して、同局系列にて、2009年1月24日の21:00 - 23:21(JST)にスペシャルドラマとして放送。事件の舞台を金沢市としている。
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 千年呪い歌
Sand Witch
Young women disappear one after another in drizzling rain. They all hear the “cursed song” of the Cage Song before they vanish into thin air. Kitaro and his friends investigate these mysterious cases when they meet Kaede Hiramoto, a high school girl who finds herself involved in this mystery. With the help from the librarian of Yokai Library, they find out that the curse was caused by an evil Yokai that was released from 1,000 years of sealing. To save Kaede, they are to gather the 5 ancient musical instruments and perform the ritual to seal the evil Yokai again, which has to be done within 48 hours!
銀河鉄道の夜 -Fantasy Railroad in the Stars-
This new version of Nagasaki's Yami utsu shinzô (1982) is neither a remake nor a sequel. It is both those things, and at the same time it is also a documentary, a portrait of the consequences of passing time, and an occasionally very funny reflection on what the hell the point is of all this filmmaking business anyway. Shigeru Muroi and Takashi Naito, back then young hopefuls willing to take chances, now among the most established and recognisable actors in Japan, return to play the roles they assumed in the 1982 film, each of their characters having gone their own way. Alongside, another young couple (Honda and the ever-brilliant Eguchi) find themselves in the exact same situation as their older counterparts 25 years earlier. Their paths cross, an opportunity arises: for the elder two to redeem part of their own lives, for the younger couple to find a helping hand in their darkest hour.
Based on the comic by Mamora Goda.
Kuniko Junouchi
 ごく普通の主婦たちが閉塞状況から逃れるために起こした行動を衝撃的に描いた桐野夏生原作の傑作ミステリーを映画化。監督は「愛を乞うひと」の平山秀幸。4人のパート主婦たちを原田美枝子、倍賞美津子、室井滋、西田尚美という新旧の実力派女優が演じて、ハードな中にもユーモアを感じさせ、爽快な活劇に仕上げている。  東京郊外の弁当工場。深夜パートの主婦たち、香取雅子42歳、吾妻ヨシエ51歳、城之内邦子40歳、山本弥生30歳の4人はそれぞれに悩みや問題を抱えていた。ある日、雅子のもとに弥生から電話が入る。弥生はギャンブル狂の夫・健司の度重なる暴力に耐えかね、ついに寝込みのスキを突いて殺してしまったと言う。妊娠8ヶ月の弥生は泣いてすがり、雅子はやむなく死体を自分の車のトランクに一時的に隠すことに。しかし、弥生はそれから工場に姿を見せなくなってしまった。死体の処理に困った雅子は仕方なく“師匠”と慕うヨシエに協力を持ちかけるのだった…。
The protagonist is a woman (Hiroko Yakushimaru) who is a sales manager at the Japanese branch of a famous French shoe brand. The protagonist is obsessed with a Hong Kong singer called Eakin Cheng and frequently goes to Hong Kong. However, she herself has an ambition to change the company's marketing policy (and if she can't change it, she will launch a new brand herself), so she goes to Hong Kong to plan this and that. However, this comes to light, and as it goes against the wishes of the head office, a feud is brewing between the two.
金融破滅ニッポン 桃源郷の人々
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
Traditional Japanese pop singer Reiko (Muroi) decides to enter a well-known TV program for amateur singers along with a confused teenager (Ôtomo) and a 40-year-old father of four (Bito).
ヒロイン! なにわボンバーズ
一之助の亡き親友の娘で外科医の和美(室井滋)によって、大腸がん検診を受けた一之助は、その御礼に和美を釣りに誘う。伝助の釣りの弟子で変わり者の学者・省平(柄本明)とともに、福島県いわき市で釣りを楽しむ四人。省平は和美に一目惚れ。和美もまた省平に心惹かれる。変わり者同士で意気投合、ついにゴールインをすることに。 二人の想い出のいわき市で行われた結婚式に出席した伝助と一之助は、待望の渓流釣りに出かけるが、折しも悪天候となり、山中で遭難してしまう!
