Takehiro Murata

Takehiro Murata

出生 : 1960-03-18, Tokyo, Japan


Takehiro Murata (村田雄浩 Murata Takehiro) is a Japanese actor who has appeared in various Godzilla films in both the Heisei and Millennium series, in both major roles and small cameos.


Takehiro Murata


1959年、ベトナムの国立交響楽団が設立されました。目的は、音楽を通して、戦争や国境を超えて人の心をつなぐことだったと考えています。 「楽団は家族なのだ」その志は、ベトナムの国立交響楽団に招かれ、ベトナム縦断ツアーの成功を託された日本人指揮者とベトナム人オーケストラのメンバーに伝わり、ベトナムと日本を繋ぐハーモニーが生まれて行きます。 国作りも、楽団作りも同じ、多くの異なる人間が集まり、皆で一つのタクト(指揮棒)を見つめ心を合わせることで、オーケストラが一つになり、未来の扉が開かれて行く。2024年、壮大なベトナムの風景をバックに日本とベトナムが力を合わせ、武力に揺れる世界に向けて絆の大切さを伝え、国を超えた深い“友情”と“音楽”への愛をお届けします。
バイプレイヤーズ もしも100人の名脇役が映画を作ったら
Saigo Takamori
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
最上の命医 2019
Ryuzo Nakagomi
テレビ東京では2019年秋にドラマスペシャル「最上の命医2019」を放送することが決定致しました。自ら病に冒されながらも、消えそうな小さな生命に極限まで向き合う小児外科医・西條 命さいじょう みことが帰ってきます。主人公を演じるのは、斎藤工。この「最上の命医」がプライムタイム連ドラ単独初主演作であったこともあり、本人も並々ならぬ思い入れで挑んでいるドラマシリーズです。 2011年1月クールの連続ドラマから始まり、2016年、2017年にはスペシャルを放送。今回が第3弾のドラマスペシャルとなります。 今回の「最上の命医」は怒涛の急展開です。誘拐、脱獄、オペ室占拠等、様々な事件の連続で病院内は大パニックに。そんな状況の中、命は変わらず生命と向き合い続けることができるのか⋯!? そして、事件の真相は一体!?家族の愛と“生命”をめぐる“究極の人間ドラマ”を描きます。 是非ご期待ください。
Seven years have passed - Takeru Kanzaki (Kazumi Matsuda), the Wakamiya clan's Wakamiya head of the Gijinkai, is released from prison. He is reunited with Shinji Wakamiya (Kazuyoshi Ozawa), his parent in the world, for the first time in a long time. Kawaji was also present, and the Gijinkai was re-launched as the Sakata clan, with the aim of spreading Sakata's territory throughout Japan.
Onigawara Banroku
Japanese adaptation of Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced.
Professor Yamauchi
A drama in which Yasuko Sawaguchi starred in the movie for the first time in nine years since "Autumn Autumn" and played an elementary school teacher who loves children. Tomoyo Miki became a third-grade class teacher at the transferred elementary school. Children with a variety of circumstances, such as children with a "situation mood disorder" that cannot speak at all at school, and children with a lot of troubled behaviors who have a poor life due to the debt of their divorced mother and father. Tomoyo, in cooperation with his classmates and parents, face each other with all his might. The original is a novel of the same name by Fumiko Shibakaki who has experience as a primary school teacher. Sawaguchi plays the role of Tomoyo Miki, a female teacher of the main character, and Yuhiro Murata, Kumiko Endo, Yuriko Hoshi and others set aside.
Goro is an archeologist, fascinated with the national treasure Gassho clay figure and remains from the Jomon period. He meets a woman, Momoko who is timid with love. Momoko often has memories from ancient times and landscapes of the heart in her dreams. She tells Goro about her dream and their relationship deepens.
Fuyuki Suzuki
この空の花 長岡花火物語
19-year-old freeter (a Japanese expression for people between the ages of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed, excluding housewives and students.) Tsuyoshi Osanai enters a school for guide dog trainers. After 2 years of training, Tsuyoshi becomes an assistant trainer. His first dog to train is Chie.
Miki, a nursing care robot, is popular among some medical staff and patients for her dainty and efficient work, but others are more skeptical. One day, Miki malfunctions and begins to see and hear fragmented images and voices.
