A sports instructor in Nagano is named Kenji Kiyosawa (Masataka Kubota). He is fascinated by a model house called Mahou no Ie, which is able to warm the inside of an entire home with only one air conditioner unit. Kenji Kiyosawa decides to construct a similar home for his wife and daughter, who are both sensitive to cold temperatures. In the meantime, Kenji Kiyosawa and his wife have a second daughter. Finally, the construction of their new home is completed. Kenji Kiyosawa, his wife, and their two daughters move into their new home. They are elated with their new home, but bizarre incidents soon take place there.
Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There are no new jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and diners and internet cafes are closed. Michiko is at her wits' end, but there in front of her is a bus stop that stands slightly brightly in the darkness, illuminated only by the streetlights.
Akemi Oguro
Shiino Yasuko
「無言館」設立のために全国を駆け巡ったある男の物語。 太平洋戦争に出征する直前まで絵を描き続けた戦没画学生。
画学生たちは許される時間の中でひたすら描き続けた・・・。 主人公・窪島はそんな画学生たち作品を展示する「無言館」の開館にむけて立ち上がる。
Fusako Yoshimura
Shun and Nagisa first meet and fall in love during their first year of high school. While Shun is graduating from university, Nagisa tells him that he doesn't see a future for them. Despite Shun's strong feelings, they go their separate ways. Years later, Shun is now a store owner, living alone in a rural area. Out of the blue, Nagisa arrives with his six-year-old daughter, Sora. Spending time together, Shun realizes he still harbors feelings for Nagisa. Can Nagisa reconcile with his feelings for Shun, which have been there all along?
Daruma Aoyama
Living in the lawless Ishinari District in a future Japan, sisters Ami (Hina Nagimiya) and Yoshie (Hanakage Kanon) who sold their bodies to help their parents, try to earn a living performing as an idol group in the area. When their performance causes stranger Matsukata (Tak Sakaguchi) a notorious hitman, to notice their condition, the three realize their worth to each other in the fight against Aoyama Dharma (Kimono Negishi), the female boss of a notorious organ harvesting ring in the area. Realizing that even their skills are no match for her army of goons and henchmen, the two are outfitted with special homemade weaponry to their bodies and become the ultimate killers.
「ノビ師」と呼ばれる忍び込み窃盗のプロ 修一はある夜、忍び込んだ家で夫を殺して火をつけようとしていた女に出くわし、止めようとしたところを刑事に発見され捕まってしまう。その後2年の刑期を終え、あの夜の真実を探ろうと動き始めた矢先、再び彼の周りで不穏な事件が起き始める・・・。
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
Tomiko Tsukamoto
Noriko Tanaka
Yukari Sakuragi
Enokida Trading Post is a second-hand shop run by Yojiro Enokida , whose personal mantra is, "Anything but garbage. We take it all." The shop serves as a gathering place for employees and regular customers, who come with troubles in hand. One summer day, part of the shop's sign falls down. Yojiro thinks this is a sign that something spectacular is about to happen, and indeed their problems take on lives of their own from that day onward.
During the one-year memorial of his late beloved father, a soon-to-be father (Hoshi Ishida) struggles to reconcile his feelings of loss and receives support from his mother, sister and wife. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
Woman at the Brothel
카토 아케미
Mayu Daimon is a woman who does not remember her mother's face, and her father is the only person she has blood relationship in this world, but he is going to die soon. Mayu has just started a new life as a detective at the Criminal Investigation Division which deals mainly with murder cases soon, and has to handle with two corpses of old men continuously. One corpse found frozen buried in the snow and the freezing sea. Soon with a detailed investigation she finds out a connection between the two cases which seemed to be completely different at first glance. It was just the breach to open a history of an incident which had origin back to the 1960s in Aomori Prefecture. Growing more and more as a detective, Mayu has to unravel the mystery of a case which goes beyond time and space and which ends in Hokkaido with a result that no one expected.
