Rachid Guellaz

Rachid Guellaz


Rachid Guellaz


メデジン 麻薬カルテルをぶっ潰せ!
弟をメデジン・カルテルの危険な麻薬の手から救うため、レダはチームを編成してコロンビアを襲撃するという、非常識であると同時に単純な計画を立てる。 しかし、彼が弟の命と引き換えにカルテルのリーダーの息子を誘拐することを決意したとき、この冒険は完全に制御不能になる。
La nuit des chasseurs
Zorine and Milo, two high school students, get lost in the forest during an orienteering event. Their wandering leads them to a disused amusement park. There they meet Lewis, an anti-hunting activist and his pet boar, Bambi. He is preparing an operation against the hunters in the area. Between the hope of returning home and Lewis' obsessions, Zorine and Milo will spend a restless night.
Mama Weed
A translator working for the police gets involved in the other side of drug dealing.