Seiji Kamiya, a pottery craftsman who lives alone in a mountain village, temporarily returns to Japan with his fiancée, Nadia, who has been assigned to work in Algeria. Seiji opposes Satoru, who declares that Seiji should quit the company after marrying and Satoru should take over the pottery business. On the other hand, Marcos, a young Brazilian resident in Japan who lives in an apartment complex in the neighboring town to where Seiji lives, sees Seiji, who helped him when he was being chased and in whom Marcos sees the image of his late father, and he becomes interested in pottery work. Meanwhile, a tragedy strikes Satoru and Nadia, who has returned to Algeria.
Satsuki Wanibuchi
Satsuki Wanibuchi
Kazuo Kudo returns to his hometown of Hakodate with his wife because of his autonomic ataxia. Kazuo, who is not able to work and has to attend the psychiatry regularly, continues to run in the city of Hakodate for mental treatment on sunny days and rainy days. When Kazuo comes to communicate with the young people he meets on the street, something begins to change...
압도적 격투 능력만 있다면 최강의 여직원으로 칭송 받는 대양아치의 시대… 왕년의 양아치, 폭주족들이 최강 자리를 놓고 사내 파벌을 형성하며 군웅할거하고 있는 혼란 속에서 지극히 평범한 회사 생활을 보내던 나오코는 새로 입사한 란과 우연한 계기로 친해지게 된다. 그러나 뛰어난 싸움 실력을 지닌 란이 사내 서열을 평정한 후 전국 양아치들의 표적이 되고 나오코 역시 주먹 세계의 거대한 소용돌이에 휘말리고 마는데…
In August, 1918, Matsuura Ito lives in a coastal village of Toyama with her husband and three children. During the summer, there wasn't much fish to catch, so her husband has been far away from home to catch fish. To support herself and her children, Ito carries goods from ships like the other women in the village. Meanwhile, the residents encounter rising prices for rice. The women are unable to feed their family due to the high prices of rice. The women ask a nearby rice store to sell rice at lower prices, but it fails. The price of rice continues to rise daily. Due to an incident, Ito and the other village women step up to the plate.
Tsuchida Torami
어느 날 아침 신문의 광고란에 갑자기 게재된 살인 예고와 그 예고대로 벌어지는 살인 사건을 그린 드라마
Sachiko lost her parents at an early age and lived together with her only sister Nobuko who worked for a newspaper. Out of the blue, she is told that Nobuko is killed in an accident, but she simply cannot believe it because her sister had told her she was going to an entirely different place. She begins her investigations on her sister’s mysterious death with the help of Nobuko’s colleague and journalist Ryoichi. And when another colleague, Tomoe commits suicide, Sachiko has a gut feeling that a well-known figure is involved in the death of her sister...
토야마 현의 이미즈 시 신미나토. 그곳에는 에도시대로 부터 '히키야마'를 지켜오던 '아이모노 쵸'의 일가가 있었다. 하지만 아이모노 쵸는 옆 상가인 '니시 마치'로 넘어가게 된다. 그 일을 둘러싸고 아이모노 쵸와 니시 마치간에 큰 갈등이 일어나고, 아이모노 쵸에서는 몸이 성치못한 시오타니 코페이가 그 일에 거센 항의를 하다 병이 악화되어 사망하고 만다. 한편 경제지에 자주 등장할 정도로 성공한 사업가 나카하라(다케노우치 유타카)는 사업의 확장을 놓고 사와이(마츠자카 토리)와 갈등을 빚게 된다. 그때 시오타니에게서 전화가 걸려오지만, 전화의 목소리는 들리지가 않는다. 내심 걱정이 된 나카하라는 토야마로 내려가게 되고, 그곳에서 시오타니의 사망소식을 듣게 된다. 거기서 시오타니의 딸 히토미로 부터 시오타니가 죽기 전까지 히키야마를 지키려고 했단 것을 알게 된 나카하라는 그가 그토록 지키고 싶었던 히키야마에 관해 궁금증이 생긴다. 하지만 그때 나카하라의 회사에서 분신회계를 한 사실이 드러나면서 그의 사업에 큰 위기가 찾아오게 되는데...
