
Ghetto Goblin (2013)

Under your bed. Waiting to be fed.

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 1H 12M

Director : Jordan Harland


Strange attacks plague the township's women, leaving the town leaders at a loss to defend them. At the same time Mthnuzi, a shrewd businessman, is becoming wealthier and more popular with the ladies - something is amiss. The local reverend, Simon Nkosi, learns that Mthunzi is controlling a Tokoloshe to fulfill his greedy desires. In his greed he breaks a golden rule of maintaining control over the beast and it goes on a rampage. Now its thirst for blood is strong and comes after Mthunzi's women, saving the one he loves for last. Together with Reverend Simon they must take on a mythical beast that has never been defeated, to try and save.


Vera Ephraim
Vera Ephraim
Petunia Gabrielle Modisapodi
Petunia Gabrielle Modisapodi
Msimbithi Mahamba
Msimbithi Mahamba
Siphiwe Masinga
Siphiwe Masinga
Sangoma Bheka
Refilwe Magane
Refilwe Magane
Simon Msizi Nwamba
Simon Msizi Nwamba
Reverend Simon


Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland
Jordan Harland


Breaker Morant
Durante a Guerra dos Boers, na África do Sul, três tenentes australianos estão sendo julgados por atirar em prisioneiros Boers. Apesar de terem agido sob ordens, eles estão sendo usados como bodes expiatórios pelos ajudantes do General, que espera se livrar dessas práticas irregulares da guerra. O julgamento não transcorre tão bem como esperado pelos ajudantes, isso porque a defesa resolve empreender uma forte luta no tribunal.
Chained Heat
Linda Blair plays Carol, a young woman who must serve 18 months in prison after driving drunk and killing a man. The prison turns out to be brimming with decadence, corruption and sleaze, where the other female inmates are sadistic crack-selling lesbian rapists and the guards and warden are no better.
A Prova do Leão
Um grupo de homens está em um safári na África, quando se deparam com uma tribo de nativos. Um deles se recusa a dar uma oferenda, o que deixa a tribo ofendida. Os nativos então matam cruelmente os homens brancos, deixando apenas um vivo. Este será objeto de uma competição para eles, que o fazem fugir como se fosse um leão para em seguida ser caçado
The Abnormal Female
A psychiatrist encourages his female patients to tell him their sexual problems, each as each relates her particular case, we see it in flashback.
Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony
The struggle to eradicate apartheid in South Africa has been chronicled over time, but no one has addressed the vital role music plays in this challenge. This documentary by Lee Hirsch recounts a fascinating and little-known part of South Africa's political history through archival footage, interviews and, of course, several mesmerizing musical performances.
Ilsa: A Guardiã Perversa da SS
Ilsa is a warden at a Nazi death camp that conducts experiments on prisoners. Ilsa's goal is to prove that woman can withstand more pain and suffering than men and should be allowed to fight on the front lines.
Em Natal, África do Sul, em 1879, um pequeno regimento britânico de apenas 105 soldados se recusa a abandonar sua posição e resiste bravamente ao ataque de 4000 guerreiros zulus. Baseado em fatos verídicos.
Flatfoot in Africa
Inspector Rizzo in Napoli gets a message from a policeman from South Africa who wants to meet him. Immediately before this meeting the south African policeman is killed. Dying he shows Rizzo a picture of his little son Bodo. Rizzo travels to Johannesburg to find out what the policeman was working on and to find Bodo.
O Maníaco Invisível
Cientista tarado é internado em hospício após assassinar colegas que o ridicularizavam. Mas ele escapa e se disfarça de professor de ciências numa escola, apenas para poder concluir as pesquisas do seu soro da invisibilidade. Testando a fórmula em si mesmo, ele se transforma no "Maníaco Invisível", que, além de espiar as alunas tomando banho, mata violentamente quem quer que se coloque em seu caminho.
Africa Light / Gray Zone
