An assassin fends off numerous attacks from her comrades, who are trying to move up in rank by killing off the competition.
Tetsuro Haga is a troubled gangster, living under the assumed identity Ise for ten years, to escape jail for gunning down his cruel adoptive father. His life begins to unravel when a journalist following him takes an interest in the wife of a boyhood chum, and the wife of another close friend takes an interest in Ise. A couple of murders later, Ise/Haga goes on the run and also sets out for revenge.
おかっぱ頭のスーパーマーケット大好き主婦・井上花子は、スーパー「安売り大魔王」の中で小学校時代の幼馴染・小林五郎と再会する。花子は「もう一つスーパーを見て欲しい」と五郎に言われついて行った先のスーパー「正直屋」のダメぶりを五郎に愚痴るのが、実は五郎がその「正直屋」のオーナーだった。 五郎は花子にスーパーの悪いところを直してくれと頼み、花子はレジチーフとして「正直屋」に勤務。近所で繁盛しているライバル店「安売り大魔王」と戦う事になる。 最初はスーパーのレジ係として勤務した花子だが、職人気質な人達がチーフに就いている各部門で問題が続発し、特に精肉部・鮮魚部とは事あるごとに対立する。やがて実績を買われて副店長に昇進した花子は顧客の意見を聞き反映する試みを行い、製品のリパック(店頭に置いてあった製品を回収し再度ラップし、また店頭に置く事)の禁止を店舗会議で直訴し五郎も承諾させ、正直屋の商売方針を改善。徐々に来る客も増えていくが・・
Melodrama about the life of a mentally handicapped young man and his devoted sister after their famous novelist father and housewife mother go to Australia on a business trip.
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
横浜、反町にある居酒屋「かずさ屋」を営む主人の荘太郎(萩原健一)は、女房のしず子(室井滋)を病院から自宅に連れて帰って来た。もはや、余命幾許もない事を知っていたからである。それは、しず子本人も気づいており、ある日、看病する壮太郎に、自分が死んだらひとりじゃ店を切り盛りするのは大変だろうから新しい女と一緒になるんだろうと尋ねると、壮太郎は、新しい女と一緒になる気はないと答えた。しず子は、もし嘘をついて他の女と結婚したら、十万億土から戻って来て化けて出てやると冗談とも本気ともとれるような言葉を残して、翌朝息絶えるのであった。 葬式が済み、独り身では忙しい毎日を過ごしていた壮太郎に、兄(尾藤イサオ)が見合いをしないかと女の写真を置いて行く。最初は興味のなかった壮太郎だが、その写真の女が、店の前をうろついたり、休日、浜に釣りに出かけた壮太郎の前にわざとらしく現れるのを観て、興味を覚え、一回会ってみる事にする。 その席で、彼の事を好きになってしまったと素直に告白する里子(山口智子)の気性に惚れた壮太郎は、あっさり、彼女との結婚を決意してしまう。
A successful Japanese movie director in his sixties becomes increasingly ill while working on his latest film. Though his family, friends, and doctor try to keep the secret of his terminal cancer from him, Buhei gradually comes to realize the truth of his condition, leading him on a journey of despair, anger, and, ultimately, acceptance.
ヤクザにゆすられ続けるホテル、ホテル・ヨーロッパ。ヤクザの脅しに屈して簡単に金を出してしまう体質から日本中のヤクザが引っ切り無しに訪れるようになり、危機管理の甘さを露呈し、サミットの招致も断られてしまう。この状況を打開すべく、総支配人の小林は経理部の鈴木勇気、ベルボーイの若杉太郎の二人をヤクザへの対応役として任命。しかし、何の知識もない二人はヤクザを追い出すどころか火に油を注ぐ結果となり、ますますヤクザの恐喝を悪化させてしまう。見かねたホテルの幹部はついに外部からプロを雇うことになる。それが民事介入暴力(民暴)を専門とする弁護士、井上まひるであった。 まひるはヤクザ相手に経験と法律の知識を武器に堂々と立ち向かい、鈴木と若杉に「ヤクザを怖がらない」ことを教え、二人は徐々に勇気を持つようになった。そんな中、小林はゴルフ場で知り合った入内島という男性に誘われるがまま賭けゴルフをしてしまう。しかし実は、入内島はヤクザ組織の中心人物であり、賭けゴルフをきっかけとして総支配人にスキャンダルの罠を仕掛ける。 なかなか脅迫に屈しないホテルに対して入内島は街宣車を送り込むなどの嫌がらせを行う。それに対してまひるは裁判所に不作為の申請をする等、一歩も引かず対処するが、ヤクザの「鉄砲玉」によって腹部を刺され重傷を負う。怒りに燃える若杉は鉄砲玉を打ちのめすが、まひるは出血多量で病院に担ぎ込まれる。
Set in Sapporo during the oil crisis of the early '70s, the film centers on the Hokkaitei soba stand run by a stoic patriarch and his perky wife. One New Year's day, a haggard-looking mother and her two adorable moppets poke their heads into the restaurant and ask for a single bowl of kakesoba. Noticing that the trio is looking a little low in the heels, she puts in an extra scoop of noodles. The youngest boy declares that the soba is delicious. The next year, the same threesome appears again asking for one bowl of kakesoba. This time the old man dumps in two helpings. He is struck by how much the youngest looks like their own son who was hit by a truck three years previous. The following year, the three return and this time the mother tells her story...
A wealthy matriarch is kidnapped by a gang of three. She is insulted by the amount of money they propose to demand as ransom, and a strange interchange of roles takes place.