Hiroko Okano
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
타키는 도쿄의 교외에 위치한 작은 붉은 지붕 집에서 하녀로 일한다. 세월이 지나 노인이 된 타키는 작은 집에서의 기억을 회상하며 당시의 이야기를 적는다. 아름다운 사모님 도키코와 그녀의 남편, 그리고 사랑스러운 아들의 평화로운 가정 생활, 거기에 감춰진 사모님의 안타까운 사랑. 타키가 죽고 난 후 그녀의 친척 청년 다케시는 그녀의 유품을 정리하다가 봉인된 편지가 들어있는 봉투를 발견한다. 이로써 60년 동안 철저히 감춰진, 붉은 지붕 아래서 일어난 은밀한 비밀이 밝혀지는데...
Twenty-year-old Kaori, an aspiring accessory designer, spends her days troubled by her mother's violence and excessive meddling. Meanwhile, forty-year-old secretary Kaori, whose daughter is a shut-in, can't stop shoplifting and having casual sex.
The film is set in Edo period. As an orphan child Mio starts working at a restaurant in Osaka where she learns how to cook. When she turns 18, she moves to Edo (today's Tokyo) where she opens her own restaurant.
Kokiden Lady
"Genji Monogatari" focuses on the love and hate relationships surrounding Genji Hakaru. Lady Fujitsubo is Genji's first love. Ryokuzono Miyasutokoro is obsessed with Genji and eventually becomes a spirit. Yu Kao, who is from the lower class, give comfort to Genji's emotional wounds. Writer Murasaki Shikibu is jealous of Genji and is eventually ordered by Seime Abe to write a work ...
'고양이 택시'의 주인공인 마세 씨(컨님 타케야마) 는 굉장히 소극적이고, 대인관계에 서툴다. 이전 교사실격으로 인해 택시 운전수로 살고 있는 그는, 여전히 사람을 상대하는 것이 힘들다. 그런 그에게 '미코가미 씨' 와 '코무기' 를 만나게 되면서, 점점 자신을 바꿔나간다.
술, 약물, 자살시도, 여자와 바람에도 아내 미치코는 다자이에게 잔소리조차 하지 않는다. 다자이는 셋째를 임신한 미치코를 두고 다음 소설 집필에 영감을 받는다는 핑계로 오타 시즈코와 연애를 즐기며 소설 사양을 출간한다. 하지만 사양이 유행하자 다자이는 더 큰 걸작을 써야 한다는 압박에 시달린다. 설상가상으로 시즈코가 임신을 하자 야마자키 토미에와 도피하듯 사랑을 나누며 자유롭게 살아간다. 방탕한 생활로 건강을 잃고 원하는 글을 쓸 수 없는 상황에서 다자이는 결국 자신의 모든 것을 파괴하고 피를 토하듯 마지막 소설 인간실격의 집필에 들어가는데...
술 때문에 엄청난 빚을 지고 늘 바람을 피우지만 어쩐지 미워할 수 없는 매력에 뛰어난 재능을 지닌 방탕한 소설가 오타니(아사노 타다노부)와 그런 못난 남편에게 우롱당하면서도 지극정성으로 감싸 안는 아내 사치(마츠 다카코)의 사랑 이야기. 오타니의 애인에 히로스에 료코, 사치를 좋아하는 순진한 청년에 츠마부키 사토시가 출연을 했다. 2009 몬트리올 국제 영화제 감독상 수상. 채도가 낮은 색감의 1940년대 도쿄 풍경과 카메라 워크가 마치 오즈 야스지로의 초기 영화를 떠올리게 하며, 일본에서 개봉 시 “다자이 문학의 정취를 재현하는데 부족함이 없다”는 평가를 얻었다.
Sand Witch
Young women disappear one after another in drizzling rain. They all hear the “cursed song” of the Cage Song before they vanish into thin air. Kitaro and his friends investigate these mysterious cases when they meet Kaede Hiramoto, a high school girl who finds herself involved in this mystery. With the help from the librarian of Yokai Library, they find out that the curse was caused by an evil Yokai that was released from 1,000 years of sealing. To save Kaede, they are to gather the 5 ancient musical instruments and perform the ritual to seal the evil Yokai again, which has to be done within 48 hours!
