
Ghetto Goblin (2013)

Under your bed. Waiting to be fed.

장르 : 공포

상영시간 : 1시간 12분

연출 : Jordan Harland


Strange attacks plague the township's women, leaving the town leaders at a loss to defend them. At the same time Mthnuzi, a shrewd businessman, is becoming wealthier and more popular with the ladies - something is amiss. The local reverend, Simon Nkosi, learns that Mthunzi is controlling a Tokoloshe to fulfill his greedy desires. In his greed he breaks a golden rule of maintaining control over the beast and it goes on a rampage. Now its thirst for blood is strong and comes after Mthunzi's women, saving the one he loves for last. Together with Reverend Simon they must take on a mythical beast that has never been defeated, to try and save.


Vera Ephraim
Vera Ephraim
Petunia Gabrielle Modisapodi
Petunia Gabrielle Modisapodi
Msimbithi Mahamba
Msimbithi Mahamba
Siphiwe Masinga
Siphiwe Masinga
Sangoma Bheka
Refilwe Magane
Refilwe Magane
Simon Msizi Nwamba
Simon Msizi Nwamba
Reverend Simon


Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland

비슷한 영화

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