Kichijirô Ueda

Kichijirô Ueda

出生 : 1904-03-30, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 1972-11-03


Kichijirô Ueda was a Japanese stage, film and television actor.


Kichijirô Ueda
Kichijirô Ueda


Tetsuko (Eiko Yanami), a high school student, one day, forces Tsuneo, (Kei Wakakura), the brightest boy in her school, to make love to her after school is out and they are caught by the old school janitor. Tsuneo's mother, orders Tetsuko to pay for what she did to her son but Tetsuko blackmails her instead, saying that she is ready to inform a news company of what has happened to Tsuneo and receives one million yen hush money. Expelled from school, she comes to Tokyo, intending to take a round-the-world trip. But Sankichi (Yoshihiko Aoyama), a jack-of-all-trades, cheats her. So, she makes up her mind to catch him and get back her money.
Two born rivals plot a new start after a string of ups and downs.
Comedy about five good-for-nothings who run a phony exercise-hall.
不良番長 口から出まかせ
Interesting fights between the "Capone Group" and "Jumbo Group".
ずべ公番長 東京流れ者
After helping a pregnant girl escape from their reform school and facing the resulting punishment, a clique of delinquent girls eventually reunites a year later in Tokyo to face different challenges in the form of yakuza and… street vendors.
不良番長 暴走バギー団
Rivalry between a hoodlum group and a gangster organization.
新網走番外地 大森林の決斗
Prisoner Katsuji must fend for himself and his prison mates in the fierce battle involving a family feud.
After the bankruptcy of her foster-father's condom factory, Tamae sets out to make a living on her own and ends up working as a geisha at a hot spring resort. After rising in popularity, a climactic sex battle is held to decide who gets to lay claim to her.
Owner and workers of a tiny medicine factory fall in love with a lovable girl.
江戸川乱歩全集 恐怖奇形人間
不良番長 どぶ鼠作戦
Tokyo hoodlums travel to Osaka and enter into rivalry with the local gangsters.
明治・大正・昭和 猟奇女犯罪史
Inaba (segment "Abe Sada jiken")
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
不良番長 送り狼
Rivalry between a hoodlum group and gangster organization.
広域暴力 流血の縄張
Terashima, the loan shark
A once-powerful yakuza clan disbands as a result of a police crackdown, but one small group refuses to bow to police pressure, and launches a campaign to take over Tokyo's drug, prostitution, and gambling rackets. Someone wants to stop them. Is it the police? Rival gang members? Or is it an entirely new group of hired killers who will stop at nothing to gain complete control of Tokyo's "bloody territories"?
Five fellows are taken by the police for bank hold-ups.
日本侠客伝 花と龍
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.
残酷異常虐待物語 元禄女系図
Three stories of moral sickness set during Japan’s prosperous Genroku era are told in this bloody follow-up to the sexploitation classic Shogun’s Joy of Torture, the politically incorrect moral lessons paint a trio of tales of tragic heroines caught up in violence, sadomasochism, incest and torture.
