Glenn T. Morgan


Supervising Sound Editor
An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green.
ADR Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Four college students attend an Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over an “African-American” themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores racial identity in 'post racial' America while weaving a story about forging one's unique path in the world.
Foley Editor
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。
Sound Effects Editor
チャイルド・プレイ 誕生の秘密
Supervising Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Abby Russell, a beautiful, dedicated nurse with a sinister side, has a secret life in which she targets and punishes dishonest men.
Geography Club
Sound Editor
A coming-of-age movie that tells a story unfolding in every high school around the country -- a story of kids hiding their true identities in plain sight, even as they feverishly pursue their hearts' desires.
Supervising Sound Editor
Hirokin: The Last Samurai
Sound Designer
In a planet where humans must scavenge the post-apocalyptic barren wasteland, Hirokin – a reluctant warrior with a dark past – sets off on mission to fulfill his destiny. Having fought to the death to save his wife and son from the planets evil dictator – Griffin – and his elite army of hunters, the lone warrior is left for dead in the vast desert. Armed with his samurai blade, Hirokin is forced to choose between avenging the murder of his family and fighting for the freedom his people. In a twist of fate and with a small rebellion by his side Hirokin s vision finally becomes clear.
Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロードのトム・ハーディ主演によるアクションドラマ。名選手として知られた父をトレーナーにし、格闘大会に挑むトミー。彼は、家族を守るために格闘家として復帰した生き別れの兄・ブレンダンとリングで再会する。
Supervising Sound Editor
A stranger approaches an aged tattoo artist with a special artistic and mystical request - He wants to know if the tattoo artist can copy an image he has onto his skin. The old man is amazed and shaken by the image. He knows its powerful history and reveals a bit of it to the young stranger.
Silent House
Supervising Sound Editor
Sarah returns with her father and uncle to fix up the family's longtime summerhouse after it was violated by squatters in the off-season. As they work in the dark, Sarah begins to hear sounds from within the walls of the boarded-up building. Although she barely remembers the place, Sarah senses the past may still haunt the home.
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball
Supervising Dialogue Editor
Walter Weed is an unassuming desk jockey at the FBI when the Bureau uncovers a plot to assassinate him. A team of degenerate, psychotic assassins dispatched by mystery man Hal Leuco to win a huge bounty includes a resourceful beauty who has a unique method of killing her prey, a power-tool wielding psychopath and a deadly master of disguise.
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball
Supervising ADR Editor
Walter Weed is an unassuming desk jockey at the FBI when the Bureau uncovers a plot to assassinate him. A team of degenerate, psychotic assassins dispatched by mystery man Hal Leuco to win a huge bounty includes a resourceful beauty who has a unique method of killing her prey, a power-tool wielding psychopath and a deadly master of disguise.
Foley Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Unable to cope with a recent personal tragedy, LA's top celebrity shrink turns into a pothead with no concern for his appearance and a creeping sense of his inability to help his patients.
Sound Effects Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Christy (Zehetner) returns to her hometown years after a car accident that disfigured her older sister. Haunted by the accident in which she was the driver, she learns that her worst nightmares have either come true ... or are about to.
September Dawn
Supervising Sound Editor
A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the native Mormons. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken.
Supervising Sound Editor
When he hears that the new female employee digs ambitious men who are the store employee of the month, a slacker gets his act together but finds himself in competition with his rival, an ambitious co-worker.
Peaceful Warrior
Supervising Sound Editor
A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast.
クライ・ウルフ 殺人ゲーム
Supervising Sound Editor
After a local woman is murdered, a group of teenage liars create a warning e-mail of a serial killer named “The Wolf”, coming on the next full moon. The teens describe each death method The Wolf uses, but when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins.
アダム -神の使い 悪魔の子-
Supervising Sound Editor
A couple agree to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.
アダム -神の使い 悪魔の子-
Sound Designer
A couple agree to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.
Supervising Sound Editor
実際のイベントに基づいて、バハマで起こった物語を伝えます。 仕事に夢中になったカップルは、しばらく休みを取り、数日間ダイビングをすることにしました。 乗組員の不注意のためにそれらを運ぶボートは、サメが出没する海で漂流し、海岸から遠く離れた海の中で彼らを捨てます...アメリカの批評家によると、最も衝撃的なホラー映画 1999年の「ブレアウィッチプロジェクト」以来のサンダンス映画祭。
Real Women Have Curves
Supervising Sound Editor
Freshly graduated from high school, Ana receives a full scholarship to Columbia University. Her very traditional, old-world parents feel that now is the time for Ana to help provide for the family, not the time for college.
The Rules of Attraction
Supervising Sound Editor
The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.
All Forgotten
Supervising Sound Editor
A younger boy falls in love with a tragic girl who flirts with, and manipulates, her older suitors in 1800s Russia.
Dialogue Editor
A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.
