Mikio Kobayashi
The owner of an established photo studio, collapses from illness. His son Shinta, who was raised by his divorced wife, comes home. One day, an elderly woman named shows up at the studio and beckons Shinta to come with her. They arrive at a grassy field where Shinta finds about the secret of the "singing voice" that keeps echoing in his memory and about his father's feelings.
犬金組の血気盛んな若いヤクザの山本健太郎、立花リョウ、杉原和彦のテンションの高さは、組の中でも抜きん出ていた。組に恩義を感じる彼らは男らしく極道として生きる気満々だったが、ある事件で不始末をしてしまう。組長は三人をタイで性転換と全身整形させることを思い付き、今後はアイドルとして資金を稼ぐよう言いつける。 『私の人生なのに』などの原桂之介監督がメガホンを取り、ジャスミン・ギュのコミックを実写映画化したコメディー。極道からアイドルに変身した男たちが、本来の自分とアイドルの間で揺れ動く。ドラマ「おわらないものがたり」などの白洲迅、『ゆずりは』などの柾木玲弥、モデルとしても活動している花沢将人らが共演。
Hanzo Yabutsuka
Baijaku Nakamura takes the lead in a film where he has to dodge pursuit from a hostile gang whilst also helping out a family of innocent people who run a noodle store. More importantly, this was one of Ren Osugi’s last films.
《関東【山王会】 vs関西【花菱会】》の巨大抗争後、大友(ビートたけし)は韓国に渡り、日韓を牛耳るフィクサー張会長(金田時男)の下にいた。そんな折、取引のため韓国滞在中の【花菱会】幹部・花田がトラブルを起こし、張会長の手下を殺してしまう。これをきっかけに、《国際的フィクサー【張グループ】 vs巨大暴力団組織【花菱会】》一触即発の状態に。激怒した大友は、全ての因縁に決着をつけるべく日本に戻ってくる。時を同じくして、その【花菱会】では卑劣な内紛が勃発していた……。
Ichiro Kojo
Seiji Ookouchi : Prime minister
ゴジラシリーズ第29作。総監督・脚本に庵野秀明、監督・特技監督に樋口真嗣を迎え製作された完全新作。 東京湾アクアトンネルが崩落する事故が発生。首相官邸での緊急会議で内閣官房副長官・矢口蘭堂(長谷川博己)が、海中に潜む謎の生物が事故を起こした可能性を指摘する。その後、海上に巨大不明生物が出現。さらには蒲田に上陸し、街を破壊しながら突進していく。政府の緊急対策本部は自衛隊に対し防衛出動命令を下し、“ゴジラ”と名付けられた巨大不明生物に立ち向かうが……。
Toshifumi Igarashi
Old Writer
Ambassador Hell / Garagaranda
Honma Seijiro
A man and a woman committed double suicide in Kanazawa City. Immediately after the incident, Yoshiko Shiota, a woman living in Tokyo, contacts the local newspaper of Kanazawa, saying she wants to read the novel serialized in it by Ryuji Sugimoto. How did this woman know the novel is serialized in the newspaper? And why does she want to start reading it in the middle of the story? Which article was she actually interested in? Sugimoto cannot help making his own investigations about Yoshiko, but the more he searches, the more astonishing facts come to light...
Kurumi suddenly gave up opening a cafe with her friend. She hears that her grandfather Takeshi collapsed and goes to visit him in her hometown of Sendai. Takeshi entrusts Kurumi to open a cafe which closed temporarily due to the earthquake, but Kurumi doesn't know what to do. Takeshi hopes Kurumi finds her own way to live. There's not much time left for Takeshi and Kurumi.
Kiichiro Takakura
京都市内で起きた爆弾騒ぎを見事に収束させた様子がネットで拡散された上、新聞に京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)のインタビューが掲載され、宅間善人(草彅剛)の能力が話題に。京都府内の各所轄署から未解決事件捜査の依頼が殺到する。一方で高倉は、宅間を復職させるために急造した『特別捜査係』を解体することを示唆。姉小路千波(南果歩)に警察学校教官のポストを打診するなど、謎めいた行動に出ていた。そんな中、嵐山市の非公認キャラ・ニシンバァ~が誘拐され、特別捜査係に捜査の依頼が入る。はじめは「着ぐるみが盗まれただけの盗難事件」と高を括る姉小路たちだったが、宅間が語った話から誘拐の可能性を視野に入れ、捜査を開始する。その矢先、姉小路の自宅にニシンバァ~の着ぐるみの指が送られてくる! 送り主は『ハウプトマン』というクラウドファンディングのサイト。クラウドファンディングとは、群衆と資金調達を組み合わせた言葉で、インターネット上で資金提供を呼びかけ、賛同した人に財源の提供や協力を募るというもので、今回の場合、賛同者には“フラッシュモブ”が行なわれる時間と場所が通知される、という趣旨のものだったが、そこに姉小路の義母・小枝(江波杏子)が誤って12万円もの大金を出資してしまっていたのだ! 『ハウプトマン』のサイトを見た宅間は、それがイベント出資募集ではなく犯罪への出資の募集だと指摘。ほかにも“Dillinger(デリンジャー)”“Ponzi(ポンジ)”“Young(ヤング)”といった実在する海外の凶悪犯罪者の名を冠した同様のサイトが存在することから、資金が目標額に達した際は、その犯罪者に倣った犯罪が起こるのではないかと推測する。そしてこれは『クラウドファンディング』ではなく、『クライム(犯罪)ファンディング』であると、宅間は命名するのだった。アメリカには、ブルーノ・リチャード・ハウプトマンという誘拐犯が実在し、今回のニシンバァ~誘拐事件とファンディングサイトの出資募集が関連していたことを知った姉小路たちは、誘拐事件の再捜査を開始。・・・宅間善人がシリーズ史上最悪の殺人計画に挑む!
Kyoujiro Kikuchi
A woman bears a 13 year grudge with her father over the traditional dance he was performing that caused him to be absent from her mother's death, until they reconnect over the very same dance.
Yutaka Sakisaka
Yukiko Makabe is the only female interrogator in a department full of men. Their job is to question suspects immediately after a crime, using interrogation skills and psycho-analysis to solve crimes. As the only female in the department, Yukiko has a different perspective and style from her colleagues. This brings her success in her interrogations of suspects, but Yukiko continues to be troubled by an unsolved cold case from years ago.