地上げ屋同士の熾烈な攻防戦が吹き荒れるバブル期の東京。オフィスビルの建設ラッシュを機に、政治家・建設業者・商社・銀行が結託して巨額の利益を上げんと欲望を燃え上がらせていた。 そんな中、代議士の漆原は天の道教団の管長・鬼沢に目をつける。鬼沢は宗教を隠れ蓑に風俗業など数々の商売をし、さらにヤクザを操り地上げの嵐を吹き荒らしていた。しかもそれらの商売による収益を宗教法人に入金して課税を免れていた。 「宗教活動以外での所得は課税対象となる」という税法を盾に、やり手査察官・板倉亮子をはじめとする国税局査察部・通称マルサは鬼沢の内偵調査を行う。亮子は大蔵省のエリート官僚・三島を引きつれ鬼沢の身辺調査に入るが、教団信者やヤクザ達の妨害に遭い、調査は難航。ようやく脱税のシッポを掴んだマルサは強制調査に着手し、鬼沢の取調べが行われるが、鬼沢は頑として脱税を認めず、逆ギレして地上げの正当性を主張する。 そんな中、鬼沢の手下が射殺される。査察部は脱税を隠蔽するために鬼沢が「トカゲの尻尾」のように切り捨てたのではないかと疑うが、やがて鬼沢本人が狙撃される事件が発生。危うく難を逃れたが、鬼沢も「トカゲの尻尾」、つまり使い捨てられる駒でしかなかったのだ。 鬼沢の地上げした土地ではビルの着工を前に地鎮祭が行われる。鬼沢を背後で操って自らは手を汚すことなく利益を得た大臣・代議士・企業幹部が談笑する。その姿を少数の同僚とともにフェンス越しに隠れて見つめていた亮子は、やりきれなさに唇を噛む。 一方、鬼沢は自分の墓に巨額の財産を隠していた。最後に笑ったのは鬼沢であった。
港町税務署のやり手調査官・板倉亮子は、管内のパチンコ店の所得隠しを発見したり、老夫婦の経営する食品スーパーの売上計上漏れを指摘するなど、地味な仕事を続けている。そんなある日、実業家・権藤英樹の経営するラブホテルに脱税のにおいを感じ、調査を行うが、強制調査権限のない税務署の業務の限界もあり、巧妙に仕組まれた権藤の脱税を暴くことができずにいた。 そんな中、亮子は強制調査権限を持つ国税局査察官(通称「マルサ」)に抜擢される。着任早々に功績をあげ、やがて仲間からの信頼も得るようになった亮子。ある日、権藤に捨てられた愛人・剣持和江からマルサに密告の電話が入る。亮子は税務署員時代から目をつけていた権藤の調査を自ら進んで引き受ける。亮子の努力が実を結び、権藤に対する本格的な内偵調査が始まる事になった。暴力団、政治家、銀行がからんだ大型脱税との戦いが始まった。
Keiichi (Kenichi Hagiwara) is a weather man. He gets involved with two married women, Yoshiko (Mitsuko Baisho) and Miyoko (Chieko Baisho). Both want to divorce but are trapped in meaningless marriages. While being undecided of who he wants to chose, Keiichi witnesses passions boil to an unforgiving climax.
An old woman has died and her widower with dementia confesses to killing her. After this, the story goes back in time to show the events leading up to her death.
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
Fuyuhana, is bullied child at school, because she was not able to speak until recently. This was due to the accidental death of one of her classmates, a few years ago. And now she is haunted by the secrets of the old school.
The life and travels of adventurer Naomi Uemura, who disappeared in Alaska in 1984. A member of the first Japanese expedition to reach the summit of Mt Everest in 1970, Uemura also accomplished several "firsts". He was the first man to reach the North Pole solo, climb Denali solo, and float down the Amazon river solo. In the film, Uemura returns to Tokyo after a stint in Siorapaluk in Northern Greenland. In Tokyo, he reconnects with an old friend and, over coffee, shares his life story - from his days as a college dropout to his successful expedition to the top of Everest.
A man who lost his wife and a woman whose husband died have a fateful meeting in connection with a double suicide and fall madly in love.
Narumi Rokuheita and his wife Noriko spend their lives separated. Soon they start looking for love elsewhere.
Daisuke is supposed to be out looking for a respectable job and equally respectable wife. He is 30 years old and devotes his attention to music and literature; his family is wealthy and can support his interests. When his friend Hiraoka returns with his wife Michiyo, problems arise.
A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.
Umiemon is a naniwa-bushi singer who travels with his wife to the United States in hopes of achieving fame and fortune.
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
A female highschool teacher must deal with sexual harrassment from her students and being trapped in a love triangle with two men, neither of whom has any interest in marrying her.
ある日、俳優の井上侘助(山崎努)と妻で女優の雨宮千鶴子(宮本信子)は夫婦共演のCM撮影を行っていたが、そこに突然連絡が入る。千鶴子の父・真吉(奥村公延)が亡くなったのだ。親族代表として葬式を出さなくてはならなくなった侘助はマネージャー里見(財津一郎)の助けを借りつつも途方に暮れる。 千鶴子の母・きく江(菅井きん)や千鶴子の妹・綾子(友里千賀子)夫婦、そして真吉の兄・正吉(大滝秀治)とともに遺体を伊豆の別荘に運び、お通夜の準備に取り掛かる。葬儀屋・海老原(江戸家猫八)とともに、お通夜当日の朝を迎える侘助達。だがそこには、喪服を着た侘助の愛人・良子(高瀬春奈)がいた。
While trying to search for her missing father, Atsuko Moriya (Noriko Watanabe) meets a group of outcasts that help her. Having only an encrypted disk in her possession and while being chased by unknown people, Atsuko tries to solve the mystery of her family origins...
Japanese drama film.
Roman Porno from 1982.
Model Reiko Higa is injured after being hit by a car pursued by motorcycle cop Tomishima. Tomishima's supervisor refuses his request to apologize to Reiko, as it would be an admission of police responsibility. Forced to give up her career, Reiko leaves Tokyo to return to her hometown on Okinawa, travelling by road up to Kagoshima, and Tomishima pursues her in order to apologize.