Sound Effects Editor
FBI捜査官のキャンベルは、過去にロサンゼルスで女性ばかりを狙う連続殺人鬼グリフィンを追っていた。彼の手口は、大都会の片隅で孤独な生活を送る女性を数週間かけて生活や行動パターンを調べ上げ、犯行当日の朝に標的が外出した後の家に侵入し、帰宅後を襲って最後にはピアノ線で絞殺するもの。そして彼は犯行の前に捜査当局に対して標的の写る写真を送りつけて予告をしていた。だが、写真以外にヒントのない彼の予告殺人を阻止することはキャンベルですら困難で、ついには自分と不倫関係にあった人妻が襲われた末、逃走するグリフィンを追跡するのに気を取られるあまり彼女が火事で焼死するのを助けられなかった自分の無力さに嫌気が差し、現在は静かに暮らそうとシカゴに移り住んでいた。そして彼はこの件以来、偏頭痛に悩まされ、薬の服用が欠かせない体になっていた。 そんなある日、自分が住んでいたアパートの一室で同じような手口の殺人事件が発生する。キャンベルは見ることなく放置していた自分あての封筒に被害者の写真が入っていた。警察から捜査の指揮を頼まれたが断る。しかし、グリフィンから電話がかかってきて次の被害者を9時までに殺すというので、休職を返上して捜査を開始する。マスコミに女性の写真を流す。眼鏡に映った画像から勤め先は特定できたが、間に合わない。 次の写真が届く。犯人はキャンベルの勤務地のみならず精神科医ポリーの所まで訪ねる。追いつめるが逃げられ、ガソリンスタンドに火をつけられ、女性と警官3人が犠牲に。 精神科からキャンベルの診療のファイルやテープが盗まれ、昔の恋人の墓で接触するが、グリフィンはポリーを捕まえている場所まで連れて行く…。
Sound Effects Editor
Foley Editor
Sound Effects Editor
ADR Editor
ADR Editor
After the suicide of her only friend, Rachel has never felt more on the outside. The one person who reached out to her, Jessie, also happens to be part of the popular crowd that lives to torment outsiders like her. But Rachel has something else that separates her from the rest, a secret amazing ability to move things with her mind. Sue Snell, the only survivor of Carrie White's rampage twenty-two years ago, may hold the key to helping Rachel come to terms with her awesome, but unwanted power. But as Rachel slowly learns to trust, a terrible trap is being laid for her. And making her angry could prove to be fatal.
Sound Effects Editor
Dialogue Editor
シカゴ警察でトップの手腕を誇る人質交渉人ダニー・ローマン彼はある日、何物かの罠にはめられて、殺人罪と横領罪の濡れ衣を着せられてしまう。八方ふさがりの状況の中、彼に残された最後の手段それは警察ビルに人質をとって立てこもって時間を稼ぎ真犯人を突き止めることだった。 ダニーは、自分の交渉相手に、ほかの管轄区を担当する交渉人クリス・セイビアンを指名するが…。
Wrongfully Accused
Supervising Sound Editor
Ryan Harrison, a violin god, superstar and sex symbol does not want to cheat on sexy Lauren Goodhue's husband with her. Mr. Goodhue is found murdered and Ryan suddenly finds himself being the main suspect. After being sentenced to death he manages to flee while being transferred to his execution site. Now, all the world is after him as he stumbles from one unfortunate incident to the next in order to prove himself innocent - by finding a mysterious one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged man...
Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
ハリーは妻と娘との3人暮らしを送るコンピューターセールスマン。だが、彼の本当の姿は、大統領直属の国家保安組織「オメガ・セクター」所属のスパイだった。 ある日、妻の浮気を疑ったハリーは、組織の力を使って捜査を開始。誤解と判明したものの、妻が抱く平凡な日常への不満を知り、彼女にスパイの任務を疑似体験させるハリー。ところがそこへイスラム過激派のテロリスト「真紅のジハード」一味が乱入、夫妻は捕らえられ、娘も巻き込まれた。国家と家族の危機にハリーが奮闘する。a
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
ゲイブはロッキー山脈の仕事に就いていた。ある時、同僚のハルとハルの恋人・サラが山でデートをしている最中にハルが怪我をし、ゲイブが救助に向かう。ゲイブはハルの目の前のサラの救出に失敗しサラを死なせてしまう。以後ハルはゲイブを憎むようになり、同僚の恋人・ジェシーと別れ仕事もやめた。 その後、国際犯罪組織が財務省の紙幣輸送の飛行機を乗っ取り、使用済みの紙幣を強奪を図ったが、手違いから紙幣の入ったスーツケースを雪のロッキー山脈に落としてしまう。
Sound Editor
Sound Editor
クリスマス休暇をパリで過ごそうと計画する、ある家族の親戚を含む15人。無事出発したと思った矢先、ママは飛行機の中で重大な忘れ物に気付く。なんと8歳の息子ケビンを家に置き忘れてしまったのだ! こうして、ケビンはひとりぼっちで夜を過ごすことになるが、さらにその夜、空巣狙いの泥棒2人組が家に忍び込む。それに気付いたケビンは自分が家を守らなくちゃと、2人組相手にたったひとりで奇想天外な撃退作戦を展開する。
ナショナル・ランプーン クリスマス・バケーション
Sound Editor
It's Christmastime, and the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration. But things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen, and their two kids. Clark's continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests, but he manages to keep going, knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon.
Sound Editor
Gleaming the Cube
Sound Editor
An Orange County teenager's carefree life of ditching class and skateboarding abandoned pools comes to a screeching halt when someone close to him dies. The cops rule the death a suicide, but the bereaved skater believes he was murdered. It's up to him to solve the case, with a skateboard.
Sound Editor
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.
Assistant Sound Editor
Assistant Sound Editor
After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, serial killer Norman Bates is finally released. Deciding to move back into his long-dead mother's infamous old house, he soon finds himself tormented by 'her' demands and begins to question his own sanity.