Inuzuka (Hirotaro Honda), who asked about Mamiko (Rei Dan)'s disappeared father, Shinkichi (Ren Osugi), and her lover, Keiichi (Tetta Sugimoto), was murdered. A "letter" from her disappeared father holds the key.
22才の別れ Lycoris 葉見ず花見ず物語
Father of flower bell
It is the second work of the Oita trilogy of Obayashi . Following " Nigori Snow ", Ise Masazo draws a song written by composers and songwriter "Farewell of 22 years old " as a motif and draws a story of love that spans two generations of mother and daughter.
Misaki visits her boyfriend Koichi in Okinawa, the southern island of Japan. To welcome the arrival of Misaki, Koichi's friend Jinsei holds a welcoming party at his house. At the party, Misaki learns from the wise granny about the legend behind the bag hanging from the fig tree and the local demon: Kijimuna, which deeply fascinate Misaki. Jinsei then introduces Misaki to a young female writer, Kagemi, who tells Misaki the darker side of the Kijimuna legend. As the local shaman and medium to the other world, Kagemi’s knowledge in local lore gives Misaki much more to wonder about. The quiet life in Okinawa takes a sharp turn with the arrival of Jinsei’s ex-wife Sanae, which leads to a tragic accident. Soon, the parties involved begin to see a vengeful spirit and their peaceful lifes turn into a nightmare.
Middle-aged farmer Noda Masao (Daichi Yasuo) is a good, honest man, but his attempts for marriage have all met with failure. Through a friend, Masao meets Liberty (Ruby Moreno), a Filipino woman working in Japan. When they decide to get married, Masao borrows money from his Agricultural Association and travels to the Philippines for the wedding - only to discover that it was all a scam. Stranded in Manila with no money, Masao ends up staying to work. One day he meets a beautiful farmer's daughter, Christina (Alice Dixson), reawakening not only his chances for love, but also his love for farming.
Ichiro Kitahara
Kitahara Kazunori was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma in the fall of his second year in high school, and thereafter spent a year and 10 months battling the disease. Although he studied hard for the university examinations and was successfully admitted to his first choice, [the prestigious] Tokyo University, he only managed to visit it for a day before passing away. After that, last January [i.e. 2005], Kazunori's mother compiled the thoughts he had left behind and published it as a book, and it was adapted into this drama. Even as Kazunori had to fight his serious illness, he received support from his friends, school teachers and family members, and had warm relations with many people. This drama illustrates the 1 year and 10 months young Kazunori persevered together with the people around him.
Ishikawa, Police
荒川区の超高層マンションで、一家4人の惨殺事件が起きる。その容疑者として石田(勝野洋)が指名手配されるが、捜査が進む内に惨殺された一家4人全員が 赤の他人同士だったことが判明し、事件は思わぬ展開をみせる。
Chiaki Ono
慶応四年一月。鳥羽・伏見の戦いの大勢は決し、幕軍は潰走を始めていた。そんな中、大坂の盛岡藩蔵屋敷に満身創痍の侍が紛れ込む。かつて盛岡藩を脱藩し、新選組の隊士となった吉村貫一郎であった。保護を求める吉村に対し、蔵屋敷差配役であり吉村の旧友であった大野次郎右衛門は冷酷にも彼に切腹を命じる。 時は流れ、大正4年。北海道出身の記者が、吉村を知る人々から聞き取り調査を行っていた。
営業三課の志乃(桜井幸子)は夜店で買ったペットのウサギの処遇に困り、伝助に相談する。そこで、伝助の釣りの弟子・宇佐美(村田雄浩)がウサギを引き取ることになる。しかし悪気のない宇佐美が起こしたことが、騒動となり、傷心の宇佐美は沖縄へ転勤する。 やがて、一之助の沖縄出張に便乗した伝助は、宇佐美のサバニ(船)で釣り三昧と洒落込むが、悪天候で遭難。二人は無人島に漂着! 極限状況のなかで伝助が見たものは?
ゴジラ2000 ミレニアム
Yuji Shinoda
A salaryman faces a major life change as his firm undergoes financial difficulties. To add to his troubles, a man claiming to be his long-estranged father shows up at his house requesting shelter. One of the best of Somai's seriocomic studies of the messiness of family life.
