Nicolas Sburlati


Bonne soirée
The Inspection
The Inspection is a mighty film without (luckily) any morality in the end — it is a story about what can and what cannot be told to children. A school teacher receives a visit from an educational inspector, who is trying to coherently react to the parents’ complaints. It turns out she spends too much time telling children about the horrible events of the 20th century, in particular about the Holocaust — all in contradiction to the logically drawn school curriculum. She is deeply convinced that while one cannot talk too much about the genocide of the European Jews, it is way too easy not to say enough, not to warn and not to explain.
L'enfant et le poulpe
La Merde
Ses souffles
Lizon has just attended her friend Marie's birthday. The friends around the birthday cake, the candles to be blown, the wish to be made amazed her. For her ninth birthday, Lizon wants to have the same thing. A birthday with a cake, candles and her friends, at her home: in the car.
Kingston Avenue
Vincent has followed the woman he loves to New York. But they're not getting along anymore. Stubborn, he's going to try to do everything to get her back.
Assistant Editor
A little sea resort on the Picardie coast, the last week of august. When handing over the keys to a rented apartment, Sylvain makes the acquaintance of two beautiful women. This is a fabulous occasion for him to escape his routine, single life in which women are a rarity, even if only for a few days. Quickly Sylvain's new friends can't do without him. Unfortunately, things get complicated when feelings and flirty Gilles, the local lady's man, get mixed up in it all.