Yoko Mishiro
Maki Iizuka (Nozomi Sasaki) works as an editor for a wedding magazine in Tokyo. She is set to marry Kazunori Nakamura (Yuta Hiraoka) next month, when her grandmother dies. Her grandmother was like a mom to Maki. While Maki arranges items left by her grandmother, she discovers a box made from empress tree. The box contains a white bridal Kimono and marriage registration forms. The marriage registration forms are mostly empty, except for the name "Soichi Akiguni" filled into a blank. Maki becomes curious about Soichi Akiguni and decides to go to her hometown Izumo in Shimane Prefecture. There, she meets a young fisherman.
Based on Fuyumi Ono's best-selling books, these 10 tales of spookiness by six Japanese horror directors are designed to chill viewers to the bone.
Kyoko Dozono
Toshiko Ikeuchi
Setsu Oiwa (voice)
Store’s woman
Shizuru Tamai (Takako Tokiwa) lives in a small mountain town in rural Japan with her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother is partially unable to move, and Shizuru has to care for her with her mother, who tries to keep Shizuru shackled at every opportunity. Shizuru’s days are filled with endless monotony. She works as a receptionist at her former classmate’s hospital, and one day goes to buy picture books for the waiting room. It’s then that she recalls a book from her childhood ‘The Pierrot Prays to the Moon’. Wanting to read the book again, Shizuru finds it on an online auction site. Once it finally arrives and she begins to read it, a small slip of paper gently falls from its pages. On the paper are what appear to be instructions for a recipe. The recipe prompts Shizuru to contact Tobuse (Shosuke Tanihara), the man who sent her the book.
Natsuko miyamoto
Banana, Gloves and Whale Shark
Daikichi's aunt
Takako Ninomiya
Takako Okamoto
The year is 1947, during the war torn period of the Showa era. The story begins when a man, presumed to have been killed in battle, returns home. Who was this man? Before the war, he had a bright future ahead of him as the proficient and popular rakugoka (comedic story-teller), Usagi Morinoya. However, because of an injury sustained during the war, his face is covered in bandages, and he suffers from total amnesia. As if trying to recover his memory, the man only keeps mumbling in a hollow voice his trademark rakugo, "Sokotsunagaya".
Hikari's boyfriend is one of those killed in the Akihabara massacre incident. Suffering from the shock of her loss and unable to accept this reality, she cuts herself off from the outside world. She eventually manages to muster enough courage to visit Akihabara, the scene of the incident. There, she encounters many people who are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the incident and are still suffering from the aftereffects.
19-year-old freeter (a Japanese expression for people between the ages of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed, excluding housewives and students.) Tsuyoshi Osanai enters a school for guide dog trainers. After 2 years of training, Tsuyoshi becomes an assistant trainer. His first dog to train is Chie.
A senseless double murder resonates eight years later in four intertwined stories.
Riko's Mother
『カケラ』(英題:A Piece of Our Life)は、2009年製作の日本映画。原作は、桜沢エリカの漫画『LOVE VIBES』。 奥田瑛二の長女、安藤モモ子の初監督作品。 恋人との関係に疑問を抱き始めた女子大生ハル(満島ひかり)はカフェでカプチーノを飲んでいると、リコというレスビアンのメディカル・アーティスト(中村映里子)に声をかけられる。クリーニング屋を営むリコの家に行くなど交流をもつ間に、二人の間には愛が芽生える。男との関係を清算できないハルを居酒屋で批判するリコ。二人はしばらく絶交状態に。そんな中、リコは自分の顧客である山城陶子(かたせ梨乃)をゲイバーで発見する。リコと陶子はしばらく付き合うが、ハルから電話があり、リコとハルが復縁。しかし、世間体を気にせず愛情表現をするリコへの戸惑いをハルは隠せない。そして・・・。
Mitsue Yobuno
「松本清張生誕100年記念作品・駅路」。2009年4月11日21:00-23:10、フジテレビ系列の「土曜プレミアム」枠にて放映。松本清張生誕100年と向田邦子生誕80年を記念し、向田の脚本に脚色・演出を加え制作された作品。 銀行の営業部長を定年で退職した小塚貞一は、その年の秋の末、簡単な旅行用具を持って家を出たまま、行方不明となった。家出人捜索願を受けて、呼野刑事と北尾刑事は捜査を始める。家庭は平和と見えたし、子供も成長し、一人は結婚もした。人生の行路を大方歩いて、やれやれという境涯に身を置いていたように思える。自殺する原因もない。自分から失踪したとすれば、何のためにそのような行動を取ったのか……。
