8th day of the war (2022)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 33분
연출 : Oksana Moiseniuk
각본 : Oksana Moiseniuk
The film takes place on the eighth day of Russia's war campaign in Ukraine. Eight Ukrainians residing in the Czech Republic – a businesswoman, cleaning ladies, construction workers, and bus drivers – make their own diary-like observations of the events in their homeland. They continue to bury themselves in their work, unable to afford to withdraw themselves from their current lives. In their minds, however, they've transported themselves hundreds of kilometers away, helping their fellow countrymen and women by any means necessary. They provide accommodation for refugees, scout for bulletproof vests, and call their loved ones who’ve taken shelter from falling bombs. They have a hectic and emotionally overwhelming 24 hours ahead of them. But it’s not the first 24 hours and it won’t be the last.
미콜라는 친환경적인 삶을 살기 위해 아내와 시골로 내려와 물리 교사를 하며 지내던 중, 러시아 무장 단체의 공격을 받아 임신한 아내가 사망하게 된다. 쓰러진 미콜라를 발견한 우크라이나 군은 군대에 미콜라를 데려가고, 분노에 찬 미콜라는 복수를 위해 저격수가 될 결심을 하는데…
The film takes place on the eighth day of Russia's war campaign in Ukraine. Eight Ukrainians residing in the Czech Republic – a businesswoman, cleaning ladies, construction workers, and bus drivers – make their own diary-like observations of the events in their homeland. They continue to bury themselves in their work, unable to afford to withdraw themselves from their current lives. In their minds, however, they've transported themselves hundreds of kilometers away, helping their fellow countrymen and women by any means necessary. They provide accommodation for refugees, scout for bulletproof vests, and call their loved ones who’ve taken shelter from falling bombs. They have a hectic and emotionally overwhelming 24 hours ahead of them. But it’s not the first 24 hours and it won’t be the last.
How to repay parental debt on the other side of the front line? Why would a doctor kill and when to believe the enemy? How is the war in eastern Ukraine different from any other war in the world? A war drama about the stories of two families, where adult men took up arms and thus crossed their destinies.
전쟁의 전략적 요충지이자 반드시 지켜야 하는 최후의 보루 ‘도네츠크 공항’ 공항 사수를 위해 특수부대를 급파하지만 적들의 기습으로 인해 대원 대부분을 잃게 되고, 생존자는 고작 특수부대 7명뿐! 싸늘한 공기가 흐르는 전쟁의 한복판 속 모든 것이 혼란스러운 특수부대! 무자비한 적들의 몰아치는 공격과 폭탄 세례로 공항은 폐허가 되고, 특수부대는 열세에 몰리게 되는데… 더 이상 물러설 수도, 포기할 수도 없다! 반드시 지켜야 한다! 242일간의 길고도 치열한 전투, 그들은 공항을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
우크라이나와 갈등이 발생하자 러시아 해군은 크림 반도를 빠져나갈 수 있는 수로를 막아 우크라이나 해군 모두를 고립시킨다. 견디다 못한 해군들 모두가 항복을 선언하던 그때 해군 함정 U311호 '체르카시'의 선원들만이 목숨 건 최후의 반격을 시도한다.
2014년 9월, 우크라이나 동부 대 테러 작전지역 (ATO Zone)에서 민간인을 태운 버스가 습격 당하는 사건이 발생한다. 이를 두고 우크라이나로부터 분리 독립을 요구하며 내전을 벌이고 있는 반군세력은 정부군의 소행이라며 비난하고 정부군은 사실무근이라며 양측은 일촉즉발의 상황에 놓인다. 이 때, 결정적인 제보가 정부군에 접수되면서 버스 습격사건을 조사하기 위해 정보국 소속 안톤 샤엔코 대위와 그의 작전팀이 대 테러 작전지역에 투입되는데...
