Makeup Artist
Based on 16-year-old writer Sarie Hinakura’s award winning story Jellyfish is centered around two adolescent girls disconnected from their immediate environment of school and mates. They first get together while staring into a jellyfish tank at a local aquarium. The relationship that ensues eventually faces tension from the divergent personalities of the two protagonists, one of whom explores a heterosexual relationship with a fellow student. Jealousy and the wrath of a lover spurned are inevitable spillovers.
Home Band Keyboarder
Джонатан Кросс и его друзья по команде — звезды самого опасного и зрелищного вида спорта будущего Роллербола, напичканного трюками и умопомрачительными спецэффектами, однако проблемы начинаются тогда, когда создатель игры Петрович понимает, что программа получает наибольшие рейтинги тогда, когда происходят жуткие несчастные случаи, не считаясь с жизнями спортсменов, Петрович намерен побить рейтинговый рекорд.
Original Music Composer
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one...
Original Music Composer
Convicted of killing the drug dealer who murdered her husband, Maria is blackmailed into serving as a covert assassin. She must do the government's bidding if she is ever to regain her freedom, or her son. With each completed mission, her sentenced is further re- duced. Yet, with every job she feels further away from her goal of a peaceful life.