Masako Kano
カウラ事件について─ オーストラリア・カウラは、シドニーの西320キロにある小さな街です。1944年8月5日、この街で日本人捕虜たちが暴動を起こしました。1104名の捕虜による、史上最大の大脱走。オーストラリアでは誰もが知っている有名な事件です。しかし、日本の歴史教科書には登場しません。なぜでしょう。『生きて虜囚の辱めを受けず、死して罪禍の汚名を残すこと勿れ』この戦陣訓にしばられ、当時の日本政府はこの事件を隠蔽し、当事者のほとんどが口をつぐんだからです。事件の夜、暴動に賛成か反対か、日本人捕虜全員による投票が行われました。トイレットペーパーのミシン目で切った紙切れに、 ○は賛成=「死」×は反対=「生」8割が「死」を意味する○をつけ、暴動は決行されました。武器らしい武器もないまま、食事用に支給されたナイフやフォークを手に、自殺志願としか言いようのない大暴動でした。私は伯父から、この事件の話を聞きました。伯父はニューブリテン島で餓死寸前のところを捕らえられ、暴動までの4ヶ月間をカウラ第12捕虜収容所で過ごしました。しかし、長い間、伯父は自分が捕虜だったことを家族にさえ打ち明けられなかったそうです。暴動の夜、伯父はかけがえのない戦友を何人も亡くしました。彼らはカウラの日本人墓地に今も「偽名」のまま眠っています。書かなければいけない、と私は思いました。平和の時代を生きる若い人たちに、どうしても伝えたい。64年前、なぜ伯父たちは生き延びるためではなく、「死ぬための脱走」をしなければならなかったのか─彼らの友情、青春、恋愛、そして、生命の重さを─
Misaki is a popular bar hostess whose policy is to 'live on presents'. She is haughty and wants nothing but the most expensive and exclusive. One night, she finds a rabbit and takes it home, setting off the story of an unimaginable tragedy. It is an 'animal panic horror' film with a new edge presenting an allegory of the worst in the modern materialistic world. This is the first full-length feature film for Yuichi Kanemaru, who has worked as assistant director to Kaneto Shindo, Yasuo Furuhata and Takashi Miike. And Tomoko Tabata's dynamic performance in her first horror movie is a definite highlight.
Chief Iizuka, who works at the Cultural Center, misunderstands two chorus groups with similar names and double-books the concert hall on New Year's Eve. Although they talk to each other, neither of them gives up a step and develops into a big problem. Iizuka, who has lived his life with a "no-nonsense" attitude, finds himself in the middle of two groups and at a loss for words.
It is the second work of the Oita trilogy of Obayashi . Following " Nigori Snow ", Ise Masazo draws a song written by composers and songwriter "Farewell of 22 years old " as a motif and draws a story of love that spans two generations of mother and daughter.
The body of a 59-year-old male is found on the banks of a river. The stepson, Kazuo, confesses to his involvement but also implicates his estranged sister Nami. Two detectives, Okishima Keisuke and Kono Kaoru, then travel to the resort district of Beppu to stake out the house of Nami's ex-lover. They feel he may also be implicated in the murder and are certain that Nami will make contact. The detectives now wait.
A blind woman acquires a guide dog, and faces prejudice in 1980s Japan.
What's scary is being a human being, and what's scary is being myself. Truly horrifying things reside inside oneself. The work asks if you can stand the inescapable terror.
Madame of the House
An American journalist travels through 19th Century Japan in search of Komomo, the missing love of his life that he had abandoned years ago, promising to come back to her later. After an encounter with a deformed prostitute that tells him of Komomo's passing, he drinks sake with her and learns of the tragic story of her life.
The second feature from female director Shindo Kaze (Love/Juice), Princess in an Iron Helmet (a.k.a. Korogare! Tamako) is a bright and colorful youth film about a quirky young woman's reluctant coming-of-age journey. Tamako (Yamada Maiko) is 20 years old, lives at home with her mother (Kishimoto Kayoko) and teenaged brother, and simply refuses to grow up. Ever since her father (Naoto Takenaka) left the family, she's stopped trusting people, and now lounges around in her own small, claustrophobic world. Wearing an iron helmet whenever she steps outside, she ventures only to her mom's beauty salon, the mechanic shop, and the bakery - the source of her greatest joy in life, sweet buns. Her world is static, insular, and safe, and there's no need to change - that is until her cat runs away, the bakery closes, and her mom falls in love with another man.