Mid 50s: the trials and tribulations of Shinsuke Ibuki, freshly arrived in Tokyo from Kyushu.
George is a washed-up middle-aged rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker.
A young man living on growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in a residential area. Tomato cultivation is as doomed as his personal life where he tries to keep alive his romance with the eccentric Kaede and parents selected fiancee Ayako.
Three high school student girls are on their spring break. They are expecting to get some sex of course. One becomes an adult magazine model. The second one nets a boyfriend. The third one is a little shy and needs helps from her friends. This last girl has fallen in love so her friends take her to his window and, by chance, arrive when mother is performing fellatio on son. The shy and pure third girl is in awe of a mother 'eating' genitalia and wants to give a similar performance.
This is a combination of stories dealing with the ecstatic adventures of high school student Sachiko.
Intellectual collegue professor Sasa becomes obsessed with beautiful Sugiko, a virgin. Eventually, luring her to a love hotel.
Rena and Yuko, the two sexually-adventurous high school girl friends from Pink Tush Girl (1978) get part-time jobs at a hostess bar in order to earn money for an abortion for Yuko. At the end of the school year the two must part as Yuko prepares to depart for acting school in Hokkaido, and Rena gets ready for college.
Junko Miyashita plays a mysterious hitchhiker picked up by a brute of a construction worker named Kenzo who takes her back to his run-down and cramped apartment in a not so good part of town. Claiming that she is running away from an abusive husband, she shacks up with him. In a futile attempt to escape the bleak working class surroundings, the pair engage in an obsessive erotic relationship.
Isamu, a star athlete in high school, becomes a race cyclist. He wins his debut races, but soon his opponents see through his lack of strategy and beat him easily. Isamu's maths teacher, a race cycling freak, says he knows the solution to Isamu's problem. But will Isamu listen to him?
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A parable about the inefficiency and anachronism of the Japanese educational system, which places an unusually large amount of importance on cramming for university entrance examinations, Panic High School is about the suicide of a high school student and its ensuing fallout at his school. When one of his classmates becomes frustrated with the math teacher's lack of sensitivity to the suicide, the student steals a rifle, returns to school, aerates the teacher's chest and then holds members of his class captive. This leads to an aggressive standoff with the police and lots of shots of his parents crying and bowing in shame, totally mortified.
Director Koreyoshi Kurahara chronicles the lives of Flep and Leila, two foxes living in northern Japan. First, Flep must fight for Leila before the two can become partners and mate. After Flep defeats another male fox, he and Leila eventually produce a group of five cubs. However, with their family complete, the group must deal with human interferences in their habitat, such as chicken farms and snowmobiles, and fight against the debilitating cold of winter.
Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the attack. Her chicken farmer husband, incapable of dealing with her death tends to her corpse as though it were still alive completely unable to accept her demise.
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A young teacher (Eiko Nagashima) is raped by students. She tries to resign but then decides to return and face the class.
Ryu, a sinister transfer student with a dark past, sexually assaults his way through his nubile female classmates to his ultimate conquest, the leggy athletic champ and class president Misa. Tadao, a fellow classmate, is also in love with Misa and wants to take her virginity for himself. The big Eros High School track meet is happening soon. Will these two boys ruin her chance of winning? What strange secret is Misa hiding from everyone? Why is Ryu prancing around in a banana hammock with a pet pig?
Tomomi and Hiroshi are on their honeymoon. During the seaside drive, she happens to see a girl being sexually assaulted. This sparks old memories of a rape which had deflowered her when she was much younger. Then, by coincidence, shortly after the couple arrives in the resort town, Tomomi spots the man who had raped her. He’s now working as a hotel bartender. Even though she immediately remembered him, the man obviously does not recognize her. Tomomi takes advantage of his ignorance to scheme a revenge plot against him. While her husband is off sightseeing, she convinces the bartender to accompany her into the mountains “for some private sex games” where she leaves him to freeze to death.
This is a story of love between a society girl and a yakuza boy. Mami lives an ordinary life in Tokyo, being with her friends and studying. Her biggest interest is ladies hats. She is rather well off, as her father is the ambassador of Japan in Spain. One day when she is out driving, she is attacked by a group of yakuza, but is saved by the honorable yakuza Jiro. This will change her life forever.
Teenage cousins Masao and Tamiko fall in love when she comes to his riverside brewery house to take care of his sickly mother. Family objections ensue as Tamiko is older than Masao, and the two cannot marry in peace.
A model must cope with the stress of fame after a marketing executive transforms her into a sports celebrity.
Kitayama tries to have sex with Akemi. While he manages to come to her room, her boyfriend Kawasaki comes to find him. Unfortunately, Kawasaki is a yakuza guy.
A serial rapist takes on a young protégé to his craft as he is pursued by a homosexual gang seeking vengeance for an attack on their leader.
Kizaki kidnaps Yuriko and engages in a rape and torture session with her, which he photographs. With the photos, he blackmails flower arrangement teacher Yumeji, Yuriko's older sister. Rather than allow him to shame her clan by sending the photos to the media, Yumeji goes to Kizaki. Kizaki then proceeds to rape and torture Yumeji, who was his true desire all along.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A bar-owner named Kuroki, forlornly waits for his adulterous wife to get back from messing around with her boyfriend. She returns, but because she's been fooling around with gangsters she brings trouble with her. Kuroki gets tied up and beaten, his wife and customers get tortured and raped, and it is finally up to the mousy cuckold to set things right, Straw Dogs-style.
