Shusuke Kaneko

Shusuke Kaneko

出生 : 1955-06-08, Tokyo, Japan


Shusuke Kaneko (born June 8, 1955) is a Japanese filmmaker and screenwriter. Kaneko began his career at Nikkatsu and would serve as a writer for film and anime. Establishing himself as an up and coming director, Kaneko would win accolades at various film festivals. His film Summer Vacation 1999, would garner him his first award for best director at the Yokohama Film Festival. As a lifelong fan of the original Godzilla films, Kaneko would be chosen as the director for Daiei's revival of the Gamera franchise. Kaneko's work on the Gamera films were met with unprecedented critical acclaim. He would be honored with the Director's Award at the 17th Yokohama Film Festival for his work on Gamera: Guardian of the Universe. This film would also go on to top Kinema Junpo's best films of the year list and earn Blue Ribbon awards for best Director and Best supporting actress. Kaneko would go on to direct the most successful Godzilla film of the millennium series as well as the live action adaptations of Death Note. Kaneko has also contributed to various documentaries on kaiju films, particularly those of Ishiro Honda, championing their artistry and imagination


Shusuke Kaneko
Shusuke Kaneko


それは完全犯罪のはずだった。まさか少年たちに目撃されていたとは…。総再生数20億回! アジア最高峰のドラマ原作を日本映画化! 殺人犯と少年たちの心理戦が幕を開ける。
Based on the historical figure of Nobutora, the father of the famous Warring States period general Takeda Shingen. Takeda Shingen has proven himself in battle but there’s an even more capable person in his family, his father Nobutora (lit. Samurai Tiger). The son exiles the father and so the old patriarch goes to Suruga to serve the Ashikaga shogun in Kyoto. Decades later, Nobutora, now 80 years old, learns that Shingen is in trouble and the old man returns home to keep the Takeda family alive as a new leader seeks to usurp leadership of the Takeda’s and starts a fight with the great warlord, Oda Nobunaga.
The Dawn of Kaiju Eiga
Himself - Filmmaker
Japan, 1954. A legend emerges from the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, devastated by atomic bombs in 1945. The creature's name is Godzilla. The film that tells its story is the first of kaiju eiga, the giant monster movies.
A film about the lives of Chinese businessmen in Russia.
こいのわ 婚活クルージング
The movie was inspired by Hiroshima prefectural government's marital activity "Koinowa Project" which is practiced as part of countermeasures against the declining birthplace.
こいのわ 婚活クルージング
The movie was inspired by Hiroshima prefectural government's marital activity "Koinowa Project" which is practiced as part of countermeasures against the declining birthplace.
High School student Miyui Mashio is really struggling. She can't fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and her parents are always fighting. Suddenly, she finds a genie in a bottle and through an accident, finds herself back in 1991. She realizes she is now going to school with her parents. But the problem is, her parents do not seem to get along - so Miyui will never be born! Miyui learns her father is interested in idols and so together with her mother and other girls she forms the idol group AGS16 to make sure her parents will eventually fall in love.
スキャナー 記憶のカケラをよむ男
DANGER DOLLS follows a quartet of cute idol singers who moonlight as butt-kicking action heroines. When extraterrestrial invaders threaten the safety of the Earth after an earthquake unleashes them from an alternate dimension, the Danger Dolls become humanity's only hope for survival. The team infiltrates the evil cult behind the invasion and must use their swords and their fists to smash the invading army.
クラスの中で浮いている高校生・宮下夕紀はある日、水族館のクラゲの水槽の前で同級生の篠原叶子に声をかけられ、そこで戸惑いながらも唇を重ねた。これを機に、二人は次第に心魅かれ合うようになっていく。 平凡な家庭に育つも、どこか日常への不満を抑えきれず、レンタルDVDショップの店長に身体を委ねたこともあった夕紀にとって、叶子はかけがえのない存在でもあった。しかし、常に孤独の闇を抱えている叶子は、そんな夕紀の想いを知りながら、突然クラスメイト平井からの告白を受け入れ、彼とのSEXに興じるようになる。 同時に、彼女が中学時代に妊娠して堕胎したという噂まで聞こえて来て、夕紀の心は激しく乱れ始めていき……。
Sacrifice Dilemma: Last Part
It’s graduation day. Junichi Shinohara shows up at school following a prolonged absence, to find a gigantic “pit” dug in the middle of the campus and all his classmates gathered in the classroom. Then, a strange message comes over the PA system. “In one hour, everyone will die. There is only one way to survive. You must offer a sacrifice.” At first, Shinohara, Rika Suzuki and others think it’s some sort of bad joke. But when the first victim is claimed, they realize it’s a terrifying reality....