Shinku is a compelling drama that focuses on the strange relationship that develops between two people who find their lives irrevocably changed as a result of a horrible multiple homicide. The first person traumatized is the lone survivor of the terrible family bloodbath, a girl who grows up to be a pretty college student. The second person affected by this heinous crime is the daughter of the murderer, a young girl who ends up becoming a tattooed bartender. A full decade after the crime, the killer is finally going to be executed, and the surviving member of the massacre decides to reach out and befriend the murderer's daughter. A tentative, odd sort of friendship blossoms between these two people, both of whom seem to have little in common personally, and every reason in the world for not wanting to meet. Yet they do, but not without reservations. And really, is this friendship quite what it seems? Or is it all part of some twisted plan for vengeance?
Aimi and her father move into an old, apartment building and learn quickly that things are not as they seem.
When her husband is hospitalized with tuberculosis, Chika has a series of three relationships: with a teacher in her hometown, with a student in Tokyo, and with an aging gangster.
Satoko Sunagawa
荒川区の超高層マンションで、一家4人の惨殺事件が起きる。その容疑者として石田(勝野洋)が指名手配されるが、捜査が進む内に惨殺された一家4人全員が 赤の他人同士だったことが判明し、事件は思わぬ展開をみせる。
Haruka Nonomura
Chie Ninagawa
The portrayal of how the media's focus on a shocking crime causes a chain reaction and produces a copy cat crime: abduction and imprisonment by a young dry cleaner. Only the victim may be more than he bargained for…
Based on the manga by Man Gataro.
A James Brown fanatic gangster decided to disband his own gang and see his long lost daughter before entering prison. Hoping to change his mind, his underlings planned to kidnap James Brown to convince him to perform privately for their boss.
A train station worker just recently released on charges of kidnapping and confinement repeats his crime and attempts to gain the trust of a young girl. Living together in the back room of a train station, they eventually come face to face with their own evils.
An intense, middle-aged postal worker kidnaps an university student and confines her long enough that he may have successfully be-petted her... a thrilling criminal-drama with a surprise twist that will satisfy all audiences.
Yu Miri is a writer who's just become pregnant by her married lover. When she decides to keep the baby without his help, her ex-boyfriend Yutaka, decides to help raise him.
物語の時期は明確ではないが、朝倉いずみ5年目途中から6年目途中の間に物語が始まったと考えられる。 根本が看護部長専任になっており、新婦長の矢口が着任している。大島が第2子を妊娠中で産休前であった。 劇中でかなりの期間が経過している。ラストで翔子が婦長に、産休から復帰した大島が主任に昇進している。 病院側スタッフの出演者から見ると、パート3の後日談であるが、このすぐ後に放映されたパート4にも尾崎婦長・大島主任の設定がそのまま引き継がれたり、一部の患者が引き続き入院しているところから、パート4の、そう離れていない時期の前日談にも相当している。処置室、ICUは救命病棟24時第二シリーズのセットが使われている。
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
Tomoko Sasano
When Aoi is gang-raped by her classmates and kicked out of her home by her own parents she sees no reason to continue living. Before she commits suicide, however, she receives an email on her cellphone from a man named Toshi addressed to a girl named Ai. The message simply thanks the girl for being alive, but this specific message has an effect on Aoi and she decides to keep on living. Without many options, Aoi resorts to everything from paid dating to porn to earn money and meets a lot of less than reputable characters. Throughout it all though she looks toward Toshi as her hope for happiness and the two form a relationship.
Tomomi's Mother
Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
Kizaki, who moved to Tokyo from the Kansai region to become a manga artist, is assigned to work at a used electrical appliance store where he works part-time as a store keeper and repairman. One day, a woman comes to the store drenched from the rain. She is Setsuko, the only daughter of the store's president and a returnee. Since then, Setsuko often comes to the store. Kizaki becomes concerned about Setsuko, but Setsuko has something to do with Oshi, a senior who used to work at the store...
