Kazuya Takahashi
出生 : 1969-05-20, Tokyo, Japan
昭和63年。銀座のキャバレーでピアノを弾いていたジャズピアニスト志望の博は、謎の男からのリクエストで“あの曲”こと「ゴッドファーザー 愛のテーマ」を演奏する。しかし“あの曲”をリクエストできるのは銀座を牛耳るヤクザの親分・熊野会長だけで、演奏を許されているのも会長お気に入りのピアニスト・南だけだった。未来に夢を見る博と、夢を見失ってしまった南の運命は絡みあい、多くの人々を巻き込みながら事態は思わぬ方向へと転がっていく。
Tokyo is a mere five-hour flight from Hong Kong but it is a totally different world. Sarah (Josie Ho) has come to Japan seeking to buy an investment property and to have a brief and restful holiday after a bad break-up with her boyfriend. Everything has been precisely arranged in advance; from the schedule, to the hotel, to the real estate broker and the site visits. Immediately after her arrival, things start to go terribly wrong.
At the strong insistence of his father, Ushimatsu Segawa conceals his origins from a “buraku” area of low-class “untouchables,” leaving his hometown to serve as an elementary school teacher where he excels and is loved by his students. But he constantly struggles with the secret of his low-birth status and is disturbed by all of the discrimination levelled upon his class. It prevents him from pursuing a romance with Shiho, whom he meets at the temple where he resides, but who descends from a samurai family.
At a movie studio in 1988, rookie director Hanako Hayashi is making her directorial debut, the erotic As Far as Love Will Take Us. She's under pressure from her producer and crew. When she is about to shoot the climax of the film, numerous problems arise. To make matters worse, the set is visited by a censor from the Film Certification Committee, and the key scenes end up being cut out to avoid an R rating. Can Hanako realise her dream?
Namba Hiryu was captured by Kisaragi-kai, a group of villainous sparrows who are opening dark gambling venues at hot spring inns nationwide! Mashiro, a daughter who learned mahjong from Hiryu when she was young, challenges the Kisaragikai with Chiko, who was the leader of Hiryu, in order to protect the public bath at her parents' house! Mashiro and his friends struggle with the sneaky mahjong of the Kisaragikai, but when they enter the hot springs and their bodies get hot, the mahjong becomes stronger! ?? Can Mashiro and Chiko rescue Hiryu without losing the peeping of Ishiwa's toothed turtle and the strip mahjong confrontation with Ito's black panther? ??
Toshinao Kanzaki
The yakuza have their best days behind them and are only a shadow of themselves. The old rituals seem out of date and their tattoos make them outcasts of society. The inexperienced student Ryō stumbles into their ranks by chance, and before he knows it, he becomes entangled in dark machinations. He quickly succumbs to the fascination of omnipotence fantasies and hedonistic decadence and sinks deeper and deeper into a parallel world of prostitution, blackmail and violence. However, there is one thing that Ryō has not considered in his naivety: once yakuza, always yakuza!
Taichi Miyagi
Set in the near future around Shinjuku, Tokyo. Shinji got out from a youth detention center. Barikan suffers from stuttering and extreme shyness. These two men meet in a boxing gym. Shinji and Barikan become friends and pursue boxing under a hopeless situation.
Taichi Miyagi
Set in the near future around Shinjuku, Tokyo. Shinji got out from a youth detention center. Barikan suffers from stuttering and extreme shyness. These two men meet in a boxing gym. Shinji and Barikan become friends and pursue boxing under a hopeless situation.
Toshiomi Nakaoka
「海街diary」「そして父になる」の是枝裕和監督が、「歩いても 歩いても」「奇跡」に続いて阿部寛と3度目のタッグを組み、大人になりきれない男と年老いた母を中心に、夢見ていた未来とは違う現在を生きる家族の姿をつづった人間ドラマ。15年前に文学賞を一度受賞したものの、その後は売れず、作家として成功する夢を追い続けている中年男性・良多。現在は生活費のため探偵事務所で働いているが、周囲にも自分にも「小説のための取材」だと言い訳していた。別れた妻・響子への未練を引きずっている良多は、彼女を「張り込み」して新しい恋人がいることを知りショックを受ける。ある日、団地で一人暮らしをしている母・淑子の家に集まった良多と響子と11歳の息子・真悟は、台風で帰れなくなり、ひと晩を共に過ごすことになる。主人公の母親役を樹木希林が好演し、共演にも真木よう子、小林聡美、リリー・フランキーら豪華な顔ぶれがそろう。
Yoji Kaneda
tree farm owner
High school student Azusa jumps off from the rooftop of a school building, but she survives. One month later, the school is taken over by group of people wearing bizarre masks. A pregnant teacher is imprisoned, while the head director of the school and male students disappear. Azusa then finds pieces of a puzzle in an envelope given to her by classmate Shigeo. The puzzle pieces holds the key to solve the case. Azusa chases after Shigeo and she sees something which is unimaginable.
Ryota's Older Brother
When Miro's transsexual friend Noripee dies, Miro and his friends from the gay bar 'Eden' are once again reminded of the discrimination they are constantly facing from society. They decide to convince Noripee's parents, who disowned her, to bury Noripee's body.
The mysterious life of Princess Nouhime.