コント55号 世紀の大弱点
Akaishi Copper
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 命かれても
寛文五年。みつは、兄新三の殺害容疑および近親相姦の罪で捕われたが、与力南原一之進の残酷な拷問に口を割ろうとはしなかった。その拷問に不信を持ったのは与力吉岡頼母だった。やがてみつは、事の一部始終を吉岡に自白して、水礫の刑に処せられた。みつの生涯は暗く短かかった。小町娘と評判が高かったみつを、呉服屋の巳之吉は妾にしようと日頃から執心していた。新三は、その話を断ったが、大工の仕事中に重傷を負い、治療代に苦しんだ。巳之助と権造は兄妹の援助に乗り出したが、みつの払った代償はあまりに大きかった。哀しみに暮れる兄妹は、狂ったようにお互を求めあった。やがてこの事実が巳之助に知れ、みつは新三の目前で犯された。新三はこれを苦にして自殺をはかったが死にきれず、みつが兄の苦痛を見かねてノミを打ち下したのだった。寛文八年。珠光院の院主代玲宝は、夜な夜な裸身を、付き役尼僧の燐徳に笞うたせ、歓喜に身をゆだねていた。ある日玲宝は、尼僧妙心が本寺の僧春海と密会しているのを発見した。玲宝は、春海を女犯の罰として滝にうたせ、妙心には、苛酷な拷問を加えた。やがて、妙心は残虐な私刑に耐えきれず、春海の名を呼びながら世を去った。一方、春海は玲宝の心を受け入れなかったため、玲宝の鉈で首をかき落された。そして、玲宝自身も春海の首を愛撫しながら自害して果てた。 寛文十一年。柳橋の芸者君蝶の背に彫られた地獄絵図が、評判をよんでいた。この刺青を彫ったのは彫丁だったが、彼は南原を尋ね、女が苦悶する表情について教えを請うた。ちょうどその頃、漂流船で流れ着いた白人女たちが、キリシタン宣教の疑いで、拷問を受けることになっていた。彫丁は一代の彫りものにしようと、土台になる処女探しにかかった。その哀れな犠牲者になったのは、町娘の花だった。南原らによる拷問はすさまじかった。そして花の体には、着々と拷問地獄の模様がその輪郭を現わしはじめた。だが、その図には地獄の邏卒の顔が未完成のままだった。彫丁は、非情に笞うつ南原を刺し、断末魔の表情を花の背に写し取った。吉岡らが牢に踏み込んだのは、その直後だった。だが、その時すでに牢は炎に包まれていた。
温泉 あんま芸者
喜劇 初詣列車
A comedy about a good-natured train conductor Shinsaku helping his old friend Miwako find her missing brother.
Film from 1967.
大怪獣空中戦 ガメラ対ギャオス
Tatsuemon Kanamura
ガメラ映画第3作。 富士火山帯の活動が活発化し、富士山が噴火した。その噴火に導かれてガメラが現れる。ガメラは溶岩を求めて火口の中に消えて行った。富士山噴火の調査団を乗せたヘリコプターが山中から発射された謎の光線によって墜落した。新聞記者とともに事故現場に行った英一は、コウモリのような翼を持った怪獣の出現に遭遇する。それは富士の噴火の影響によって二子山から目覚めた、超音波メス光線を発し高速で空を飛ぶ怪獣・ギャオスだった。防衛隊は夜行性のギャオスを強力照明弾で封じ込めるが、空腹となったギャオスは照明弾を潜り抜け、夜間の名古屋市へ襲来。新幹線の人々を捕食するなど、蹂躙を繰り広げる。 出現したガメラとの激しい戦いの最中、夜明けが近づくとギャオスは苦しみ出し、自らの足を超音波メスで切断し、二子山へと逃げ帰る。ガメラを呼び寄せるため、英一の祖父、金丸村長は自らの山に火を放つ。激しい山火事が発生し、それを消し止めようとするギャオスの元に、ガメラが出現。二大怪獣の最期の戦いが始まった…。
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Shinpei Akamatsu
In post-war Japan, it is difficult for private business to stay afloat. The small atelier has a debt of several million yen. To get a loan, his proprietress is forced to turn to a successful businessman, owner of entertainment establishments and bars. But she has nothing to guarantee the return of the debt, and then she offers herself as collateral. A drama about the contradictory nature of human feelings.
Boss Jinbei
Blind swordsman/masseuse Zatoichi befriends a young woman looking for her father, a village leader who has disappeared. As he helps her investigate the disappearance, Zatoichi also becomes involved with another young woman who is trying to help her brother, who has murdered someone at about the same time and place as the missing man was last seen.
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
Hotel owner
A man operates a small real estate business near Osaka. A man from Tokyo asks for help in buying a large tract of land in order, he says, to build an automobile factory. But by accident the realtor learns that the Tokaido Railway Line is going to be built directly across the land just acquired.