Welcome aboard the fantasy train in the stars! "Fantasy Railroad in the Stars" is a fantastic journey of a boy, Giovanni, in a dreamscape created into a colourful full-dome CG animation picture with inspiring background music. Based on the famous Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru story written by Kenji Miyazawa in the early 20th century, Kagaya, a digital fine artist, has breathed new life into the unique imaginary world using creativity and precise astronomical knowledge. The starry sky is depicted as the Celestial Field made up of a river, a field of silver grasses, flowers, birds, survey towers, railway signals and more. Across this amazing beautiful scenery, the Celestial Railroad runs along the Milky Way. It is a fantasy world in full colour, but designed with scientific accuracy.
This new version of Nagasaki's Yami utsu shinzô (1982) is neither a remake nor a sequel. It is both those things, and at the same time it is also a documentary, a portrait of the consequences of passing time, and an occasionally very funny reflection on what the hell the point is of all this filmmaking business anyway. Shigeru Muroi and Takashi Naito, back then young hopefuls willing to take chances, now among the most established and recognisable actors in Japan, return to play the roles they assumed in the 1982 film, each of their characters having gone their own way. Alongside, another young couple (Honda and the ever-brilliant Eguchi) find themselves in the exact same situation as their older counterparts 25 years earlier. Their paths cross, an opportunity arises: for the elder two to redeem part of their own lives, for the younger couple to find a helping hand in their darkest hour.
Based on the comic by Mamora Goda.
Kuniko Junouchi
도시락공장에서 시간제로 일하는 4명의 여성이 주인공. 동료가 도박에 빠진 폭력 남편을 목졸라 죽이자 4명이 결속해 목욕탕에서 남편의 시체를 토막낸 뒤 처리하려고 하는데 쓰레기장에 버린 사체가 발견되면서 쫓기게 되는데...
The protagonist is a woman (Hiroko Yakushimaru) who is a sales manager at the Japanese branch of a famous French shoe brand. The protagonist is obsessed with a Hong Kong singer called Eakin Cheng and frequently goes to Hong Kong. However, she herself has an ambition to change the company's marketing policy (and if she can't change it, she will launch a new brand herself), so she goes to Hong Kong to plan this and that. However, this comes to light, and as it goes against the wishes of the head office, a feud is brewing between the two.
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
Traditional Japanese pop singer Reiko (Muroi) decides to enter a well-known TV program for amateur singers along with a confused teenager (Ôtomo) and a 40-year-old father of four (Bito).
When Su-san invites his late friend's daughter to come along on a fishing trip, she falls in love with Hama-chan's fishing protégé.
Asako Tsukishima (voice)
중학교 3학년 시즈쿠는 평소 책을 많이 읽는 소녀. 여름방학, 매번 도서카드에서 먼저 책을 빌려간 세이지란 이름을 발견하고 호기심을 갖는다. 어느 날 지하철 안에서 혼자 탄 고양이를 보게 된다. 신기하게 여긴 시즈쿠는 고양이를 따라가다 골동품 가게에 들어가게 되고, 그곳에서 주인 할아버지와 손자를 보게 된다. 그 손자는 다름 아닌 아마사와 세이지, 사춘기의 두 사람은 점차 서로의 사랑에 대해 알게 된다. 시즈쿠는 바이올린 장인을 자신의 장래로 확실히 정한 세이지를 보면서 자신의 꿈과 미래를 진지하게 고민하게 된다. 그 후 이탈리아 연수를 간 세이지가 돌아올 때 까지 작가가 되고자 도전해 보기로 하는데...
선술집 주인 "소타로(壮太郎)"는 아내 "시즈코(しず子)"가 숨을 거두기 전에 결코 재혼하지 않겠노라고 약속을 했는데도 불구하고 그 약속을 깨고 만다. 형 "토요조(豊造)" 부부가 반강제로 맞선을 보게 한 상대 "사토코(里子)"한테 반해서 부부가 되어 버리고 만 것이다. 그런데 저승에서 "시즈코"가 그것을 분하게 여기고 이승으로 되돌아 온다.
In four chapters, the film anatomises the chaotic life of a radio agony uncle.who is having simultaneous affairs with a sado-masochistic call-girl and the wife of an aggrieved tour-bus driver
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort the cash. And when things start to go wrong, Rieko responds by murdering another girl and attempting another ransom scam..
A successful office lady, who has made herself sexually available to a doctor, has her routine disrupted when her former boyfriend's son appears in her life. She is not connected to the boy, but his father has been in an accident.
