더 체어먼 (1969)
If the Red Chinese don't kill him... a computer in London will!
장르 : 액션, 스릴러
상영시간 : 1시간 33분
연출 : J. Lee Thompson
각본 : Ben Maddow
An American scientist is sent to Red China to steal the formula for a newly developed agricultural enzyme. What he is not told by his bosses is that a micro-sized bomb has been planted in his brain so that should the mission ever look likely to fail, he can be eliminated at the push of a button!
세계 각국이 물밑에서 치열하게 정보전을 펼치고 있는 시대. 서로의 정체를 숨긴 채 결성된 위장 가족의 아버지 '로이드(스파이)'와 어머니 '요르(암살자)’, 딸 '아냐(초능력자)'는 각자의 목표를 위해 비밀스러운 임무를 수행한다. 오퍼레이션 올빼미 작전을 위해 첫 가족 여행을 떠나던 중, ‘아냐’는 열차 안에서 수상한 캐리어를 발견하고 그 안의 초콜릿을 실수로 그만 삼켜버리고 마는데… 엄청난 비밀이 숨겨진 초콜릿과 여행지에서 생기는 해프닝의 연속!! 세계의 명운은, 다시 이 위장 가족에게 맡겨졌다!
Joan, a refined young Salvation Army volunteer, fall in love with a gangster.
Alan Holt (Antonio Moreno) is a radio expert who has invented a death ray machine for the U.S. government. International spy Drakma (Tyrone Power Sr.) wants to get his hands on the invention and he sends his henchmen to attack Holt in his laboratory.
A man who dies on an operating table is brought back to life, but he has total amnesia. A government agent decides that he would make a perfect undercover operative.
TULIP (The Undercover Line of International Police) is a New York-based international police force in direct opposition to the criminal organization TIGER (The International Group of Espionage and Revolt). Shunsuke Dan is agent Spycatcher J3 of the TULIP Japan Branch. Spycatcher J3 stands against TIGER's machinations.
1957. A Russian interpreter working at the CIA discovers what he thinks may be an extraterrestrial signal. He'll risk his job and marriage to locate its puzzling origins.
The Russian underworld and the spy world clash as Boris, the Russian gangster gives CIA agents Cherie and her partner, Yves, a run for their money. They pursue the villain across the Atlantic from Russia to the United States. As the story unfolds, Boris' once business associate, Emilio also has more than enough reason to pursue him for revenge after a double-cross. Meanwhile, Cherie, the new CIA team member also deals with issues that involve members of her team which can damage the success of the assignment.
Contrasting radical mobs, anarchy, and 1960s counterculture with footage of American manufacturing and innovation, this film celebrates the concept of American exceptionalism and argues that anti-Vietnam War protesters were influenced by communism, atheism, and immorality. Set mostly in a university library, this political debate between a medical student, his 1770s ancestor, and a history professor is a sequel to the 1972 National Education Program film, Brink of Disaster! Two additional characters appear in this drama: a 19th-century steamboat captain, and the student’s grandfather - an early 20th-century automobile worker. The National Education Program at Harding College in Searcy, Arkansas created a variety of widely-distributed anti-communism films from the mid-1940s to the early 1970s.
Millions of Americans are determined to live through what they foresee as an inevitable nuclear war. Others are heading for camps in the remote back-country to escape the chaos of an impending political or economic cataclysm. They sing hymns, chant psalms of war, preach the survival of the fittest and arm themselves to the teeth. They are the Survivalists.... This film talks to women training with machine guns, to undergraduates taking courses in How to Stay Alive, to retired generals who run schools for mercenary killers, and to self-appointed clergy who say their native America has 'gone soft on the Devil and the Reds' and has become a 'Disneyland for Dummies'.
Shekar, a nuclear scientist, creates Plasma Binson, a formula that can destroy any object on earth. Agent 999 is assigned the task of wiping out the formula for good.
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
Foreign spies and police pursue an attractive Dutch spy throughout Peking.
An explosives expert fleeing his past and a beautiful spy trading sex for secrets find themselves in love and fighting the spy ring out to kill them.
A biochemist develops a process that reverses ageing but, when he disappears, it's up to Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin to recover or destroy the process before it falls into the hands of the THRUSH.
대한민국 간첩 인구 5만 명... 2012년, 그들은 어떻게 살고 있을까? 불법 비아그라를 판매하며 전세금 인상에 시달리는 평범한 가장, 알고 보니 남파 22년차 간첩 리더 암호명 '김과장' 살림하랴, 일하랴 하루가 바쁜 억척스러운 동네 부동산 아줌마, 알고 보니 로케이션 전문 여간첩 암호명 '강대리' 공무원으로 명퇴 후 탑골 공원에서 시간 때우는 독거노인, 알고 보니 신분세탁 전문 간첩 암호명 '윤고문' 소 키우며 FTA반대에 앞장서는 귀농 청년, 알고 보니 해킹 전문 간첩 암호명 '우대리' 간첩신고보다 남한의 물가상승이 더 무서운 생활형 간첩들 앞에 피도 눈물도 없는 북한 최고의 암살자 '최부장'이 나타났다! 그리고 그들에게 떨어진 10년만의 암.살.지.령!! 과연 이들은 작전에 성공할 수 있을까? 먹고 살기도 바쁜 생활형 간첩들의 사상(?) 초월 이중작전이 시작된다!
동서의 대립이 극한으로 치닫던 냉전 시대, 퇴역을 앞둔 소련 최고의 함장 ‘드미트리’는 구형 핵 잠수함 ‘B67’을 이끌고 바다 곳곳에 주둔한 미국 잠수함의 눈을 피해 작전을 완수 해야 하는 마지막 임무를 하사 받는다. 노련한 해군장교 ‘드미트리’는 마침내 바다로 출항하지만 곧 새롭게 합류한 KGB소속 ‘브루니’ 일행의 미군을 도발하는 위험한 요구가 계속되면서 난항을 겪기 시작한다. KGB와 함장간의 계속되는 갈등 속에 3차대전이 벌어질지도 모르는 일촉즉발의 상황, 여기에 과거 부하들을 죽음으로 내몰았던 ‘드미트리’ 함장의 과거까지 밝혀지면서 잠수함 내부는 극도의 긴장 상태에 빠지게 되고, 그때 서서히 모습을 드러내는 프로젝트의 기밀장치 ‘팬텀’. ‘팬텀’ 과연 그 정체는 무엇일까?
When a trio of scientists who have discovered an alternative energy source starts dying mysteriously Bob Fleming goes to Casablanca to solve the mystery.