
Jonah (2013)

When two young men photograph a gigantic fish leaping from the sea, their small town becomes a tourist attraction in this story about the old and the new.

장르 : 판타지

상영시간 : 17분

연출 : Kibwe Tavares


Mbwana and his best friend Juma are two young men with big dreams. These dreams become reality when they photograph a gigantic fish leaping out of the sea and their small town blossoms into a tourist hot-spot as a result. But for Mbwana, the reality isn't what he dreamed – and when he meets the fish again, both of them forgotten, ruined and old, he decides only one of them can survive. Jonah is a big fish story about the old and the new, and the links and the distances between them. A visual feast, shot though with humour and warmth, it tells an old story in a completely new way.


Daniel Kaluuya
Daniel Kaluuya
Malachi Kirby
Malachi Kirby
Louis Mahoney
Louis Mahoney
Old Mbwana


Kibwe Tavares
Kibwe Tavares
Jack Thorne
Jack Thorne
Mark Sayfritz
Mark Sayfritz
Original Music Composer
Chris Collins
Chris Collins
Executive Producer
Philip Dobree
Philip Dobree
Executive Producer
Ollie Madden
Ollie Madden
Executive Producer
Eva Yates
Eva Yates
Executive Producer
Ivana MacKinnon
Ivana MacKinnon
Fiz Oliver
Fiz Oliver
Sarah Wheale
Sarah Wheale
Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Production Design
Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Visual Effects Supervisor
Chloë Thomson
Chloë Thomson
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

