Sébastien Charles

Sébastien Charles


Sébastien Charles is known for his work on 8 femmes (2002), Sitcom (1998) and 5x2 (2004).


Sébastien Charles


Ozon: Remastered & Uncut
He thrilled you with 'Swimming Pool', tickled you with '8 Women' and beguiled you with 'Young and Beautiful'. Dive into the the erotic twists and transgressive turns of the early short films of auteur director François Ozon.
Five Times Two
As young French couple Gilles and Marion officially separate, we see, in reverse order, the milestone moments in their relationship: Gilles revealing his unfaithfulness at a tense dinner party; Marion giving birth to their premature son while Gilles is elsewhere; Gilles and Marion's joyous wedding; and, finally, the fateful moment when they meet as acquaintances at an Italian beach resort, and their love affair begins.
Hollywood by Accident
All his life, Adrien Perreti looked like a girl. So, whatever: he decided to become a diva, in Hollywood...by accident.
Poor Girl
Finding herself alone and pregnant, Esther, soon to be in her thirties, rejects the proposal of Gontran, her roommate, and gay lover, to raise her child together.
Far West
Eric is forced to spend his holidays on his grandfather's farm in the countryside. Bored out of his mind, an unexpected visit from over-the-top friends Mika and Koko, and the appearance of a hunky farmhand, pull Eric out of the doldrums.
Far West
Dance Instructor
Eric is forced to spend his holidays on his grandfather's farm in the countryside. Bored out of his mind, an unexpected visit from over-the-top friends Mika and Koko, and the appearance of a hunky farmhand, pull Eric out of the doldrums.
フランスを代表する新旧8人の大女優たちが歌って踊る、絢爛豪華にしてとびきり楽しいミュージカル仕立てのミステリー。監督は早くも風格さえ感じさせ始めたフランスでもっとも期待を集める若手監督、「焼け石に水」「まぼろし」の鬼才フランソワ・オゾン。主が殺され、互いに疑心暗鬼になる8人の女性たちの姿をユーモアと毒気をちりばめた才気溢れる演出で描く。2002年ベルリン国際映画祭では、本作で夢のような競演を果たした女優陣全員に銀熊賞(最優秀芸術貢献賞)が授与され話題を振りまいた。  1950年代のフランス。クリスマスを祝うため、雪に閉ざされた大邸宅に家族が集うこととなった。その日の朝、メイドのルイーズが、一家の主マルセルの部屋へ遅い朝食を持っていくと、彼はナイフで背中を刺され死んでいた。外から何者かが侵入した形跡はない。電話線は切られ、雪で外部との連絡を完全に絶たれた8人の女たち。祝祭気分は一転、彼女たちは疑心暗鬼を募らせていく。やがて、互いの詮索が始まる。そして、次々と彼女たち一人ひとりの思惑や秘密が暴露されていく…。
Water Drops on Burning Rocks
In 1970s Germany, Leopold, a 50-year-old businessman, picks up and seduces 20-year old Franz, who swiftly moves into his bachelor pad. Their cozy relationship soon sours as Leopold turns cranky and argumentative. When Franz's buxom blond girlfriend surfaces, and then Leopold's elegant and enigmatic ex, things get funnier, steamier and a lot more complicated.
Cold Lands
A young Frenchman of Arab descent, Djamel, becomes convinced that his long-lost father is a rich factory owner in Grenoble. When the man coldly rejects him, Djamel plots a revenge that will implicate the man's closeted gay son.
The Passengers
The new Saint Denis-Bobigny streetcar picks up and drops off commuters in an all-too-brief transit of their lives. Among the regular riders is a woman who is both spectator and guide – she introduces, comments on, ponders and catalyzes the sometimes vain, sometimes serious preoccupations of her fellow travelers, who, for the moment, are rushing headlong toward their destiny. The commuters and their observer have double lives. Once they step off this streetcar, the real-life dramas begin. Each has his or her style of living or dying…
le garçon aux courgettes
The adventures of an upper-class suburban family abruptly confronted with the younger brother's discovery of his homosexuality, the elder sister's suicide attempt and sadomasochist tendencies, and the intrusion of a very free-spirited maid and her husband. And it all started with the arrival in the family of an innocent looking rat.
Bed Scenes
The gay lover in 'The Virgins'
Seven brief scenes, each with a couple, explore the surprises and the changes of heart that can occur during sexual encounters. Only one of the seven couples has been in bed together before; several are strangers or new acquaintances. A prostitute and her john, an older woman and a youth who follows her home, two women friends, a gay man with a straight man, a man with distinctive ideas about soap and water, a woman who wants the light left on, and a Spanish-speaking woman with a French-speaking man make for an array of possibilities and unanticipated consequences. The 7 bed scenes are titled: The Black Hole [Le trou noir]; Mr. Clean [Monsieur Propre]; Madame; Heads or Tails [Tête bêche]; The Ideal Man [L'homme idéal]; Love in the Dark [L'amour dans le noir]; and The Virgins [Les puceaux].
The Virgins
A variation on a couple, that gets caught off-guard at a private moment.
A Summer Dress
It's summer. Sébastien loves Sheila. Lucia loves boys. As for Frédéric, all he wants to do is work on his tan.