
8人の女たち (2002)

Living in a house full of women can be murder

ジャンル : コメディ, スリラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 51分

演出 : François Ozon
脚本 : François Ozon


フランスを代表する新旧8人の大女優たちが歌って踊る、絢爛豪華にしてとびきり楽しいミュージカル仕立てのミステリー。監督は早くも風格さえ感じさせ始めたフランスでもっとも期待を集める若手監督、「焼け石に水」「まぼろし」の鬼才フランソワ・オゾン。主が殺され、互いに疑心暗鬼になる8人の女性たちの姿をユーモアと毒気をちりばめた才気溢れる演出で描く。2002年ベルリン国際映画祭では、本作で夢のような競演を果たした女優陣全員に銀熊賞(最優秀芸術貢献賞)が授与され話題を振りまいた。  1950年代のフランス。クリスマスを祝うため、雪に閉ざされた大邸宅に家族が集うこととなった。その日の朝、メイドのルイーズが、一家の主マルセルの部屋へ遅い朝食を持っていくと、彼はナイフで背中を刺され死んでいた。外から何者かが侵入した形跡はない。電話線は切られ、雪で外部との連絡を完全に絶たれた8人の女たち。祝祭気分は一転、彼女たちは疑心暗鬼を募らせていく。やがて、互いの詮索が始まる。そして、次々と彼女たち一人ひとりの思惑や秘密が暴露されていく…。


Catherine Deneuve
Catherine Deneuve
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert
Fanny Ardant
Fanny Ardant
Firmine Richard
Firmine Richard
Madame Chanel
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart
Virginie Ledoyen
Virginie Ledoyen
Ludivine Sagnier
Ludivine Sagnier
Danielle Darrieux
Danielle Darrieux
Dominique Lamure
Dominique Lamure
Marcel, The Husband


François Ozon
François Ozon
François Ozon
François Ozon
Robert Thomas
Robert Thomas
Theatre Play
Marina de Van
Marina de Van
Olivier Delbosc
Olivier Delbosc
Marc Missonnier
Marc Missonnier
Krishna Levy
Krishna Levy
Jeanne Lapoirie
Jeanne Lapoirie
Director of Photography
Laurence Bawedin
Laurence Bawedin
Arnaud de Moléron
Arnaud de Moléron
Production Design
Marie-Claire Quin
Marie-Claire Quin
Set Decoration
Pierre Gamet
Pierre Gamet
Sound Designer
Benoît Hillebrant
Benoît Hillebrant
Sound Editor
Jean-Pierre Laforce
Jean-Pierre Laforce
Sound Mixer
Pascaline Chavanne
Pascaline Chavanne
Costume Design
Sébastien Charles
Sébastien Charles


Madonna Exposed
The Pups' Christmas
On Christmas morning two pups and the household's children are up early. The pups are frightened by a large stuffed dog, a train set, a crying doll, a toy tank, and other toys.
Sweet Music
A midwest band leader and his lead singer share a love-hate relationship as they try for success in New York.
Summer Love
A neighborhood rock band gets a job playing at a summer camp.
Penrod and Sam
Best pals Penrod and Sam are leaders of a super-secret neighborhood society, the In-Or-In Boys Club. Troubles arise when a pompous prig tries to join the club and when the boys lose their clubhouse in a land sale. But there’s also plenty of time to play pranks, put on a carnival, experience the pangs of first love, and romp with Duke, the world’s best dog.
The King Steps Out
Princess is destined to marry the Emperor, until her sister steps in.
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
In Scotland 1874, Jack is born on the coldest day ever. Because of the extreme cold, his heart stops beating. The responsible midwife in Edinburgh finds a way to save him by replacing his heart with a clock. So he lives and remains under the midwife's protective care. But he must not get angry or excited because that endangers his life by causing his clock to stop working. Worse than that, when he grows up, he has to face the fact he cannot fall in love because that too could stop his delicate heart.
The film about the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, based on the novel 'The Yellow Prince' by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyk family of six. It relies more on images than on words shot in black-and-white.
Dave Matthews Band: Live from the Beacon Theatre
Depeche Mode: Rock am Ring
Detonautas Roque Clube: Acústico
Four Sisters and a Wedding
The children of the Salazar family have been pursuing separate lives in the recent years. After a few years of not being together as a whole family, they find themselves reuniting when CJ announces his plan to marry Princess, his girlfriend for three months. Much to their shock and dismay, CJ's sisters come together for the wedding and have agreed to dissuade him from marrying his fiancée.
Lillian Russell
Alice Faye plays the title role in this 1940 film biography of the early-20th-century stage star.
Ten Thousand Bedrooms
In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Shot over the course of five years, Intimidad is an in-depth portrait of Cecy and Camilo Ramirez, a young couple struggling to make ends meet in Reynosa, Mexico. They have recently left their 2-year old daughter, Loida, with Cecy's mother in Santa Maria in the hopes of building a proper home and after one year, they return to visit her for the Christmas holidays. But their vacation is barely the respite the couple expected, as Loida hardly recognizes her parents, and a sudden tragedy threatens to tear the family apart.
My Voice
Vita, a young and beautiful African woman learns that finding love and happiness need not come at the sacrifice of one's identity.
Easy to Love
Carol feels, for whatever reason, that her husband, John, has grown indifferent to her, and is on a quest to find out why, suspecting another woman. She sees the family physician, Dr. Swope, first and then hires a private detective. Her own sleuthing is more effective and she devises a plan; having long been pursued by Eric, she apparently accedes and accompanies him to an apartment and, per her plan, enter the wrong one. There, they find Carol's best friend, Charlotte, and John hiding in a closet. The latter, showing more nerve than good sense, goes into a rage and berates Carol for her apparent philandering. The battle continues at home, where their daughter Janet informs them that because of them, she and Paul have given up on the idea of marriage, but are going away together, anyway. Carol and John trail them to a hotel and find them in twin beds, whereupon John, armed with a fire-ax, summons a justice of the peace and demands a fire-ax version of a shotgun wedding.
The View from Greenhaven
A grumpy old man living in an idyllic coastal town who can't see he has the perfect life.