아프리카의 여왕
1차 대전이 발발했을 무렵 독일군 주둔 동아프리카 원주민 마을. '아프리카의 여왕'이란 거의 폐선 지경의 발동선 선장 찰리(험프리 보가트 분)는 늘 술에 찌들어 사는 한심한 인간. 반면 이 동네에 하나뿐인 백인 여자 로즈(캐더린 헵번 분)는 깐깐하기가 보통이 넘는 도덕주의자. 로즈의 오빠가 독일군 때문에 죽고 원주민들이 군에 동원되어 나가자 로즈와 찰리도 피난을 떠난다. 이때부터 조신한 여자 로즈의 대담무쌍한 변화가 시작된다. 배의 키를 잡은 그녀는 무시무시한 속도로 독일군 요새 앞을 관통시키는가 하면, 독일의 모함 '루이자호'를 격침(?) 시킬 어뢰를 만들려고 한다.
킬리만자로의 눈
기자 출신인 미국의 소설가 해리 스트리트(Harry Street : 그레고리 펙 분)는 아프리카의 오지로 사냥 여행을 나섰다가 킬리만자로의 기슭에서 패혈증이 원인이 되어 죽음의 고비에 이른다. 구원을 기대할 수 없는 빈사 상태에서 그는 지난 날의 생활을 회상하게 된다. 헛된 소망이 웃음을 자아내게도 하지만 반성과 회한으로 다가오는 과거의 일들을 참으로 소중한 것이 되었다. 미국, 파리, 스페인, 아프리카 등지에서 보낸 아름다운 기억들과 함께 전개되는 초원에서의 맹수 사냥, 깨어진 첫 사랑의 아픔, 오해로 인한 사랑의 갈등, 소설의 모델인 신디아(Cynthia Street : 아바 가드너 분)와의 생활의 죽음, 조각가인 백작 부인과의 관계 그리고 신디아를 닮은 미망인 헬렌(Helen : 수잔 헤이워드 분)과의 결혼 등 이성을 둘러싼 갖가지 추억들이 주마등처럼 고열에 신음하는 그의 뇌리를 스쳐간다. 그러나 사경을 헤매던 해리는 기적적으로 살아서 친구의 도움으로 다시 문명 사회로 돌아온다.
로드 투 잔지바르
Stranded in Africa, Chuck and his pal Fearless have comic versions of jungle adventures, featuring two attractive con-women.
모잠비크의 잔지바르 지방은 독일군이 식민통치를 하고 있는 지역이다. 술고래인 미국인 상아 밀렵꾼 플린은 영국 상류층 출신인 올드 스미스를 끌어들여 독일군 점령지 내에서 현지인을 매수해 코끼리 밀렵을 한다. 올드 스미스는 플린의 딸 로사와 가까워 결혼해 딸을 낳는다. 그런데 독일군 행정관은 점령지 내에서 벌어지는 외부인들의 활동을 저지하기 위해 플린 일행을 공격하여 죽음 직전까지 몰고 간다. 이 사건을 계기로 독일군과 플린 일행은 두 진영은 적대적인 관계에 놓이게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 우연히 서로가 상대방의 본거지를 기습 공격하게 되고 이 과정에서 딸을 잃은 로사는 독일 행정관에 대한 복수를 다짐한다. 때마침 영국해군이 이 지역에 익숙한 이들을 이용해 근처에 정박 중인 독일군 전함을 파괴하려고 협조를 요청하고, 올드 스미스는 이를 복수의 기회로 삼는다.
붉은 날개 : 플라밍고의 비밀
누구보다도 쾌활하게 삶을 살아가는 플라밍고들은 천적인 마라부 황새 및 하이에나의 공격에 노출되어 있다. 마라부 황새의 공격에 부모를 잃은 새끼 플라밍고는 다행히 그 공격에서 살아남아 무리로 돌아온다. 하지만 의지할 곳이 없기 때문에 스스로 살아남는 법을 터득해야 하는 어린 플라밍고. 과연 이 어린 플라밍고는 치열한 야생의 삶에서 살아남을 수 있을까? 야생 플라밍고의 일생을 다루는 감동적이고 생명력으로 가득찬 다큐멘터리.
Darwin's Nightmare
Africa in the sixties. The Nile perch, a ravenous predator, is introduced into Lake Victoria as a scientific experiment, causing the extinction of many native species. Its meat is exported everywhere in exchange for weapons, creating a globalized evil alliance on the lake shores. An infernal nightmare in the real world that wipes out Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Mbwana and his best friend Juma are two young men with big dreams. These dreams become reality when they photograph a gigantic fish leaping out of the sea and their small town blossoms into a tourist hot-spot as a result. But for Mbwana, the reality isn't what he dreamed – and when he meets the fish again, both of them forgotten, ruined and old, he decides only one of them can survive. Jonah is a big fish story about the old and the new, and the links and the distances between them. A visual feast, shot though with humour and warmth, it tells an old story in a completely new way.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Professor Fergusson plans to make aviation history by making his way across Africa by balloon. He plans to claim uncharted territories in West Africa as proof of his inventions worth.
제인 구달
침팬지의 친구이자 전세계 스타들의 롤모델, 역사상 가장 영향력 있는 여성 ‘제인 구달’. 20여 년 전 돌연 자신의 모든 업적과 개인적인 삶을 포기하고 지구 환경보호에 뛰어든 그녀의 열정과 용기, 그리고 그녀를 지지하는 이들이 들려주는 가슴 뜨거운 이야기.
For years, Doug Collins has been wading through a routine unsatisfying job and an increasingly miserable relationship. After his girlfriend moves out, Doug pushes himself to live a more fulfilling life starting with a trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Among the Wild Chimpanzees
In 1960 Jane Goodall set out for Tanzania's remote Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study the behavior of man's closest living relative, the chimpanzee. With dedication and perseverance she earned the trust of a wild chimp community, and gradually they revealed their individual personalities and the rich tapestry of their daily life. This program looks at two landmark decades of Jane Goodall's work, including her dramatic discovery of chimpanzees making and using tools.
Hugo the Hippo
The Sultan of Zanzibar has a harbor infested with sharks, which makes it impossible for ships to trade with him. In an attempt to fix the problem, he brings twelve hippos into the harbor to keep the sharks away. His idea works well enough, but once the hippos are no longer a novelty and the people no longer feed them, they begin to starve. After the hungry hippos rampage through the city looking for food, Aban-Khan, the king's adviser, slaughters all the hippos except one, a little hippo named Hugo.
Maangamizi: The Ancient One
An American woman doctor comes to Tanzania to work at a hospital for the mentally disturbed, with her Tanzanian lover. There, she meets a sometimes catatonic patient, Samahe, who seems to be in communication with another reality. In their confrontation with their individual and collective pasts, Dr Asira and Samehe are bound by fears and half remembered images of unbearable pain. Only through the spirit of Maangamizi, can the women resume their lives with an understanding of the ancestors and their eternal presence in a world of cruelty, hatred and death. It is a story that seeks to reclaim the connection between Africa and her Diaspora, and one that dares to represent the histories of two continents as it peels away layers upon layers of pain to bring healing of the soul.
The Gift
Mashoto’s life in the city is a hustle. It’s a fast life in the fast city of Dar es Salaam. There’s no time to stop and Mashoto likes it this way. There’s no time to think about the people he left behind in the village. Until silence cuts through the city racket with three words: mother has died. With those words Mashoto’s life changes forever. He returns home, to the place he abandoned, to bury his only ally. Yet his mother has left behind a gift. Her voice, her unseen presence, a gentle whisper urging him to open his eyes and strain his ears- to learn the lessons of nature, of the earth and the roots that draw their nourishment from it. Cast out by his father after losing the little money his mother had left, Mashoto must learn to survive from the land. He must learn to face old enemies and forge new alliances, to fight and to love. Most of all, Mashoto must discover what it is he is fighting for.
Mwanza Youth
In partnership with the MasterCard Foundation and local partner Mwanza Youth and Children Network, the young reporters produce and broadcast radio shows that illustrate how farming can lead to individual prosperity and country-wide economic growth and teach the business and finance skills necessary to manage these small agricultural enterprises.
Five Kiwis take on a paragliding adventure in Tanzania, with the ultimate aim to fly from the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro.
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa
Follows five trekkers and a local Chagga guide to the top of Kilimanjaro, the largest freestanding mountain in the world. Along their journey this diverse group of trekkers encounter strange landscapes and endure harsh conditions as they travel through five climate zones ranging from the lower rainforest reaches of Kilimanjaro to the summit's arctic glaciers.
Homeboy Never Fails
Friends who like each other a lot and shared almost all of their secrets, sorrows and joyful moments are tested after one is a convicted to crime and a friend is the only one to either give the evidence for his friend's crime and stay safe from any disturbances from the the government or stay silent and suffer with a friend.
The Secret Life of Hippos
The secret life of hippos is revealed in this award-winning documentary, which follows divers into the waters of Tanzania's National Reserve. For the first time, cameras capture on film the astonishing underwater habits of these surprising creatures. A rare look at an essential part of hippo life, filmmakers Craig Huxley and Jean-Christophe Jeauffre's captivating documentary earned the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival Audience Award.
Castling (The Aquarium Confession)
One decent citizen was having lunch and indifferently looking at the fish in his aquarium. But suddenly a real monster emerged from the muddy water. However, unwillingness to strain even to save his own life led the hero to slavery. Or maybe nothing has really changed in his life?