Many are the romantic stories of beautiful stewardesses who have dreamed and become modern Cinderellas. Yumi, though, has no such dreams. She loves Shimada, a very ordinary, young man and hopes to marry him one day. However, during the flight to Tokyo, the Petroleum Minister of a certain country sets eyes on Yumi, the loveliest girl ever hired by JAL, and is more than pleased with what he sees. When Yumi is approached, she declines instantly but everyone seems to gang up to bend her will to theirs and soon the newspapers report that Yumi has accepted the Petroleum Minister's proposal.
A film that portrays the youth and fragile love of a transportation worker in Tokyo.
Roman Porno from 1976. Nobuyuki collects butterflies as a hobby. One day, while trying to catch a rare butterfly, he encounters a young woman...
When a stuck-up and privileged lady of a wealthy family is left to fend for herself, her butler decides to teach her some overdue humility through BDSM. His spiral of debauchery is soon overtaken by madness, and his sex games threaten to harm more than just her social standing and pride.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Tokuko Watanabe plays Hikaru, a female teacher at an all boy's high school. Yata is a mysterious student who transfers from another school. Seemingly, he's the younger brother of a boy who com-mitted suicide because of an obsession with teacher Hikaru. Obviously, as these stories go, Yata wants to avenge his brother's death. So one day, he recruits two more boys and the three of them rape Hikaru on the roof of the school. At first, the violated teacher shrugs off the incident with a "boys will be boys" altitude. But then, when she realizes revenge was the motive, she stalks them before they can do any more damage.
Hitomi Kozue returns as Mayumi in this final chapter of the TRUE STORY OF A WOMAN IN JAIL trilogy! Mayumi is sent to jail after brutally attacking her partner and his mistress. Sent to live in Cell 31, the women there couldn't be more different... they are very religious, sing hymns and discuss the Bible. A fight with a rival cell block starts a bloody and vicious war in the jail... one where the warden and guards seek vengeance on the women with brutal torture and sexual humiliation. When a new inmate arrives and Mayumi recognizes her, all hell breaks loose!
Akira and Hiroshi are two lowlives who hang around pachinko parlours. Hiroshi is a ladies' man but always loses at pachinko. Akira is a virgin at 25 but always wins. Hiroshi tries to get Akira laid with little success but things change when Akira is informed of a 88 million yen inheritance.
Roman Porno from 1975.
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo. Yasuo spreads unpleasant gossip about his rival, and Hatsue's father forbids her to see Shinji. But when the boy saves the passengers on a boat owned by Hatsue's father, his luck in love begins to change.
Tamaki is reunited with her wayward brother Yoichi when he rescues her from a gang-bang by three hoodlums. Then Yoichi seduces Yuni the daughter of his sister's boss, and they run away with a million yen from the till. Tamaki's former husband visits her as a customer but he still can't get it up so she has to keep on working. Yoichi and Yumi come home to face the music with all their money gone. Toshiro the massage parlor operator has his hoodlums run the boy out of town, and since he isn't Yumi's real father he gets ready to seduce her himself. Just as Toshiro is taking the frightened Yumi into a room, there's a yell of "Fire!" and people start running. Yumi gets away. Tamaki, with her fire whistle in hand, smiles as she leads Toshiro to bed.
After his leading actress becomes pregnant and quits his sex film, Juzo becomes obsessed with finding a woman whose moaning he captured secretly at a dentist’s office to star in the film instead.
Fujishita Kumi is an ordinary office lady. Longing to escape her poor fishing village for a life in the city, she came to Tokyo. One day while alone in the office, she's spotted rolling up her pantyhose by the window cleaner Kurata Katsuo. This was to be their first encounter. Completely enchanted by Kumi, Katsuo does everything he can to get close to her. Katsuo is a man with a terrible past. With the death of his coal miner father, his family was broken up and he was forced to follow in his father's footsteps laboring away in the mud. In spite of this, Katsuo still has dreams. He dreams of living in Resiporuko, a utopian fantasyland that exists only in his imagination. When Katsuo and Kumi finally meet they find themselves unable to communicate. Katsuo spends all his time talking about Resiporuko with a starry look in his eyes, while Kumi dreams of living the high life in the city. One day when the two travel to the seashore, they discover a wounded seagull.
"Jealous" man-killer Mayumi (Hitomi Kozue) is sent back into solitary confinement after being re-arrested for the murder of the doctor who fingered her for a botched surgery. After emerging from solitary confinement to find an all-new gang of bullies picking on a meek, young female prisoner, Mayumi is now a much harder soul who takes no attitude from anyone, and she turns savage when the poor girl is enslaved by Yakuza.
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
Roman Porno from 1975.
The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.
Gimme gimme gimme! Yusaku Matsuda and his gang are on the hunt for women, money and more money! The late legendary actor, Yusaku Matsuda, stars in this explosive motion picture about the hedonistic lifestyles of four roughnecks directed by Yukihiro Sawada. Takeo Natsuki (Yusaku Matsuda) was just released from prison. He was the leader of three rascals; all they did was cause trouble. When they meet a girl whose father is resisting a forced eviction to make way for a construction site, they come up with their own plans to solve the problem.
An assassin trained as a ninja carries the code name M. Hayami is a yakuza boss and a divorced father who is not allowed to come near his and her young daughter Mutsumi from his ex-wife Kazuko. In the big port city of Yokohama, M has to see Hayami, who with his practices has thrown angry blood at the president of the yakuza group.
Shizuka is the aristocratic wife of the president of a large company. When she wants to divorce her domineering husband, he orders his employee Yoshi, the son of an adult toy store owner, to train his wife to become sexually submissive.
A college professor wants to bring the joys of sex to his frigid wife. He convinces his son in law to sleep with her because the idea arouses him, while also making him insanely jealous. The professor keeps a journal of his fantasies in a locked cupboard and hopes that his wife will find the key and read it.
