Andy Collins


The Paul O'Grady Story
A razor-witted entertainer who found fame as two people - first his drag queen alter ego, Lily Savage, and then as himself. This documentary film charts the unique career of a working class Merseysider whose life away from the spotlight has often been far more dramatic than the consistently successful career he has enjoyed on stage and screen.
Sex Lives of the Potato Men
Director of Photography
Two lowlifes with active fantasy sex lives deliver potatoes to various restaurants and grocers.
Director of Photography
An 11-year-old boy's amazing ability to break wind leads him first to fame and then to death row, before it helps him to fulfill his ambition of becoming an astronaut.
16-year-old Emma has a dream - her boyfriend Tommy, has a completely different one. Emma is less at the slow small town life; Tommy wants to get married and buy houses like everyone else.
A Princesa dos Ladrões
Director of Photography
Seu nome é Gwyn e ela tem a missão de salvar o trono das garras do malvado príncipe João, já que o rei está prestes a morrer. Na Inglaterra, no no século 12, a espirituosa Gwyn , 18 anos, herdou a beleza de sua já falecida mãe, Marion ,e a grande coragem de seu pai, Robin Hood. Depois de crescer em uma fazenda, Gwyn está pronta para seguir os passos do pai, que ficaria mais feliz em vê-la tornar-se uma verdadeira dama. Enquanto isso, o rei Ricardo se aproxima da morte. Robin Hood e seu fiel companheiro João Pequeno são chamados para garantir que o herdeiro, o belo príncipe Felipe, tenha seu lugar de direito no trono. O perigo aparece quando o irmão do rei Ricardo, o malvado e sinistro príncipe João, resolve que nada irá impedi-lo de tornar-se rei. Robin Hood e seu companheiro são pegos em uma armadilha e sentenciados à morte, a menos que traiam o príncipe Felipe. A única pessoa que pode salvar Robin Hood e colocar Felipe no trono é Gwyn.
Purely Belter
Gerry and Sewell are broke. Gerry's still at school and Sewell is unemployed. They both wish for better things in life. Owning two season tickets to their beloved football club is their biggest dream of all. The tickets cost £1000 - they're £1000 short. But they are nothing if not resourceful, and they set themselves a mission to raise the cash. While they think up increasingly outlandish money making schemes - from selling junk to shoplifting and the odd bit of housebreaking - real life begins to interfere with the pair's final scam going hilariously awry landing them in jail, only to discover that their punishment gets them exactly where they want to be!
Girl cleaning windows of an Oxford St store catches the eye of a guy in the street who larks about much to her amusement.
Laura, A Voz de uma Estrela
Director of Photography
After the death of her father, Little Voice or LV becomes a virtual recluse, never going out and hardly ever saying a word. She just sits in her bedroom listening to her father's collection of old records of Shirley Bassey, Marilyn Monroe and various other famous female singers. But at night time, LV sings, imitating these great singers with surprising accuracy. One night she is overheard by one of her mother's boyfriends, who happens to be a talent agent. He manages to convince her that her talent is special and arranges for her to perform at the local night club, but several problems arise.
Um Toque de Esperança
Director of Photography
A notícia de que a mina de carvão de uma cidade inglesa irá fechar deixa os moradores apreensivos. Eles temem o desemprego, pois a mina é a principal empregadora da região. Mas todos encontram na banda de música local a motivação que faltava para continuar lutando por seus ideais.