Shigeki Makabe
Kiichiro Takakura
人材派遣会社経営の久保田周がバットで撲殺される。現場には凶器と思われる金属バットと古いオモチャのようなものが落ちていた。京都府警本部長の高倉(大杉漣)から現場に出るよう命じられた宅間善人(草彅剛)ら特別捜査係の面々は捜査を開始。すると遺留品の古いオモチャが、10数年前に宅間が京都府警広報課に在籍していたときに作った『京都を守る正義のキョートマン7』というフィギュアだったこと、そして『キョートマン7』はそれぞれ違った職業のキャラクター7人で構成されており、今回の現場に置かれていたものは“検事”を表わすものだったことがわかる。奇しくも久保田は元京都地検の部長検事だった…!宅間は「これは俺が解くべき事件」と言い、これまでコンビを組んできた姉小路千波(南果歩)にコンビ解消を告げる。独自に捜査を始めた宅間は、警察官だった千波の夫・竹彦が殺された事件の現場に、警察官の制服を着た『キョートマン7』が遺されていたことを発見! 以前に“脚本家”と呼ばれる服役囚・佐神稚洋(上川隆也)が「12年前の姉小路さんのご主人の事件と、あなたが冤罪になった事件は繋がっています」と語っていたことが真実味を帯びてくるのだった…。宅間の行動を不審に思った千波は彼を問い詰め、その事実を聞き出す。「これからどんな危険なことがあるかわからないから姉小路さんを巻き込むわけにはいかなかった」という宅間を制し、松原唯子(芦名星)、堀川耕平(平岡祐太)ら特別捜査係のメンバーとともに12年前の事件についての捜査を開始。すると、現場に『キョートマン7』が遺された同様の事件が数件存在していたことが判明する!宅間が作ったフィギュアが関わる数々の事件に関連性はあるのか?あるならば、その犯人とは?わずかな手がかりから宅間たちは事件の真相に切迫。そして思いがけない人物にたどり着く…。さらに宅間の冤罪事件に関する衝撃事実も明らかに…。
Junichi Taneda
Nagaoka is a former high school teacher. He decides to start a school with an ideal learning environment. To achieve this goal, he struggles to make money by running a bar and a publishing company.
Zenkichi Ebata
Kazuomi Hasegawa
Yasutake Shingo works as a newspaper reporter but his life is stiffled and lifeless. That changes one day when he meets the irrepressible Matsunaga Chie by accident. Just as their relationship is blossoming however, Chie tells Shingo that she has breast cancer. Shingo determines to marry Chie right away, but she'll have to go through surgery and cancer treatments firs...
Mitsumasa Kido (Voice)
Torahei Tateyama
『松本清張ドラマスペシャル・死の発送』(まつもとせいちょうドラマスペシャル しのはっそう)は、2014年5月30日(金曜21:00 - 23:12。ただし『金曜プレステージ』扱いはされない)、フジテレビ開局55周年特別番組として放送された。本ドラマでは、トランクの発送先は岩手県に設定されている。また、原作中のトリックに関係する鉄道輸送は、自動車輸送(トランクの発送は宅配便による)に置き換えられている。
Kiichiro Takakura
京都の街にアルファベットと数字で書かれた謎の暗号が出現。京都を東西南北に走る通りが交差するところに、数字が描かれたステッカーが貼られる。気になって調べ始めた宅間と千波たち特別捜査係は、ステッカーが貼られた地点で必ず事件が起きていることを突き止める! アルファベットと数字…いったい誰が何のために設置したものなのか? そこに隠された意味とは何なのか? それを探り始めた矢先、暗号の地点で死体が見つかってしまう…!事件の背後に浮かんだ佐神稚洋(上川隆也)という人物。その男に会うため、宅間は10年間慣れ親しんだ滋賀中央刑務所に潜入することになる。一方、京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)の元には、衆議院議員の清滝悦子(前田美波里)、京都第二医師会の副会長・恩知由紀彦(長谷川初範)、関西教育委員会委員長の出水宣郎(名高達男)、弁護士の日暮勇輔(中丸新将)といった京都の要人たちが集まっていた。どうやら彼らは何者かに脅迫されているようで…?そんな中、ついにふたつめの殺人事件が! そしてその現場にも謎の数字が残されていた…。謎のステッカーに導かれ、事件は思わぬ方向へ展開していく!
Bugmen (voice)
Masayoshi Ako
Nahoko's father
天雫健太郎は市役所に勤務する35歳の男性。生真面目で内気な性格が災いし、これまで女性との恋愛経験が無くいまだに実家で両親と暮らしている。父母も息子の将来を気遣い親同士が子どもに代わって相手と対面する 「代理見合い」に出席する。そこで今井夫妻と健太郎の両親と知り合う。見合いの場で初めて菜穂子の父は娘奈穂子の目が不自由だと話すが出世もしない男に娘の世話はできないと反対されるのだが...
Shiro Kido
Kiichiro Takakura
琵琶湖の畔にある『滋賀中央刑務所』からひとりの男が出所した。男の名前は宅間善人(草彅剛)。10年前に殺人未遂罪で逮捕・起訴され懲役15年の判決を受けて刑務所に服役していたが、事件から10年たった今、意識不明だった被害者が突如目を覚まし、自分に暴行を加えたのは宅間ではないと証言。10年前の事件の冤罪が証明され、晴れて出所することとなったのだ。刑務所を出た宅間の前に、京都府警副本部長の高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)が現れる。事件当時、京都府警広報課に在籍していた宅間を再び京都府警に復職させ、『特別捜査係』という、仰々しい名前は形だけの閑職を作ったのだった。実は宅間は『犯罪者の心理を知る』スペシャリスト。服役中に犯罪者の「犯行の手口」「犯罪に使う技能」「犯罪に走った背景や心理的傾向」…すべてをデータとして記憶に焼き付けた、という特異な能力を持つ、いわば犯罪に精通した人物なのだ。『特別捜査係』には元捜査一課のおばさん刑事・姉小路千波(南果歩)をはじめとした個性的なメンバーが集められていた。千波は宅間とは真逆で、被害者に寄り添い、犯罪者を憎むタイプの熱血刑事。捜査一課よりも自由に犯罪捜査ができるようになる、と意気込んで『特別捜査係』にやってきた千波は、閑職という現実にがく然とする。さらに、宅間とタッグを組むことになってしまい、ひと癖もふた癖もある宅間という男の存在に、千波らは終始イライラ…。元捜査二課の松原唯子(芦名星)、元警備部の堀川耕平(平岡祐太)、そして元鑑識課の猪熊佐千夫(佐戸井けん太)といった同僚、上司たちもひと筋縄ではいかないスタッフが集まっていた。 そんな折、事件捜査への意欲に溢れる千波が、捜査一課で未解決の4つの殺人事件を『特別捜査係』に持ち込んでくる。一見、まったく無関係に見えたこれらの殺人事件だったが、宅間はある法則を発見。宅間と千波はその推論をもとに、反発し合いながらも事件解決へと突き進んでいく!
A woman has an ugly face. She has been called 'monster' since childhood. A case occurs in her town that leads to her being ejected and a relocation to Tokyo. She obtains plastic surgery and begins working as a prostitute. She makes some dough and extends the plastic surgery to her entire body. She changes her name and begins a new life. The perfect body leads her to think about men and her hometown.
Tadashi Matsudaira
In the Edo period of Japan, a samurai’s life belonged to his lord. On the battlefield or in the home, a loyal samurai must always obey his lord’s commands. This is the tragic story of one such loyal samurai, whose love for his family forced him to make the ultimate choice of disobeying the wishes of his lord.