Shotaro, the son of a geisha house, is still merely a kid and is often told to spend the night in a room with geisha when the patron of a certain geisha takes over his own room. A precocious lad in the first places, he knows more about sex than many adults. He discovers he is old enough to make women pregnant and so his adventures begin, here, there and everywhere.
Final part of epic drama about war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family through the Sino-Japanese War through the Soviet Union's sudden attack upon Japanese troops at the end of the war.
A diary of an office lady.
Roman Porno from 1972.
Ichijo Sayuri, once the legendary queen of Osaka strippers, has retired to run a sushi shop. She is awaiting her day in court after having been arrested for indecency at her farewell performance. While she was active, she was both the rival and the model for many young strippers. Harumi was one of them. Ichijo Sayuri was the real-life queen of Osaka strippers who was arrested on her final performance.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno.
Roman Porno from 1972.
Roman Porno film depicting the great uproar that the children cause in the division of their property, even before their parents are dead, as they claw at their greed.
A department store girl is robbed of her cash register by a boy, but for some reason she cannot forget the boy's mysterious eyes, and time passes. One day, she discovers the eyes by chance, and relentlessly pursues the boy.
Saeko is abnormally attached to her older sister, Yumi. When Yumi becomes engaged to Arikawa, Saeko schemes to separate the two. She seduces Arikawa who then becomes confused over his attraction to both sisters.
Yasuko's husband Junichi works overseas, she becomes intimate with another guy called Takuji in his absence. One day her husband returns and she begins to suspect he has another woman. She follows him to a hotel but sees him dressed in female clothing. Junichi offers her and Takuji to join him for some shady parties.
Set in a Shinjuku bathhouse brothel, the film uncovers the sexual eccentricities of everyday people. Focusing on three female sex workers, the colorful, unpredictable look into the hidden underbelly of Japanese nightlife is playful but also unafraid to explore the darker sides of the business. The fleeting nature of relationships in such an environment and the consequences of toying with feelings are presented with a melancholy tinge.
After having served a prison sentence Oman is released only to find that her sister is in the clutches of a group of Yakuza lowlifes. Once again Oman has to take action.
Roman Porno from 1972.
Depicting female karma and sexual sorrow in the midst of revenge and immorality, a woman betrayed by her lover plans to take revenge on him by seducing his only son and dragging him into a sensual trap, but before long she too is writhing in delight and falling in love with him.
Oshichi (Setsuko Ogawa), the daughter of a green grocer, is only seventeen years old but is known as one of the most beautiful girls in Edo. She is betrothed to Sakubei (Tatsuya Hamaguchi) but does not love him. One day, the whole city is flooded by one of the worst rain storm in its history. Oshichi, and her parents are given shelter at a temple where she meets Kichisaburo (Ryuji Mori), a young priest. It is love at first sight for both of them. The storm finally abates. Oshichi's parents decide to return to their home on the following day. That night, Oshichi gladly gives herself to Kichisaburo but they are found by her mother who warns them never to divulge their secret. Learning that her plan to move up the date of her marriage to the rich pawnbroker's son, Oshichi feels that she can never be united with Kichisaburo unless she takes things into her own hands.
Roman Porno from 1972.
Osono and Eisuke would like to get married but with her up to her neck in debt due to her late father's illness and him trying to raise the funds to start a business, they can't afford to do so. Osono agrees to work as a geisha and eventually is tricked into becoming a businessman's mistress, all because she wants to help her lover. The businessman, in turn, is actually only interested in training her so he can hand her over to a palace official in exchange for a trade agreement...
Patronized by a gang ruling the city, Mako delinquently plays around a night club every night with her bad company. One night, a guy Hideo gets closer to her for one-night stand, and they consequently fall in love. However, Hideo is killed by the gang. Mako swears vengeance on her beloved's murderer.
A genius gambler and born hunter is a Buddhist monk by occupation.
The Akiba and Shimura crime families run the streets of “K City”. With the construction of new buildings and new factories underway, the city has sprouted into a boomtown and business is good. Two of the most infamous mobs of Tokyo want a piece of the pie. As out-of-town yakuza flood the city overnight, the crime boss of the Akiba family, Tezuka (Joe Shishido), is released from prison after a five year sentence. He does not like the "change" he sees.
Mako and her girl friends enter a dispute with rival street gangsters The Eagles, a band of racist macho pigs led by the evil Baron, who hate half-breeds. When one of the girls start dating a half-breed, they start a terror campaign to take all of them out of town. Mako and her gang fight back, helping their new friend Kazuma find his long gone sister.
A wandering tough biker girl aids a female delinquent gang in their battles against an all-male Seiyu group over a fixed boxing match.
Rivalry between two young gangster groups who seek to extend their influence.
Young bartender operates secret sex club as a profitable side business.
A professional hunter, Tetsuya, returns from Alaska to find that his hometown had become a lawless slum. He is shocked to learn that his younger sister had committed suicide after being raped by unknown men. One day, he rescues a girl from being attacked by some gang, and discovers that the same gang had driven his sister to death. Using his lethal hunting skills, Tetsuya begins to take revenge…
The Spiders, a 1960s Japanese Group Sounds band, star in this rare Monkees and Beatles inspired secret agent movie. During their Asian tour spies try to smuggle plutonium hidden in The Spiders' guitar amps!
Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) was indebted to Mitsugimoto. Sawada, a low rank yakuza with a gambling problem owed Mitsugimoto three million yen. This equation can only lead to one answer. Mitsugimoto needs to pay and Goro's coming to collect.
Based on the 1964 novel of the same name by Komimasa Tanaka, the film tell the story of a strip-teaser, and her daughter who wishes to join her mother's profession.
Shimamura is a young man whose family went broke and lost their house. One day, as he returns to his former house to get a camellia blooming from the garden, he sees a beautiful schoolgirl who lives there. After they coincidentally meet again they fall for each other, but she is already engaged.
