An extremely lovely tribute to Ozu, on the 20th anniversary of his death. It uses a combination of footage from vintage films and new material (both interviews and Ozu-related locations) shot by Ozu's long-time camera-man (who came out of retirement to work on this). Surprisingly (or perhaps not), it focuses less on Ozu's accomplishments as a film-maker than on his impact on the lives of the people he worked with..
Art Direction
Suzuko, a woman in her twenties who has a brother with political problems (due to communist reprisals), lives for over five years in a love affair with Tate who's a young lieutenant in the Army, ultimately becoming a right-wing fundamentalist revolutionary. She marries another man, one totally dedicated to the rigorous practices of Noh theatre, in an arranged marriage, but the bond that connects her with Tate is too strong.
Art Direction
周平(笠智衆)は、妻とは死別し、長男の幸一(佐田啓二)は結婚して家を出て団地暮らし。いまは娘の路子(岩下志麻)と次男の和夫(三上真一郎)と3人安らかに暮らしていた。 ある日、周平はいつものように友人の河合(中村伸郎)、堀江(北龍二)と酒を飲みに行く。 話題は路子の嫁行きの話になり、まだ路子を嫁にやることなど考えてもいなかった周平は悩み始める…。 日本映画界の巨匠・小津安二郎監督の最後の作品で、妻に先立たれた男とその子供達の幸せの中にもなぜか潜む孤独と寂しさを描いた作品。
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Yoshida’s first big-budget production and colour film is a haunting tale of unrequited love and postwar disillusion. The story of the fatal attraction between a spineless intellectual and a strong woman is conventional, but its enactment is radically new.
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A father and son are both heavy drinkers. However, the son dies in an accident at a bar, leaving behind a fiance…. A unique social satire that focuses on why people drink alcohol.
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A woman brings her injured daughter to the hospital, only to realize that the doctor is the estranged father of her child.
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The university professor Ozeki Hitoshi (Ryu Chishu) is regarded as an eccentric by people in his surroundings. When his daughter Tokiko is asked to marry a colleague, she and her mother are overjoyed, but Hitoshi is not satisfied with the situation.
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A woman and her daughter are each forced to contend with an increasing pressure to marry, particularly from three men who knew her late husband.
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Production Design
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A man clashes with his daughter over her choice of fiancé.
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親子愛の断層に焦点を当てた巨匠・小津安二郎の異色作――― 杉山周吉は、20年前、妻にその愛人と逃げられ、長女を嫁がせた今、次女・明子とひっそりと暮らしている。だが、最近明子の帰宅が遅れがちなことに気をもんでいた。明子は年下の恋人の子を妊娠、それを知って姿を消してしまった彼を毎晩探しさまよっていたのだ。そんなある日、ふとしたことから明子は自分や父を捨てた実母と再会。何も知らなかった明子は、母のみだ…
Production Design
A neighborhood labors under postwar hardships.
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Production Design
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Machiko and Haruki’s drama continues. Machiko is not allowed to see Haruki. They finally meet again, but Haruki departs to Europe.
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Machiko and Haruki’s drama continues. Two meet again in Hokkaido only to be separated again.
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Production Design
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Art Direction
Having completed the first year at his new medical practice, a doctor plans to relax on his day off. However, it is not to be: on this hectic day a man just back from the war front visits the doctor with a medical emergency, followed by a woman who claims to have been molested. Then a yakuza arrives to ask the doctor to cut his finger off...
Art Direction
A fishing union depends on two brothers to make up the losses caused by the dishonest captains they replaced.
Art Direction
結婚にあまり興味のない娘と、そんな娘に早く結婚してほしいと気を揉む家族を中心にさりげない日常をユーモアを織り交ぜ淡々と細やかに描く感動作。敗戦後わずか6年の作品とは思えないモダンな息づかいには驚かずにはいられない。北鎌倉に住む間宮家では適齢期を過ぎた娘紀子の結婚が何より気がかり。当の紀子は大手の会社で秘書として働き、いまだのんきに独身生活を楽しんでいる風だった。やがて、そんな紀子に縁談話が立て続けに舞い込むのだったが……。 巨匠・小津安二郎監督を代表する傑作の1本。
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When a family has to relocate due to the war, they are ostracized by their new community.
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Two journalists and their lovers share an uncertain future.
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Drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
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A celebrity photograph sparks a court case as a tabloid magazine spins a scandalous yarn over a painter and a famous singer.
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Art Direction
Life and love in corrupt postwar Tokyo, as a young couple struggles against both the law and the mob.
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Tokiko is a mother patiently waiting for her husband's return from the war when her 4-year old son becomes ill. She takes him to the doctor for treatment but has no way of paying. She resorts to prostitution. One month later her husband returns from WWII to find his desperate wife, who tells him the truth. Together they must deal with the consequences.
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After Japan's loss in the war, the wealthy, cultured, liberal Anjo family have to give up their mansion and their way of life. They hold one last ball at the house before leaving. The seemingly cold, cynical son secretly grieves for his defeated father and the values that the war destroyed, while the daughter tries to prevent father from taking his life and to find her own place in the new Japan.
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An errant salaryman's son gets lost until a man from the Tokyo tenements brings him to vendor Tane, who's reluctant to let the kid board.
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In postwar Japan a young woman is unable to marry her sweetheart because her family's in difficult circumstances and needs her income to keep afloat.
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Art Direction
Japanese propaganda film about the Normanton Incident.
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Art Direction
After the death of her husband, Mrs Toda and her youngest daughter receive a frosty welcome from the extended family.
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Kinuyo is a daughter of rice cracker shop in downtown. She fell in love with her sister's boyfriend. It is a story whose theme is warm human relationships in a town of customs and manners.
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Pre-war Asakusa was a riotous district of cabarets, dance-halls and brothels - a striking backdrop for Shimazu's story of innocence and experience. Pretty, young Reiko is the new dancer in an infamous theatre troupe, and her fellow performers try to protect her virtue in a land of vice. Meanwhile, an ageing actor wants to be a hero off stage as well as on, and the troupe matriarch Marie has to keep them all together.
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A Japanese screwball comedy about the battle between the sexes: two timid men, egged on by their wives, end up in a bitter duel over an expensive lace handkerchief.
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Kihachi, an unemployed worker, wanders around the industrial flatlands of Tokyo's Koto district with his two young sons, Zenko and Masako. He is unable to find a job and has to rely on his sons catching stray dogs to earn reward money for their meals. As days go by, Kihachi and the boys no longer have enough money to stay at an inn for the night. Luckily for him, he encounters an old friend, Otsune, who finds him a job and allows them to stay at her eatery house.
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Art Direction
In the formally ravishing Every-Night Dreams, set in the dockside neighborhoods of Tokyo, a single mother works tirelessly as a Ginza bar hostess to ensure a better life for her young son—until her long-lost husband returns.
Art Direction
An aging geisha, whose angry teenage son is ashamed of her profession, works alongside a young geisha, resentful of her family for forcing her into a life of ignominy.