Pam Fuller


Script Supervisor
My All American
Script Supervisor
Freddie Steinmark, an underdog on the gridiron, faces the toughest challenge of his life after leading his team to a championship season.
Script Supervisor
19世紀アメリカ、ネブラスカ。小さな集落で暮らす独身のメアリー(ヒラリー・スワンク)は、病で豹変した3人の女性をアイオワの教会まで連れて行く役目《ホームズマン》に立候補する。そしてその直後、彼女は木に吊るされた悪党ブリッグス(トミー・リー・ジョーンズ)に遭遇、処刑寸前だった彼を、旅に同行することを条件に助け出した。こうして始まった、孤独な女と大悪党の、約400マイル(650km)の長い旅。しかし、彼らを待ち受けるのは、地獄と形容され生きて帰ることもままならない最も危険な荒野だった!過酷な気候、狂暴な先住民、そして命を狙う盗賊たち…。2人は無事にこの任務を全うすることができるのか!? 日本では劇場未公開で、2016年に京都ヒストリカ国際映画祭で『ホームズマン』のタイトルで上映された。
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Script Supervisor
Housewife and mother Penny Chenery agrees to take over her ailing father's Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horse-racing knowledge. Against all odds, Chenery - with the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin - manages to navigate the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years.
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デス・プルーフ in グラインドハウス
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Script Supervisor
While researching his book In Cold Blood, writer Truman Capote develops a close relationship with convicted murderers Dick Hickock and Perry Smith.
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
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When brash Texas border officer Mike Norton wrongfully kills and buries the friend and ranch hand of Pete Perkins, the latter is reminded of a promise he made to bury his friend, Melquiades Estrada, in his Mexican home town. He kidnaps Norton and exhumes Estrada's corpse, and the odd caravan sets out on horseback for Mexico.
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テキサスからメキシコへの旅行中に、若者のグループが血まみれのヒッチハイカーを拾い上げ、彼女は前の晩に近くの家で起きた虐殺の唯一の生存者であると主張します。 Tobe Hooper(1974)による同名のクラシックのリメイク。
Script Supervisor
The Soul Collector
Script Supervisor
Zachariah, makes a few mistakes and it is decided that he is to live as a human being for thirty days. Mordecai is his supervisor. Rebecca's husband died and Zachariah the soul collector, or, the angel of the death helped him to make the transition between heaven and earth. There are some complications with Rebecca's farm and Zachariah helps her out.
Holiday in Your Heart
Script Supervisor
LeAnn Rimes plays herself from her childhood in Nashville to her performing around the country as a country-western singer, until she has to make a choice: Does she perform at the Grand Ole Opry, following her dreams? Or does she not go to the concert, and stay at her dying grandmother's bedside? The made-for-tv film is based in part on LeAnn's autobiographical novel.
The People Next Door
Script Supervisor
When hapless Anna Morse decides to leave her violent husband for good and moves into an Albuquerque rental house with her three little daughters, things are gradually looking up again at first. But soon enough it all starts to fall apart when not only her newfound job and the love of her mother, but also the friendship of the caring next door neighbours all don't appear as reliable as they seemed. And then the real nightmare is about to begin...
Born to Be Wild
Script Supervisor
Rick Heller is a juvenile delinquent who keeps getting himself into trouble. To keep him out of trouble his mother puts him to work cleaning the cage of a gorilla named Katie which she is teaching to communicate through the use of sign language. When the owner of the gorilla takes her back to become a flea market freak Rick takes it upon himself to break Katie out and take her on an adventurous journey to get her out of the country.
An American Story
Script Supervisor
World War II has ended and many soldiers return to their houses and families. But three of them find themselves with big problems when they arrive at their home village.
Wild Texas Wind
Script Supervisor
Soon after a country singer moves in with her band's new manager, he's found slain and she's a suspect.