Sotetsu (voice)
都会から九州の田舎に引っ越してきた、売れない小説家で介護施設職員の無辜歩(むこ あゆむ、通称・ムコ)と、動物や虫などの声が聞こえる感受性の強い妻利愛子(つまり あいこ、通称・ツマ)。田舎で近所の一風変わった人たちと付き合いつつも穏やかに過す日々。しかし、ある日ムコに手紙が届き、彼はその背中の鳥の刺青に纏わる、ある出来事に向き合うため東京へ向かう。
The film is set in Edo period. As an orphan child Mio starts working at a restaurant in Osaka where she learns how to cook. When she turns 18, she moves to Edo (today's Tokyo) where she opens her own restaurant.
Kunikazu Yokoyama
2012年12月、湾岸署が管轄内で行われている国際環境エネルギーサミットの警護で慌ただしい中、その会場内で誘拐事件が発生、数時間後に被害者は射殺体で発見された。捜査会議が開かれるが、使用された拳銃が警察が押収した物の一つだと発覚したことから、その隠蔽のため、全ての捜査情報を鳥飼に文書として報告し、所轄には極秘状態という異例の捜査体制となる。 やがて捜査本部はある一人の男性に注目。本庁に類が及ばないよう、現場を知る所轄を信頼しているからと言葉巧みに湾岸署刑事課強行犯係を誘導して、この男を任意同行させ、捜査本部による自白強要によって被疑者に仕立てて事態収束を図るが、青島はそんな上層部達の不審な動きに気付いていく。そんな中、第二の殺人事件が発生、被害者が当時交渉課課長時代の真下も関わった6年前の誘拐殺人事件の被告で無罪判決を受けていたことが判明する。一方、独自に動いていた青島は鳥飼の策により、先だって捜査本部が逮捕した被疑者に対する「誤認逮捕」「自白強要」という冤罪を着せられて辞職勧告にまで追いやられ上層部に警察手帳を奪われる。一方で室井も事件の捜査本部長の任に就いた後に青島の責任を取る形での辞職が決定されてしまう。 そして真下の息子が誘拐される第三の事件が発生。警察手帳を取り上げられてしまった青島だったが、誘拐事件の発生を知り室井に報告し共闘を進言。室井はこれを受け入れて青島に捜査への参加を命令する。青島は室井からの命令を受けて人質救出・犯人逮捕に奔走。一方、捜査本部を率いる室井は本庁・所轄問わずに集められた情報から事件の真相へと近づいていく。
Ex-president of cosmetics co.
鏡の精から魔法のコンパクトをもらい、10歳の小学生から22歳の大学生に変身をとげた加賀美あつ子。 大好きなメイクやおしゃれを楽しみ浮かれる中、遊園地で出会った化粧品会社に勤める早瀬尚人にひとめぼれする。その翌日、再会を機に、アイデアを次々と披露するあつ子を気に入った尚人は、自分の会社に彼女をアルバイトとして招き入れることを決める。個性的なメンバーの中で、失敗しつつも楽しみながら毎日を過ごしていたあつ子だった。
Narrator (voice)
Documentary on photojournalist Kikujiro Fukushima
The movie is based on the true story of Takumi Asakawa - a Japanese man who entered Korea during the country's occupation by Japan. Takumi Asakawa became captivated by Korean culture and championed the value of such items as the traditional white Korean porcelain.
Cop #1
真鍋昌平の同名コミックを原作に「山のあなた 徳市の恋」の石井克人監督が映画化。多額の借金を背負わされたフリーターが、秘密の運送屋=スマグラーの一員として働く姿を描く。出演は「マイ・バック・ページ」の妻夫木聡、「毎日かあさん」の永瀬正敏、「てぃだかんかん 海とサンゴと小さな奇跡」の松雪泰子、「悪人」の満島ひかり。
Yasuo Kurita (Haruko's dad)
夫がうつ病になったことをきっかけに、これまでの自分たちを見つめ直し、成長していく夫婦の姿を描いた細川貂々の同名コミックエッセイを映画化。監督は「三本木高校、馬術部」の佐々部清。出演は「オカンの嫁入り」の宮崎あおい、「武士の家計簿」の堺雅人、「冷たい熱帯魚」の吹越満、「ハードライフ 紫の青春・恋と喧嘩と特攻服」の津田寛治。
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
Based on a true story, Yoshiko and Yuriko relates the journey and great love affair of Yoshiko, who was a renowned translator of Russian literature and drama, and Yuriko, who was a feminist novelist and great activist of the post-war democratic literature movement. Both have left huge marks on Japanese literary history. The two women shared a strong attraction to each other from their first meeting and enjoyed a powerful love affair. Yoshiko reveals that she's an out lesbian, whilst Yuriko is married (not altogether happily) to a well-known scholar - a situation she can't walk away from with ease.
Takashi Araki
Setsuko's doctor
SF作家である眉村卓と2002年に大腸がんで死去した妻・悦子の間にあった夫婦愛の実話を元にした作品。 SF作家・牧村朔太郎は大好きなSFの執筆に空想を膨らませ、妻・節子と仲睦まじく過ごしていた。ある日、節子は腹痛に襲われ妊娠かと思われたが、朔太郎は実際は大腸がんに侵され余命1年であることを告げられる。妻の力になろうとするが空回りしてしまう朔太郎。しかし朔太郎は「笑うと免疫力が上がることがある」という医師の言葉から、毎日1編ずつ妻のために短編小説を書くことを決意する。
With the recession still occurring in Japan and the area of Osaka thought to be hit hardest by the economic downtown, Osaka's gubernatorial election occurs. The surprise winner of the election is Sekai no Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe). Three months into his gubernatorial term and with little help from national government, Sekai no Nabeatsu declares Osaka an independent country and takes office as its first President. The Osaka Police then receives a message warning of an impending assassination attempt on the President of Osaka. Police Detectives Hayakawa (Daisuke Miyagawa) and Banba (Kendo Kobayashi) then set out to search for the criminal group. Can the bumbling detectives protect the president? Will there be a future for the country?
Kichigoro Izumiya
Kuniakira Sudo
Prosecutor Yoshikawa
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested for the June 10, 1966 murder of a family in Shizuoka . Iwao Hakamada has always insisted on his innocence and many others also believe Iwao Hakamada has been falsely accused ...
The beautiful Azami is tired of her penniless and lazy boyfriend, Hideji. Determined to break up with him, she must first get back all the money she has given him over the years. She hatches a plot in which she fakes her own kidnapping to get Hideji to pay a ransom. Things get hilariously complicated when all parties involved act to their own agendas.
Yuichiro wants to be an film director but his widowed mother wants him to become a doctor. As radiation leaks permeate the city, he tries to clear his debts by signing up for a dangerous medical experiment...
Akihiro Fujimura
Toshiro Akasu
Dr. Newton (voice)
Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel, human-like robot Apollo (Ichihara Hayato, Rookies) and robot-like human Mikaru (Ueto Aya, Azumi) come upon a stowaway robot with a mysterious "Cipher" chip. Not knowing Cipher's powers, Apollo takes the chip for fun, throwing both him and Mikaru headfirst into a mind-boggling mystery that affects the past, present, and future.