Tomonori is a third rate model and very unhappy with her demeaning job of handing out leaflets. Unfortunately she doesn't have too many options. One day she gets drunk and starts a fight at a party where she is working.
プライド 運命の瞬間
Kiyoshi Itou
Based on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East of 1946–48, depicts Japanese prime minister Hideki Tojo as a family man who fought to defend Japan and Asia from western colonialism but was ultimately hanged by a vengeful United States.
Detective Chikamatsu
Yukari's Editor
ゴジラシリーズ第22作。「平成シリーズ」第7作にして完結編。スペースゴジラとの戦いから1年後、南太平洋のバース島が、地下の高純度天然ウランの熱水噴射による核爆発で消滅。ゴジラとリトルゴジラも姿を消した。その1ヶ月後、赤く燃え盛る姿で香港に上陸したゴジラは、赤い熱線を吐き香港市街を蹂躙。その赤い姿はいつ核爆発を起こしてもおかしくない状態を示唆していた。一方、東京湾岸では青海トンネルの工事現場でのパイプ溶解、しながわ水族館で魚が突如白骨化するなどの怪事件が発生。やがて東京湾岸近辺に謎の怪物が出現した。その正体はかつてゴジラを葬った際に使用したオキシジェン・デストロイヤーの影響で異常進化を遂げた恐るべき生物デストロイアであった。そんな中、御前崎沖にゴジラと酷似した巨大生物が出現、その正体はバース島の消滅で影響を受けたリトルゴジラであった。一方、四国・伊方原発を襲撃したゴジラは、自衛隊のスーパーXIIIによるカドミウム弾攻撃により体内の核分裂が抑制され核爆発は免れるが、今度は体内温度上昇によるメルトダウンによる地球崩壊の危機が訪れる。メルトダウンを阻止すべく、羽田空港沖を舞台に、デストロイアを利用した国連Gフォースと自衛隊によるゴジラ 撃滅作戦が切って落とされる!
Takashi Karaki
People from all walks of life (a high-school student, a middle-aged businessman, a yakuza chief, etc.) all receive mysterious messages from loved ones who were killed 3 months earlier in a shipwreck. They are instructed to go to a small island in the Inland Sea that evening. At the stroke of midnight, the lost ship emerges from the sea and they are given a brief time to say their final words to their lost loved ones, before the deceased must once again board the ship and it sinks back into the depths.
Bunta (voice)
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
A successful Japanese movie director in his sixties becomes increasingly ill while working on his latest film. Though his family, friends, and doctor try to keep the secret of his terminal cancer from him, Buhei gradually comes to realize the truth of his condition, leading him on a journey of despair, anger, and, ultimately, acceptance.
Kenji Andoh
Goh Yoshino
A straight young woman living in Tokyo becomes involved in the lives of a gay man and his married lover.
Taro Wakasugi
ヤクザにゆすられ続けるホテル、ホテル・ヨーロッパ。ヤクザの脅しに屈して簡単に金を出してしまう体質から日本中のヤクザが引っ切り無しに訪れるようになり、危機管理の甘さを露呈し、サミットの招致も断られてしまう。この状況を打開すべく、総支配人の小林は経理部の鈴木勇気、ベルボーイの若杉太郎の二人をヤクザへの対応役として任命。しかし、何の知識もない二人はヤクザを追い出すどころか火に油を注ぐ結果となり、ますますヤクザの恐喝を悪化させてしまう。見かねたホテルの幹部はついに外部からプロを雇うことになる。それが民事介入暴力(民暴)を専門とする弁護士、井上まひるであった。 まひるはヤクザ相手に経験と法律の知識を武器に堂々と立ち向かい、鈴木と若杉に「ヤクザを怖がらない」ことを教え、二人は徐々に勇気を持つようになった。そんな中、小林はゴルフ場で知り合った入内島という男性に誘われるがまま賭けゴルフをしてしまう。しかし実は、入内島はヤクザ組織の中心人物であり、賭けゴルフをきっかけとして総支配人にスキャンダルの罠を仕掛ける。 なかなか脅迫に屈しないホテルに対して入内島は街宣車を送り込むなどの嫌がらせを行う。それに対してまひるは裁判所に不作為の申請をする等、一歩も引かず対処するが、ヤクザの「鉄砲玉」によって腹部を刺され重傷を負う。怒りに燃える若杉は鉄砲玉を打ちのめすが、まひるは出血多量で病院に担ぎ込まれる。
From the point-of-view of the children, "Mother" tells the story of the most unappreciated, loving and giving mother, who would sacrifice her own life, and sometimes the life of others, for her loved ones. In the autumn of 1955, a family of five children is living in the Tohoku area. In order to take care of her paralysed husband, the mother has to sacrifice her five children by giving them away. The children has to suffer all the loneliness and hardships that this decision has brought them. 15 years have passed, all five of them have got married. Now, they come to understand that their mother's love for them was the greatest love of all.
男はつらいよ 寅次郎かもめ歌