Makeup Artist
クラスの中で浮いている高校生・宮下夕紀はある日、水族館のクラゲの水槽の前で同級生の篠原叶子に声をかけられ、そこで戸惑いながらも唇を重ねた。これを機に、二人は次第に心魅かれ合うようになっていく。 平凡な家庭に育つも、どこか日常への不満を抑えきれず、レンタルDVDショップの店長に身体を委ねたこともあった夕紀にとって、叶子はかけがえのない存在でもあった。しかし、常に孤独の闇を抱えている叶子は、そんな夕紀の想いを知りながら、突然クラスメイト平井からの告白を受け入れ、彼とのSEXに興じるようになる。 同時に、彼女が中学時代に妊娠して堕胎したという噂まで聞こえて来て、夕紀の心は激しく乱れ始めていき……。
Home Band Keyboarder
In this fast action-packed thriller, Jonathan, Marcus, and Aurora compete in a dangerous, fierce sport called Rollerball. Although, Johnathan and Marcus try to quit, cruel and vindictive promoter Alexi Petrovich encourages them to still participate.
Original Music Composer
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one...
Original Music Composer
Convicted of killing the drug dealer who murdered her husband, Maria is blackmailed into serving as a covert assassin. She must do the government's bidding if she is ever to regain her freedom, or her son. With each completed mission, her sentenced is further re- duced. Yet, with every job she feels further away from her goal of a peaceful life.