Yuumi Goto

出生 : 1984-02-14, Kitakyūshū, Fukuoka, Japan


両親が荒井由実のファンだったため、優実(ユウミ)と名付けられる。 デンマーク旅行に行った際観劇した現代舞踏に影響を受け、衣装デザインや舞台美術の勉強をするため2001年劇団・うずめ劇場(ペーター・ゲスナー主宰)に入団。裏方として入ったが、劇団の俳優不足のため役者もやることに。その後主演をいくつか任されるようになるも方向性の違いにより退団。それからしばらくの間北九州市で映画の製作や一人芝居、パフォーマンス活動などに挑戦する。2008年上京。自主制作映画など映像作品を中心に俳優活動を再開する。 現在フリーランスで活動中。


アララト 誰でもない恋人たちの風景vol.3
The third installment in the "Landscape of lovers who are not anyone" series directed by Michio Koshikawa, which depicts men and women passing each other and attracting each other. Sugi-chan, Saki's husband and painter, collapsed a few years ago and her left half of her body was stuck, and she is no longer painting at all. One day, Sugi-chan said she wanted to draw Saki's nude. While supporting her working life at her late-night family restaurant, Sugi-chan was delighted that she wanted Sugi-chan to draw again, but she couldn't live without relying on Sugi-chan. I was feeling annoyed. The bodies and minds of two people passing each other. On the day when a big crack was born between the two, Saki is connected with his family colleague Yukio. Aika Yukihira and Sugi-chan, who play the role of Saki in "Be My Slave, Chapter 2 Please Call Me Your Master," act as an actor on the stage while having paralysis on her left side. Tadatoshi Ogita plays each.
AV女優がサイン会にやってくる……!? 刺激的な噂話に揺れる中学生・タカシとその仲間たち。忘れられない夜を越えて見つけたものとはーーー!? 1987年の田舎町。中学生のタカシは、ずっと家でうじうじしている父親(光石研)がカッコ悪くて嫌いだ。今日も婚約者を連れて帰って来た姉に対して情けない態度で見ていられない。町を歩いてるとすぐ絡んでくるヤンキーたちも鬱陶しいし、隣に住む幼なじみで巨乳のメグミがちょっと気になっている。そんなどうにもならない悶々とした日々を送っているタカシが柔道部の仲間たちと入り浸っている、町に一軒だけあるレンタルビデオ屋があった。そしてそこにAV女優のよくしまる今日子がサイン会にやって来るという噂が聞こえてきて……。予期せぬ事態、大騒動の果てにタカシはよくしまる今日子に会う事ができるのかーーー?
A failed director is trying to get his next movie off the ground, while dealing with his cranky brother and his estranged wife.
A group of mid-twenty friends with unsteady jobs meet for a party where they intend to hook up two of their friends. Over the following weeks we follow their lives in four different small apartments as their relationships change and evolve and as everyone struggles with love.
Mr. Takada is a successful mature writer who falls into a creative blockade following the death of her wife. Incapable of finishing the novel his fans demand anxiously, and about to turn seventy, he starts wandering several pubs in the city, until he meets Sayo, a beautiful young waitress with sentimental issues she doesn’t hesitate to share with her clients.
Four strangers participate in a psychological experiment in a dark space with nothing else other than a table and four envelopes. They are payed 100.000 yen to sit in there for 10 minutes, but this won’t be as easy as it seems…