Kuroda (Jô Shishido) is a mob hitman who turns on his employers after being forced to execute his lover. Joining forces with his similarly wronged brothers, hot-headed Eiji (Tatsuya Fuji) and aspiring boxer Saburô (Jirô Okazaki), the trio escalate their mob retaliation to all-out turf war where no one will stop until one faction emerges victorious.
A young wealthy widow becomes sexually involved with her father-in-law, while harboring a destructive obsession with the family gardener.
A gang lord hires Kamimura, a hit man, to take out a rival boss who's gotten greedy.
A girl is in love with two men.
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
College life starts off great for Michiko. She and her friend join the Italian Culture Research Club that performs canzone, a genre they are both in love with. The only problem is that the club doesn't have enough money to buy instruments for them to play. One day, the two come across a talent show called the "Mari Sono Look-Alike Contest" that promises the winner a cash prize. And Michiko looks a lot like the star.
A young lawyer looking for a true culprit to save his innocent friend. But behind the case is the father of a woman he loves.
Daisuke Honda, a war photographer in Vietnam, meets Yuriko Sawanouchi, a stewardess on his plane back to Japan. After drinking with her at a Tokyo bar, he becomes involved in saving Yuriko from assassination by stylish, female ninjas. When trying to rescue Yuriko from kidnappers, Daisuke discovers a group of foreigners are hunting for a WWII-era treasure hidden on an island by Yuriko's father.
Like a girl runaway, Tsuyu moves to Osaka to work as a bar hostess. She meets the owner of a model school, Yoko, and seriously thinks about becoming a fashion model. Yoko tells her that she can move in to Yoko’s house to take lessons, while making a living at the same time.
A father gives his four daughters his substantial retirement allowance on the stipulation that they leave him alone, as he wants some freedom. Each of the daughters has a romantic interest and it's noticeable that the father, too, has someone in mind.
Ryu (Akira Kobayashi) sets foot on the Yokohama port with a suitcase filled with 300 thousand dollars. He was sent by a jewelry company in Hong Kong to retrieve a certain diamond that was stolen from them. The "Himalayan Star" is worth couple hundred million yen and unbeknown to Ryu, it now lays in the hands of Aizu (Jo Shishido), the infamous ”Pirate of the Tokyo Bay."
‘Tattooed Life' begins with a parasol wielding Yakuza assassin attacking a rickshaw. It almost looks like feudal Japan until somebody pulls a gun and we're reminded that it's the 20th century. Post-shooting, the assassin delivers his bounty to his brother (to pay for his art school education) before getting ambushed in one of the few rickshaw-jacking incidents in film history, and being rescued by his art-student brother. In the aftermath, one brother is marked for death by the Yakuza, and the other brother won't go to art school with blood on his hands, so they decide the perfect way to deal with such hardships is to become fugitive construction workers in northern Japan . And why not?
A young girl in an industrial town is saving her money to enter college. But her drunken father loses his job, her mother cannot make ends meet, and then the boy she likes loses everything when his factory fails. She takes all her savings out of the bank and offers them to him to make a new start. He refuses at first but eventually agrees and so she goes back to school to tell her teacher that she has decided not to continue college, that she is young and strong, and can make her own way in life.
Japanese drama film.
Volunteering as a "comfort woman" on the Manchurian front, where she is expected to service hundreds of soldiers, Harumi is commandeered by the brutal Lieutenant Narita but falls for the sensitive Mikami, Narita's direct subordinate. Seijun Suzuki's Story of a Prostitute is a tragic love story as well as a rule-bending take on a popular Taijiro Tamura novel, challenging military and fraternal codes of honor, as seen through Harumi's eyes.
The tragic tale of Kiyono, a young woman from the mountain who fell in love with Takuji, a fisherman's son, and her devotion to him during a time of war.
Two brothers seek revenge on the yakuza responsible for the death of their father.
Japanese youth film.
Akira, a young, jazz-obsessed drifter, returns to his squat, a ruined church, and finds Gill, a wounded African-American GI, on the run after the death of a white GI. Despite terrible misunderstandings and culture clash, Akira agrees to help Gill escape towards the sea, dodging military police along the way.
A young yakuza in love with the girl who's to marry his clan oyabun, kidnaps the girl before fleeing with her. In Tokyo, he hides under the identity of a worker while the young woman becomes a waitress in a restaurant.
Handsome young Katsuta tries to follow the yakuza code, but even his boss doesn't believe in it. Diamond Fuyu is less ethical, and allows the idiotic Tetsu to trick a schoolgirl he fancies, Hanako, into a type of bonded prostitution. Because of gang conflict, the Izu family (to whom Katsuta belongs) has their last gambling den taken over, and he seeks revenge. This brings him back into contact with a former lover who is also a card trickster - she is also Diamond Fuyu's sister, and is now married to Okaru-Hachi, who has mastered a clever card cheating trick called Okaru, which involves the deft use of mirrors.
Based on the loosely autobiographical novel of the same name by Toko Kon. Ken Yamanouchi stars as Togo Konno, the titular bastard.
When a mysterious stranger muscles into two rival yakuza gangs, Tokyo's underworld explodes with violence.
Ayako (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is a free-willed college girl who shares a room with Takako and Kimie. They each have a clear vision of what they want from their career and love life. Soon, their room share takes a turn, when ideals begin to clash with reality.
A musical film with Yūjirō Ishihara and Ruriko Asaoka.
Tajima is a private detective in charge of his own company, Detective Bureau 2-3. When warring criminal gangs go overboard by robbing U.S. military munitions, Tajima steps in to stop what the cops can't.