After losing all his money, Kizuka Keita, a seller on the black market, is trying to commit suicide. But he is saved by Morigen, a broker on the azuki beans market. A young man tries to regain his wealth in the bean market.
Mixed-race children in Japan become involved in the petty theft of car parts.
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
現代インチキ物語 騙し屋
Antique shop clerk
A comedy directed by Yasuzo Masumura starring Yunosuke Ito.
続 男の紋章
A violent story of loyalty and revenge among the many "yakuza" or gambling groups in Japan.
Gentaro Kakimoto
殺陣師段平  (Tateshi Danpei)
Procurer of women
The Fencing Master tells the story of a man trying to survive as the only world he knows is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Danpei Ichikawa lives for swordfighting – he was once a renowned kabuki swordfight choreographer, and as the Chairman of the New National Theatre Company, he wants nothing more than to choreograph the swordfights for the modern plays put on by the company.
Ken ni kakeru
The last fight put up by remaining forces and a special volunteer nursing corps in 1944-5.
Matoba Syumatsu
Two car manufacturers spy on each other to try to find out details and prices of a new sports car each is about to launch.
Adaptation of a famous Kyouka Izumi novel. Set in the early 1900's, it tells the story of the impossible love between a young scholar a beautiful geisha.
A father and son are both heavy drinkers. However, the son dies in an accident at a bar, leaving behind a fiance…. A unique social satire that focuses on why people drink alcohol.
喜劇 にっぽんのお婆あちゃん
Two obaachans become fast friends listening to music in front of a record store. They both boast about their loving sons but in reality, one had just escaped a retirement home and the other was looking for an escape from her son and daughter-in-law. With nowhere to go, the two wander around, befriending a cosmetics salesman and a kind waitress who give them beer. This biting social satire starring two memorable grandmothers, scripted by Yôko Mizuki, picked up on Japan’s aging population problem far ahead of its time.
続 悪名
Kojin kojitsu
The university professor Ozeki Hitoshi (Ryu Chishu) is regarded as an eccentric by people in his surroundings. When his daughter Tokiko is asked to marry a colleague, she and her mother are overjoyed, but Hitoshi is not satisfied with the situation.
A young girl is rigorously trained in the feminine arts so that she can become a geisha. As she struggles through life, she learns to live not just as a woman but as a complete person.
人間の條件 完結篇
After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.
Jinbei the equipment-shop owner
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
Party leader
A human drama of crew and passengers on a special express train named “Sakura” from Tokyo to Nagasaki...
Starring Akira Takarada as a lightweight boxing champion.
Uta andon
A demon-faced monster seeking revenge appears in the forms of a gigantic ox and a huge spider! The young Genji warrior protects the Fujiwara Clan and the beautiful lady in tragic love! A grand visual epic told with mesmerizing extravagance!
Jidaigeki by Tai Kato
Kume's yahara
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's stepbrother, and conspires to have Ouso die on a dangerous mission he has contrived. But Ouso prevails in the mission and returns to his father's castle under a new name, Prince Yamato Takeru. Otomo plots to have the Prince sent into even greater danger, but Otomo is unaware that the gods have favored the Prince and the outcome is far from what any of them expected.
It's an extravaganza of entertainment as famous magistrate in disguise, Toyama no Kinshiro attempts to confront the elusive thief known as the "Long-Sleeve Burglar". Played to the hilt by Misora Hibari in a delightful performance highlighted by singing, dancing, and swordplay with a unique story within a story twist that starts to unfold in the city jail as a playwright is brought into custody and meets the famed Long-Sleeve Burglar himself. Misora Hibari is totally captivating in this gender bending role as the famed thief whose expoits can only be stopped by the great Kin-san himself!
Edmund Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac, transplanted to Japan. A poet-warrior with an oversized nose (matched only by his great heart) loves a lady. But she sees him only as a friend, so he helps another man to woo her by giving him the poetry of his own heart.
旗本退屈男 謎の南蛮太鼓
Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogunate, pursues the mystery of a deadly aerial weapon that is responsible for the multiple deaths in town.
