Two best friends, Mieko and Makio, end up working a part-time job at the same place. At their new job, they meet a university student, Eiji, who ends up falling for Makio. Despite everyone around them being against the relationship, Mieko decides to watch over them as they grow, and their bonds and relationships gradually change.
Michiko Miyase
University student Keisuke returns to his hometown during his summer holiday and takes a part-time job at a run-down movie theater. However, his boss Ruka, a projectionist who lives on the premises, has not set foot outside in three years, and always falls into a deep depression on Mondays. Keisuke feels himself becoming attracted to the mysterious Ruka, but...
Hamano Sanae
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
Kazuyo Takeuchi
副操縦士の鈴木和博は機長への昇格訓練を受けており、今回のホノルル行きのフライトが昇格の分かれ目だった。教官が温厚な望月で安堵したのも束の間、望月が風邪をひき、代わりに厳格な原田が鈴木の教官を務めることになった。 一方今回のホノルル行きが国際線デビューとなるCA・斉藤悦子。だがその便には厳しいことで知られるチーフパーサー・山崎麗子も乗務していた。そしてグランドスタッフの木村菜採もまた仕事に限界を感じ辞めようかと考えていた。 ホノルル行きの便は離陸前の多様なトラブルがありながらも出発。機内では鈴木が原田の指導に戦々恐々とし、悦子は次々と繰り出される乗客の要求に右往左往。 そんな中、鈴木・原田のもとに、山崎麗子からキャビンで翼に何かがぶつかるのを見た乗客がいるとの知らせが入る。その直後、機のエアデータ・コンピュータが狂った表示を出し始めた。
Naomi Togashi
プロのチェロ奏者として東京の管弦楽団に職を得た小林大悟。しかし、ある日突然楽団が解散し、夢を諦め、妻の美香とともに田舎の山形県酒田市へ帰ることにする。 就職先を探していた大悟は、新聞で「旅のお手伝い」と書かれたNKエージェントの求人広告を見つける。てっきり旅行代理店の求人と思い込み「高給保障」や「実労時間僅か」などの条件にも惹かれた大悟は面接へと向かう。面接した社長は履歴書もろくに見ず「うちでどっぷり働ける?」の質問だけで即「採用」と告げ、名刺まで作らせる。大悟はその業務内容が納棺(=No-Kan)と知り困惑するが、強引な社長に押し切られる形で就職することになる。しかし妻には「冠婚葬祭関係」としか言えず、結婚式場に就職したものと勘違いされてしまう。
Fukuhara's wife
Remake of Kurosawa Akira‘s Ikiru
A story of a 16-year old girl who comes to Tokyo aspiring to be an actress.
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
Our story begins with two losers, Mitsuru and Maki, driving down the road with a drugged and kidnapped little girl in the back of their car. They owe lots of yen for drugs and a kidnapping scheme seemed to only possible way to get the money. The problem is, that when they call to make ransom demands, the people state that their daughter died a year ago, so who the hell do they have in their custody? The kidnappers are holed up in an old school, turns out it was the school that Mitsuru used to go to and it's now abandoned. Or, SEEMINGLY abandoned.
Taeko Shimabara
A teenager named Noriko Shimabara runs away from her family in Toyokawa, to meet Kumiko, the leader of an Internet BBS, She becomes involved with Kumiko's family circle, which grows darker after the mass suicide of 54 high school girls.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2004 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Koroshiya desu no yo (It's a Hitman, You Know) - starring Mizuki Alisa. 2. Jibun-counsellor (Self-counsellor) - starring Inohara Yoshihiko. 3. Be Silent - starring Watabe Atsuro. 4. Sasoimizu (Pump-priming) - starring Harada Taizo. 5. Saigo no Hitotoki (The Last Moment) - starring Nagasaku Hiromi.