Shinko Terasawa was always considered to be the odd ball of the bunch. At a time when romance was against school regulations, Shinko was the first to take a bite out of the forbidden fruit. Expelled from her former school, she finds herself in an all-girls school in Jokamachi, where rumors fly. One day, Shinko delivers an anonymous love letter addressed to her English teacher, Ms. Shimazaki. Convinced that the students are playing a prank, Ms. Shimazaki is adamant about getting to the bottom of this "problem”.
An unofficial sequel to Million Dollar Match (1961) which also starred Koji Wada as a young energetic boxer. This story deals more with betting action surrounding a boxing match, concentrating mostly on the high-powered Yakuza gambling dens.
Keiko is pretty and intelligent but her home life is not a happy one. Never having known a father's love, she develops a possessive attachment to Mr. Mazaki, the new mathematics teacher.
A celebrity, dissatisfied with his personal and professional lives, impulsively leaves fast-paced Tokyo to deliver a much-needed jeep to a remote village. When his controlling manager, the woman he loves, follows, the two must reconcile while dodging reporters.
A high-school vigilante protects his community from the extortions of mobsters from a neighbouring city.
Hanjiro is a struggling painter that shares a tiny apartment in the back streets of Ginza with his jazz pianist friend who works at a bar. When he and his sweet heart, Hisako decide to get married, Hanjiro is faced with a tough decision. Needing to buy a ticket back home to tell his mother the good news, he compromises his creative principles for love and sells his portrait of Hisako. Hisako heads to the station to see him off, but gets hit by a car...
A yakuza frames another yakuza who goes to jail for 5 years. When he is released he goes to seek revenge only to fall in love with the daughter of the man who framed him.
A boxing melodrama. Two friends become boxers and begin training for the championship. These two boys eventually face each other in the ring.
Nikkatsu finally responds to Suzuki's growing discontentment by giving him a bigger budget and a better script. This episodic collection of "real coast guard action stories" was the perfect vehicle for Koji Wada. Whatever negative press he had received for Tokyo Knights was quickly forgotten. He became the new "teen star." And Suzuki: "the director to watch."
On summer vacation, university student Shintaro gets involved with a magic troupe as they travel from festival to festival.
Ryoji, a wanderer, arrives in a remote mountain town, carrying a shotgun and claiming to be a hunter. He quickly becomes embroiled in a web of trouble surrounding the town's mill.
A college student takes over the family business in the field of organised crime.
The lives of two brothers, Kunio and Akira Kasahara, are changed forever when their father is murdered. Kunio sets out on a manhunt to avenge his father and will stop at nothing until he finds the killer. Setsuko, Kunio's fiancée, is unable to keep up with the lunacy that Kunio stirs up and finds comfort with another man - his brother, Akira.
This rarely seen gem from master Suzuki casts teenage heartthrob Koji Wada as a young misfit who suddenly finds himself the unwitting pawn in an escalating family feud that ultimately leads to tragedy. Lean, mean, and stylish as always, this tale of youth-gone-wild is both vibrant and touching. Suzuki contrasts tranquil glimpses of traditional regional life with the emergence of the new rock 'n' roll youth culture and the greed and seething cynicism of encroaching Westernism. Also released under the title "Go To Hell, Hoodlums!", this is a melodrama as colorful, shocking, and exhilarating as one would come to expect from Japan's master filmmaker.
Everything goes wrong when Jiro tries to break up his mother's relationship with a business man.
A juvenile delinquent gets out of the pen and immediately embarks on a rampage of untethered anger, most of it directed at the girlfriend of the journalist who helped send him up.
Katiri is a reporter so ambitiously amoral that he’ll sell out anyone—including his partner and the drug dealer he’s sleeping with—to get a scoop. But what happens when an even more ruthless female gang boss kidnaps his sister?
An airplane loaded with 50 million yen for the reconstruction of Amami Oshima crashes en route from Kagoshima, Kyushu, but neither the money nor the remains of the pilot can be found.
When a middle aged salaryman is unknowingly used by drug traffickers he is dishonored and fires back at the Yakuza bosses, with destructive consequences.
Koreyoshi Kurahara’s ingeniously plotted, pocket-size noir concerns the intertwined fates of a desperate bank manager, blackmailed for book-cooking, and his resentful but timid underling, passed over for a promotion. The marvelously moody Intimidation (Aru kyouhaku) is an elegantly stripped-down and carefully paced crime drama.
Plans to build a touristic hot spring on the island of Izu Oshima run afoul of the Kobe yakuza group, which intends to use the island as a relay base for drug smuggling.
A sharpshooter kills two prisoners in a police van at night. The guard on the van is suspended for six months; he's Tamon, an upright, modest man. He begins his own investigation into the murders. Who were the victims, who are their relatives and girlfriends, who else was on the van that night? As he doggedly investigates, others die, coincidences occur, and several leads take him to the Hamaju Agency, which may be supplying call girls. Its owner is in jail, his daughter, the enigmatic Yuko, keeps turning up where Tamon goes. Tamon believes he can awaken good in people, but has he met his match? Will he solve the murders or be the next victim? And who is Akiba?
Maki, a porter at the Sakura Hotel, finds a body in Room No. 2 and picks up a piece of paper on which is written "one-third of the key", also the part of a key. From a newspaper he learns that the dead man is an official who has been detained as a suspect in a bribery case involving 150,000,000 yen and that another suspect named Matsunaga is still in custody. Maki realizes that if he can obtain the other two-thirds of the key, he will be a multi-millionaire.
A nightclub manager is in love with his pianist. However, she has a ranger boyfriend who's been permanently stationed in the mountain wilderness. Their only communication is by letter. As time passes the correspondence slows to a trickle. Then nothing. The manager persuades the girl to visit the boy. She does, but she's totally unprepared for her bizarre discovery.
Kenichi, who lives like a stray dog among fellow gangsters, finds his love for the first time while the police are trying to catch him on suspicion of murder.