Slave Trader (uncredited)
戦国時代、秋月家の武将・六郎太は、生き残った世継ぎの雪姫と共に隠し砦(とりで)にこもる。六郎太たちは、一獲千金をもくろみ、戦に参戦した農民の太平と又七に軍資金の黄金を背負わせ、敵陣を突破して友好国へ逃げ込もうとするが…。次々にふりかかる絶体絶命の危機を切り抜けていく大脱出劇。 狂言回し的な百姓コンビが、後に「スターウォーズ」の“C-3PO”“R2-D2”のモデルとなったことはあまりにも有名な話。
眠狂四郎無頼控 魔剣地獄
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
片岡千恵蔵演じる近藤勇の豪快で温情的な行動を中心に、新選組の活躍をドラマチックに描いた娯楽時代劇。高岩肇のオリジナル脚本を、「おしどり囃子」の佐々木康が監督。 新選組の隊士・横川たち3人が、見世物小屋の主人をささいなことから斬り殺して逃げた。横川たちは隊長・近藤勇と対立する副長の関兵庫の部下であり、これをきっかけに関一派の分離に発展する…。
Seichûsai Maruhashi
大菩薩峠 第二部
This is the second installment of the trilogy based on Japan’s greatest novel “The Great Bodhisattva Pass”, following the life and times of bloodthirsty samurai, Tsukue Ryunosuke. Blinded in an explosion and further injured from a fall, the master swordsman is taken in by Otoyo, a woman who falls in love with him. Under Otoyo’s dedicated care, Ryunosuke’s physical and emotional wounds seem to heal. However, deep inside, the demons that drive him to kill yearn to resurface. Meanwhile he is being pursued by Utsugi Hyoma, a young samurai seeking to avenge his brother’s death at Tsukue’s hands. Hyoma is being aided along the way by the clever thief Shichibei.
A chance meeting between two traveling gamblers leads to a case of mistaken identity when the farmers transporting gold to the governor think they are about to be robbed as the two gamblers face off against each other swords in hand.
源氏九郎颯爽記 白狐二刀流
Thanks to a secret message hidden on the two sacred swords Kaen and Suien, the samurai Genji Kurô (Nakamura Kinnosuke) found the hidden treasure of Lord Yoshitsune. When he gives a piece of the treasure to a couple of poor but honest people so they can pay their debts, it attracts the unwanted attention of several dishonest people, such as pirates, greedy merchants and rebels. While the government is fighting a battle for power against rebels and royalists, all want the treasure by any means possible.
Tahei Nakamura
1957 drama from director Kôzaburô Yoshimura
Shimazo the Police Agent
Yagyû bugeichô
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
眠狂四郎無頼控 第二話 円月殺法
Historical drama about a sleep-eyed ronin
Washizu's workman
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
Otsuta is running the geisha house Tsuta in Tokyo. Her business is heavily in debt. Her daughter Katsuyo doesn't see any future in her mothers trade in the late days of Geisha. But Otsuta will not give up. This film portraits the day time life of geisha when not entertaining customers.
The woman prison has a cast all with a story of their own and with no dull or routine day. There is an employee who is divorced after her husband had an affair. She loves the jailed criminals and almost sees them as family. One day at a workshop someone faints while working hard to make money because she has a poor boyfriend. Another inmate is knocked up Another is a mother and has her child with her.
Tokyo no hito sayonara
Gensuke, Chiyo's father (uncredited)
Lavish Japanese-Chinese coproduction based on an ancient Chinese legend about a man who falls in love with a snake goddess in human form.
The 40th and final "Tengu Kurama" feature starring Kanjuro Arashi.
Period romantic drama.
