Gaku Yamamoto

Gaku Yamamoto

出生 : 1937-01-03, Osaka, Japan


Gaku Yamamoto


峠 最後のサムライ
日本はなぜ、あれほど凄惨な戦争へと突き進んだのか-。 開戦前の昭和9年、一人の海軍将校がロンドンに降り立った。その男は、のちに真珠湾攻撃を指揮することになる提督・山本五十六。国家の命運を背負い、アメリカをはじめとする列強との軍縮交渉に臨もうとしていた。 「交渉が決裂すれば、日本は国際社会でさらに孤立する」。アメリカの絶大な国力を知り、戦争は避けるべきだと考える五十六は、ぎりぎりまで決裂回避への道を探り続ける。しかし、軍備拡大を目指す本国の海軍首脳部から、「結論ありき」の交渉を命じられて・・・。 優先するべきは、国民の命か、国家の誇りか。 組織の中で板挟みになり苦悩の末に、五十六が下した「ある決断」とは? 太平洋戦争の始まりから80年。NHKの独自取材で明らかになった、海軍内部の極秘文書にもとづく実録ドラマ。 山本五十六を演じるのは、香取慎吾さん。国民から「英雄」と呼ばれるようになる以前の、海軍という組織のなかでもがき続けた、新たな「山本五十六像」に挑みます。 80年あまり封印されてきた実話に基づく、開戦秘話にご期待下さい。
A female career banker shatters the glass ceiling of a mega bank by disclosing its shady business to light. Tamaki, the Gold Woman, has worked her way up to be appointed General Manager of the office regarded as the General Staff Headquar- ters of the Bank with an assignment to liquidate its subsidiary by laying off 200 employees in total. Such mentally challenging appointment was made via recommendation by her senior colleague Mai, a smart and foxy woman running ahead of Tamaki in her career. With the help of her male colleague, Tamaki, a lone female wolf dares to challenge the all-male executives to prove what a true business person is all about.
Lonely after the death of her husband, whom she nursed for years, Tae decides to find a new life partner. Her family and friends try to dissuade her.
The Eternal Founntain was broadcast as the Saturday Drama Special on NHK. Laywer Akio Yamauchi takes over the court-appointed attorney for Yoji Kuramoto who confesses to murdering his wife. While following Kuramoto's action in Yamanaka and being sure of his innocence, Yamauchi remembers his wife who passed away 12 years earlier.
スノープリンス 禁じられた恋のメロディ
10-year-old Sota lives with his grandfather and a dog named Chibi in a small snowy village. They live in such a poverty that Sota cannot even afford to go to school, but however hard the situation is, Sota never holds a bad feeling against anyone around and keeps his dream alive to become a painter. He has been friends with Sayo, a girl brought up in a wealthy family, ever since they were little despite the difference of their family position, which Sayo’s father has uneasy feelings against. In spite of the difficulties he faces, Sota manages to complete a piece of painting which he wishes to give Sayo. He and Chibi goes down a snowy night path to Sayo’s house to find that her father’s storage is on fire... What waits for Sota and Chibi gently reminds that genuine happiness always exists in your heart.
Ryujo Suzuya
8月のシンフォニー -渋谷2002〜2003
An old Man
Chûzaemon Yoshida
潮音 ある愛のかたみ
Narrator (voice)
Japanese film based on the life of sculptor Eikichi Takahashi, who died as a soldier on Guadalcanal.
運命の殺意 北信濃母子心中
Koichi Hotta
In the past, a woman was raped by her brother-in-law. Keeping this dark secret, she lives a seemingly happy life with her husband and son, but the son, shocked to find out his real father is the brother-in-law, sets out to do something. The downfall of a mother and her child starts there...
難病「再生不良貧血性」と闘う 君はいま光のなかに
Film distributed by ATG.
昭和39年夏、与党・民政党の総裁選挙が行なわれ、現総裁にして内閣総理大臣の寺田政臣と最大派閥の領袖・酒井和明の一騎討ちとなった。数で劣る寺田総理が率いる寺田派は党内切っての実力者で副総理・広野大悟の派閥と協調して必勝を図った。その段階において両陣営とも票集めに10億円以上の実弾を投入した。中には広野派の神谷直吉代議士のように両陣営からちゃっかり戴く者もいた。激烈な選挙は僅差で寺田の三選で幕を閉じた。 それから数日後、金融業を営む石原参吉の元に内閣官房の西尾貞一郎が訪れ、星野康雄官房長官(寺田派)の名刺を持参したうえで秘密裏に資金を用立てて欲しいと告げる。ところが石原はこの申し出を断るものの星野の名刺を持ち去る。金融王として裏の世界を渡り歩いた石原は直感的に星野の周辺に何らかの疑惑があることを思いつき、星野の周辺を洗い出し始めた。その過程で寺田総理の郷里・九州の福流川ダム建設を目論む竹田建設と発注元の電力開発株式会社(小説では電力建設株式会社)若松圭吉副総裁の一派の談合と汚職の存在が浮かび上がる。
戦争と人間 第二部
Second part of an epic drama of war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family from 1935 through Japan's invasion of China. Based on the novels by Jumpei Gomikawa, who also penned The Human Condition.
Otama, daughter of a poor candy vendor, becomes the mistress of a man whom she believes to be a widower and owner of a prosperous dry goods store. The man is in fact married with children, and is a despised loan shark who takes money from the poor without qualms. Totally enraptured with Otama, this usurer establishes her and her father in separate houses and generously gives them gifts including silk taken as interest from Oshige, a poor cloth dealer who does business with the sewing teacher, Otama's neighbor. Otama's satisfaction with her situation gradually crumbles as she discovers the truth about her benefactor.
Tattoo Artist Seikichi
A mysterious tattoo artist puts his masterpiece, a human-faced spider, on a kidnapped woman's back. She and her lover are then forced into a conspiracy-born nightmare, where they face the danger of becoming the very evil they seek to escape. With each new bloody incident, the spider's face seems to redden with ever-growing hunger.
Tomonoshin Sagawa
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
新 鞍馬天狗 五條坂の決闘
Based on true events surrounding a Korean student who had entered Japan unlawfully and escaped illegal alien internment.