Teichi Suzuki
The drama stars Beat Takeshi as General Hideki Tojo, who served as Prime Minister of Japan during World War II and was later executed as a war criminal. The story's theme is said to be a look at how the Pacific War began, focusing mostly on the three month period between the Imperial Conference (Gozen Kaigi) on September 6, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Kenichi Kamata
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
Nisaburo Suzuki
Remake of a hit film from 1990, "The Cherry Orchard" which Nakahara himself directed, based on a popular comic book from Akimi Yoshida. The story takes place at a prestigious girls high school where everyone is oppressed with rules. One girl who just transferred to this school finds a long lost script of Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" which was banned from school 11 years ago. Breaking strict school rules and boundaries, she and her friends decide to perform the play. With sentiment, love and passion, the girls cherish the moment of their life before taking the next step towards adulthood.
Vice Principal Nishina
Hanako is a mother, who was not enthusiastic when her husband took in two foster children some years ago. He died not long afterward, leaving her alone to care for the youngsters, Koya and Torataro, a task that she rose to with a passion. As the two boys graduate from high school, Hanako has become not only a devoted parent but the neighborhood's most reliable mother in the Osaka style: strong, responsible, irreverent. After the two boys leave school they also leave home, though Torataro continues to work in the family factory. Koya secures employment at a restaurant, where he is forced to put up with the bullying of an older colleague. Unable to take it any more, he runs away, and Hanako and Torataro look for him. They eventually find him pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician.
The 95-year-old director shot the film in his hometown of Ishiuchi, Hiroshima. The story is based on a teacher he had when he was a child.
Tomisuke Kuramochi
Yukari always wanted to become a flight attendant and has just been hired by Japan Airlines. However, due to an unexpected mistake, she has also been recruited to the company's basketball team (the JAL "Rabbits") despite being a lousy at basketball. Forced to divide her time between job training and playing basketball, Yukari makes an increasing amount of mistakes in both areas. Frustrated, she nearly gives up on her dream career, but somehow finds the strength to keep trying both in the skies and on the court.
The anthology film R246 Story centers around the major Japanese highway Route 246. Originating in Chiyoda Ward's Miyakezaka district, the 122.7 kilometers long Route 246 passes through Japanese trendsetting areas such as Aoyama, Omotesando, Harajuku, and Shibuya, on its way to Numazu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Taro Onizuka
Tatsuro Mishima
The prison guards working in penitentiaries where death row inmates are locked up are forced to spend their daily lives constantly facing death.
Inuzuka (Hirotaro Honda), who asked about Mamiko (Rei Dan)'s disappeared father, Shinkichi (Ren Osugi), and her lover, Keiichi (Tetta Sugimoto), was murdered. A "letter" from her disappeared father holds the key.
Remake of Kurosawa Akira‘s Ikiru
Astronomer Yamamoto
Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
Hatsuko's father
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
Assistant Director Irie
Gunji Yamazaki
Rina's Father
Detective Sekiya
「松本清張スペシャル・蒼い描点」。2006年9月8日にフジテレビ系の『金曜エンタテイメント』枠(21:00-22:52)で放送。 編集者の椎原典子は、今月も締切りに遅れそうな村谷阿沙子の原稿を催促する目的で、阿沙子の滞在する箱根宮ノ下へ向かった。途中、顔見知りの田倉義三を見かけるが、田倉は「村谷女史は最近苦しそうですな」と意味深長な言葉を典子に残した。木賀温泉に宿を取り近くを散歩していた典子は、阿沙子の夫・亮吾が謎の女性と佇んでいるのを目撃し、さらに翌朝、阿沙子と田倉らしい人影を発見する。原稿は遅れて典子の滞在は長引くが、その間、河原で田倉の転落死体が発見された。田倉が死んだ夜に亮吾が失踪、加えて東京に戻った阿沙子も、精神病院に入院後行方不明となる。不審な事件の続発に疑問を抱いた典子は、先輩の崎野竜夫とともに、真相究明に乗り出す。
Jingoro Amikiri
An old thief, Kuhei Sagiwara, used to visit his hometown at the foot of the Kurikara Pass in Kaga Province. Hiding from the rain, he overheard a secret conversation between three men, just like him, hiding from the rain. These three conspired to kill Heizo Hasegawa, the head of the arson and robbery police squad, and the head of these three is the outrageous villain, thief and murderer Jingoro Amikiri...
Agashi (voice)
Shaodea's father
It's the story of a rebellious Japanese-Taiwanese girl (played by Rena Tanaka from “Kitaro”) who gets transported back to ancient times and embarks on an adventure with a Taoist priest and a thief. On the road, the group encounters numerous dangers, stumbling upon a conspiracy involving a powerhungry sorcerer and the corrupt court.
Kazuya goes to live with his mother Shinobu because his father, Yoshiki, who works in the same company, has fired him according to the company policy regarding redundancy. However, Shinobu soon gets remarried to Sakamoto depriving Kazuya of a place to stay. He then meets Sachiko who works in a salon where sexual pleasure is offered to men. They promise to have a date on the next Sunday by the sea.
A depressed middle-aged man takes up surfing after he retires.
Takeshi's Manager / Taxi Driver
Shinya Yamazaki
Japanese TV film
Middle-aged man in train
Shop owner (segment "Tokyo")
Three stories are told, respectively set in Tokyo, Taipei, and Shanghai. The first two stories are about a Japanese person and a Taiwanese person. The last one is set in Shanghai with a story about a Japanese man and a Chinese woman. Some of the characters can speak Japanese and some of them Mandarin. Each story encompasses an experience of a foreigner, either from Japan ,Taiwan or China, with a native of the opposite country.
Jam Films S is a Japanese omnibus movie. It was released by Phantom FIlm in Japan on January 15, 2005. The movie follows 2002’s Jam Films and its 2004 sequel Jam Films 2. This time around, the overall theme is “S” which stands for succession, success, and special. There are seven shorts, all produced by Ryuhei Kitamura. Included are the shorts Tuesday by Kenji Sonoda, Heaven Sent by Ryuichi Takatsu, Blouse by Hitoshi Ishikawa, New Horizon by Ryo Teshima, Suberidai by Yuichi Abe, Alpha by Daisaburo Harada, and Suit by Masaki Hamamoto.
Junichi Nunokawa
A Japanese film by Hideyuki Hirayama, Lady Joker is a detective thriller with elements of social commentary on Japanese society that is based on the 1997 bestselling novel by Kaoru Takamura.
Hanatani Village in the valley of Tokushima Prefecture is going to be submerged when a dam is constructed. In order to preserve the beauty of the place for future generations, the villagers decide to take photographs of all the families in the village. Kenichi, the only photographer in the village, is put in charge of the project. He calls his son Takashi, an aspiring photographer, to help him with the task. Takashi is puzzled since his father and he are not at all close, but as they visit each family in turn and Takashi sees his father working, Takashi's feelings towards his father begin to change.
Eiko Akimori is a 23-year-old woman who lives alone in an apartment. One day, Eiko is made to buy a big stone ring that brings happiness from a catch sales on the way home from work.
Kazuo Yamada
The housewife and part-time private detective Noriko Yamada plays her old tricks again, uncovering mysterious corruption cases. But this time she will solve it adopting the style of "Beatrix Kiddo" from Kill Bill.
Namiko Morita, who lived in Otaru, moved to this area with her husband, Yutaro, and opened the brewery "Morita Brewery". Eventually, they succeeded in this business and lived happily while raising three children. However, in August 1945, the situation changed completely due to the Soviet invasion of Manchuria.