"Africa Light" - as white local citizens call Namibia. The name suggests romance, the beauty of nature and promises a life without any problems in a country where the difference between rich and poor could hardly be greater. Namibia does not give that impression of it. If you look at its surface it seems like Africa in its most innocent and civilized form. It is a country that is so inviting to dream by its spectacular landscape, stunning scenery and fascinating wildlife. It has a very strong tourism structure and the government gets a lot of money with its magical attraction. But despite its grandiose splendor it is an endless gray zone as well. It oscillates between tradition and modernity, between the cattle in the country and the slums in the city. It shuttles from colonial times, land property reform to minimum wage for everyone. It fluctuates between socialism and cold calculated market economy.
Escravas da Corrupção
Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but when her true identity is discovered, she finds herself at the receiving end.
Embrace the Darkness
Vampires Galen and Miranda have just moved to Los Angeles. Galen wants to lay low and get his blood from a nearby blood bank while Miranda likes hers fresh, young, and virile. When Galen notices dancer Jennifer in the apartment next door, he falls in love and sets out to pursue her. Miranda becomes jealous and seduces Jennifer, too, while Jennifer's cop boyfriend Ryan senses that she is becoming too friendly with Galen and Miranda. Meanwhile, Ryan and Detective Turner have their hands full trying to figure out why bloodless bodies keep turning up with two puncture wounds on the neck.
Sinistra Passagem para o Havaí
A Molokai-based civilian pilot and an undercover DEA agent intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for druglord Seth Romero. Seth, his henchmen, and other island undesirables launch a full-scale assault on the duo. If they're going to survive, they'll need the help of agent Rowdy Abilene and his partner/kickboxing expert Jade.
Dinosaur Island
Welcome to lush Dinosaur Island, where a tribe of gorgeous cavedwelling warrior women satisfy the exotic fantasies of five downed military airmen. Fearsome battles with the island's ferocious maneating dinosaurs are the only disruption of their seductive pleasures on this island paradise. Narrowly surviving with their lives, the rugged men fall under the seductive spell of their lovely captors and soon find their every dream fulfilled.
Zero in and Scream
A lonely man, tired of being rejected by women, gets ahold of a rifle and prowls the Hollywood hills, picking off rich couples.
Ilsa – The Wicked Warden
Ilsa (Dyanne Thorne) agora é guarda de um hospital psiquiátrico para mulheres jovens. Uma garota interna-se na instituição, a fim de descobrir o que aconteceu com sua irmã. Enquanto isso, Ilsa e outra vigia forçam as pacientes a terem relações sexuais com o núcleo masculino, filmando o ato e vendendo como filmes pôrno.
Emmanuelle na América
An American journalist travels throughout the world in search of a good story by joining a modern-day harem and traveling to Venice to see what really goes on at diplomatic parties. While trying to expose a corrupt government official, Emanuelle stumbles upon a group that uses kidnapped girls to make and sell snuff films
Buraco Infernal
An unlucky woman’s mother is murdered by a scarf-wielding killer named Silk, leaving the woman injured, traumatised and suffering from amnesia. She’s committed to a mental institution, where Silk follows her, looking for the papers he was trying to get from her mother. And Silk’s only the beginning of her problems, since the asylum is run by a mad doctor, performing experiments in chemical lobotomies!
Ilsa – A Tigresa da Sibéria
Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia (1977) , dirigido por Jean La Fleur , é a terceira parte da quadrilogia iniciada com Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS , de 1975 . Desta vez Ilsa ( Dyanne Thorne) é uma camarada coronel russa em um Gulag no final da era stalinista (1953) . Como de costume Ilsa transa , tortura e mata (não necessariamente nesta ordem) com a autoridade de uma dominatrix politicamente incorreta . Como era de se esperar, Ilsa bate de frente com Andrei Chikurin (Michel Morin) dissidente político recém-chegado ao Gulak e o submete a sessões de reeducação ideológica que incluem lavagem cerebral e tortura física. Como os resultados não aparecem surge em cena o “cientista maluco” do campo com o protótipo de uma máquina mais eficiente de “reconstrução mental”.
Anita, Swedish Nymphet
Anita, a young woman with a troubled childhood and a hunger for love, finds a soul mate in Erik, a kindly college student.