生贄のジレンマ 上
It's graduation day. Junichi Shinohara shows up at school following a prolonged absence, to find a gigantic "pit" dug in the middle of the campus and all his classmates gathered in the classroom. Then, a strange message comes over the PA system. "In one hour, everyone will die. There is only one way to survive. You must offer a sacrifice." At first, Shinohara, Rika Suzuki and others think it's some sort of bad joke. But when the first victim is claimed, they realize it's a terrifying reality...
10 years ago Hide, a college student, meets Yuki Gakuko, an older woman, through work. They become lovers with Hide falling hard for Yuki Gakuko. The following year, Yuki abruptly announces one day that she is going to marry another man. This devastates Hide. Hide eventually finishes college and finds a job, but his yearning for Yuki leads him into depression and alcoholism. Meanwhile, Yuki is involved in a car accident and suffers a life altering injury. Now, 10 years later the two former lovers come across each other once again. They are both shells of their former selves ...
Shio Asami (Stephanie) was brought up in a wealthy family whose mother is a prominent opera singer. However, the bankruptcy of her father’s business forced her to give up becoming an opera singer. Moe Midorikawa (Hikari Mitsushima) entrapped Shio and claimed a victory in an opera contest. A competition of two heroines ensues, placing their pride on the line.
Bringing Godzilla Down to Size(等身大のゴジラ): The Art of Japanese Special Effects
Works commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of Japan mapping Supervision Association
デスノート the Last name
月はキラ対策本部に参入することに成功し、月とLの壮絶な頭脳戦が始まった。 一方、別の死神レムのデスノートを手に入れた少女・弥海砂(あまね ミサ)が現れる。海砂は、自らの寿命の半分と引き換えに、顔を見るだけで相手の名前と寿命が見える死神の目を得て、自身を「第2のキラ」と称してキラを否定する者を消し去っていく。
What's scary is being a human being, and what's scary is being myself. Truly horrifying things reside inside oneself. The work asks if you can stand the inescapable terror.
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
ウルトラマン怪獣伝説 40年目の真実
あずみ2 Death or Love
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
ガメラ3 邪神<イリス>覚醒
ガメラ3 邪神<イリス>覚醒
Hideaki Anno's documentary about the making of Shusuke Kaneko's Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris. From concept to film, the documentary is a video diary of the film's production. Not included in the Arrow Video collection.
F [エフ]
A love story between a timid woman and frustrated ballet dancer.
F [エフ]
A love story between a timid woman and frustrated ballet dancer.
ガメラ2 レギオン襲来
ガメラ 大怪獣空中決戦
平成ガメラシリーズ第1作。 監督に金子修介、脚本に伊藤和典、特撮監督に樋口真嗣を迎え、リアリティを徹底的に追求しつつ、新しい特撮表現に挑んだ意欲的な怪獣映画となった。 1995年。太平洋上に発見された謎の巨大漂流環礁が、黒潮に乗って日本に近づいていた。保険会社の草薙と海上保安庁の米森は環礁の調査に乗り出し、環礁の上で不思議な石版と大量の勾玉を発見。さらに、この環礁が生物であるということが明らかになる。 同じ頃、九州の五島列島・姫神島で、島民が「鳥!」という無線を最後に消息を絶つ事件が発生。調査に呼ばれた鳥類学者の長峰はそこで、島民を食らった巨大な怪鳥を発見する。 政府は怪鳥の捕獲を決定。長峰が中心となって福岡ドームに誘い込む作戦を決行するが、その内の1匹を取り逃がしてしまう。巣に向かって帰巣する1匹を自衛隊のヘリが追跡していた時、博多湾からあの環礁=巨大生物が出現。向かって来る怪鳥を平手打ちで石油コンビナートに吹き飛ばして倒し、そのまま博多へ上陸。周りの建物を破壊しながらドームに向かって行く。更に、予期せぬ事態に周囲は大混乱に陥り、その隙を突いた2匹の怪鳥は自らを閉じ込めていた鉄格子を強力な超音波で切断して脱出。巨大生物も円盤のような姿となって怪鳥を追って飛び去っていった。 「最後の希望・ガメラ、時の揺りかごに託す。災いの影・ギャオスと共に目覚めん。」 古代の石板に記された碑文から、政府は巨大生物をガメラ、怪鳥をギャオスと呼称する。政府はギャオスの捕獲にこだわる一方、ギャオスよりも体格的に大きいガメラを危険視し、ギャオスを追うガメラを攻撃する。 ガメラの妨害を逃れ短期間で巨大に成長を遂げたギャオスは、エサとなる人間を求め東京へと向かう。ここにきてようやく政府は捕獲を中止し、ギャオスに攻撃を行うが、ギャオスは自衛隊の発射したミサイルを巧みに誘導して東京タワーを破壊させ、真っ二つに折れた東京タワーに営巣する。しかしギャオスの産卵直後、突如大きな地震が起こり、次の瞬間、傷の癒えたガメラが地中から出現。東京タワーごと巣を破壊したものの、ギャオスを取り逃がしてしまう。急いで飛び上がるガメラ。 今ここに、東京の空を舞台とした、二大怪獣による空中決戦の火蓋が切られた。