「醜く老いてしまう前に自らを葬ってしまおう」 春、背中に天使の羽根のタトゥーを入れた17歳の少女・チカコは、そうやって年上の3人の男と1年間の愛人契約を結んだ。男たちは少女を”華子“と呼び、少女は彼らを”A、B、C“と呼んだ。いつも優しく華子を抱くA、物静かでミステリアスなB、乱暴に華子を犯すC。逢引の為だけに用意された洋館で、無感情な情事が繰り返される。夏、補習でどこにも行けない華子を、男たちは花火に連れて行った。花火を見つめる男たちの目はまるで少年のようで、その時、華子は彼らもかつては子供だったのだと実感する。秋、涼子と言うクラスメイトに誘われて行った映画館で、華子は見知らぬ男にレイプされ、妊娠した。居合わせた涼子の弟・行人が彼女に救いの手を差し伸べようとするも、彼はまだ幼く純粋すぎた。冬、Cが何者かに刺され入院した。その病室からは、華子の通う高校が見えた。彼女は知る。かつて同じ部屋に、「彼女を愛人にしたい」と言い遺して死んだ、男たちのかけがえのない仲間が入院していたことを。1年後、華子の18歳の誕生日。男たちは、華子を4番目の男の墓へ連れて行った。彼女は、男の墓にキスをした。そして、別れの時。華子は、自分の中に今まで感じたことのない感情が芽生えていることに気づく。それは、男たちへの愛だった。彼女は思う。「私は、またここから歩いて行ける」と。
Kazuki Urushibara
Urushibara Kazuki heads to Kyoto to explore the secret of his wife, Saeko, who is hospitalized for terminal cancer.
An elusive alligator named Jake leads you on a worldwide psychedelic journey in this animation / live action combo. Play name that celebrity as 24 top Japanese stars (including cast members of Battle Royale and several cult film directors) recollect their stream of consciousness encounters with the cuddly croc.
Loudspeaker Person in Prison (voice)
Existential study on a misplaced workers and ex-prisoner who moves through the city and his influence on other characters' lives.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect Couple - starring Yada Akiko. 3. Toosugita Otoko (The Man Who Was Too Far Away) - starring Nakamura Shido. 4. Meiro (The Maze)- starring Tanihara Shosuke. 5. Kage ga Omonaru Toki (When Shadows Accumulate) - starring Yashima Norito. * Adapted from a novel by Tsutsui Yasutaka.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Kao wo Nusumareta (My Face was Stolen) - starring Inagaki Goro 2. Rental Love - starring Iijima Naoko 3. Oikaketai (I want to Chase [Him/Her]) - starring Kyono Kotomi 4. Chozeikin Taisaku Satsujin Jiken (Countering Excessive Taxation Murder Case) - starring Nishimura Masahiko 5. Kage no Kuni (The Country of Shadows) - starring Sakurai Sachiko
A young woman returns to the island where she grew up.
Norio Ando
Kazuo Yamada
Noriko Yamada is a housewife and mother of five children, she and her husband go through an economic crisis that causes them to have problems with the bank. But while looking for work will Hitoshi befriending Hibino, president of "K & D Research" a detective agency. This will give you the opportunity to spend a trial investigating an infidelity. So get to be a part-time detective Noriko.
Toyotaro Koda
幕末の庄内地方。海坂藩の御蔵役を務める井口清兵衛は、夕方に仕事を終えると同僚の酒の誘いも断り真っ直ぐ自宅に帰り、家事と内職にいそしんでいた。認知症を抱える老母と幼い2人の娘の世話、そして労咳で死んだ妻の薬代や葬儀などで嵩んだ借金を返済するためだ。日々の暮らしに追われ、次第に身なりが薄汚れていく清兵衛。同僚の中には、そんな彼を陰で「たそがれ清兵衛」と呼んで小馬鹿にする者もいた。 春、清兵衛は親友の飯沼倫之丞と再会する。倫之丞は妹の朋江が酒乱の夫・甲田豊太郎に度々暴力を振るわれるため、離縁させたことを清兵衛にうちあける。
Haruna's Manager
Nishi Goro
A reworking of MPD Psycho by the author of the original manga Eiji Otsuka edited from the TV show and newly-filmed scenes.
Nagata Tsutomu
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2002 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Mushi Game (Ignore the Game) - starring Uchiyama Rina 2. Okashina Machi (Funny Town) - starring Yanagiba Toshiro 3. Tokage no Shippo (Lizard's Tail) - starring Kashiwabara Takashi 4. Yogisha no Otoko (Man's Night Train) - starring Osugi Ren 5. Manhole - starring Kagawa Teruyuki
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
Taxi Driver
A woman, disguised as an office lady, takes revenge for her dead lover.
A wacky tale of two guys, one Korean and one Japanese who, mistaken for a couple of murderers, take to their heels, thus starting off a adrenalin pumping (and often zany) adventure with a distorted sense of time
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
Jidai-geki period / folklore type stories that were comissioned by the Kumamoto prefacture of Kyushu island in 1996 and filmed over a period of three years. Kumamoto Monogatari is a 2002 omnibus which includes the three short films: Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta, Onna Kunishuu Ikki.
Aya's Father
Asako in Ruby Shoes succeeds in providing yet another challenge to views of a homogeneous South Korea by presenting to us the Asian side of modern globalization. The film jumps back and forth from Korea and Japan, with each main character feeling out of place in their respective homes.
Mizuki's Stepfather
Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.
Osamu rescues a girl who was being chased by two punks and is soon mixed up with the Yakuza
Yoshiaki Yamauchi (segment "One Snowy Night")
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain, listening to stories told by one of the group. These include tales of a group stranded in the mountains and haunted by guilt over a death they inadvertantly caused, an emotionally broken chessmaster pressed into playing a real-life game for an eccentric millionaire, a wandering medieval samurai who finds a modern-day cell phone on the ground and a person on the other end asking questions about the past, and a young couple who agree to try a computer simulation of what their future as husband and wife would be like.
Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?
Kurosaki is an erotic novelist who uses his editor and a hired model to act out scenarios in his living room to use for inspiration in his writing. His wife Shizuko calls him a pervert but on the inside, she feels physically neglected. She tries to make him jealous, while also going after what she desires with someone else.
Restaurant Customer
Yuichiro Jonouchi
Murai Yoshio
Shinichi Tsuneda
After her brother is accused of murdering four people, his sister, desperate to prove his innocence, goes to a psychic for help. The price they ask, however, is far more than she expected, and the answers they give her are nothing she could ever have imagined. And what is the FBI doing investgating a murder in Japan?
Toshio Saito
Tachibana, who was once regarded as the next young leader of the gangster group but lost the promotion battle to rival Yamamoto, is now a central figure in a group of outlaws who have been banished from yakuza society. He was repeating the wrongdoings of. One day, in exchange for 100 million bounties from Yamamoto, he receives a request to crush the Kanto Wide Area Gangster Association and Iron Heart.
Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta is a 2001 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu and Onna Kunishuu Ikki, both also directed by Miike.
