Andy Collins


The Paul O'Grady Story
A razor-witted entertainer who found fame as two people - first his drag queen alter ego, Lily Savage, and then as himself. This documentary film charts the unique career of a working class Merseysider whose life away from the spotlight has often been far more dramatic than the consistently successful career he has enjoyed on stage and screen.
Sex Lives of the Potato Men
Director of Photography
Two lowlifes with active fantasy sex lives deliver potatoes to various restaurants and grocers.
Director of Photography
16-year-old Emma has a dream - her boyfriend Tommy, has a completely different one. Emma is less at the slow small town life; Tommy wants to get married and buy houses like everyone else.
Princess of Thieves
Director of Photography
Sherwood forest has a courageous new hero - Gwyn, the daughter of Robin Hood. Possessing the cunning skills of her legendary father and the beauty and intelligence of her mother Maid Marian, Gwyn is anxious to follow in her father's footsteps. King Richard nears death and Robin Hood and his Merry Men are summoned to help bring Richard's son Philip to his rightful place on the throne before the evil Prince John can assume power. Robin Hood's life and that of the future King of England soon lies in Gwyn's hands when Robin is captured and sentenced to death.
Purely Belter
Gerry and Sewell are broke. Gerry's still at school and Sewell is unemployed. They both wish for better things in life. Owning two season tickets to their beloved football club is their biggest dream of all. The tickets cost £1000 - they're £1000 short. But they are nothing if not resourceful, and they set themselves a mission to raise the cash. While they think up increasingly outlandish money making schemes - from selling junk to shoplifting and the odd bit of housebreaking - real life begins to interfere with the pair's final scam going hilariously awry landing them in jail, only to discover that their punishment gets them exactly where they want to be!
Girl cleaning windows of an Oxford St store catches the eye of a guy in the street who larks about much to her amusement.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
1992年のイングランド北部ヨークシャー地方、炭坑の町グリムリーは炭坑閉鎖問題で揺れていた。結成百年の伝統を誇る名門ブラスバンド、グリムリー・コリアリー・バンドでも、メンバーそれぞれが苦境に陥っていた。バンドに全情熱を傾けるリーダー兼指揮者、ダニーは、全英選手権に出場し、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールで演奏して優勝することを夢見てメンバーに激を飛ばすが、炭坑夫である彼らは炭鉱閉鎖の不安ゆえに気もそぞろだ。 そんな折り、グロリアが生まれ故郷のグリムリーに戻って来る。彼女はかつてのダニーの親友の孫娘で、フリューゲル・ホーン持参で練習場に現れ、いきなり難曲の「アランフェス協奏曲」をバンドと巧みに奏で一同を感心させてしまったのだが…。