松本清張生誕100年にあたり、清張の原点ともいえる傑作短編「顔」をドラマ化。 昭和31年・東京。売れない劇団俳優・井野良吉(谷原章介)は、ある映画に端役で出演する。その独特の風貌が注目され、同じ劇団の看板女優・葉山瞳(原田夏希)が主演する大作映画の相手役に抜擢される。一躍、スターへの道を歩み始めた井野。しかし井野には、映画が注目され、自分の「顔」が売れるのを恐れる理由があった。9年前、井野は恋仲だった山田ミヤ子(原田夏希・二役)という女を殺した。殺害現場へ向かう列車の中で、ミヤ子と一緒にいる所を、偶然、ミヤ子の知り合いの石岡貞三郎(高橋和也)という男に目撃されていたのだ。ミヤ子を殺し、逃げるように上京してから9年。もし石岡が映画で自分の「顔」を見たら、ひた隠しにしてきた過去の殺人が暴かれてしまう。しかし、このチャンスを逃したくはない。名声をつかみ取りたいという欲望と、破滅への恐怖の狭間でゆれる井野の心に、いつしか一つのシナリオが芽生えていく。
The classic tale retold. This is one of Japan’s most popular stories in a brand new version starring the great Matsukata Hiroki following in the footsteps of Yorozuya Kinnosuke as Yagyu Tajima, the grandmaster swordsman whose plot to maintain the succession of Iemitsu as shogun encounters obstacles on all sides. Loaded with action and featuring many of Japan’s new up and coming sword stars this exciting movie brings back the feelings of the golden age of motion pictures. Stunning cinematography brings 17th Century Japan to life in this exciting tale of loyalty and betrayal, leading up to an ending that won’t be found in any history book.
Nobuo Kataoka
(segment "Itaria no Uta")
Based on four early novellas by Noble Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata, this omnibus of four short films are by emerging directors from the second graduating class of the new Graduate School of Film and New Media at Japan’s top art school, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Tokyo Geidai), where famed directors Takeshi Kitano and Kiyoshi Kurosawa teach.
A two-part feature directed separately by Shimizu and his colleague Keisuke Toyoshima. Unrelated to each other, both have a common goal: to bring ghosts and aliens together in pure, referential and absurdistic delirium, including neo-Nazi specters, zombie yakuzas and nasty aliens.
In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and Tadao Furuichi (Hidekazu Akai), who was running a camera store in Kobe City, lost his friends, his house, and his property. Tadao is busy volunteering for the reconstruction of the town, and one day he comes across his own golf bag that survived the earthquake. Feeling a miracle, Tadao decides to challenge the professional golf test before he turns 60.
In a thrilling story that mixes a love triangle with mob drama, RUN 2 U focuses on the lives of three troubled young people. Hiroshi, a club singer, finds himself in trouble with the Yakuza and decides to run to Korea, along with his friend Tsuyoshi. Upon their arrival, they meet alluring lounge singer Kyung. Hiroshi and Kyung's love of music draws them closer, but it also invokes tremendous jealously from Tsuyoshi. Eventually, the Yakuza closes in, leaving them to both save their lives and resolve their romantic feelings.
Yû Hazuki
Naoya Hase
Naoya and Katsuhiro are boyfriends, new in their relationship. Things are uneven at first—Naoya is open and free while Katsuhiro is cautious and closeted—but nothing compares to the chaos that arrives when Asako, a troubled woman with a history of psychiatric problems, abortions, and casual sex, asks Katsuhiro to conceive a child with her.
Tamao Oki
Tatsuya Terada
Tenderly played Japanese love triangle between a man, his girlfriend and a transvestite hooker
Hidemi is bored of school, and decides to find another way to succeed in life.
The ephemeral and vivid brilliance of three men and a woman run through Yokohama.
悪徳政治家 土門の女の世話係になったチンピラの達男。恋人レンコが、土門に友人が重症を負わされたことを組長の亜仁丸に抗議して殺されてしまう。最愛のレンコを失った達男は土門への復讐を誓い土門の隠し金を盗む。一旦は成功したかに思えたが、すぐに亜仁丸にバレてしまい組から追われる身となる。逃亡途中、達男は日系ペルー人の運転するタクシーに乗る。
Susumu Ameya
The members of the Ameya family are all scammers. After their election scheme goes bust in their hometown, they move from Shikoku to Tokyo and resume their fraudulent activities. Everything carries on smoothly until the eldest and the fourth sons' modus operandi go awry, the mother's lover runs off with another woman, and disasters strike one after another. This film is a collaboration between Yoichi Sai and Goro Kishitani following "All Under the Moon." The family business of the Ameya family is defrauding people. The matriarch, who keeps getting married and divorced, has five children with different fathers. The Ameya family chases after fortune and leaves a trail of trouble on their path.
The familiar Chikan group members who bite into the buttocks of women in the crowd of crowded trains and are absorbed in lewd acts without discipline today. Leader Kawasaki and Gum man, and a manga artist I. For some reason, I took on the role of a bodyguard to protect Kawasaki's daughter from molesting, but what was the father of the molesting young man who was also a molester !? The ties between the parents of the molester are intertwined, and the two are exactly Romeo and Juliet. From an idol to an actress ── Misa Aika fascinates her with her body-hugging performance against Kazuya Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Ohmori. The director is Tadafumi Tomioka, who received high praise for his sensual visual beauty and detailed production in his younger brother's work. A masterpiece that goes beyond the common sense of molester movies! The second installment of the popular metamorphosis pure love movie "Ass Stroke" series, which was praised by the media and film critics!
TV News Cameraman
Recently estranged from her husband, and mother of seven sons, Mag Singer stands poised to pursue a whole new way of life. But when one of her children is involved in an explosion while on duty in the Middle East, Mag must rexamine everything she cherishes.
A young woman aspires to be a motorboat racing champion.
Concert movie.
Four young high school students who dream of being in a rock band must deal with the unexpected deaths of their friends while making concert decisions.