Asako, a former telephone operator once heard the voice of a murder suspect which has continued to haunt her. Years later her husband invites his boss, Hamazaki, over for dinner and she realises his voice is suspiciously like that of the killer. Before she can investigate further, Hamazaki is found dead and her husband becomes the prime suspect.
A delinquent young man (Kobayashi Akira) from a wealthy family decides to get in on a blackmailing scheme targeting his young stepmother (Watanabe Misako). However, he doesn't realize that his fellow blackmailers have their eyes on his girlfriend next.
Former boxer Daishiro lost his wife, and his only son, Kaoru, went missing, it was a heavy blow for Daishiro. One day, Daishiro got a call from his relative Morihiko. He said he forgot the winning lottery ticket of 2 million yen at the hotel, so he wants Daishiro to go and pick it up. Morihiko used the hotel for secret meetings, so he said he couldn't go there himself because he was afraid it would become public. When Daishiro entered the hotel, the Yakuza, who learned about the lottery from the newspaper, threaten the hotel maid Noriko, and want to rob her. Daishiro helps Noriko and safely picks up the lottery, but a message arrives from his relative Seikichi from Osaka. His missing son Kaoru is said to be a boxer in Osaka. "My son... He has the blood of a boxer in him..." Daishiro is heading to Osaka in a hurry...
Yōko dreams of becoming a dancer and begins working with the famous musician Takeo.
Nobuo is a hot-headed hoodlum fresh out of reform school who struggles to make a clean break with his tearaway past.
The moment he's released from prison, the honorable gangster Miyamoto recovers the stolen diamonds he had stashed before getting pinched. When he returns to his haunt to make good by friend who took a bullet for him, he is diverted by the greedy boss Oyane and his insatiable taste for Miyamoto's precious stones. Replete with film noir style, "Underworld Beauty" is one of Suzuki's best nods to the American gangster genre.
Shoichi Kokubun (Yujiro Ishihara) is a roughneck street musician, who has a brother that is determined to propel him into stardom. In attempt to catch the attention of a popular jazz band, his brother appeals to their manager who has the power to make him a star. In a graphic portrayal of love, betrayal and success, Shoichi brews up a storm with a 'rat-a-tat-tat' on the drums.
A former boxer gets involved with a club hostess trying to escape the clutches of her gangster employer.
The action of this historical drama takes place against the background of poverty and hunger in the city of Edo and depicts young people rebelling against the contradictions of feudal society.
In a warehouse area at night, a drunk chief engineer is stabbed to death by someone who whistles. After the break of dawn, two seamen join the crew of a rusty cargo ship Kaiyo Maru. One is a troublemaker with bad attitudes, Senkichi Nomura, who pursues an enemy in order to take revenge for his father's death. The other is Keizo Sasaki, a buff, eagle-eyed man on board for a certain mission.
山間の小駅。この駅の灯だけが、真暗闇に侘しく光っていた。ホームには、水害で不通になった列車が立往生。午前二時を指す時計の掛かった駅の待合室には、傲慢そうな重役夫妻、セールスマン、男女学生、オンリーさんの夏子、老夫婦、小粋な三十女と愛人、家出した田舎娘など足止めをくった乗客でごった返していた。この騒ぎから取り残されたように静かに佇む乳呑み児を抱いた時枝の側には、一本の手錠でつながれた刑事と殺人犯・森が立っていた。一同はバスで次の駅まで出ることになったが、いよいよ出発という時「銀行を襲撃して現金二千万円を奪った二人組のギャングが、この方面に立ち廻った形跡がある」という悪い知らせが入った。 動揺した乗客は次々とバスを降り、十四名を乗せたボロボロのバスが暗夜の中を出発した。ギャングと山崩れの恐怖に怯える夜が明けると、一同には明るさが戻ったが、時技と森だけは暗い表情を崩さなかった。行く手には、とうてい渡れそうもない朽ち果てた橋。しかしバリバリと音をたてながら、バスは危うくも橋を渡りきった。さらにバスが進むと、前方に青年が飛び出してきた。バスに乗り込んで来た二人連は、大きなボストンバックを提げていたー。
It’s been five years since her husband had passed away. Fuyuko lives in the quiet suburbs, in a small but loving home with her three beautiful daughters. Haruko, the eldest, is the lead vocalist in a band. Natsuko is the conscientious type, who spends her days in ballet classes beautifying herself. The youngest of the three, Akiko is a bookworm who found her niche in philosophy. Although the sisters may appear to have nothing in common, there is one thing they all agree on; "Mom needs a new husband".
Roppeita is big in size, clumsy and full of energy. When his grandfather orders him to move out to Tokyo to save a sinking milk delivery business a distant relative of his runs, he encounters the most strangest of clientele.
A yakuza boss and his right-hand, Hawasaki, escape from prison. the film concentrates on their relationship, emphasizing loyalty and thier eventual betrayal, enroute they get involved in money trafficking, a cop killing and horse racing scams before the inevitable tragic ending. A patch-work production.
A romantic adventure tale about a young guy working on a whale-hunting vessel and his love for a childhood sweetheart.
Ise, a successful entrepreneur, accidentally murders his lunatic wife after he is spotted having an affair with his secretary, Harumi. In his attempt to perfect his crime, he drives to a remote quarry to bury his wife’s body, but along the way, he finds another dead body in the back of his car! Given no choice, Ise dumps both bodies. Meanwhile, Yoshie begins her search for her missing brother, Yoshihiko. After surprising twists and turns, Ise faces his fate.
Ruriko's father is a well known scientist who's involved in secret research that even his family doesn't know about. Ever since he moved up to the research laboratory in Hokkaido, Ruriko hasn't heard from him. The only thing that reminded her of his warmth was the green music box that he’d left behind for her. She longed to reunite with her father. The little box played music that lifted her spirits, to a place where everything was perfect.