Hideko Nitta
Furuchi and Hama are two unsuccessful repair agents and electronic engineers. One day Furichi finds a so-called Kotatsu heater. Soon after this Furichi dies in a traffic accident. But with the help of a stun gun succeed Hama Furichi bring back to life, but also Kotatsu heater comes alive then.
Nanako Kosaka (Episode 4)
Anthology film. "What's Wrong with Eating?" Numayama Kazuki is always complaining about his wife's, Atsugi Shizuka, body shape. Because of that Shizuka tries her best to restrict her diet and please Kazuki. "It's So Far Away!" Karuma Sae is an office lady who works in the city center but lives with her family in a house far away from her work. Because she is always rushing to catch the last train, she can never enjoy a decent date with her boyfriend, Oishi Mamoru. Her father is also always interfering in her life, so she can't appreciate the city life and isn't happy. "Get Ready to Drive!" Masuko is a new taxi driver in Tokyo who is very stressed from dealing with the behavior of some passengers. One night he drives a very beautiful drunk hostess home. "What Is English?" Kosaka Shigeru, a businessman, was transferred to a Chicago branch factory. He tried hard to learn English, practicing day and night, but couldn't improve as much as he expected.
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Hanako Fukube
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
Mugiko, an 18-year-old attempts to escape her unhappiness with village life by going to Tokyo to live and work in the geisha house run by her aunt. The daughter of a once great geisha, Mugiko is entitled by blood to train in the geishas ancient art of classical Japanese song and dance.
Woman in restaurant
Kumi lives a hippie-like life in Tokyo's outskirts. One night while drunk she stumbles into an abandoned industrial site, except in addition to deserted factories, it is full of forests and greenery. She decides to move there, even further away from the civilization she had already left.
Hostess of hotel
1980년대를 휩쓸었던 왕년의 톱아이돌 '코이즈미 쿄코' 주연작.
부모 없이 거리를 부랑하며 살아온 중졸의 양아치 '쿠로다 히토미'(코이즈미 쿄코)는 우연히 거리에서 만난 변호사 카지마(이시바시 료)의 제의로 무코지마라는 외딴섬에 있는 갑부집안 후계자의 가정교사로 들어가게 되지만 유괴사건이 일어나게 되고...
Catherine (voice)
우주 깊은 곳에 있는 한 연구팀이 그들의 지역으로 휘어지는 황량한 배 "그린 플래닛"을 발견했을 때, 그들은 그 배의 지휘관이자 유일한 생존자인 버즈와 마주친다. 너무 무능해서 그의 함선의 상황을 알 수 없기 때문에, 연구팀은 곧 그들이 훨씬 더 나쁜 것을 발견했다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.
Miyuki Nakajima
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
Four female flight attendants embark on some salacious misadventures: A few go to a company singles party to cavort with some pilots, while the lovely Misako embarks on an adventure all her own after meeting a street fortune teller...
A young woman who escaped from prison is eventually captured and brought back. The evil warden decides to make her a pet project and tries to break her down with torture, gang rape and by turning her friends against her.
A man ran into a woman on a street. She was not attractive, but was a perfect girl for him. After missing the chance to talk to her, he contemplates on how he should have approached her. Based on Haruki Murakami’s short story “On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning”.
Two young men are hungry, so they decide to rob a bakery. Adaptation of a short story by Haruki Murakami.
Film director Shunichi Nagasaki reflects on a near-fatal motorcycle accident that occurred while shooting his commercial feature debut The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September.
スナックの女 Bar waitress
A martial arts master/detective investigates a series of murders and helps a deaf bathhouse attendant, Hisako.
A boy and girl struggle to understand their place in 1980s Japan, retiring to copulate and probe each other for answers.
Third woman
A student travels back to Kobe for the summer. Once there, he meets his friend Rat, hangs on the usual place, listening to the Beach Boys and meets a mysterious twin girl.
Hiroshi Kobayashi is on the run from police who would arrest him for the murder of his girlfriend Naomi. At the same time, he wants revenge on the yakuza member Kimura who got her stuck in drugs. The entire film consists of a long hunting-scene.
The newly divorsed singer Kumi is not too enthusiastic about life as a single mother. She drops her son to her ex-husband, leaving her band and embarks on a crazy tour of Tokyo's shadowy side.
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.