I Love Isabelle Huppert
I documentary on French actress Isabelle Huppert. "I love to watch her because I don't know what she's going to do next."
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
Tea with Mussolini
Semi-autobiographical film directed by Franco Zeffirelli, telling the story of young Italian boy Luca's upbringing by a circle of English and American women, before and during World War II.
Coup de Torchon
A pathetic police chief, humiliated by everyone around him, suddenly wants a clean slate in life, and resorts to drastic means to achieve it.
Charlotte Gray
This is a drama set in Nazi-occupied France at the height of World War II. Charlotte Gray tells the compelling story of a young Scottish woman working with the French Resistance in the hope of rescuing her lover, a missing RAF pilot. Based on the best-selling novel by Sebastian Faulks.
ジョン・マッデン監督が、ジュディ・デンチら実力派ベテラン俳優陣を迎えた群像コメディー。人生の終盤を迎えそれぞれに事情を抱える男女7人が、快適な老後を送るため移住したインドで織り成す人間模様を描く。 「マリーゴールド・ホテルで、穏やかで心地良い日々を-」という宣伝に魅力を感じ、イギリスからインドに移住してきたシニア世代の男女7人。夫を亡くしたイヴリン(ジュディ・デンチ)をはじめ、それぞれに事情を抱える彼らを待ち受けていたのは、おんぼろホテルと異文化の洗礼だった。そんな周りの様子を尻目にイヴリンは、街に繰り出しほどなく仕事を見つけ……。
A strait-laced French student moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a cast of six other characters from all over Europe. Together, they speak the international language of love and friendship.
All the Colors of the Dark
Jane lives in London with Richard, her boyfriend. When she was five, her mother was murdered, she recently lost a baby in a car crash and now she’s plagued by nightmares of a knife-wielding, blue-eyed man. Desperate to ease her pain, Jane decides to follow her new neighbor’s advice to attend a Black Mass, only to fan her already horrible visions, making her reality a living hell. Is there an escape from the clutches of the darkest evil?
2人の対照的な女性の間で現実と幻想が交錯し、謎が二転三転していくさまを、幾重もの仕掛けを張り巡らせミステリアスかつ官能的に描いたサスペンス・ドラマ。監督は「8人の女たち」のフランソワ・オゾン。出演はいずれもオゾン作品に出演歴のある「まぼろし」のシャーロット・ランプリングと「焼け石に水」のリュディヴィーヌ・サニエ。  創作活動に行き詰まっていたイギリスの女流ミステリー作家サラはある夏の日、出版社社長ジョンの勧めで南仏の彼の別荘を訪れる。そこは明るく静かで、誰にも邪魔されずに執筆できる最適な場所だった。しかし、サラがいよいよ仕事に取り掛かろうとした矢先、社長の娘ジュリーが別荘にやって来る。裸でプールを泳ぎ、毎夜男を連れ込んでは嬌声をあげるジュリーに苛立ち筆が進まないサラ。だがやがてサラは、ジュリーの若さと妖艶な振る舞いに強い刺激を受け、いつしか彼女をモデルに物語を紡ぎ始めるのだった…。
Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.
Same Old Song
Odile is a business executive looking for a new, bigger apartment. Her younger sister Camille has just completed her doctoral thesis in history and is a Paris tour guide. Simon is a regular on Camille's tours because he's attracted to her. Camille has fallen for Marc, and they begin an affair. Nicolas is also looking for an apartment, since he hopes to eventually have his family join him in Paris.
レント ライヴ・オン・ブロードウェイ
Sex Drugs and Aids... This controversial musical follows the lives of recovering addicts and people dying of aids in 80s new York in-between two Christmases after Collins is Involved in a race attack and left on the street to die he is saved by angel a trans woman and drag queen as their relationship builds the scary reality creeps in. In the lot Mark and Roger struggling artists can't afford to make RENT as relentless landlord and former friend Benny makes life hell for them all the while Marks ex girlfriend Maureen is protesting the eviction of the homeless on that same lot and her new girlfriend Joanne handles the law side of things. Finally Mimi is a 19 year old in love with Roger but she is addicted to cocaine and the former heroine addict wants nothing to do with her after his last girlfriend committed suicide.
Criminal Lovers
After a perverted impulse drives them to kill, Alice and her boyfriend, Luc, drag the body into the woods, only to find themselves hopelessly lost – much like the fairy-tale plight of Hansel and Gretel. Starving and with no hope of being found, they chance upon a dilapidated cottage where a hulking man takes them prisoner and proceeds to feed Luc's sexual appetite.
Royal Palace
Eugenia is the queen of an imaginary European country. When her husband dies, quite unexpectedly, the country is left without a king. According to the law, the new king needs to be married so that leaves out the eldest son. Her youngest son, Prince Arnaud is married to the lovely Armelle and they have two young children. They become the future rulers of the kingdom.