Shigeki's mother
Teruko Hiura (Sayori's mother)
Years after moving to Tokyo with her parents, Hinako returns to her hometown in rural Shikoku. She soon learns that her childhood friend, Sayuri, died several years ago and that Sayuri's mother, who used to perform seances and exorcisms, has gone almost insane with grief. After seeing Sayuri's ghost several times during the night, Hinako consults with some local experts on the paranormal and discovers that Sayuri's mother has something planned for her daughter...
Angry citizen
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
Fourteen-year old student Ayumi has leukemia and starts losing hair. She becomes depressed but receives overwhelming support from her classmates when they all shave their heads for her.
Yoshi Kikumoto
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
Akane is the young mistress of Notoraku Inn in Ishikawa Prefecture. She is trained by her mother-in-law, Takako, daily. One day, as Yohei, Akane's husband, and Takako are on their way to a friend's wedding, Rekiko, Yohei's childhood friend, confesses her feelings for Yohei in front of everyone at the hotel. The next day, Reiko's body is found and Akane and Yohei become murder suspects.
The second TV movie Obayashi Nobuhiko directed based on Akagawa Jiro's Mikeneko Holmes series.
Witnesses of a murder. Remake of Akira Kurosawa film Rashomon.
Tokiko Tsutsumi
While Kazuo Tanaka eagerly practices his greetings for the big wedding the next day, his first as a matchmaker, his second daughter Hitomi prepares for her travels with her secret lover. The eldest daughter Reiko, nine months pregnant, has left her cheating husband to enter a frenzied Tanaka household. On the wedding day, Kazuo learns his father has passed away. Afraid of ruining the wedding, he asks Reiko and Hitomi to deal with the crisis. Rushing home after the ceremony, Kazuo and Kanako are faced with various problems.
Ms. Nezu
Yuuko Ichigase
People from all walks of life (a high-school student, a middle-aged businessman, a yakuza chief, etc.) all receive mysterious messages from loved ones who were killed 3 months earlier in a shipwreck. They are instructed to go to a small island in the Inland Sea that evening. At the stroke of midnight, the lost ship emerges from the sea and they are given a brief time to say their final words to their lost loved ones, before the deceased must once again board the ship and it sinks back into the depths.
Loud-mouthed taxi passenger
悪徳政治家 土門の女の世話係になったチンピラの達男。恋人レンコが、土門に友人が重症を負わされたことを組長の亜仁丸に抗議して殺されてしまう。最愛のレンコを失った達男は土門への復讐を誓い土門の隠し金を盗む。一旦は成功したかに思えたが、すぐに亜仁丸にバレてしまい組から追われる身となる。逃亡途中、達男は日系ペルー人の運転するタクシーに乗る。
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
Mrs. Kinomiya
Minako Nishimura, Chief nurse
A drama about a nurse starring Hiroko Yakushimaru
Kinue Fujiwara
Yayoi Terasaki, Tochihiko's wife
A straight young woman living in Tokyo becomes involved in the lives of a gay man and his married lover.
Kane's daughter
This 150-minute documentary, directed by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi on the set of Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, features behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with cast and crew.
Mother carrying child
Yoshie Shimamura
TV Reporter
Sakae's Mother
Mama at Michikusa
Makoto's Mother
Naoko Tachibana
A High Class Call Girl is revisited by her ex lover who she thought died 5 years prior.
Tome, the maid
Yukie Hara
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
Kobayashi Isamu, a first-year high school student, lives in a family of four with his father, an artist, his mother, an insurance agent, and his sister, an office worker. To make ends meet, he works as a milkman. At school, he is a member of the kendo club and spends his days working out with his seniors. Over time, he has various encounters with a series of girls.
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
Omnibus about three actresses from different generations
Once again we focus on Nami Matsushima. This time she has a sister who goes missing and after getting too caught up in doing something about it, our innocent heroine is given a fifteen year sentence for a murder she didn't commit. She's sent to an all women prison where she's not exactly welcome. Her fellow inmates torture, humiliate and try to kill her; but the Scorpion prevails long enough to get some justice.