When on February 24, 2022, Russian troops attacked Ukraine, the world stopped. The first shock, however, quickly turned into action. It was a natural impulse of the heart, Poles could not leave their neighbors, their friends from Ukraine completely alone. Almost everyone, residents of small and large cities, young and old, rich and poor, became involved in helping Ukrainians, opened their homes for those fleeing the war, and began to organize humanitarian aid. Did they pass the humanity test?
PTSD를 앓고 있는 한 군인은 전쟁으로 황폐해진 사회에 평화로운 에너지를 회복하고자 하는 젊은 자원 봉사자와 친구가 됩니다.
In 2022 Ukraine has become the proving ground for an arsenal of contemporary cyber warfare techniques from mobile applications, drones and satellites to bringing forth a shift in the economy of war through cryptocurrency. With civilians playing an active role in this war and enlisting in the so-called digital army, we have entered a gray zone of what constitutes a civilian and an active combatant. The “cyberwar” in Ukraine hasn‘t always been front and center in the news, but it‘s one of the things that might directly impact the West and the nature of future conflicts.
A love story set in modern day, post-revolutionary Ukraine between Julia, an idealistic student activist, and a wounded soldier fresh from the warfront.
A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.
In 2014 Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine turns hot. An engineer, actor, soccer coach and florist volunteer to fight on the front line. Unaware of the pivotal role they will play in the war, they discover the meaning of true leadership.
The movie explores the origin of the Ukrainian language and persecution of those who defended its authenticity. Using examples of other countries, creators of the film prove that a nation cannot exist without a language.
2014년 3월. 러시아가 크림반도를 침공했고... 우크라이나 동부에서 처절한 사투가 시작됐다. 러시아군의 사령부 탈환 작전을 위해 우크라이나 군의 엘리트 '비슛'은 대원들과 작전에 투입된다. 시민들과 군인으로 구성된 대원들은 적들에 비하면 어설픈 신참 애송이에 불과하다. 한편 계획된 작전은 뜻밖에 저격수와 매복병 그리고 수적 열세 상황에 실패하게 되고 '비슛'은 행방불명 된다
몇 시간 뒤 정신을 차린 그는 큰 부상을 입고 적진에서 눈을 뜨게 되는데... 잔인한 전쟁 속 그는 무사히 살아서 돌아갈 수 있을까?
10살 소년 올렉이 사는 우크라이나 동부는 대공포와 미사일 소리가 종종 울려 퍼지는 전쟁 지역이다. 때로는 멀리서, 때로는 섬뜩하게 가까이서 들려오는 전쟁의 소리. 이미 많은 사람들이 이 위험 지역을 떠났지만 올렉은 어머니가 돌아가신 후부터 자신을 돌봐 준 할머니와 함께 남아있다. 그들에게는 딱히 갈 곳이 없다.
This Rain Will Never Stop takes the audience on a powerful, visually arresting journey through humanity’s endless cycle of war and peace. The film follows 20-year-old Andriy Suleyman as he tries to secure a sustainable future while navigating the human toll of armed conflict. From the Syrian civil war to strife in Ukraine, Andriy’s existence is framed by the seemingly eternal flow of life and death.
Nina, 30, a Ukrainian language teacher who can't leave the city of Luhansk, occupied by separatists in Eastern Ukraine, is forced to undergo retraining courses for teaching Russian. Andrii, 17, is a student who was orphaned in the aftermath of the war. They cross paths when Nina witnesses Andrii being arrested by the police after hanging the Ukrainian flag from the roof of his school. Nina knows that because they live in a world of injustice and lies Andrii can stay in jail for a long time, and she risks her life to free him. As they gravitate towards each other, they try to remind people in the occupied territories that they deserve a future, too.
Living in war-torn Eastern Ukraine Anna is an aging single mother who is desperate for a change. Lured by a radio advertisement, she goes to party with a group of American men who are touring the country, searching for love.
BREAKING POINT: The War for Democracy in Ukraine looks at people transformed by a democratic revolution, who give up their normal lives to fight a Russian invasion, in a war which has killed 10,000 and displaced 1.9 million Ukrainians.