Nagisa Morimoto

Nagisa Morimoto


Nagisa Morimoto


Japanese Assistant
「ラバー」「ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼」などの独創的な作品で知られるフランスの鬼才カンタン・デュピューが監督・脚本を手がけ、「時間が半日進んで肉体が3日分若返る」という不思議な穴に翻弄される夫婦の運命を描いた異色ドラマ。 平凡な中年夫婦アランとマリーは怪しげな不動産業者に案内され、郊外に建つモダニズム風の一軒家を下見に訪れる。不動産業者は購入すべきか迷う彼らに、奇妙なセールスポイントを教える。それは、家の地下室に空いた穴に入ると「時間が12時間進み、肉体が3日分若返る」というもの。夫婦は半信半疑でその家に引っ越すことを決めるが、やがてその穴の存在は、彼らが胸の奥深くに秘めていた欲望や衝動を呼び覚ましていく。 「恋愛睡眠のすすめ」のアラン・シャバと「ジュリアン」のレア・ドリュッケールが主人公夫婦を演じ、「ピアニスト」のブノワ・マジメル、「彼は秘密の女ともだち」のアナイス・ドゥムースティエが共演。
The Object Woman
Miss Osaka
Ines, who wants to change who she is and become someone else in order to cover up her insecurities. When she accompanies her boyfriend Lucas on a business trip to Norway, Ines meets a half-Japanese tourist, Maria, who instantly fascinates her. Suddenly Maria disappears, and Ines seizes the opportunity to replace her – she declares herself dead and travels to Japan in order to take over Maria's identity. There, she will get a job at Miss Osaka, the same nightclub where Maria used to work. A game of broken boundaries, lost identities and the dangerous balance between reality and the past has begun, and Ines must abide by the new rules by avoiding the more obscure paths.
Night Shift
La pharmacienne
Three Parisian police officers are charged with driving a stranger back to the border. However, Virginie realizes their prisoner will most likely be killed upon return to his country and so goes about attempting to convince her fellow officers to release him.
A young woman befriends a lonely widow who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her.