The production of Gamera: Guardian of the Universe. Includes interviews with director Shusuke Kaneko, screenwriter Kazunori Ito and lead actress Ayako Fujitani. Also includes behind the scenes footage from special effects director Shinji Higuchi and interviews with suit actors Jun Suzuki and Yumi Kameyama.
The production of Gamera: Guardian of the Universe. Includes interviews with director Shusuke Kaneko, screenwriter Kazunori Ito and lead actress Ayako Fujitani. Also includes behind the scenes footage from special effects director Shinji Higuchi and interviews with suit actors Jun Suzuki and Yumi Kameyama.
The Rinkaiji family, by all appearances, is a well-to-do Japanese family. The father, Nariyuki, works in an elite corporation, which gives his wife Yoshiko status in their suburban neighborhood. But the daughter Sugina, who herself has secretly stopped going to school because she is being bullied. One day, they discover that Nariyuki has quit his job. As Nariyuki decides to find a new job along with Sugina, Yoshiko, a firm believer in a life based on the company, soon finds her world falling apart.
The Rinkaiji family, by all appearances, is a well-to-do Japanese family. The father, Nariyuki, works in an elite corporation, which gives his wife Yoshiko status in their suburban neighborhood. But the daughter Sugina, who herself has secretly stopped going to school because she is being bullied. One day, they discover that Nariyuki has quit his job. As Nariyuki decides to find a new job along with Sugina, Yoshiko, a firm believer in a life based on the company, soon finds her world falling apart.
H.P. Lovecraft anthology is divided into four segments: "The Library" which is the wraparound segment involving Lovecraft's research into the Book of The Dead and his unwitting release of a monster and his writing of the following horror segments "The Drowned", "The Cold", and "Whispers".
卒業旅行 ニホンから来ました
During a graduation tour in Chitwan, simple-minded and shy Yasuo accidentally becomes a super singer under the name "Ibatsu Taro". Fame and respect he wins, the richest man in Chitwan wishes to make him his family member. In Yasuo's last concert, his love, Reiko, suddenly appears. Between true love and wealth, what will Yasuo's choice be?
A hospital accidentally gives a man Count Dracula's blood while trying to save his life. A year later, he's back from the dead, trying to right the wrongs of his life while trying to resist the urge to become a vampire.
A hospital accidentally gives a man Count Dracula's blood while trying to save his life. A year later, he's back from the dead, trying to right the wrongs of his life while trying to resist the urge to become a vampire.
Set in decadent, chaotic Hong Kong and Tokyo, the film tells the story of a young woman caught up in a mysterious turn of events. A young tour guide, 23-year-old Mamiko who's had her heart set on Paris, finds herself swept off to booming Hong Kong where she is thrown into the midst of a high-profile burglary case.
Who Do I Choose? is a Japanese film directed by Shūsuke Kaneko.
Summer Vacation tells the story of four teenage students who spend their summer vacation at school – unsupervised and untouched by the outside world.
いたずらロリータ 後からバージン
Toru was an ordinary businessman. One day he found a doll in the trash, and he took it home. In the next morning, he heard strange noises in the house, although he was supposed to be living alone. He finds out that the doll has turned into a real girl, naked, wearing only an apron. And they start to live together.