Satoshi Nakasone
A seasoned detective is called in to rescue a politician held hostage by a lunatic. In a brief moment of uncertainty, he misses the chance for action. Leaving his job and family without explanation, he makes his way to a mountain forest, encountering a peculiar tree called Charisma.
Hiroyuki Kajikawa
東野圭吾の同名小説を広末涼子主演で描いた、ミステリータッチの甘く切ないラブ・ストーリー。愛する妻と娘に囲まれ満ち足りた生活を送る杉田平介。だがある日、 妻・直子と娘・藻奈美が乗ったスキーバスが崖から転落する。 二人は病院に運ばれるが、まもなく妻は息を引き取る。娘のほうは、なんとか一命を取りとめたものの、意識が戻った彼女は自分は妻の直子だと告白する。やがて平介もそれを信じ、直子は人前では17歳の藻奈美として振舞い、二度目の青春を謳歌するが……。
Akihiko Tomobe
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
The story follows a trio of Japanese youths of Chinese descent who escape their semi-rural upbringing and relocate to Shinjuku, Tokyo, where they befriend a troubled Shanghai prostitute and fall foul of a local crime syndicate. Like many of Miike's works, the film examines the underbelly of respectable Japanese society and the problems of assimilation faced by non-ethnically Japanese people in Japan.
Mitsuko has a prestigious job as an editor at a publishing company, while her husband Tomatsu works as a freelance photographer, but he spends all of his time taking care of housework. One day, Mitsuko suspects Tomatsu is having an affair with Mayu, a model, and immediately throws him out. With no place to go, he moves in with Mayu, disrupting her affair with Nakazaki, who happens to work with Mitsuko.
Yasutaka Hiura (Sayori's father)
Years after moving to Tokyo with her parents, Hinako returns to her hometown in rural Shikoku. She soon learns that her childhood friend, Sayuri, died several years ago and that Sayuri's mother, who used to perform seances and exorcisms, has gone almost insane with grief. After seeing Sayuri's ghost several times during the night, Hinako consults with some local experts on the paranormal and discovers that Sayuri's mother has something planned for her daughter...
A full-scale drama that visualizes a feature-length novel by Koichi Iiboshi from "Battle Without Honor and Justice." It depicts a shocking rivalry set in Shinjuku, the largest entertainment district in Asia, such as robbery, kidnapping, theft, and the murder of a blue dragon sword. Show Aikawa enthusiastically plays a lone wolf gangster. Co-starring Hitoshi Ozawa and others.
Nakajima (Hanako s father)
Rica and Kengo have been living together for the past four years. It’s been a very happy time for Rica; the only dark spot being an accident she caused during a shoot for a commercial in which Kengo’s good friend, Shibata, nearly lost his life. The memory of this event weighs heavily on Rica’s conscience. One night Kengo tells Rica that he has fallen in love with a charming but „inscrutable“ woman named Hanako.
Kunikazu Yokoyama
1998年11月4日 、湾岸署と勝どき署の中間の河川で水死体が発見される。司法解剖の結果水死体の胃の中から熊のぬいぐるみが発見され、事件は思わぬ方向に……。一方、警視庁副総監が自宅前で拉致される事件が起こり、湾岸署に捜査本部が置かれるが、所轄の刑事は一切捜査をさせないという方針に、激怒する青島。だが同時に、なんと湾岸署内で窃盗事件が起こる。
Hideyoshi (as Ren Ôsugi)
Ethnically Korean Japanese filmmaker Yoichi Sai directs this madcap crime comedy. Nakayama (Goro Kishitani) is a suave police detective who doesn't play by the rules. He busts a drug ring, but not before sampling a few of the wares, and he closes down an underaged prostitution ring after enjoying the company of a school girl hooker. One of duties is to shake down sniveling Korean gangster Hideyoshi (Ren Osugi) for information. In spite of their positions on opposite sides of the law, the two discover that they share a fair amount in common. A disregard for the law and the love of a comely prostitute from China named Momo-chan (Makoto Togashi). Though Hideyoshi is running an illegal alien smuggling ring with her and has lusted for her from a far for quite a while, Nakayama manages to bed her first. When she does finally appear in Hideyoshi's bed, she's unfortunately a corpse.
Bus driver
The police are tracking a man who shoots at people. But the young sister of a detective finds that he's not the mad vigilante portrayed in newspapers.
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
Hisashi gets fired from his temp job due to his impulsiveness. One day he meets Chikako, a housewife who constantly shoplifts at the supermarket he regularly goes. He somehow agrees to help her to look for her run-away son, Masaru. Unfortunate to Hisashi, Masaru starts following his around instead of returning home, after he was found by Hisashi. Then they end up stealing a gun from a police officer! In their course of running away, the similar two who cannot adapt to society very well start to develop a mutual friendship…
The chimpira 'Katsuichi' got his hands on the only daughter of the largest daughter in the Kanto region.
A refined psychological portrait of youths on their way to maturity
After the internal conflict in the Kanto Ichienkai that was once caused by the Takayama group, until the reconstruction of the Takayama group, the Shima of the Takayama group was kept by the sand group led by Hitoshi Yoshiro. There was a group that was aiming at the sima. The Wuryukai under the same Kanto Ichienkai. After the death of his predecessor, this group, who made a name for himself as a servant, began to repeat dirty business after the young head Tange took over his mark. The sand group and the Wuryukai are in conflict over the Shima of the Takayama group. At that time, Kihara, an old friend of the dragon society, comes from Jin.
Ten years after his greatest triumph, Yabuki has lost the Mafia that was once his to rule. But when a young gangster comes to him for guidance, he discovers that the old rage still burns. It's time for Yabuki's final stand and one last blaze of glory!
This exciting work is full of dangerous behind the scenes stories from the sex industry.
First live action adaptation of Demon Fighter Kocho
Police Chief
Man burning
An unemployed man trying to steal from a convenience store, and the store clerk catches him in the act. the thief runs away with the store-clerk right after him. All the while, the store clerk is in trouble with a low-rank yakuza. Along the chase for the thief, they catch the eye of the Yakuza who's been looking for the convenience store clerk.
Yuji and Kosaku become involved with a brother and sister who want to drive a local yakuza gang member out of their neighborhood.
A duo get mixed up with a girl who finds a trunk load full of heroin.
Yoichi Hamamoto
Keiko, a young, newly hired weather woman, is eager to give her channel's flagging ratings a boost. She decides a panty shot might do the trick, so during her forecast she lifts her skirt, thereby capturing the attention and the hearts of viewers. Keiko's stunt creates such a stir of excitement over the weather report that viewers begin religiously turning in to see what she'll do next. However, this showboating routine earns the ire of Kaori, the beautiful and ambitious daughter of JTV's chairman. Jealous of her success and aching to take over the weather report, Kaori is willing to do just about anything to get what she wants.
Taxi Passenger
A man who was trapped by a gangster who was taken over by a sneaky means of life, such as a gangster and a gangster who disappeared from the screen with the era of his work. With the trampled step-in-law and streaks as shields, the last princes of Heisei who sought a place to die at the end show a fierce way of life!