宮本武蔵完結編 決闘巌流島
Priest Ogon
A humble and simple Takezo abandons his life as a knight errant. He's sought as a teacher and vassal by Shogun, Japan's most powerful clan leader. He's also challenged to fight by the supremely confident and skillful Sasaki Kojiro. Takezo agrees to fight Kojiro in a year's time but rejects Shogun's patronage, choosing instead to live on the edge of a village, raising vegetables. He's followed there by Otsu and later by Akemi, both in love with him. The year ends as Takezo assists the villagers against a band of brigands. He seeks Otsu's forgiveness and accepts her love, then sets off across the water to Ganryu Island for his final contest.
Mr. Kuribayashi father
The story of a couple, a spoiled son and a down-to-earth girl, in Osaka in the early Showa era. The film won the prestigious Blue Ribbon awards for best director, best actor (Morishige) and best actress (Awashima), and the Mainichi Concours award for best actor and best screenplay (Yasumi Toshio). It ranked second (after Naruse Mikio’s Ukigumo) on the Kinema Junpō top ten films for the year.
Forced on the road by yakuza obligations, a man sets out on a reckless journey to Tsumagoi. Movie posters for local cinemas were often displayed at sento (public baths) too. The handwritten text on the bottom here announces the film will play at Hassen for 3 days.
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo.
次郎長三国志 第九部 荒神山
次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Bandit Scout
Every year, at the festival, familiar merchants such as Toraemon, a magic trick, Tokubei, a blowgun, Kaji, acrobatics, and Unsaibo, a ritual, gather toward the port town.
1953 Hiroshi Inagaki movie.
Shop Owner
Miyoshi Masayasu
Japanese film.
Harry Yamagata
Soldiers Hayate and Yaheiji secretly escape from their besieged castle. Hayate has left behind his lover, Kano. On his way, Hayate is wounded and cared for by O’Ryo, who falls in love with him. But when Hayate accidentally kills her caretaker, he flees, with O’Ryo in pursuit. Subsequently, Hayate's comrade Yaheiji falls in love with Oryo. Kano, the lover left behind by Hayate, believes him dead, and becomes involved with another soldier, Jurota. When Jurota defects to the opposing army, he takes Kano with him. A double set of love triangles has developed, wherein each man and each woman loves one and is loved by another. Finally only combat and self-sacrifice can untangle the weave.
Gensaburo Funaki and Oyuki were childhood friends, but Gensaburo misunderstood that Oyuki was hesitant to get married because he had to feed his father and younger brother. I left the town.
Ai to nikushimi no kanata e
A young man, convicted of a crime and imprisoned in the penitentiary, comes to believe that his wife is being unfaithful to him. He contrives his escape from the prison in order to seek her out and learn the truth, but the police give chase and he must flee into the mountains.
A village struggles to survive when the nearby lake becomes barren of fish.
Old Man #2
A celebrity photograph sparks a court case as a tabloid magazine spins a scandalous yarn over a painter and a famous singer.
Otoji Sugimoto
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Goblin Courier
Jida-geki by Santaro Marune.
A band of guerrillas fight against occupying British forces in Malaya.
The life, adventures and exploits of warlord Date Masamune the One-eyed Dragon: his early youth as an aggressive warrior, the battles he won until subduing almost all his enemies, the lonely comprehension of knowing that he actually can not take over the whole country because he was born too late.
Yasunosuke Masumi
It is a historical drama that follows Katsu Kaishu's efforts to surrender Edo Castle bloodlessly in the first year of the Meiji period.
There is an inn named Asano Ya in the port town, and a beautiful woman works there. Every year, during a local festival, travelling artists and teachers gather from all over the country, including sesame oil sellers and organ grinders. The day before the festival, trouble arises with some horses.
Early Japanese three-part samurai / fantasy serial.
Shibata Katsuie
A classic wartime jidaigeki about the life of the famous samurai and first of the "Great Unifiers" of Japan, Oda Nobunaga, with Kataoka Chiezo and Shimura Takashi
Shimazu Narioki
Japanese film.
Prewar jidaigeki starring Denjiro Okochi
大菩薩峠 鈴鹿山の巻 壬生島原の巻
The sequel to the 1935 film Great Bodhisattva Pass