A beautiful day Rokurou, a student, was to masturbate when a beautiful girl knocks on his door: You need a virgin? And so begins the story. Rokurou did not know what it was that this beautiful girl was from a millionaire family.
スケバン株式会社 やっちゃえ!お嬢さん
Roman Porno from 1984
スケバン株式会社 やっちゃえ!お嬢さん
Assistant Director
Roman Porno from 1984
OL百合族 19歳
Two young women, Minako and Naomi, have been friends and lovers since their school days, and are now living as roommates in the city, working together for a large company. Although she cares for Minako, Naomi decides that she should leave behind her past, find a husband and have kids. Minako, on the other hand, is happy with things as they are and doesn't want to change. The two must work out what they really want out of life, going their separate ways if need be.
Assistant Director
A parody of Aim for the Ace! (エースを狙え Ace wo nerae!?), a tennis manga. Similar characters to that in the manga include "Madam Butterfly", a rich snob of a professional tennis player, and Hiromi, her suffering opponent.
ファイナル・スキャンダル 奥様はお固いのがお好き
Assistant Director
Midori Satsuki plays Tamako, the owner of a boarding house and a pawn shop who gets into some erotic entanglements.
ファイナル・スキャンダル 奥様はお固いのがお好き
Midori Satsuki plays Tamako, the owner of a boarding house and a pawn shop who gets into some erotic entanglements.
少女暴行事件 赤い靴
Assistant Director
Roman Porno from 1983. The daughter of divorced parents lives with her mother in Tokyo. On the weekends, she takes the train to her hometown of Koga, in Ibaraki Prefecture, to visit her father and old friends. Inspired by the unresolved Shinjuku Kabukicho Disco Nampa Murder Case that occurred in early June, 1982.
宇能鴻一郎の 濡れて学ぶ
Assistant Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
宇能鴻一郎の 濡れて学ぶ
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Bookstore Guy
Assistant Director
ピンクカット 太く愛して深く愛して
Assistant Director
A light comedy which celebrates youth's freedoms, aspirations, and boundless energy. Mayumi and Mai are hair stylists who open a Barber shop called The Pink Cut. The place is an immediate success, due mostly to their super-short skirts. When the girls decide to stop wearing underpanties, business goes thru the roof. Eventually Main and Mayumi add special massages and cream rinses to their list of extras. The girls laugh all the way to the bank. Ah, the joys of entrepreneurship!
Assistant Director
Pinku comedy directed by Koyu Ohara and based on the manga by Sho Fumimura. Takarazuka is a gym teacher who wants to work in a girls high school in the worst way, and of course for the worst reasons. He's a lech, and when he finally lands his dream job, he's looking forward to being surrounded by beautiful and occasionally naked girls.
絶頂姉妹 堕ちる
Assistant Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
実録色事師 ザ・ジゴロ
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
A moonlight skinny-dipping session between two carefree high schoolers leads to a young boy being accused of a violent assault on his female classmate. After throwing a teacher to the ground, he stomps out of the school gates and spends his summer break roaming a beachside town. Falling down a rabbit hole into a dark, oppressive world of sex and violence, he is taken in by a bar-owner and his libidinous mistress. Meanwhile, the teacher he assaulted hunkers down in a rented villa in the same coastal resort, awaiting a secret tryst with her married lover. What will happen when the student and teacher meet again?
聖子の太股 ザ・チアガール
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
ズームアップ 聖子の太股
Toshihiro, a photography school dropout, is obsessed with secretly photographing the lovely Seiko. He is in love with her and hopes to lose his virginity to her someday but is unaware that Seiko may be attracted to him as well. After spying on her with one of her professors, Toshihiro becomes jealous and swears to forget about Seiko. As they both struggle with their sexual urges, a series of misadventures bring them closer together.
Assistant Director
A parable about the inefficiency and anachronism of the Japanese educational system, which places an unusually large amount of importance on cramming for university entrance examinations, Panic High School is about the suicide of a high school student and its ensuing fallout at his school. When one of his classmates becomes frustrated with the math teacher's lack of sensitivity to the suicide, the student steals a rifle, returns to school, aerates the teacher's chest and then holds members of his class captive. This leads to an aggressive standoff with the police and lots of shots of his parents crying and bowing in shame, totally mortified.