Katsumi, a man who lives a lazy and uninspired life, suddenly becomes addicted to "peeping" to uncover the true identity of his unknown neighbors in the same apartment building, i.e. their abnormal daily lives. In the midst of this, a mysterious high school girl named Mika suddenly jumps into Katsumi's eye. In order to find out what's going on with Mika, who regularly comes to the room of a middle-aged man with no luck, Katsumi uses his high-tech skills to peep into the girl's life, but he soon becomes obsessed with the girl's mysterious charms. What is Mika's true face that he finally sees?
This Japanese thriller finds a beautiful policewoman becoming entangled in Japan's S&M underground while investigating a gruesome murder. Soon, her investigation has led her to a seductive sadist and his equally appealing masochist victim. Falling prey to her suspects' powerful allure, she struggles to extricate herself from an increasingly torrid affair to solve the mystery she set out to investigate.
The thug is now back in Shaba as a legendary hitman!
Miyako is a frustrated insurance saleswoman stuck in a major dry spell. She tries every trick in the book, including aggressive flirting, which gets her plenty of gropers but no buyers. One day while venturing down a narrow stairwell, she injures her ankle and happens upon Mitsuru who works for some mysterious foreign company. Decked out in high goth style -- complete with long inky black hair and mascaraed eyes -- Mitsuru cuts quite an odd figure, yet his seductive though menacing ways make him difficult for Miyako to resist. Escorting her to his office to treat her ankle, Miyako notices that his all-female staff seem more glassy-eyed and soul-deadened than the average office workers. In fact, they seem almost like zombies. Later, weird things start happening. Mitsuko finds vomit on her doorstep, she seems to be tailed by a shadowy woman in a red dress, and most strikingly, she finds herself utterly powerless against Mitsuru's advances.
Yabuki's old friend returns as a deadly enemy. Blood brothers are driven to bitter hatred as betrayal rips mafia loyalties apart! Only the strong will survive the wrath of The Yakuza.
Chunba and Kotetsu, grows up in the working class neighborhood of Kishiwada in Osaka in the mid-seventies. Their life in school is a never-ending series of fights and reprisals against rival gangs landing them in trouble with organised crime and in the juvenile court.
Having lost everything to horse racing, Yûji accidentally gets 10 million yen. But this sum belongs to a Yakuza.
Sakai Suzuki
Yûji and Kosaku are hired to track down an old man. But when he suddenly dies, his granddaughter surfaces with a map to his buried fortune, which the yakuza and a dirty cop are determined to find.
ボタン会社の経理課課長として、優しい妻やちょっぴり生意気だが可愛い一人娘にも恵まれ、念願だった一軒家も手に入れて、仕事や家庭に何の不満もない杉山正平。しかし、彼には満ち足りない何かがあった。正平は、ある日の会社の帰り、電車の中から見えるダンス教室の窓に、物憂げに佇むひとりの女性岸川舞を見つける。その美しさに目を奪われた彼は、数日後、そのダンス教室を訪れ社交ダンスを習い始めることに。 ほんの「スケベ心」から、家族にも会社にも内緒でダンスを習い始めた正平であったが、社交ダンスの魅力と会社の同僚青木富夫やプライドの高い高橋豊子、有閑マダム然としたたまこ先生といった個性的な仲間との交流を通じて純粋にダンスにのめり込んでいく。また、ある事件から最初は正平に心を閉ざしていた舞であったが、正平のダンスへのひたむきな姿を見るうちに、だんだんと心を開いてゆき、自らの心の傷も癒えることを覚える。一方、正平の妻は急に帰宅が遅くなったことに、浮気しているのではと心配し探偵を雇い正平の身辺調査を始める。 舞らの後押しで正平は豊子とペアを組んで東関東アマチュアスポーツダンス大会に出場することとなり、観衆の前で猛特訓の成果を披露することとなるのだが…。
Yakuza boss
Tatsuhito, a cop, pursues Chinese warlord Wang through the underworld of Shinjuku and over to Taiwan.
Hapless gangsters are hired by the yakuza to tail his daughter. Once the identity of the boy she's dating has been unveiled, the boss offers a reward for his capture.
Three mean and a woman connected by a strange encounter.
After being excommunicated from the yakuza, Ginya Yabuki returns from the shadows as leader of his own crime syndicate known as the Tokyo Mafia.
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Two petty gangsters get ransomed by a group of Yakuza members, fortunately they are rescued by a kindly Kindergarten teacher.
Yoshikatsu Katagiri
Head Yakuza 3
朝男の頭の中は「女とヤリたい」でいっぱい。そんなモヤモヤが彼を異常な行動へ駆り立てていく。 『みんな〜やってるか!』は、ビートたけし監督による日本映画で初コメディ映画監督作品。1995年2月11日公開。 「北野武」名義も含めた場合は5作目に当たる。それまでは「北野武」名義で映画監督を行ってきたが、本作は初の「ビートたけし」名義での製作となった。そのため「ビートたけし第一回監督作品」と銘打たれる(日本国外では、北野武名義の作品となっている)。 多くの映画評論家からも黙殺されたが、淀川長治は「斎藤寅次郎、マック・セネットの再来」と評価した。
Jiro becomes a happy instructor but a shocking suspicion was raised by Owada who took the place of his parents.
A yakuza's woman got in a car with Ida, a salesman who has no choice!
A man's life is altered when he comes into possession of a gun.
The Yakuza clan Inoshika decides to help a small family business, Taxi Tanaka, lured by the clan Jinryûkaï and deeply in debt.
A female photographer seduces men to kill them for her pleasure.
A blind female assassin lives alone in a remote house; her superiors occasionally send her "clients" / targets that she shoots right after having sex with them in her completely darkened bedroom.
The Story of Untouchable Passion In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Kazuki is so plugged with guilt that he quits the team and settles in a remote kamakura Girl's high School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Moe. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.
Jin, who has killed is worried about his younger brother Jiro and has returned to the world as a ghost!
More than his indie debut Skinless Night, this was the film that launched Mochizuki on his distinctive trajectory through the crime and yakuza genres. Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda) is a racing tipster for a sports paper, a lowlife who spends half his time drunk, hangs out with yakuza and other riff-raff and complicates his sex life by succumbing to advances from his girlfriend's sister. As played by Okuda, he's also a figure of considerable hangdog charm. Less a plot-based movie than a guide to the several forms of high stakes gambling in Japan, this centres on his attempt to help a friend swindled in a bent mahjong game. Hakuryu appears (memorably) as an inscrutable yakuza in a black leather jacket. The film's success led to two sequels.
Naoto Kiba takes on the task of protecting thug Junpei who embezzled 500 million yen from Okinawa's largest gangster gangs, Soryu-kai.
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
A former lover who reunited in Arashi's Okinava The woman was a widow , and the man was a yakuza Tatsuo Nadaka and Seiji Matano have teamed up to develop a hard action set in the scorching Okinawa !
In the scorching heat of Okinawa, former lovers meet. Now, he is a gangster on a mission, she is a window trying to protect what is hers. Together, they get caught in the crossfire.
Shunsuke Kurokawa
A V-Cinema tokusatsu movie released by TOEI and Bandai Visual. Creature design by Keita Amemiya. It was originally planned to include Space Sheriff Gavan, but those plans fell through.