Asako Tsukishima (voice)
横浜、反町にある居酒屋「かずさ屋」を営む主人の荘太郎(萩原健一)は、女房のしず子(室井滋)を病院から自宅に連れて帰って来た。もはや、余命幾許もない事を知っていたからである。それは、しず子本人も気づいており、ある日、看病する壮太郎に、自分が死んだらひとりじゃ店を切り盛りするのは大変だろうから新しい女と一緒になるんだろうと尋ねると、壮太郎は、新しい女と一緒になる気はないと答えた。しず子は、もし嘘をついて他の女と結婚したら、十万億土から戻って来て化けて出てやると冗談とも本気ともとれるような言葉を残して、翌朝息絶えるのであった。 葬式が済み、独り身では忙しい毎日を過ごしていた壮太郎に、兄(尾藤イサオ)が見合いをしないかと女の写真を置いて行く。最初は興味のなかった壮太郎だが、その写真の女が、店の前をうろついたり、休日、浜に釣りに出かけた壮太郎の前にわざとらしく現れるのを観て、興味を覚え、一回会ってみる事にする。 その席で、彼の事を好きになってしまったと素直に告白する里子(山口智子)の気性に惚れた壮太郎は、あっさり、彼女との結婚を決意してしまう。
In four chapters, the film anatomises the chaotic life of a radio agony uncle.who is having simultaneous affairs with a sado-masochistic call-girl and the wife of an aggrieved tour-bus driver
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort the cash. And when things start to go wrong, Rieko responds by murdering another girl and attempting another ransom scam..
A successful office lady, who has made herself sexually available to a doctor, has her routine disrupted when her former boyfriend's son appears in her life. She is not connected to the boy, but his father has been in an accident.
バカヤロー!3 へんな奴ら
第1話「こんな混んでどうするの」家族と車で帰省中の秀樹は、渋滞の中でトイレに行きたくなる。第2話「過ぎた甘えは許さない」離婚して実家に戻った姉が好き放題にふるまい、しわよせはすべて妹のもとに。第3話「会社をナメるな」相次ぐ部下の退職に悩む課長が部下に気に入られようと温泉旅行を企画するが? 第4話「クリスマスなんか大嫌い」さびれた商店街を盛り上げようとする薬店の息子だが、仲間たちに相手にされない。
Hideko Nitta
Furuchi and Hama are two unsuccessful repair agents and electronic engineers. One day Furichi finds a so-called Kotatsu heater. Soon after this Furichi dies in a traffic accident. But with the help of a stun gun succeed Hama Furichi bring back to life, but also Kotatsu heater comes alive then.
バカヤロー! 私、怒ってます
Nanako Kosaka (Episode 4)
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Hanako Fukube
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
Woman in restaurant
Kumi lives a hippie-like life in Tokyo's outskirts. One night while drunk she stumbles into an abandoned industrial site, except in addition to deserted factories, it is full of forests and greenery. She decides to move there, even further away from the civilization she had already left.
Hostess of hotel
Hitomi, a former orphan who is trying to leave behind her delinquent ways, one day agrees to tutor a wealthy young boy who has just become an orphan himself…
ルーツ・サーチ 食心物体X
Catherine (voice)
When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole surivor of the ship. Being too incapacitated to make them aware of the situation of his ship, the research team will soon discover that they have found something far, far worse...
Miyuki Nakajima
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
スチュワーデス・スキャンダル 獣のように抱きしめて
Four female flight attendants embark on some salacious misadventures: A few go to a company singles party to cavort with some pilots, while the lovely Misako embarks on an adventure all her own after meeting a street fortune teller...
女囚 檻
A young woman who escaped from prison is eventually captured and brought back. The evil warden decides to make her a pet project and tries to break her down with torture, gang rape and by turning her friends against her.
A man ran into a woman on a street. She was not attractive, but was a perfect girl for him. After missing the chance to talk to her, he contemplates on how he should have approached her. Based on Haruki Murakami’s short story “On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning”.
Two young men are hungry, so they decide to rob a bakery. Adaptation of a short story by Haruki Murakami.
Film director Shunichi Nagasaki reflects on a near-fatal motorcycle accident that occurred while shooting his commercial feature debut The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September.
スナックの女 Bar waitress
A boy and girl struggle to understand their place in 1980s Japan, retiring to copulate and probe each other for answers.
Third woman
Hiroshi Kobayashi is on the run from police who would arrest him for the murder of his girlfriend Naomi. At the same time, he wants revenge on the yakuza member Kimura who got her stuck in drugs. The entire film consists of a long hunting-scene.
The newly divorsed singer Kumi is not too enthusiastic about life as a single mother. She drops her son to her ex-husband, leaving her band and embarks on a crazy tour of Tokyo's shadowy side.
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.