Makeup Artist
Based on 16-year-old writer Sarie Hinakura’s award winning story Jellyfish is centered around two adolescent girls disconnected from their immediate environment of school and mates. They first get together while staring into a jellyfish tank at a local aquarium. The relationship that ensues eventually faces tension from the divergent personalities of the two protagonists, one of whom explores a heterosexual relationship with a fellow student. Jealousy and the wrath of a lover spurned are inevitable spillovers.
Home Band Keyboarder
때는 2005년. 빠르고 격렬한 스포츠 광인 조너던(크리스 클라인)은 알렉스(장 르노)로 부터 새로운 팀에 합류해 달라는 제의를 받는다. 알렉스가 개발한 신종 게임의 이름은 롤러볼. 롤러 블레이드와 모터 사이클을 탄 선수들이 지름 15센티미터의 금속 공을 골대에 집어넣는 경기다. 거친 몸싸움 속에 부상자와 사상자가 속출하는 가운데 조너던은 알렉스의 속셈을 눈치챈다. 경기가 격렬해질수록 관중이 더 많이 몰린다는 사실을 간파하고 선수들을 위험헤 빠뜨리고 있다는 것. 이제 조너던과 팀원들은 살아남기 위해 마지막 필사의 생존게임을 준비한다.
Original Music Composer
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one...
Original Music Composer
Convicted of killing the drug dealer who murdered her husband, Maria is blackmailed into serving as a covert assassin. She must do the government's bidding if she is ever to regain her freedom, or her son. With each completed mission, her sentenced is further re- duced. Yet, with every job she feels further away from her goal of a peaceful life.