Direct to video adaptation of the comic by Michiharu Kusunoki.
When yakuza member Okamoto (Hitoshi Ozawa) begins to search for Nami (Reiko Yasuhara), a woman he saw in an underground porn video, he finds himself on a path to his own destruction. Action film based on a manga by Takashi Ishii.
Sukezo, a farmer manga comic artist, takes up the art rock business by setting up a shop in a shed by the river. He tries hard to be successful, but business does not go well and the family becomes progressively poorer.
Live action adaption of Naoki Yamamoto's romantic comedy manga series.
Kozo Yamamoto
In the sequel to 1990's classic Neo Chinpira, Junko (Sho Aikawa) attempts to take out Kazama and then goes on the run. However, he quickly begins to feel homesick, and returns home to find that almost everything has changed. Noriko is now a bar mama with a lavish lifestyle, Yumeko is nowhere to be found, and his boss (Toru Minegishi) seems to have sinister plans involving Junko and his uncle (Jo Shishido).
Ai is a call girl. If her work involves a great deal of risk, she feels free and like fun situations that may seem dangerous ... Ai likes to play. she met many customers, sometimes violent, sometimes very sweet , but often crazy... Among these clients, Mr.Mamiya, a strange and captivating artist who gradually will initiate her into SM pleasures. Despite everything, her attraction to him is growing and one day she told him " I love you ", Next day Ai receives a letter of invitation sent by Mamiya.
Magazine editor
Adaptation of the traditional Japanese ghost story The Peony Lantern.
Kozo Yamamoto
It is a youth group of third-class university students struggling to get a job at a first-class company.
A wordholic man, acting as the chief editor by a certain publishing company, is confined by the writer who wishes to publish.
A woman is raped on a crowded subway. No one reports it to the police. A TV studio exploits the incident to boost ratings, with tragic results, including the victimization of the reporter sent to harass the gang members who committed the crime.
Shunsuke Nozawa
Two sisters are raped on the morning commute on their way to school on the subway, in full view of the passengers, by a bunch of chinpira. One sister commits suicide, so the other quits school and picks up a yakuza boy friend who teaches her how to shoot. The boyfriend is killed by his old gang and the girl becomes a cab driver hunting the chinpira who raped her and her sister. Along the way, she dispatches various yakuzas and rapists with her 45.
Wataru and Makoto are two singers and on their way from a performance to an interview when they are ambushed. Their attackers, who identify themselves as the "Noblemen Squad" take Makoto hostage and leave Wataru and their female manager behind. Luckily, the manager's brother (Ren Osugi, here working under the pseudonym Kyoji Saeki) drops by and starts training Wataru so he can rescue his partner.
Nozawa Shunsuke
A man with a briefcase is being pursued by a small yakuza gang. The man resembles one of the gang's leaders. After abandoning his vehicle, the man boards a train where a woman is being raped by three thugs. Intimidated by the rapists, the other commuters do nothing to help the woman. Neither does the man. Later, however, the raped woman, a hot lesbian, reports the rape to the police and a witness comes forward. This complicates things for the man on the run and he is forced to take steps to protect his own identity.
It is a sexy hospital. After all, how many hospitals do you know where the nurses prostitute themselves to their patients? A cute nurse is asked to offer sexual services to her patients and resists at first. After all, she has a husband back at home. The hospital offers its patients additional amenities and services like you would never believe.
Munehisa Ito
A film debut work by Mr. Sokkuri, Toe Chie, who was talked about as a parody version adult video "Stewardess story" etc. Other performances include Akira Mano , Takeshita Yukari etc., the director is Ryuichi Hiroki , the steel is Kinichi Tanaka .
Pink film by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu.
Tomio, a college student, lives in a Western-style house where strange people live, such as his landlady Yukiko and her older brother Kishi, the crook Hosoda, and his idiot wife Tamae, Miyamoto, who lost both legs in the war, his mistress with tattoos, Nozawa, who has no energy, and Shizue, a lover with heart disease. Detective Harada recently discovered the strangled corpses of four women, and while the local residents are suspicious and conducting a secret investigation, a strange incident has occurred, and suspicion falls on Tomio...
Shukichi / Father
General manager of a hotel
A man and a woman in mourning clothes meet on a train platform by chance...
1984 film.
Shigeru Mimura
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Shûkichi Yajima
Miki is the daughter of an affluent family. She's an elegant and sophisticated girl who gets captured by a secret admirer.
Joji Goda
A gay couple is on good terms with each other. They run a shot bar together and are enjoying their love. Their father was also once a lover, and they vowed to be together in the future, but they split up due to the barriers of the world. They are determined not to follow in the footsteps of their father. One day, at their restaurant, the two fathers meet again for the first time in decades. At first they are at odds with each other, but then the love they once had for each other comes back to life...
Shinohara, a young bodybuilder, joins a para-military sect in northern Japan. His instructor, Takizawa, takes a liking to the new recruit. After an early “special” training session the two develop a lasting and loving relationship. “Beautiful Mystery” was the first gay “adult” film to come out of Japan. Although tame by U.S. standards, it is ground–breaking nonetheless.
An abusive husband subjects his wife to different forms of sexual abuse and torture, including upside down rope bondage, hot candle wax and walking her around with a collar in public.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
First production by Directors' Company. A man stripped bare of all modern values lives in a pure form, like a beast, feeding and satiating his every primal desire whenever they may arise. He takes on a mate, a woman intrigued by his personage or lack thereof, and they live in his den in central Tokyo. As time goes on, we see how this animal clashes with modern man, and the consequences of their coexistance.
Drunk at the ferry terminal
Pinku from 1982.
Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.
Saeko works at a bar, and she is waitng for her lover Huyuhiko who was jailed. One day, Huyuhiko comes back. He starts working, but soon he quit the job and grow desperate. Saeko supports Huyuhiko, but because of the debt, she was raped...
Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu.
Pinku from 1981, distributed from the Nikkatsu.
Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu
A gang boss orders the execution of a prostitute who witnessed a murder. When the boss' henchman discovers the prostitute is actually blind, he falls in love with her and protects her. The prostitute regains her sight just in time to see the death of her boyfriend. At his funeral, overcome with feelings of mixed joy and grief, she secretly masturbates.
Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu
Japanese pink film
An older yakuza man falls in love with Seru, a high school girl. When he is put in prison, Seru begins working as a prostitute to earn money for the gangster's parole. During her yakuza lover's incarceration, Seru gains a new, young boyfriend. The yakuza discovers the new boyfriend after he is released from prison. Realizing that she will have a better life with her new boyfriend who is not associated with the yakuza, he sacrifices his love for Seru and gives her up.
An erotic drama reflecting the painful lust of two couples living in a residential complex. When a man got drunk, he undressed his wife and tied her up, and was a pervert who enjoyed insidious pleasures. The wife also experienced the joy of abnormal guilt, but was not satisfied with this one and started an affair with a man from the next room.
Pinku from 1980. A young man seeks to exact revenge against a group of men that violated his sister.
Yumi, the wife of elite employee Keiji Suzuki, lives in a nice house and enjoys an affluent life. Yumi's peaceful life is suddenly interrupted by an intruder.